Archaeologia Cantiana On-line Index GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUMES CXXI 2000 (121) to CXXX (130) Letter D Back to Index Introduction This index covers volumes 121–130 inclusive (2001–2010) of Archaeologia Cantiana. It includes all significant persons, places and subjects. Volume numbers are shown in bold type and illustrations are denoted by page numbers in italic type or by (illus.) where figures occur throughout the text. The letter n after a page number indicates that the reference will be found in a footnote. Alphabetisation is word by word. Women are indexed by their maiden name, where known, with cross references from any married name(s). All places within historic Kent are included and are arranged by civil parish. Places that fall within Greater London are to be found listed under their own name i.e. Eltham etc. Places outside Kent that play a significant part in the text are followed by their post 1974 county. Place names with two elements (e.g. East Peckham, Upper Hardres) will be found indexed under their full place name. This cumulative index was compiled by Mr Ted Connell. T. G. LAWSON, Honorary Editor Kent Archaeological Society, July 2014 Abbreviations m. married Ald. Alderman E. Sussex East Sussex M.P. Member of Parliament b. born ed./eds. editor/editors Notts. Nottinghamshire B. & N.E.S. Bath and North East f facing Oxon. Oxfordshire Somerset fl. floruit P.M. Prime Minister Berks. Berkshire G. London Greater London Pembs. Pembrokeshire Bt. Baronet Gen. General Revd Reverend Bucks. Buckinghamshire Glam. Glamorgan Sgt Sergeant C Century Glos. Gloucestershire snr. senior C.A.T. Canterbury Archaeological Hants. Hampshire Som. Somerset Trust Herefs. Herefordshire St Saint Caer. Caerphilly Hon. Honourable Staffs. Staffordshire Cambs. Cambridgeshire illus. illustrated Ven. Venerable Capt. Captain J.P. Justice of the Peace W. Mids. West Midlands Cllr. Councillor jnr. junior W. Sussex West Sussex Co. Company LBK Linearbandkeramik Warks. Warwickshire Col. Colonel Lincs. Lincolnshire Wilts. Wiltshire d. died Lt. Lieutenant Worcs. Worcestershire Derbys. Derbyshire Lt-Col. Lieutenant Colonel Yorks. Yorkshire D’Ewes, Sir Simon 125.340 Dagenham, marsh deposits 122.296 daggers (flint) 123. Eynsford Crescent 123.267 Thanet 123.392, 393 Dane Valley, barrows 130.290 danegeld, assessments for 125.361-79 Danes 127.253-4 Alfred’s naval engagement with 125.229-41 at Greenwich 123.233, 234, 236, 238 dangerium 128.119 Darby, Peter 129.317 Darbyshire, Sir Edward 129.10 Darcy, Thomas, parker 128.188, 197 Darell family 122.226, 227-8, 125.325, 126.93, 102 Sir Robert 125.329 Darell, Henry 110 n. 126.51 Darell, Mary 129.116 Darent river and valley 123.41, 75, 263, 129.282, 285, 287, 392, 130.24, 25, 36, 39, 40, 41, 43, 57 brickfields 123.273 crossings 130.39, 40, 41, 389, 391 crossing point 121.117, 117, 118 Roman crossing point 124.77, 92 watercress beds 123.406, 408 Darenth 130.15, 25 coin 128.66 Mesolithic and Neolithic 123.60 St Margaret’s church 124.52, 54, 56, 63-4, 64, 69 Darenth Roman villa 129.264 bath-house wall ramps 124.42 Romano-British tile 124.165, 174, 175, 176, 177 Dargate 124.118, 123 dark earth, Canterbury 123.294, 295 Darnley, 4th Earl of 122.1, 13, 14, 23 Darnley, 6th Duke 17 Darnley, 9th Earl of 122.14 Darnley, Edward Bligh, 2nd Earl of 122.11 Darnley, John Bligh (Blyth), 3rd Earl of 122.9, 11-12, 13 Darnley, Lord 125.154, 162, 165 Darrell, Frances 129.123 Dartford 121.103-20, 122.296, 298; see also Wilmington air-raid shelters 130.14 almshouse 123.24, 27, 29 APV Hall 128.275 Beadle’s site (Trenches 1-3) 121.103, 704,105-6,109,116, 117,118 bracelet 121.107, 112-13, 113 bridge, medieval 121.127 cemeteries, Roman 121.105, 116, 117, 118 church 125.377n churchgoing 128.349, 350, 355 Cobham College possessions 125.87, 93 coin 121.107, 112 deer sent to 128.198 Down House 126.403 early Norman church 121.127 early Roman burial (Priory Centre site) 103-20 East and West Hills 130.7, 9, 17 East Hill 121.117, 118, 124.374 Gala bingo hall site (Trenches 6 and 7) 121.103, 104, 105, 108, 109 gasworks by Cresy 126.400, 401-2 High Street 121.117, 118, 124.77 Holy Trinity 126.403 Holy Trinity Church 121.286 n.22, 124.77 tower 124.52, 58, 60, 69, 77 Holy Trinity Priory churchyard 124.75-93 animal bone 124.89 briquetage 124.83, 90, 91, 92 cemetery 124.77, 78, 80, 92-3 ceramic building material 124.88, 92 coins 124.77, 88 ditch, Roman 124.79-80, 82,89-90,91-2 plant remains 124.89-90 post-medieval burials 124.75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 92 pottery 124.75, 77, 79, 80, 82-8, 87, 90-1, 92 prehistoric flint 124.90 Roman (pre-cemetery) 124.78, 79-80 snail shells 124.90 Holy Trinity School, excavation 130.382-3 human bone 121.105, 106, 113-16 hundred jurors 127.58 on Gough map 130.388, 389, 390, 391, 392 Hythe Street 123.76 Joyce Green 121.117, 118 King’s land 125.374 Leigh Technology College 129.378 Lowfield Street 121.117-18, 117, 123.41, 76 Lowfield Street drill hall 130.8 military and civil defences 130.1-33 Overy Street 130.15 place name 121.127, 129.282, 287 politics 129.37, 39, 43 pottery 121.105, 106, 107, 110-12, 116, 118 prehistoric hilltop enclosure 124.374 Priory (Dominican) 126.393-8, 394 Priory 129.9 Priory church 126.396-7, 128.40, 57 Princes Road multi-period site 123.41-79 animal bone 123.43, 45, 47, 52, 55, 62, 63, 67-8, 76 finds 123.43,47,49, 53, 55, 63-7,74 lithics 123.43, 45, 47, 49, 52, 53, 60-3, 61, 73 medieval 123.54-5, 67-8, 73, 75-6 Middle Bronze Age 123.43-9, 63, 67, 68, 71, 73, 74-5, 76 molluscs and insects 123.53, 69, 71, 75 plant remains 123.47, 50, 52, 68, 69, 71-3, 74-5 pottery 123.45, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55-60, 74, 76 radiocarbon dating 123.47, 50, 57, 59,71 Roman 123.49-54, 68, 69, 73, 74, 75 pyre debris (ustrinum) 121.104, 106-7, 110, 112, 114-15, 116-17 rebellion 129.90, 91 road services 127.214, 230, 231 Roman population 129.392 Roman villa 121.117, 118 see also Pond Field 128. Spital Street 121.117, 117 sunken/cellared structure, post-Roman 121.109 Temple Hill 117, 121.118 The Bridge, Bob Dunn Way 129.378-9 Tudor manor house 126.393-8, 395 vessel glass, Roman 121.106, 112, 116 Vickers Factory 130.12, 19 Wymer’s notebook 130.354 Dartford District Archaeological Group 121.118 Dartford and Darent Valley Archaeological Group 128.281 Dartford creek, fishery 123.76 Dartford Heath 123.264, 267, 130.12, 19, 20, 27, 29 former Bexley Hospital site 129.385-8 Darwin, Charles 126.403 Darwish, Daniel, on Captain Gooch at Fort House, Broadstairs 128.386-91 daub 122.64, 381, 384, 393, 127.86, 237, 239, 241, 242, 328 Iron Age 357 Roman 126.356 Anglo-Saxon 125.31, 33 medieval 125.34, 36, 38, 39 David del Kay 125.308 Davies, Emily 129.42 Davies, Malcolm, ‘Cabriabanus – a Romano-British tile craftsman in Kent’ 124.163-82 ‘Death and social division at Roman Springhead’ 121.157-69 ‘The evidence of settlement at Plaxtol in the Late Iron Age and Romano-British periods’ 129.257-78 Davington church 130.118 poor relief 125.11,17 Priory, Benedictine nunnery 130.118, 119-20, 121, 122 Davis, M.C.J., ‘St Radegund’s Abbey – a re-assessment of the abbey church’ 126.239-56 Davy, Doctor 125.333, 334 Davy, Maurice, labourer 122.36 Dawes, Master 125.330 Dawson, Sir George 125.339 Day, Nicholas and Robert 126.143 Day, Will 126.269, 270 Day, William and Mary 126.270 Deal 128.267, 268, 269, 270, 274 Chamber of Commerce 125.345 Castle 121.73, 93 churchgoing 128.348, 349 East and North Barracks 122.353; see also Mill Hill flints 123.137 former Royal Marine Barracks 123.302 Maritime Museum 124.227, 229, 231, 232, 235 medical men 126.136 Mill Hill, pottery 123.144 as a resort 128.272 road services 127.214, 215, 217, 230 slave trade 127.110 Stukeley’s visits 121.77, 82, 86, 93, 94, 99, 101 see Walmer 125. Deal-Dover bulk supply water-main 124.371 Deale, Thomas 125.198n debt, in the late seventeenth century 123.81-93 Declarations of Indulgence 128.338 decontamination facilities 130.15, 16, 29 decuriones 121.25 Dee, John 129.114 deer park(s) 124.98, 99, 127.298, 306, 128.198-200, 130.42 house 127.298 Knole 123.157, 163-9 Wrotham 128.179-209 agistment 128.196-7, 202 farmer (lessee) of 128.185-6, 202, 204-5 lodges 128.182, 193-4, 204, 205 pales 128.190-2, 190, 191, 203 pannage 128.197-8, 202, 204 park gates 128.192, 203, 204 poaching 128.200-1, 202 timber 128.194-6, 201, 202-4, 206 Deering see Dering 125. Deeves, Simon, ‘Excavation of an Iron Age and Saxon site at South Willesborough, Ashford’ 127.237-47 Defence of Kent Project 130.1 Degannwy (Gwynedd) 124.348 Dejovas, James, warden 128.234 Dekker, Elly see Linklater, Andrew 130. Delaune, Col. William 130.139 Delf Marsh 123.356, 366-7 Delham, Philip and Simon de 127.68 Delmonden 129.299, 307, 308 Delton, John 123.88 Dendermonde (Belgium), font 123.342 dendrochronology, Newbury Farm 123.95, 99, 115,116 Sandwich Ship 124.232, 250-2, 255 Dene, Alfred de 127.67 deneholes 129.284-5 Iron Age? 129.5, 6, 27 medieval 123.405 Greenwich 122.311 Wilmington, medieval 122.414-15 Denge Marsh hoard 128.62-3, 70, 73 Dengemarsh 127.145 Denmark, coins 128.69, 70 Denne, Michael 329n.
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