CASS cITY CHRONICLE - - .............................. VOLUME 28, NUMBER 47. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1934. EIGHT PAGES. Poole, K. T. Bordine and Edna LOCAL HATCHERY BRANCH ~0 ~.A ~UOT.~. ~N~ .Credit Association. The appli- Wallace were the county judges : INSTALLS NEW HTJ=.~IF!ER [cants were i~terviewed bv Mr. EFEATE The three grand prize~ were BU,T3 IDS i URGEDREDL!CTION iN forms'were m*ade o"~t b/~M~iss~Ma:! UPPER SHRUB awarded to Phil Winterhaller, Dec- The local branch of the Thumb ~AT~I~L~ [~.O~T~T rio Goodell i~,.the office of the IN lae; and Margaret Levitte, Cros- MICHi6ANDAIRYMEN Hatchery of Sandusky, Michigan, county agent in the court house. GOVFRNIViFNTGOST ',well. The names of the other 27 which has been located at Cass t Pledge signing to use butter and l i winners will be announced later. City for the past few years, soon will begin operations for another Materials I other dairy products and no sub- 16-13 Win Over Bad Axe' The prizes wilt be given to the Use of Four Pounds Extra of Limit• of $7,200 far ' stitutes is reported as "going over: V. J. Brown Advocated Mer- :winners at the Sandusky High season. A new electric humidifier big" in Tuscola cour~ty. In a hum- i I School Auditorium ,on Tuesday eve- This Food Earns $5.01 for is being installed which will ~uto- Up to May 1 Is Set by: , ber of rural school districts, the i ger of State Agencies at Keeps Maroon and Grey matically control the moisture in i ning, March 6. The admission will State Herd Owners. State Board. ~pledges are being signed 100%. County Meeting. Record Clean. i be free and the public is invited to the incubator at all times and will The date for the completion of the i come and bring in all the boys and thus tend to improve the quality ~essay contest has been extended to 'girls and teachers to er~joy a pro- An upward swing in butter and vigor of all chicks hatched. Ernest Haas, CWA administra- March 10 for rural schools and Vernon J. Brown, newspaper The Season's Record. ;gram of speaking, motion pictures, prices of from 16 cents per pound M. C. McLellan, who has had ex- tor in Tuscola cour~ty, has received March 15 for high schools. March publisher of Mason and a repre- for 92 score butter on Dec. 16 to perience in .the operation of the in- Cass City ...... 24 Saginaw ........ 23 music, etc. a letter from the state CWA au- 3 is the final date for securing the sentative in the state legislature 25 cents on Feb. 14 is said by the cubator in past years, will again Cass City ...... 25 Har. Beach .... 18 According to Marshall Miller, thorities that the Tuscola county pledge cards. from Ingham county, was the prin- dairy department at Michigan have charge of the local branch. Cass City ...... 25 Caro ................ 18 secretary of the 100% Dairy Club, allotment for materials and ex- cipal speaker at the meeting of the by :Cass City ...... 42 Vassar ............ 12 ,the judges had a very difficult State College to be caused an pense other than iabor up to May t MARRIAGE LICENSES. Tuscola County Federation of Cass City ...... 13 Saginaw ........ 20 task in deciding on the final win- increased use of but`ter by farm- SUGAR BEET GROWERS TO must not go higher than $7,200.00. Farmers' Clubs held at the Metho- Cass City ...... 41 Bad Axe , ....... 20 ners. There were only 33 prizes to ers themselves. MEET AT AKRON, MARCH 3 The letter says: Carl L. Trea, 21, Vassar; Flor- dist church at Caro yesterday All dairy organizations united to "Positive instructions from Cuss City ......43 Marlette ........17 give and no less than 100 essays (Thursday) afternoon. Mr. Brown deserved winning positions, but further this plan of having dairy- Washington compel us to ence E. Drohn, 23, Millington. Cuss City;.. .....39 Caro ..............28 A meeting of sugar beet growers Ray Samuel Montle, 22, Akron; discussed problems of the state as they were finally sorted down to men eat themselves out of the field make definite allotment by Cass City' ....:.54 Unionville ......15 will be held at the Akron commu- he viewed them and pointed out the proper number. of unprofitable prices and the suc- counties of all funds available i Grace Lorraine Peck, 18, Akron. Cuss City ..~:.i!i16 Bad Axe ........13 nity hall on Saturday, March 3, at .that most of the legislation of the cess of the scheme is now appar- after Feb. 15 and up .to May 1 Lyonel Wells, 24, Caro; Iva Hut- previous years had ignored the real er~t. Owners .of dairy cattle were 1:30 p.m. A report of the investi- for materials and expense oth- ~chinson, 23, Caro. gating committee of the Tuscola fundamentals and that administra- asked to pledge ,that their families er than labor. The allotment tions for the past decade at least would consume four pounds more County Sugar Beet Association will PROTESTPLAN TO be given and it will be of interest for your county on this basis TUBER~UL0~IS have constantly turned their backs In a rough and tumble contest of butter per month than they had is $7,200 and any amount ,, upon these problems. to sugar beet growers to attend that at times resembled anything been in the habit of doing. spent in excess of this sum i Mr. Brown urger a further reduc- but a basketball game, Cuss City this meeting tomorrow afternoon. This increase of four pounds of will notbehonoredbythisof- ' ~URVEY HERE tion in the cost of government, both finished her regular scheduled sea- IATI B ET gF B [ butter per month multiplied by the lice. This applies to both old :~state and local. "Some progress son by Beating Bad Axe 16-13. 90,000 families of Michigan dairy- and new projects. Review all i ',has been made along this line," Kelly's B squad finished their men meant 360,000 pounds more of projec.ts immediately on this !he said, "but the subject has by no year's play with a 25-15 victory Representatives from All In- butter consumed in one state in CATTLEli RBS basis and endeavor to secure I means been exhausted. A merger over the Bad Axe B. The Maroon terested Michigan Groups one month. Other states cooperat- local contributions to insure Pupils of Five Upper Grades of state agencies and a further re- and Grey B team turned in eight Attend Hearings. ing in the plan gave additional im- completion of projects where Have Opportunity for duc,tion of state payrolls will help victories in as many starts to con- petus to the butter-eating cam- material and expense other . but we must also .turn our atten- tinue their fine recdrd started some paign. than labor are in excess of Examination. tion to the cost of local govern- years ago. Michigan's delegation in Con- Dairy prices had been depressed this amount. Abandon all non- i ment if the tax payer is to have Probably the greatest weakness gress, representatives of Michigan by the huge stocks of b~tter in All Other Classes of Live essential projects and concen- It he relief to which he is entitled. of the present Hilltoppers is their beet growers, a delegation from the storage. Production of butter per trate on completion of proj- According ~ to plans announced I The entire revenue structure of the inability to sink free throws; but Stock Show Decrease in state sugar factory Owners' asso- cow had dropped but the supply of e~ts which will suffer definite this week, studeats in the upper state and local government must last Friday they won their game ciation, and members of the staff this food in the cold storage plants Past Year. material and labor loss if not five g~ades of the Cass City school be reconstructed. The property on their charity tosses. Both teams at Michigan State College have re- prevented this decreased produc- completed under present pro- will be rewarded for the prize-win- tax has broken down as a depend- sunk six field goals in the game dently attended Washington hear- tion from affecting prices. gram." able means of revenue. Substitu- but Cuss City made four out of 12 An increase in the number ,of Labor rates have been reduced to ning tuberculosis Christmas seal rags on the national sugar quota Dairy specialists at the college tions must be made by means of of their foul shots while Bad Axe say that eating four more pounds cattle on farms in Michigan and a 30 Cents an hour from the previous sale which they conducted in 1932, since ,the sugar stabilization plan decrease in the number of all other 40 and 50-cent basis, and the quota when the Michigan Tuberculosis taxes levied and collected in other could sink but one out of four tries. was announced by President of butter per family earned each manner. This includes an amend- classes of livestock are shown by i of workers will be subject to a 10% Association brings its tuberculosis Cuss City broke away to an Roosevelt. Michigan dairyman $5.01. In ad- ment to the Constitution to permit early lead as Vyse reglsterea• ~ tnee~ r dition, the family had better meals the Janttary 1 estimates released i decrease each week from now until survey here. They will have the The Michigan congressional del- , opportunity of a thorough exami- the taxes of both tangible and in- goals from underneath the basket, and a larger supply of the essen- by the Michigan Cooperative Crop egation has protested the allotment Reporting Service.
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