VOLUME 33 No 1 FEBRUARY 2016 www.cjc.org.za First day of smiles for Herzlia Highlands Primary You’re off to great places. Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so... get on your way! — Dr. Seuss nited Herzlia US c h o o l s welcomed 162 Grade 1 pupils in their shiny new uniforms to start their ‘big’ school careers. With smiles and great excitement from the pupils and some anxiety and tears from parents, Herzlia started 2016 with one of the largest intakes in decades. Constantia and Weizmann have both added another Grade 1 class to accommodate the extended enrolment. Grade 1 pupils, Zoe Arelisky, Adam Leeman, Adam Beder and Cheyenne Green, ready to start their school careers UJC/YAD Golf Day a success Bnei Akiva show the shape of their hearts achaneh Dor Shelanu inspired channichim to love Israel and their Judaism. MMadrichim tried to ensure that everyone felt a responsibly towards Israel and to this end they created a map of Israel using their bodies to symbolise how working together makes great things possible. Bnei Akiva is happy to announce that this year’s Rosh Machaneh is Jordy Sank. Bnei channichim are asked to ‘watch this space’ for what is in store for them in 2016. Madrichim and channichim expressing their Golf cart shennanigans See page 36 and 37 for the full story support of Israel See page 16 for more 2 Cape Jewish Chronicle February 2016 CONTENTS VOLUME 33 No 1 FEBRUARY 2016 In every Issue In this issue Page 3 Lindy with a why Page 6 Ben Cohen’s Israel and the Page 4 Community notices four powers Shabbat times Page 7 175th Anniversary of SA Subscription notice Jewry Page 10-12 Cape Jewish Board of Deputies Page 8 Melton and Midrasha Page 14-16 South African Zionist Federation District Six — Kanala Page 17 Telfed Abigail Bagraim Art Exhibition Israel Centre Page 32 Bnoth Zion WIZO Page 18 United Orthodox Synogogues Page 34 Israel’s homegrown threat Page 20 OrtJet grows larger Family Announcements Page 35 Friends of UJC Cape Town Page 21-23 Seniors Page 36-37 Yad Golf Day 2015 26 Page 24 Nechama Page 41 Above and Beyond Jewish Community Services Documentary South African Jewish Museum Page 42 Star Wars comes to Cape Page 25 Temple Israel Town Page 26 Astra Glendale Page 27 South African Jewish Museum Cape Town Holocaust Centre Page 28-31 Herzlia Page 33 Gitlin Library Page 38-39 Simcha Snaps Page 40 Chronic Ads Page 42 Using my Nudel UCT Kaplan Centre Page 43 Sports 35 27 43 CSO emergency number for security CJC EDITORIAL BOARD Please note The Cape Jewish Chairman: Lester Hoffman. Ex-officio: Ben-Zion Chronicle’s banking details: and medical emergencies Surdut. Committee: Julie Berman, Geoff Cohen, Standard Bank — Branch: Thibault Square; Branch Barbara Flax, Ben Levitas, Barry Levitt, Daniel Levitt, code: 020 909; Account no: 070 703 493; Acc name: 24 hours Eric Marx, Myra Osrin, Jonathan Silke. Editor: Lindy Diamond, Secretary: Tessa Epstein, Advertising: The Cape Jewish Chronicle Trust; Acc type: Current 086 18 911 18 Anita Shenker, Layout: Desrae Saacks DISCLAIMERS ERRORS, OMISSIONS AND CORRECTIONS The Cape Jewish Chronicle regrets any errors or omissions that may occur in the paper and, where possible, will attempt to rectify these in a subsequent issue, should such a measure be deemed appropriate. No repeat advertisement or credits will be given for small typographical errors which do not appreciably lessen the value of the advertisement. The appearance of an advertisement or photograph does not necessarily indicate approval or endorsement by the Editorial Board for the product or service advertised or photograph reproduced, and it takes no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of the reliance upon the information contained therein. LETTERS AND OPINIONS Opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Board or its sponsoring bodies. Letters submitted anonymously will not be printed. However, by agreement, the writer’s name may be withheld in the publication. Letters are published subject to space being available. The Editor and the Editorial Board have the right to decide on the inclusion of any item submitted for publication. Letters may be edited for clarity, space and/or language. KASHRUT Unless otherwise stated, food and catering services advertised in this publication are not under the supervision of the Cape Beth Din. FINANCIAL You should always obtain independent expert advice prior to making any financial investment, commercial or other decisions. Do not enter into any transactions of the above nature, based partly or wholly on the content of any advertisements or articles published in the Cape Jewish Chronicle. Cape Jewish Chronicle February 2016 3 Lindy with a why Why akrasia, covert racism and the single story are breaking our country New Year’s Resolutions. Many of the present moment.” He says. us create them in the fresh-eyed Clear explains in his article that the optimism of a new year, only to hardest part of any new task is the relegate them, dusty and unfulfilled to resistance we encounter at the start. the back of a cupboard somewhere, by Once we start, however, it gets February. progressively easier, so much so, that sometimes the best way to start a new rocrastination is an all-too-human way of thinking is by building the habit Ptrait we have been fighting against of getting started, rather than trying to and swimming with for as long as we have change entirely from the beginning. been human. There has always been a But perhaps I could respectfully tomorrow we could lump today’s to-do’s disagree. The hardest part for me is onto. admitting that I actually have to change. Greek philosophers have a word for Over the last month many people have this; akrasia. Akrasia is, as explained by written about racism in our country. time-optimiser and blogger James Clear Only a few of them have spoken about “the state of acting against your better their own racism — most discuss the judgment. It is when you do one thing racism of others and how it doesn’t apply even though you know you should do to their liberal and non-racial way of something else.” Akrasia is what stops thinking. you from doing what you said you were The thing is, a lot of racism and race going to do. bias occurs without intention and Looking at the concept of ‘time subconsciously by the best-intentioned inconsistency’ is the key to understanding people. why we sabotage our best laid plans so There are thankfully not many of us readily. who would stand up and proudly declare “Time inconsistency refers to the ourselves racist and yet racism is alive tendency of the human brain to value and thriving. immediate rewards more highly than How is this possible if we are all not future rewards. When you make plans racists? for yourself — like setting a goal to lose Clay Routledge, social psychologist weight or write a book or learn a language and associate professor of Psychology at — you are actually making plans for your North Dakota State University explains in future self. You are envisioning what you an article for Psychology Today that “the want your life to be like in the future and problem of racism does not simply boil when you think about the future it is easy down to whether or not people believe for your brain to see the value in taking themselves to be racist. It is not enough actions with long-term benefits,” Clear to be opposed to racism. We need to act SHIRTS explains in his blog. less defensively when race appears to Once you are in the moment where the be an influential variable and be willing for the Boardroom, Brocha or Barmi decision to act must be made, you are no to critically evaluate a situation based on longer thinking for your future self. You are evidence, not just on feelings or personal now directing the activity to your present beliefs. And we need to embrace the idea self, and your present self likes instant that we do not need to have racism in our gratification — not the delayed sort. hearts to be racists. Good intentions are “This is one reason why you might go to not enough. We need to thoughtfully and bed feeling motivated to make a change systematically combat the stereotypes, in your life, but when you wake up you find traditions, and policies that allow racism yourself falling into old patterns. to continue to thrive…” Your brain values long-term benefits when they are in the future, but it values immediate gratification when it comes to Continued on page 6 Mardi Gras has an exciting new owner... with a collection of costumes and outfits acquired over the last 17 years, Mardi Gras offers a wide range of costume and fancy dress hire as well as accessories for any and all occasions. Please contact us for any costume requirements, party accessories, bachelor/bachelorette parties, wedding shtick, birthday parties, functions and events! SHOP ONLINE | WWW.CAPEUNIONMART.CO.ZA | FANS FIND OUT FIRST Call 0860-3333-29 or visit www.capeunionmart.co.za. Stores nationwide. Available online and in selected stores. Products subject to availability. All our products are covered by our famous 5-Way 10469 E&OE Guarantee, ensuring that you get the best price and advice along with the fairest exchange policy. 87 HATFIELD STREET CAPE TOWN 8001 P.O. BOX 4176 CAPE TOWN 8000 PHONE 021 464-6700 FAX 021 461-5804 e-mail: [email protected] EDITOR: LINDY DIAMOND 4 Cape Jewish Chronicle February 2016 Shabbat and Yom Tov Times Date Portion Candle lighting Community Noticeboard earliest latest ends 5 Feb/26 Shevat Mishpatim 6.24pm 8.24pm CT HOLOCAUST CENTRE together The following 12 Feb/3 Adar 1 Terumah 6.19pm 8.17pm with THE FUGARD BIOSCOPE organisations are 19 Feb/10 Adar 1 Tetzaveh 6.15pm 8.09pm Presents a screening of the Oscar- affiliated to Jewish 26 Feb/17 Adar 1 Ki Tissa 6.15pm 8.00pm winning Ida.
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