April 24, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E589 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING DR. DAVID K. WINTER Mr. Speaker, for his lifetime of service to cians, enables blind people to see once again. education and commitment to community in- They also participate with other Northern Vir- HON. LOIS CAPPS volvement, I recognize and salute Dr. David K. ginia Lions in an Eye Glass Recycling Pro- OF CALIFORNIA Winter and thank him for all his efforts on be- gram, providing glasses to numerous needy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES half of the entire Central Coast community. I people overseas. Tuesday, April 24, 2001 am confident that David will remain a promi- I certainly hope that the Fairfax Host Lions nent figure in the community as he begins to Club can continue serving the Fairfax area in Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to enter a new phase in his life. We all owe him so many worthwhile ways, and would like to pay tribute to Dr. David K. Winter, President of a tremendous debt of gratitude, and I wish him add my congratulations to the club for the fine Westmont College in Santa Barbara, who will the best of luck in all of his future endeavors. work they have done over the years. I call soon retire. Though his impending departure is f upon all of my colleagues to congratulate a great loss, I would like to congratulate David them on their fine achievements. and thank him for 25 years of service and RECOGNIZING THE WEEK OF f dedication to Westmont College and its sur- APRIL 15–21 AS LIONS CLUB WEEK rounding community. TRIBUTE TO JEWISH FAMILY David has a 25-year history of service to SERVICE OF LOS ANGELES, SAN- higher education. The list of organizations HON. TOM DAVIS FORD WEINER AND ZEV within American higher education that have OF VIRGINIA YAROSLAVSKY benefited is a prestigious one. As president of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Westmont, he has served on the boards of the Tuesday, April 24, 2001 HON. HOWARD L. BERMAN National Association of Independent Colleges OF CALIFORNIA and Universities, the Council of Independent Mr. TOM DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, Colleges, and the Council for Higher Edu- the Fairfax, Virginia Host Lions Club, is ob- HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN serving its 50th anniversary this month. The cation Accreditation, where he directed the OF CALIFORNIA Fairfax chapter boasts a long list of distin- board for three years. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES guished members, including former Congress- During his presidency, David has also pro- Tuesday, April 24, 2001 vided leadership in connecting Westmont Col- man William L. Scott, now a State Senator. lege to the local community. He is very active The Mayor of the City of Fairfax has issued a Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Speaker, we are honored in local organizations, serving as the director proclamation proclaiming the week April 15 to pay tribute to Jewish Family Service of Los of the Montecito Association, the Montecito through 21 as Lions Club Week in the City. I Angeles and the ‘‘FAMMY 2001’’ honorees, Rotary Club, the Channel City Club, the Santa ask unanimous consent that this proclamation Sanford Weiner and Los Angeles County Su- Barbara Chamber of Commerce, and St. Vin- be printed in the RECORD. pervisor Zev Yaroslavsky. Sandy Weiner and cent’s school. He has also chaired the board PROCLAMATION Zev Yaroslavsky will be given the ‘‘FAMMY of the Salvation Army Hospitality House, the Whereas, on April 21, 2001 the Fairfax Host 2001’’ Award at this year’s JFS Dinner Gala Santa Barbara Industry Education Council, Lions Club will celebrate fifty years of com- on June 24, 2001. and the Santa Barbara County United Way munity service to citizens and organizations JFS is one of Los Angeles’ largest and old- Campaign, and served as vice chair of the of Fairfax, Virginia; and est social service agencies. It is an organiza- Cottage Hospital board of directors. Whereas, the Fairfax Host Lions Club have tion dedicated to preserving and strengthening His honors are too long to list, but David given unselfishly of their time and skills to the lives of individuals and families. The staff has been named in a survey of higher edu- answer requests affecting the welfare of our helps rehabilitate the homeless and provides cation officials and scholars who study the col- community; and care for senior citizens, individuals with dis- Whereas, these Lions have helped mankind abilities and people with AIDS. They also lege presidency, as one of the 100 most effec- in Fairfax through assisting the needy with tive college leaders in the United States. In food baskets at Thanksgiving, Christmas, counsel troubled families, help recent immi- addition, David has received the Santa Bar- and Easter; furnishing eyeglasses, hearing grants navigate complicated INS procedures, bara News-Press 1998 Lifetime Achievement aids and exams; providing support to Little and offer counseling and advocacy to battered Award, and in 1999 he was selected by the League, Scouting, Drug Awareness and other women and their children. JFS is an extremely John Templeton Foundation as one of the 50 youth programs; supporting the Lions Eye important organization that makes a real dif- college presidents who have exercised leader- Clinic at Fairfax Hospital; providing support ference in the lives of many people. ship in character development. Most recently, to the Eye Glass Recycling Program; pro- We are very pleased that JFS has chosen viding support to selected International Pro- to honor the past president and former chair of David was honored with the ‘‘Distinguished grams to include Leader Dogs for the sight Community Service Award’’ by the Anti-Defa- impaired and Hearing Dogs for the hearing the JFS Immigration and Resettlement, Save- mation League and Santa Barbara B’nai B’rith impaired; and supporting Diabetes and A-Family and Fiscal committees, Sandy Lodge. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Disease (Lou Weiner, with the ‘‘FAMMY 2001’’ Award. His Clearly, David is a man of distinction. But Gehrig’s Disease) Awareness Programs in extraordinary record of community service and his faithful dedication to education is perhaps this area. his unyielding and successful work to expand his most important contribution. He aimed for Now, therefore, I, John Mason, Mayor of JFS have earned him this award. His work excellence in all things, and the college has the City of Fairfax, Virginia, do hereby pro- within the Jewish community is legendary. He reached beyond its grasp to accomplish his vi- claim the week of April 15–21, 2001 as Lions has been an active member and support of Club Week in the City of Fairfax and encour- sion. His plan was anchored in the premise age all residents of the City to join in paying many organizations including the Jewish Fed- that learning should be a lifelong pursuit. Ac- honor to and supporting the Lions for their eration, the American Jewish Congress, Amer- cordingly, David has led the college under the many activities benefitting humanity in our icans for Peace Now and the Progressive theory that, in order to best serve its students, City. Jewish Alliance. We have known Sandy for a college should arm its students with the Signed, more than 40 years, since we were students, skills, knowledge, and enthusiasm to continue JOHN MASON, and are proud to call him a friend. His self- learning long after they leave. Mayor. lessness, dedication, and accomplishments On a personal note, David has been a good Mr. Speaker, throughout our Country the are inspirational. friend and someone with whom it has been a Lions attempt to improve their communities in Like Sandy Weiner, Supervisor Zev fine pleasure to work closely with over my numerous ways although special emphasis is Yaroslavsky is also both an old friend and a years both as a Member of Congress and placed upon sight conservation. We in Virginia worthy recipient of a ‘‘FAMMY 2001’’ Award. resident of the community. I look forward to are proud of the Old Dominion Eye Bank, Zev helped the JFS gain recognition as the continuing our friendship in the years ahead. which, with the assistance of dedicated physi- agency with expertise in helping older people, ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate 11<MAY>2000 05:12 Apr 25, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A24AP8.000 pfrm04 PsN: E24PT1 E590 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 24, 2001 and he worked to get the agency critical fund- throughout her life, including a special recogni- Becoming a home to many in the 1820s, the ing to expand these services. When Zev was tion by the Monterey Peninsula Chamber of City of Parma quickly evolved into an impor- a City Councilman, he helped JFS obtain the Commerce as their 1999 Public Official of the tant pioneer territory. Originally having to ward funding that started Home Secure, a program Year. She was a devoted, dedicated and off such dangerous beasts as wolves and to provide free safety modification for renters knowledgeable public servant, and she will be bears, the people came together and formed and homeowners with limited incomes—a pro- sorely missed by her husband of almost 50 a vibrant community of settlers. It was this gram that now serves over 2000 households years, Charles; sons Stephen of Sonoma, sense of community which helped to attract in the Los Angeles area. Zev’s energy and California, David and Chris of San Jose, Cali- notable figures such as Dr.
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