FEBRUARY. 1963 ELECTRICAL WORKERS' O UR GOVERNMENT WORKERS The I nternational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers has a significant segment of its membership-about 3O,OOO- working for "Uncle Sam." There IS hardly an agency of the Federal Government which does not need trained Electrical Workers to adequately carry out its purposes, and of course in some branches of Government their work is vital. In Shipyards, Naval Ordnancp. Plants, in various defense activities for example, electricians, linemen, power plant electricians, electronics, fire control, gyro and radio technical mechanics, electric crane operators, and others, are essential in carrying on the work of defending our nation and keeping its people safe. 18EW members work on board ships, on all types of transmission lines, in all kinds of shops, as mainlerlcllu.:;e rnell servicing Federal buildings and equipment, on communications work of every type. You will find them employed by the Army. the Navy, the Coast Guard, the Air Force, the Marine Corps, General Services Administration, the Federal Aviation Agency, Veterans Administration, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Indian Affairs, National Park Service, Census Bureau, Alaskan Railroad, Department of I nternal Revenue, Post Office Department, just to name a few. Of course the extensive work of IBEW members on such installations as the Tennessee Valley Authoritv. Bonneville Power and other Government projects throughout the country, is extremely well known. We could not mail a letter or spend a dollar bill if it were not for the Electrical Workers who keep the electronic machinery for printing stamps and currency in good running order, in the Bureau of Printing and Engraving. And at the huge Government Printing Office In Washington, D. C. IBEW Electricians see that the electrical presses keep turning out their millions of pamphlets, brochures and miscellaneous materials yearly. In Government posts, the length and brei:HJtIl of the United States and extending to the outposts, from beaming messages on the "Voice of America" programs to firing mighty missiles into the atmosphere, IBEW members are on the job. ISEW Representatives are on the job too, working both independently and with the Government Employes Council, AFL-CIO, the AFL-CIO Metal Trades Department and other organizations, to see that union Federal employes receive their fair share of wages and benefits. Our efforts in this regard are concentrated chiefly in legislative activities on Capitol Hill and have resulted in bringing many gains and benefits to our Government Workers. We are proud to salute our Government Workers this month and pay tribute to their work which truly benefits all the citizens of our great Nation. We hope with the encouragement given to organized labor by the President's Executive Order of January 17, 1962, to welcome many more Government Workers into our ranks. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS THE CO lmON M. F'U;.:M,\:'; l~t "N"ti" .. "II,,,.,,I'~t 1~"O l.illo SI., "I, II Wuhlnlllon .-" II. f JOIn;!'!! n. K ~ ;t:N.\1' I ~ ""'''/ ;0"'" ;;"~""r , .. 12001';110 St S. W. Wn.loinl(l,," II. (" Official Publication of Ihe International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers J E II£)"",II P. SIlI.II\I \1\' hl,ruti" .. ,,' T""urn I~O ~:, ~',lh S, r.ORDON M. fREEMAN , ldiro, N~w Y",rk 10, N,·" Y".I VICE PRESIDENTS Vi""l IlI_TIr!. JOliN ILIYMOSII \'OLI \ I E (,2. , ... :! I"Wllt \In , I,)(, :~ ~~ Unl> •••ill" mul" S,,,\•• IO~. '1".. ",,,\ .. 1. O"t., , '"",,,1,, S .... ,,",I I)' I,;., ..IOHN .1. rn:/;\N CONTENTS 11,_"" ~~:I. l'lICk ;;'Iun,,' 111, 1,,_ 1(" \"" If" M" ""l1u ,'u Till", Iii 1,,;,'t. ,IIISI<I'!! \\ 1.1(;1:1"1"1" Ligh ting-lamp of Culture 1', );I"h' SI' .... ·'. 1t."'111 .01. 2 "U\I~ Ih,,,~ 111,1«, \1""") '. 1',." V," I 6 IBEW Aids the Hand icapped !:,!:. V;~lory J'~W) Cinc,n,mtl ':. 010, .. 11 Some Great Goofs of American History F i fth "l.llkl. G. X. HIIII,t';I: ','10" (;1<-"h !IIdl(. \"0 M,,,ldtn *"'.1. /II. II 12 Are You Making Us e of Films? \,I"nln I;""t'~'" Sj"u, DI.trld, J. W. JOH NSON Sound c1nd light Enhance Tourist Spot U"",,, tHI". hcml"" I",,,",,no,' nuli,lInK I :; '0 ~. II ~,.~,., II, ," (""ir"~~'~. IIlIn" 111 Editorials S~"cnlll (11.1"", ,I. ~:. 1.1)\\ ,11:1\"; Bur. Ih,,"dllll,ildinll. 11,""" I.'W· 1'".-1 \\',,,"11. 1",.", 2 11 Wator . Ma n's Primary Need E;",htll I',",r/'·I. S. Eo TI I' j;\tl'SIlN Uuum :!Ol. 1\"iI".. , 111,111 UNIVAC Memory System -",l n,u.,h A ...... /1." .. 10 I' O. Ii,,\ 11,1'1 Hilii"". Mlln!. With the l a dies 1110 e"',I,,,1 T",,,­ De partment of Research and Educa tion ."1,,,, F""nl".''''~, ("HTir,,,·,, ;,, 'r.. nt" mOlrkl. ',' UOMAS V. ItAMSEY H.. "m ~"O" 330 $outh W.·II.l<t,,·, \ :tl Local Lines Cloi~81«> ~_ 11I1r" ., EI,'~en\h j)i.. It'~t, IU.'\Nh W. J,\l"/JI!t< ,I:l Poem of the Month 11m 101, SI"vin IIbhl .. ~OOO lIonhornon,' ,'"' n~rlOn :" MI II,,, Preu Secretary of the Month Tw"lr,h l)j .t,'~(, W. n. I'LT'/" 6i IllS II xmlll"" N ..tlunnllJ""k 1"<11011"" ('I".n,,,,,,,,",,:!, Tenn", .. ,-, i l Death Claims INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL In Memoric1m E, J. ~·ItAN lol\\ \ \ ('Io,,"",,'n 2]~1 W,·., Wi ..... "'.;" A"~"," MII .... uh" 3, 111"',,,,,i,, OU R COVER-The cornero Iooh down on busy North ~'Ir.t Oi 8tritl. C'IIAlCU;S It. ]'II. I.Aur. 761 1'llImu,c ''"' MichigM A ... enue in Chicogo ns Iroffic {It dusk moves across Burr,,]o ~, N, Y the Chicogo Ri ... er bridge ond the clock in the lower of the ",~~,"d l)i.'rl~l. C I IAII I , ~:S ~;, CAI'-H(I';\ 1.-,,1 Flu,... ·" ••• loll'u' Wrigley building tells the hour to all within ~ighl of its flood S", "'Klodt!. )1 .. "" lou ," I;qhted prominence. In ne~1 month's Journa! will be an <'Jccounl Third 0 ",,,,.. , HAlmy J . WII,I,LIM:­ )1 <l grell! new lIpariment project inside ChiclIgo's Loop, GUM lI.oth".h"",1 11).1" Cinoin"~ll ~, Oh,,, M(l6n(l City, on which IBEW member5 Me p!nying 1I villi! role Fourlh 1l1'lri,'I. A. 1\', lol,II,\II I'1 In :!s construrtion.-Cover photo by Loui' C. W illj~ms. I ~~(l 13th Su ed, l;o.r:,>10' .., 1'1,,, 1,1 .. }'Ift h m.trIN. C. E. NOUIJt!'/'WJ.II 3:"O.\",h, II,·~ ll"",,·, 1'1 I.. " S,nh 1);~lrl<l, JOS~.I' I I C, ~.I'I' I'.ll S( ' ~ ~"O~ Sulh~,-h""1 SI"'.' Iluu'lun ~:I. 'f.'xII s.,.'~nlh DI.lrlN. W\I.I'II A. I.I:;I(;U.' An· CIO 143l} S"'L"""')' ";t"" I..... V~I"'" 1'1",,,,1, " •. 1:'Kh.h Oi •• ri~l. ( : ~:UJ(( : E l'ArrLU S"~ .... ""u Sult~ '.11, 1'~ 1.IO,eh,... '~, '''''"U' ' ' 1\ I""'p~,,, \1. ~In". , '"nnol" ~... 'OSTMASTEIIS, c"o,,~~~,.'" eoo , On Fo,,.,, 1S19 .I~ toe oeM • . .' , 0' £I~ ,. WO"." 1200 f;h .. nl~ S',,,,,,, N. W .. WG,h;"~'on ~. O. C, 'ubli.h~d "'.... '~11 ,,~d ..'_ond do, PO,"~" p~;d ", W.,~;n~.on, O. C. S,bot,;",,'on wie", Un".d St.,,,, ud Ct',,"t. 52 P'" ~U', , ,,"<~. P"nltd ,n U.'.A. n JOU"IA. w' no' h I 'e'pon ;;'1. 10' " ... "'p- ~ b. 0' . 'PO'dtn', I., / .1 of each mon'k ;1 cl""n~ dllt. All up,"',lb", ... ~"j On If, I' ~ ',1 j ",;~~.o'. 1"-01. (IJI (,l)mmlllll}mli"l1 II/ XII/;"'lId , I' /-;1, r/r;(ul 11'11 I... nl, /lmlfd ill F,II­ rlllll'!f, 11"1 IU'illtf 'f"'l f/ hi,~IIJ"!J ,,/ li/litHII" Ih/"f/I/qlr /I" 1/fIU,) ,• A ,\lODEIl,\, IW1'Iktmd Itll11)} li)!hts H hililop in :'II,'nio !'nrk, X,·w ,lel'Sl.',I', I I i ... 11 hij!h 1011'(11' IUPlw,l h~' n 1)('1/('011 of l'IN'I1'ie ligoht<.;. /!lowill/! ('on~Iallll.I' in UII'IU­ Ol'y of ' l'hollW<'; ,\J\'u Eflif;()Il. f111h('I' lit' mnilt'I'11 Ii),!'hlill)!, Bill. han'n't you nfl.'n 1\'01111.'1"',] ahOlll IIU' pl·t'd, '·f·.·,..... )1· ... (If 1-:,)lo.;c'll HII,) Ih,' £'kl'tric laulp 11.11\ .Ii.l '"11' rO/'l·j'nllu'l's lit!ht IIlI'il' <lI\l,lIillt!" I \\'111'1'" and \\ h"11 i1iflii)!hlilll! han' it ... ol'i)!in1 w" hm" nil lI"k"fl Ihhl' 'Pll'_,,_ tillll'" f"OIl1 tillll' I" lillH', 0111' inlf'I', ,'<.;1 Ill·in/.!" ""\'il"l',j \\111'11 1\1' l'il'lI' ,li"plllY" 1<111'11 11'; ,111' 0I1I' 1"'I"'lIlly lu'ld h~' IIu' II j"IIII'i('nl SOI'h'I,\' of Y(ll'k ("011111,1' ill YflI'k, 1'.·lIl1syl­ InniH. "FoUl' I1l1ntll" 'd r"lll''' of 1>,1111"sli(' Lh!hlinJ!" wa" II loall I'X­ hihi! of Jllllr.· 1111111 1"',0 "xampltos nf Jij.!'hlillJ! fI,·I'i"(·,, fl'oll1 III(' pt'I'illl!. ll:.!:'i 10 I ,,:.!,',_ Elltplw ... i... Inl" nn I'; Illllli '''I 1(' k ... , 11111,,1 1'01111110111 y II "' ..] li~hliJlI! ill'li('I''' of thai Iwl'ioll, Hnd ... pl'f·ial 1ll1"nliol1 lIn.., :::il'l'll 10 Th ... ,!abo .. t, chand,tien. p.rt 01 the exhibit 01 li",ht;"", fidu'e, ,ho ... n ('hange's ill 1'(11'111 111111 'ilyll' of ('lUl­ by the Hi,to.iut Society 01 Yo ••• P,nn.ylveni • . u .
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