VOL. VII. NO. 10. ( E*rAHLI*HEI> I 1901. PORTLAND, TUURSD * —— MAINE, SHOE MEN'S HOLIOAY. flAYED TWO 6AHES. ANNUAL TAP DAY NO 23 CELE- CHEBCA^JE AND CASCO CASTLE The Hamilton BRATED TUESDAY. PLAV jrwo INTERESTING H. L. HAMILTON. QAM A AT 80UTH FRE- Prop. COTTAGE Dinner at The Hamilton, Qt Chc- PORT JULY 4TH. beague, and a Day of 8porta En- Chebeague Island, Maine. joyed. Casco Castle Secured Morning Game, The steamer Maquoit shouldered a White Chebeague Won in the Open June 25 to Sept. 15. weighty task Tuesday when the shoe Afternoon. and leather men went to Great Che- FURNITURE for The Chebeague baseball nine was beague their annual outing. This defeated. 6 to is the first season they have chosen 5, by the Casco Castle B^swaJOCTaJUUumajuiJiH m uTama team at* 8outh in this island for some years and their Kreeport the morn- ing appreciation of the beauties of the gadfe July 4th. in a game which seemed like a trip and the superb menu served by walkover for them. .had The Hamilton, under direction of the Chebeague the game won up to the ninth famous chef, William J. Vayo, was inning, having their oppo- nents 5 to but with a loud and unstinted. About one hun- 3, base on balls and thrte hits dred and filty shoe dealers and sales- the Free ports won last men comprised the party, marsh- handily In.the Inning by scoring ably three more aled by the officers: President, T. H. runs. The Chebeague men were Black; secretary, A. H. Marden, and arrayed In their new suits for the treasurer, A. P. Dean, who with Mr. opening game, which present- ed a very neat H. P. Dyer, personally saw to It that appearance. Free port have are men were last on just what you for every man had a good time. It Is the bases and took y^E looking of easy xo enjoy yourseir wben every- advantage every chance to score, to fit up your summer Come while at the bat cottage. thing possible is done to make yoa they got only one hit up to the ninth in and inspect our different comfortable and to provide for your inning. The Che- departments entertainment and the shoe men were beague battery consisting of Barry see and Hamilton had the and what we are new this sea- given an outing long co be remem- game won If offering had bered in this respect. they received good support, but son. If want to save the that was you money and get To mention the short inning base- fly missed by Curit in ball right field gave the Free their the come us. game between The Berry Shoe ports best, in and see we runs. Remember, Co. and the A. F. Cox Co. we need winning The afternoon are to show only to say the result was 5 to 2 in game. which was always pleased goods, whether won the order named; but to have been by Chebeague. 5 to 3. was more or not. the you purchase \ there and heard the would interesting as teams had profited coaching the have been worth the "whole of by practice the morning game had price given them. admission.** Other games between The winners played a fast game from the retail shoe teams were followed by start, and scored three runs In the the 100 yard dash, potato race, ball third Inning. Small. Dennison and throwing, shoe lacing and shot put- Holbrook played well for the Casco Castle ting events, each of which won heavy nine, while for the applause from the galleries. As usu- Chebeague playing of Bishop and Hamilton's R. S. al the dinner was the chief event, for catching excelled. DAVIS shoe men have a The newest and CO. distinctive liking for finest hotel in Casco shore dinners. The are a Bay. Complete following menu, occupying cottage which they in every detail of modern and Portland's furnished by Proprietor Harry L. have rented. Mr. Skid more is at appointment appliance. Complete Homefumlshers Baths and toilets on Hamilton and neatly featured by spe- present cruising on his yacht, having every floor. Large rooms, polished cial menu cards, was served about left Port Jefferson. Long Island. Sat- wood floors and All 1.00 rugs. chamber furniture of the best Cor. Exchange and Federal Sts. p. m.: urday last. He Is accompanied by weathered oak Mr. William P. finish, iron beds with National Steamed Clams. Drawn Butter String, principal of springs and the Hunter school in hair and felt F. £. Clam Bouillon Philadelphia. mattresses. Acetylene 100 foot veranda HASKELL, Treasurer* Mr. Skidmore is professor of the gas. Lobster Stew Clam Chowder facing the Bay and beach. Finest Plain Crackers Philadelphia Normal school for girls. bathing beach in Casco all on our own Penobscot River Salmon. Mr. and Mrs. William Burroughs of Bay, private 500 feet —_ iuv New York grounds only ,from Aux Petit Po« «re here for the summer the hotel. French Fried Potatoes months' J|^y h e cicely located At one of Fried Clams in Batter the' Hummer cottages, east end Plenty of- anrase The Store with small of the island. ment* etc. One Big profits Saratoga Chips They were at Orr's dancing, lot Island for the best Iced Cucumbers many years. chefs in New England. Rates and Queen Olives Mrs. Clara Louise Burnham. the booklets, floor etc. oa Tomato Ketchup gifted authoress, arrived last week for plans application. the Roast Sirloin of Beef, Brown Sauce summer months and is now enjoy- Mashed Potatoes the ing delights of our charming is- rived Sunday Ir*st and will return land at VALUATION AT GHEBEA6UE. French Peas her summer home on Peb- home the latter part of this week. Sweet Corn bly Beach. We are always glad to In company *ith Miss Lena MAINLAND SECTION OF TOWN OF rlaaerty J Banana Fritters. Vanilla Sauce welcome her back to us. for no one is her friend Miss IRA P. T A & has Wheatia Whitman, CLARK has CO. Plain Lobster CUMBERLAND Vienna Rolls done more for Cas- USUALLY also of Le'wUton. The Wine co Flaherty Gelatine, Custard Sauce Bay In bringing It to SHOWS FALLING OFF. family have t;i previous summers oc- the Harlequin Ice Cream notice of the world at large cupied the "Downing* cottujrc here, Watermelon than this but this Assorted Cakes gifted woman. Her world Non-Resident Property Has Advanced year they will come hero on Lemonade famed short books. "Dr. Lattlmer" and Sharply in Last Decade. sojourns only. Tea Coffee "The Cigars Opened Shutters." And their Mr. and Mra. D. S. of In The selectmen and assessors Thompson plots these parts. of Auburn, Me.. Mr. *i.d Cumberland have Mrs Arthur Miss given the Breeze Mr. Louise Hesser and Miss Mary the Xelki, Guv Coolidge and Miss following statistics relating to One Price BAILEY ISLAND Hesser of are Edith Knowl^s of Uvermrre Cash. Philadelphia, Pa., the Falls, valuation of expected to' the Chebeague Island. Me., arrived at J he Strout house Spot spend month of Au- It Is to Sat- Interesting state that the non- THIS POPULAR gust here. urday afternoon after the ISLAND IS resident. or summer making cottage property, trip from their homes In an THRONGED WITH Mr. and Mrs. Holman White of has automo- TOURISTS Increased about tenfold In the bile. are The party spent Sunday AND EVERY COTTAGE Philadelphia, Pa., who now on last decade. This is not here, their Including and returned to their respective honeymoon, having been mar- hotel property, which is in the resi- RENTED. ried June homes Monday morning !n the same 29 are expected here some- dent valuation list. The relative time In fig- conveyance. Last year the party made August. Mr. White Is prin- ures for 1906 and 1907 are as fol- Clothiers, of several trips here in the same man- Hatters, Danc« Was Given by th« Cottage cipal Northeast school. Philadel- lows: phia. and has for ner, and they were greatly enjoyed Hall Association Even* several seasons past Chebeague Island. by Saturday upent of all. part each season here. He 1906. 1907. Ing. Is a devout yachtsman and In com- Rolvln Whitney of Brunswick spent Mr. with his last with his and Mrs. E. D. Hlllman and pany friend. Mr. Albert Paul Resident. $113,430.00 $117,968.00 Sunday brother, Irvine Willis, has here at Furnishers, Mrs. K. G. Bentz of l^archmont. Pa- made several long cruises Non-Resident, 76.680.00 86.710.00 Whitney, Harpswell. together with Mr. and Mrs. Warlck along the coast here. At present Trade with H. S. Davis £ Co., the are at P. Miller of Germantown, Pa., are to they the Island Villa Hotel, Total. $190,110.00 Portland Homefurnlshers If you want I^ake $204,678.00 summer at the Johnson cottage lo- Champlaln. Cumberland (Mainland). the best for the least money.—Adv. cated near the Mackerel »cott Cove boat O. Bailey of Portland was 1906. 1907. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. .Starr of New Three This Is here on Floors, 26 and 28 Monument landing. the first summer the Inland Tuesday last in York arrived »t the Merriconeag Sq. any of the hare In the Interest of party spent Maine, the Portland Beef Resident. $650,820.00 $636,430.00 House Saturday. They came through and all are Co. spending a most enjoyable Non-Resident, 121.950.00 121.390.00 on the Bar Harbor limited time. Friday Mr. F. A. Wrisley representing the night, connecting with the steamer Total, Tolman, Bradford Furniture Mr.
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