< THE KELOWNA COURIER AND OKANAGAN ORCHARDIST NUMm-;i^ 14 VOIAJMJ-: K rI (> \viia, isli (!oluml)ia, 'I'liursda}’, November Stli, 19dl B !vN N liT'l' B L E D I'O R R. C. M. F. STIR N E W YORK HARRIED DOUMERGUE LAYS MORE MONEY FAILURE OF' PROGRAMME FRUIT BOARD ELITE BY DISPLAY BEAUTIFICATION DOWN REINS OF POWER VOTERS’ PART Slo.in Says Ottawa Knocketl Out Work GErrS AFTER NFVV N’()RK. Nov. 8. 'I'hirly-foiir OF PARK GYRO Thousands Riot In Paris Against IN DOMINION FOR WATER And Wages Plan mcmlicis Ilf llu' ()|lawa divisimi id ihc Parliament l\ii\,d Can:idi;in Mimtcd I’ulice, in sc;ir REGISTRATION AND LIGHT \ A N ('< ) l' \'F K, Nov. 8. Itkuiie for TRUCKERS let and gold, tool; New York liv i.lurm OBJECTIVE P/ARLS, Nov. 8. 'I'he stoi'iii-to.ssed cahiiiel of Premier Itoimiergiie, shaken f.tiliirc of the l’;iltnllo p,(>vei iiincnt to last night. ,\n audience of eight thon- Public Must Deal With Enumerators City Council Able To Make Further Cliairnian Iltiskins Now In Kootenay Will Stage Musical Comedy hy Radical .Sociiilist oiijuisition to the implement its pre-election promise oi s.ind in the costliest of gowns, furs .mil In Regard To Corrections Of Or Appropriations For Construction work and u.iKcs was atiribnied to For Pro.scciition Of Offenders, orchids w.i.s moved to re.il hleacherile First Step To Raise FTuids Premier's |daii for roiistitiltiomil re- Rei]uired Additions To Lists Out Of Revenue I’remii'i liemicti in an address deliver­ If Necessary action liy I he splendid military ride of form, resigned tod.iy. Thousands of persoiih simished ed by Attorney-General Sloan to ;i Lib­ the Miiimtics. After the riders had sai­ Mr.,N(irh'y F'. 'J'lmhndy.e, nf \ eriuni, Rontinc mattiTs occupied tlic ppeater eral meeting here last night. “Ottaw.'i Mr. W» F. Haskins is in the Koot- nted the flaiys of five nations competing, The Kelowna (ivro t liil)' ohicctnc throiigli file I'olice lines in front of tlie fill l'H5 is hc.intification of till' ('it\ Regi.str.'ir of I'.lectors’ lor )';ile Flector- pari of a short session of the City eii;iy :ire:i this week checking up on in the show to the str.iins of ”(iod .S.tvc ( )pera tonight, shouting "Down with holds till- purse strings,” be declared, P.'irk, ;md pl.ms :ire .'theads’ nmicr wav ;il District, liiis issued ;i statement to tJomicil on Monday iiiKlit, at uliicli all the trucking sitn.ition for the Tree The King,” the elite audience let loosi' the deputies!” llniidreds were arrest­ “,ind we tire cni off.” to r.'iise funds for tliis inirposc, Mans the press in regard to the revision per­ the nieiniH Ts \ver<' in attendance. l'’niit Bojiiil, which h;is dccl.arcd its with ti'cmcndons cheers. impriiscments designed to cnh.inci' tlu ed. iod for (he voters' lists in the Doii'iiii- As a K*'-'til.vinp, resnll of the lie;dlli\- intentions to prosecute those who are lic.intv .ind usefulness of the Park which can he m.ade into a much mnri ioii registration now under way, from comlition of the civic finances, it w.as viol.itiiig the regulations, lie is ac- ULM TO FLY FROM ALMOST ALL v.alnaldc asset to the cilv tli.in it is at which (he following particulars have found possible to inalO' appropn'.ations comp.'iiiied hy Mr. \V. J. ('oe, of Wiii- MONTREAL TO SYDNEY present, will he nndcrt.ikcn h\- the en­ TWO CRIMINAL been ohtaineil. out of revenue additional to the estim­ (iidd, who has been appointed hy the ergetic scrs'ici' clnh, which h;is dmu' OF JONATHAN 'I'lie preliminary lists were closed on ates framed last spring for conslriietiou Board to look :iftcr enforcement in P( tICJ'SMOUTI I, Nov. 8.—-C.'iptain so intich good coinmimits’ work- since CASES AT FALL and rcphicement worlc in eonneetion the Cresloii and other districts roughly Chillies T. P. Ulm, Australian ilier its incc|)tion. (Ictoher 23rd ami the period of revis­ ■ All who cniosed the Gsro nmsic;il ion is now on. This is tlie ))criod when with the wafer and lipht systems. ’ NOW MOVED deliiied ;is the Kootenay. It is under­ iind former' holder of the speed record productions of former vears—“'I'hc the public are expected to do their Hy res(dntion, tlie I'.leclric l.ictld and stood that Mr. Coe was eliosen on the from Fnglaiid to .Australia, will shi|i his Beauty .Shop” ;ind ‘Keep 'Fm .Smiling.” ASSIZE COURT Rower l)epartmenl was anthori/ed to Over Half A Million Boxes Shipped grounds that a m;m outside the area plane to .Montreal on Saturday for an hntli I lilt st.inding hits in ;mi;itcnr histri­ part ,111(1 examine the list of the parti­ onics—will he delighted to learn that, as purchase wire, line hardw.ire. insulat­ For Export—Only 2.8 Per Cent eoiicenied should make a h'tter en­ I'iglit tlionsand mile flight to Sydney. Grand Forks Man And Woman Face cular Foiling Division in wliieli they a first ste|) to raise funds for their 1935 Serious Charges As Result Of are resident to see that they :ire on the ors, i)olcs, tr.’msformi'is, im;ters .and Of Crop On Hand forcement officer than a resident of the .\nstraliii. He pliins to stop only at iihjcctivc, tlie chil) will again stage switchboard e<pni>ment to the v.ahu' of district. \Lincouvcr, .San Francisco, T'anning Is­ production that piomiscs to he ;is enter­ Illegal Operation list and that the particulars alioiit them .additional to tlie amonni pro­ An analysis of tlie crop movement Current I'eports h:ive it th.it the land and .\iickland. New Zealand. taining ;is anv of its iirevioiis sncccs- are correctly stated. The ennmer.'ilors scs. \Vhilc full details are not yet avail­ vided in the estim.ates, wliile the W.atei'- as at the close of business on Novem­ luimlier of (tkanagan and Main Line The Ibill /Assizes opened in A^ei non hiive (lone the work, of pre|)aration of able, the pl.av or musical comedv sel­ on -Monday tifternooii with (wo cri­ the preliminary lists as far as they are works branch recreived atithorily to pur­ ber 3rd, issued by tlie H. 6. Ajiple shippers guilty of iiifraetion of the ected is entitled "(','impiis t'o-cd,” ;ind minal cases on the docket. Tlie c;ises ;il)le to do so, but some names are al- chase cast iron uaater pljie and water Cartel, shows total shipments of Board's ridings is increasing, hut legal ROWING CLUB it will he prodticed on the st.ige of the arise out of the deatli of a Gr.ind I'orks meters to the vahu' of $5,000 in .additimi 2,527,481 ho.xes from ( )kanagtin, Main action against these offenders will h;ivc Fmiiress Theatre on llecemher 3rd and woman, wlio, it is alleged, dieil from vv:i\s liable to he omitted and others to its estimates. 4th. Rehearsals under .a competent dii the effects of an illegal oiieralion per­ stated incorrectly—errors which can Line, Creston tind Kootenay points to he delayed until the return of .Mr. ector will begin without dela\-. Public Works also sh.ari'd the finan­ JAMBOREE IS formed hy Grietge Sumhiiiest, of he set right oiilj' hy the public check­ comhined. Domestic sliipments are giv­ Haskins, who is expected h;ick at the Members of the Penticton and Kam- Greenwood, ;i middle-aged Dutch wo­ cial sunshine, heiiiK .allotted an auth­ en tis 1,225‘,'25.I lioxes, export, 1,.302,- week-end. lno|)S cinhs travelled to Kclow n;i on man, who i.s charged with murder. ing iqi for themselves. That is the pur­ pose of the jieriod of revision. orized ex'|)enditure of a maximum of 228 boxes. Dates have been set .•ind notices sent SUCCESSFUL Tncsd;i\- cx’cning to attend the fort- C.'irl Schwartenhaiier, of (ir;iiul I'orks, $1,500 in addition to the estim.ates. f(li­ nightlv dinner of the Kelowna clnh in who. it is claimed,"forced the deceased In 'order to check up, each person Jonath.'in Ctirte! ligiires reveal that out to registered growers of the meet­ the Rov.il .Anne llotel. where an eii- the l)uri)ose of completing Ixicliter Large Crowd Attends Enjoyable to imdergo the operation, is ch.irged must first ascertain in which Polling 4 ^ 97;2 jier cent of tliis variety has been ings to he held to elect delegates to iowihle fraternal evening was spent. with counselling the offence of abor­ Street. shiijpcd, letiving only 2.8 per cent to the convention called for the purpose Function, Which Will Net $450 .Among other items of entertainment, tion. l)i\ision he is resident. A description Sale Of Lot move. Over a lialf-million boxes have Or $500 sex’cr.'il vocal ducts were pleasingK' ren­ Mr. Justice D. A. McDonald is pre­ of all the Polling I^ivisions is contain­ of electing the i>ermaiient Board. These dered hv Misses Barbara Meikic .and By-Law No. 630, selliim la.it 28, gmic to the e.x|)('rt market. Mcfntosli meetings will he held from November siding, with* Mr. AV. C. Kelley, K.C... ed in the large general registration not­ Betty Peck, and Mr.
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