The Church Bells of Bedfordshire

The Church Bells of Bedfordshire

The Church Bells of Bedfordshire BY Thomas North, F.S.A. File 01 : Subscribers List Preface, Contents Pages 1 to 84 This document is provided for you by The Whiting Society of Ringers visit for the full range of publications and articles about bells and change ringing : : Purchased from ebay store retromedia THE CHURCH BELLS OF BEDFORDSHIRE Their Founders, Inscriptions, Traditions, and Peculiar Uses ; WITH A BRIEF HISTORY OF CHURCH BELLS IN THAT COUNTY, CHIEFLY FROM ORIGINAL AND CONTEMPORANEOUS RECORDS. BY THOMAS NORTH, F.S.A., Honorary Memuer and Honorary Secretary of the Leicestershire Architec- tural AND ArCH.LOLOGICAL SOCIETY, HONORARY MEMBER OK THE DERBY- SHIRE Arch.eological and Natural History Society, etc. L r WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. LONDON ELLIOT STOCK, 62, PATERNOSTER ROW 1883. Purchased from ebay store retromedia SUBSCRIBERS. Addington, II., Esq., Ilenlow Grange, Briscoe, J. P., Esq., F.R.H.S., Free Librar)-, Biggleswade. Nottingham. Atkinson, Rev. EtUvanl, D.D., Clare College, Brooke, Thos., Esq., F.S.A., Armytage Cambridge. Bridge, Huddersfield. Large Paper. Brushfield, T. N., Esq., The CHIT, Budleigh, Baker, Charles, Esq., Friar Lane, Leicester. Salterton. Baker, Rev. W. S., Eversholt Rectory, Bull, T., Esq., 49, High Street, Bedford. Woburn. Bath and Wells, the Lord Bishop of, The Carpenter, Dr. Alfred, Croydon. Palace, Wells. Clarke, Mr. Saml., 5, Gallowtree Gate, Leices- Beedham, B. H., Esq., Ashfield House, ter. Kimbolton. Cokayne, G. E., Esq., M.A., F..S.A., Col- Bennett, E. G., Esq., lo. Woodland Terrace, lege of Arms, E.C. Plymouth. Cooke, Rev. Canon, F.S.A., 6, Clifton Place, Berry, Rev. T. M., Blunham Rectory, Sandy, Sussex Square, W. lielhell, W., Esq., Rise Park, Hull. Cooper, Thomas, Esq., Mossley House, Con- Birch, Rev. C. G. R., Brancaster Rectory, gleton. Norfolk. Cox, Cornelius, Esq., 58, Fellow's Road, Blair, R., Esq., South Shields., N.W. Blayde.s, F. A., Esq., Shenstone Lodge, Ash- Cunninghamc, G. G., Esq., 45, Manor Place, burnham Road, Bedford. Edinburgh. Blundell, J. II., Esq., 157, Cheapside. Boardman, Mr., Bookseller, Bishop's Stort- Daii;ney, Rev. W. IL, Harlington Vicarage, ford. Dunstable. Bonser, Rev. J. A., Shillington Vicarage, Davidson, Hugh, Esq., Braedale, L.anark. Ilitchin. Dol)cIl, W., Esq., West Mailing, Kent. Boyd, Miss Julia, Moor House, Leamside, Downing, Wm., Esq., 74, New Street, Bir- Durham. mingham. Purchased from ebay store retromedia Vlll Church Belis of ]>edfordshire. Duke, Rev. R., F.S.A., liiilingham Ilaslam, Rev. C. E., Toddington Rectory, tory, Pcrshorc. Dunstable. Dymond, E. G., Esq., Asplcy Guise, Wohurn. Ilayward, T., Esq., Crescent Foundry, Cripplegate. L.argc Paper. Edmond, G., Esq., Spring Vale, Niton, Isle Ilebbes, C, Esq., Wootton, Bedford. of Wight, Large Paper. Hill, James Woodward, Esq., Bedford. House, Edmonds, J. R., Esq., Charnwood Ilockliffe, F., Esq., Bedford. 12, Large Sileby, Loughborough. Paper, Edmondcs, Rev. T., The Vicarage, Cowbridge. Do., Do. (12 eopies). Elvin, C. N., Esq., M.A., Eckling Grange, Holmes, G., Esq., Ilarlcston, Norfolk. East Dereham. Honeyman, J., Esq., 140, Bath Street, Glas- Evans, John, Esq., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., gow. F.S.A., 6s, Old Bailey, E.G. Hope, R. C, Esq., Albion Crescent Villa, Eyre, Rev. W. II., Stoneyhurst, Blackburn. Scarborough. Horley, W., Esq., Toddington, Dunstable. Fisher, E,, Esq., Abbotsbury, Newton Howard, F., Esq., Bedford. Abbot. Howlett, Rev. J. H., Meppershall Rectory, Fisher, S. T., Esq., 4, Bark Prospect, Little Beds. Queen Street, S.W. Foster, R., Esq., Llanwithan, Lostwithiel. James, Francis, Esq., F.S.A., Edg\vorth Foster, J. N., Esq., Sandy, Ijedfordshire. Manor, Cirencester. Fowler, Rev. J. T., F.S.A. , Bishop Hatfield's Jendwine, Rev. W., Aspley Guise, Wobum, Hall, Durham. Jepson, G. G., Esq., Springmount, Leeds. Fox, Dr. C. II., The Beeches, Brislington, Jerram, Mr. J. R., The Close, Salisbury. Bristol. KiRKLAND, Walter, Esq., 23, Upperton Gar- . GOUGH, II., Esq., Sandcroft, Redhill. dens, Eastbourne. Gray, II., Esq., 25, Cathedral Yard, Man- chester. Large Paper. Layton, C. Temple, Esq., 17, Mincing Lane, Grove, Dr. W. R., St. Ives, Hunts. E.G. Layton, Thomas, Esq., F.S.A., Kew Bridge, H.XDDOCK, Rev. Canon, Bedford. Middlesex. Large Paper. Harris, II. E. Hollis, Esq., 78, Regent Street, Lee-Warner, Rev. T. II., Highmoor, Henley- W. on-Thames. Harting, J. v., Esq., F.S.A., 24, Lincoln's I>uck, Richard, Esq., Llanfairfechan. Inn Fields, W.C. Lynam, C, Esq., Stoke-on-Trent. Purchased from ebay store retromedia Subscribers. IX Macleur, W., Esq., 31, Camperdown Place, Reynolds, A. , Esq. , Merchant Taylors' Schools, Great Yarmouth. E.G. Roots, Esq., Mears, J., Esq., 47, Uurgate, Canterluiry. G., 2, Ashley Place, Victoria Large Paper. Street, S.W. Roper, Mercer, Wm. J., Esq., 12, Marine Terrace, Rev. T. II., Piddlehinton Rector)-, ^Margate. Dorchester, Roundell, S., Miles, Rev. II. II., Clifton Rectory, IJiggles- C. Esq., M.P., 16, Curzon wade. Street, Mayfair, W. Murdoch, Rev. A., All Saints' Parsonage, Rowe, R. Reynolds, Esq., F.S.A., Park Edinburgh. House, Cambridge. Royce, Rev. D., Nether Swell Vicarage, Stow- NlEl.D, Wm., Esq., 2, Broad Street, Prist.-)]. on-Wold. Nixon, E., Esq., Saville House, Mcthlej', St. Aldyn, J. P., Esq., iiS, Cambridge Leeds. Street, Eccleston Square, .S.W. Norton, Mr. W., Cheltenham. Sidebolham, J., Esq., F.S.A., Bowdon, Cheshire. ORLEfJAR, Rev. A., Willington Vicarage, Smith, Rev. P.. C, Ilulcotc Rectory, Wolnirn. Bedford. Snowdon, J. M., Esq., Old P.ank Chandiers, Ormerod, II., jun., Esq., Boothroyd, Brig- Leeds. house. Spiers, E. G., Esq., 21, Bernard Street, Owen, Rev. T. M. N., Rhodes Vicarage, Russell Square, W.C. Middleton. Stahlschmidt, C. T., Esq., Fronsham House, Balham, S.W. Large Paper. PARLANE,J.,Esq., Appleby Lodge, Rusholme, Stainer, Dr. John, Amen Corner, E.G. Manchester. 5, Stanton, Rev. A. II., St. Albans, Holborn, Pietcrs, Rev. J. W., S. John's College, Cam- W.C. bridge. Stretton, Miss, Danes Hill House, Leicester. Pike, (I. II., Esq., Green Dragon Lane, L.arge Paper. \Vinchmorc Hill. Sutton, Rev. Canon, West Tofls Rectory, Pulleine, Mrs., Clifton Castle, Bedale. Muntford. Swithinbank, d. E., Esq., LL. 1)., I'pper Ram.sev, R., Esq., 27, Grccndyke Street, Norwood, Surrey. Glasgow. Large Paper. Raven, Rev. J. J., D.D., School House, Taylor, Messrs. John iV Co., Loughborough. Great Yarmouth. Taylor, Rev. R. F.,Gomcrsal \'icarage, Leeds. Rayncs, J. G., Esq., 14, Great James Street, Thorpe, G., Esq., 65, Stoke Newinglon W.C. Road, N, Purchased from ebay store retromedia X Church Bells of Bedfo7'dshirc, Timceus, Mr. C. F., High Street, Kedford Warner, Messrs. J. & Sons, Crescent Foundry, (3 copies). Cripplegate, E.C. Tinkler, Rev, John, Arkengarth-dale Vicar- Waterton, Edmund, Esq., F.S.A., Deeping age, Richmond. Waterton Hall, Market Deeping. Trethewy, II., Esq., Silsoe, Ampthill, Large Watkins, Rev. H. G., The Vicarage, Potter's Paper. Bar, N. Tyssen, A. D., Esq., D.C.L., 40, Chancery Webster, Mrs., Raven Ilolt, Scalford, MeKon Lane, W.C. Mowbray. White, G. II., Esq., Glenthorne, St. Mary's UssiiER, Rev. R., Grove House, Ventnor, Church, Torquay. Isle of Wight. Whitbread, Saml, Esq., Southill, Biggleswade. Large Paper. ViALLS, G., Esq., 24, Doughty Street, W. Whitehead, Rev. H., Brampton Vicarage, Carlisle. Walhouse, M. J., Esq., 9, Randolph Cres- Williams, J. H., Esq., Leicester. cent, W. Wood, R. H., Esq., F.S.A., Penrhos House, Walton, Rev. T. J., Ickleford Rectory, Rugby. Ilitchin. Worcester, the Very Rev. the Dean of, Wor- Warmoll, Rev. Provost, Bedford. cester. Corporation Library, Guildhall, E.C. Society of Antiquaries of London, Burlington House, W. Cathedral Library, Lincoln. Theforegoing list of subscribers has been made up to the date ofgoing to press. Any names arriving after this date have been necessarily omitted. — Purchased from ebay store retromedia PREFACE. — <. On the completion of my endeavour to place upon record a careful account of the Bells at present hanging in the churches of Bedfordshire, I have to acknowledge, with pleasure and with gratitude, much kind help received from many friends and from many courteous correspondents. To Mr. Edwin Ransom, F.R.G.S., I am specially indebted for (without any solicitation on my part) placing in my hands a collection of copies of the inscriptions on, and the measure- ments of, many bells in the county, carefully made under his direction some years ago. To Mr. D. G. Cary-Elwes, F.S.A., and to Mr. Charles Herbert, I am also very much indebted for spending much time, and making long journeys^ in order to procure for me rubbings from many of the more ancient bells in the county. And further, I beg to acknowledge the ready help I received from the other gentlemen, whose names are in the following list, towards the completion of this work by sending me rubbings, etc., of the inscriptions on, and other particulars relating to, the bells in the different parishes appended to their names. The Rev. W. G. Dimock Fletcher very kindly gave me some assistance in the Bodleian Library, O.xford. The Rev. d—2 Purchased from ebay store retromedia Xll CILurch Bells of Bedfordshire. J. T. Fowler, F.S.A., Vice-Principal of Bishop Hatfield's Hall, Durham, allowed me, as upon former occasions, to appeal to him for a reading of more than one difficult inscription ; and Mr. Vincent's professional services were very useful to me in the Public Record Office. To each and all I beg to offer my hearty thanks. Baker, Rev. R. Golmworth, Eaton Socon, rudJington, Staugli- ton Parva, Wyniington. Blaydes, F. A., Esq. ... Studham, Whipsnade, Bolingbioke, Rev. F. ... Melchbourne. Bonser, Rev. J. A. Shillington. Bosanquet, Rev. E. Glophill. Elwes, D. G. Gary-, Esq., F.S.A. Bedford (S. Peter, S. Mary, and S. Guthbert), Blunham, Bromham, Cardington, Carlton, Chcllington, Glapham, Cople, Elstow, Gold- ington, Ilarrold, Ilawnes, Kempston, Mug- gerhanger, Northill, Oakley, Odell, Paven- ham, Potton, Sandy, Sharnbrook, Southill, Stevington, Thurleigh, Warden (Old), Wilden, Wilshampstead, \Villington, Woot- ton.

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