COMING EVENTS Official Undergraduate Sat. 25--·-Movies, Bard Theatre Publication ~h, IDa~dian May 8-Senior Prom Volume 15, No 14 ANNANDALE-ON-HUDSON, NY., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22,1936 Four Pages BARD DEBATERS Deceased Music Professor ONE REEL MOVIE MR. LOUIS HACKER MEET TEAM FROM I Had Interesting Career MADE ON CAMPUS WILL BE SPEAKER DUKE UNIVERSITY I Sandor Harmati Was Well Known For Work Among WILL BE SHOWN FOR CONVOCATION Unemployed Musicians And For Championing Supreme Court Question First Picture To Be Made Today' sMeeting Is Part Of American Composers. Attacked With Bar d On Bard Campus Will Be Nationwide Anti. War Taking Affirmative. Sandor Harmati, Professor of unemployed musicians of the first Shown Saturday Night. Demonstration. Music at Bard College since Sep- rank at the Metropolitan Opera tember, 1934, died at the home of House. A one reel motion picture, written, Originally sponsored. by the Bard On a tour through the East, the his brother-in-law, Ric h a r d T. He was graduated from the Buda- directed, acted and photographed by ch~pter of tne AI?erIcan Student Duke University Debating Team Tjader, in Flemington, New Jersey, pest Royal Academy at the age of Bard students, had its premiere ~mon and now ~~vmg .the co-opera­ stopped over at Bard College during on Sunday, April 5. He was forty- 18, and became concert master of I last Friday evening in the Student tIon of the admmlstratlO? and ~ther April 17 and met the Bard Forum three years of age. His home was the Budapest Volks-Opera. He Recreation Room before a small campus. groups,. a meetmg Will be Team on the much-considered sub- at 157 West Fifty-Seventh Street, came to America during the 'Vorld group. The entire production was hel~ thl.s morm.ng as pa~t of thee ject, Resolved: that Congress by a New York City. War, having previously toured under the auspices of the Bard natIOnWide anti-war strIke. Th two-thirds vote over-ride adverse Mr. Harmati was in poor health Europe. In this country he served Theatre. strike, it is estimated by Un.ion of- decisions of the Supreme Court. since last November when he was with leading chamber music groups The production, the first of its ficials a~ their headquarters m New Messrs. Satterfield and Cleveland over'come by gas from a leaking and organized several of his own, kind on this campus, will be shown York Will be answe~ed .by a num­ of Duke defended the negative side jet in his apartment, and was visit- and later turned to conducting anc;l to the entire school as an added ber far grea~er than m ~Ither ?f th~ and Messrs. Cremer and Koenig of ing Flemington in order to recup- composing. He was awarded, in feature to this coming Saturday two precedmg years m whIch It Bard upheld the affirmative. erate. addition to the Pulitzer Prize, the night's motion picture program. has been held. Mr. Cremer, beginning the diSCUS-I Mr. Harmati, although born in Philadelphia Chamer Music Prize Entitled Broad Is the Way and In 1934;' the strike, which was sian, pointed out the. fact that the Budapest, was a noted champion in 1925 for a string quartet, and lat­ Supreme Court conSiders not the of American music in the symphony er received an award from the written by Michael Erlanger, the sponsored by the National Student wisdom, purpose, or soundness of world. He won the Pulitzer Prize I Juilliard Foundation for his "Pre­ picture deals with a student klepto- League and the Student League for maniac. John Hicks, '36, and Jack- Industrial Democracy, was support the issue, but the legality of it as in music for his "Symphonic Poem" lude to Melodrama." For five years measured by their interpretation of in 1922, and has led many famous he conducted the Omaha Symphony son Staley, '38, comprise the entire ed by some 25,000 students. Figu~es the Constitution. The Sup rem e symphony orchestras both in the Orchestra and, by his championing cast. Richard Frost, '36, directed for the next year showed an m­ Court is completely a judicial and United States and in Europe. He of American-born conductors, was and the photographers were John crease of 150,000 and the estimate legal body. Likewise, the problems directed the Westchester County. instrumental in causing the appoint­ Schultz and Charles McManus both for this year has been placed at which are prevalent today are too Music Festival at White Plains, ,. ment of Joseph Littau as his suc­ members of the Class of 1938. The over 350,000. Backers of the strike complex and complicated to be solv- New York, in 1934 and in 1935, and cessor. entire actioll takes place in the maintain that they are justified in ed by legal procedure alone. was the permanent director of the ------ ------------ McVickar entry of the stone build- these predictions because of wide Mr. Sutterfield continued the de- Musicians' Symphony Orchestra for (Continued on Page Four) ings in the suite occupied by Mr. spread public disapproval of the bate and stated that the Supreme _______________________________ Frost. 0 --- - - huge 1936 military appropriations Court is the most able body in our and the current war threats in government, what with its greater Europe. ability, education, and experience. NEW COMMITTEE R.P.1. ORGANIZES LOCAL PAINTERS "In addition to an impressive As the superior body, the Supreme sponsoring committee, we are con Court interprets the Constitution, fident that the strike will be sup which is vague, protects the rights TAKES CHARGE PROFITEERS OF EXHIBIT WORKS ported on local campuses by wider of individuals, and acts as the bal­ more inclusive strike committees ance wheel of the Federal govern­ than we have ever before been able ment by assuming the role of arbit­ to rally," said Joseph P. Lash, ex er, referee, and final authority. OF SCHOLARSHIP FUTURE WARS IN RED HOOK ecutive secretary of the American Mr. Koenig was the second speak- ______ Student Union. Troy, N. Y. (NSFA)-With an eye A large proportion of the paint­ er for Bard. He attacked the pro- At a faculty meeting held on HackeJ" Is Bard Speaker blem from a new angle by claiming March 26 a Committee on Studies cannily cocked on the immense pro­ ings exhibited at the Dutchess fits of wartime activity, national County Art Show held at the As the time set for the strike that the state legislatures are a was appointed to take charge of coincides with the weekly convoca superflous body in the ratification the administration of present edu­ collegiate organizers, under the Luckey, Platt Store in Poughkeep­ leadership of Buell Webster, Presi­ sie are now on exhibition at the tion meetings in which all students of an amendment. since they are cational policies and to recommend are free, it is expected that the less concerned with the national new policies for the consideration dent of the National Association Red Coach Tavern in Red Hook. and Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti­ The Poughkeepsie show which attendance here will approach the issues than thev are with their state of the faculty. This committee is 100 per cent mark. A similar meet tute Chapter of the Profiteers of closed two weeks ago contained issues. The people do not directly to consist of a chairman and four ing last fall drew practically the Future Wars, are uniting college the work of artists who make their amend the Constitution; this pro- faculty members chosen one from entire student body. men toward the goal of securing all residence in the county and many cess is accomnlished by Congress each division with the Registrar as The speaker engaged for this and the state legislatures. There- member ex-officio. The chairman the profits and none of the dis­ of the paintings take themes de­ comforts of the future war. Intend­ rived from local subjects. morning's meeting is Louis Hacker fore, if the State legislature is an and the members of this committee lecturer in Economics at Columbia unnecessary and impeding group are to be nominated each year by ing to use the members of the Among the artists whose work is Princeton Veterans of Future Wars University and well-known contri in the ratification of amendments, the Executive Committee and elect­ represented in the show are Vernon butor to many liberal publications whv not do away with it. ed by the faculty at the May meet- organization as cannon-fodder, the Beush; Hemly Easton, assistant art members of the Rensselaer organ­ including the Nation and the New The debate proper was concluded ing. It was voted that the present supervisor in Poughkeepsie public Republic. Mr. Hacker will occupy ization are looking forward to a schools; Martin Gambie, Joy Mac­ by Mr. Cleveland who conceived temporary Committee on Student most of the time allotted for the the issue as whether we should re- Achievement serve for the'remaind­ peaceful life during tile next war Cracken, daughter of President "with a blonde on each knee and a strike and the administration of the tain the Supreme Court as a er of the year as the Committee on Henry Noble MacCracken of Vas­ Oxford Oath will probably follow judicial body, or whether we Studies. The committee consists of case of champagne under the sar College; Olle Nordmark, a table." his speech. should make Congress both a ju- Dr. Obreshkove, chairman, Dr. San­ Scandinavian artist now residing in ----0·---- dicial and a legislative body. There ford, Dr. Carpenter, Dr. Frauen­ Organized last week the PFW Hopewell Junction; Lois Whitney are three ob;ections to the latter felder, and Mr.
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