Figure A: U.S. UCAN Combined Overall System Capabilities Seattle Spokane Bozeman Miles City Portland Missoula Bismarck Billings Fargo Dickinson Albany Boise Tionesta Minneapolis Boston Syracuse Buffalo Ogden Madison Rawlins Eau Claire Southfield Chicago New York Milwaukee Harrisburg Salt Lake City Denver Heartwell Bloomington Cleveland Philadelphia Pittsburgh Sunnyvale Indianapolis Cincinatti Colorado Springs Washington DC St. Louis Pueblo Kansas City Louisville Raleigh Las Vegas Raton Nashville Lamy Charlotte Albuquerque Tulsa Los Angeles Memphis Phoenix Atlanta El Paso Dallas Pensacola Jacksonville San Antonio Baton Rouge U.S. UCAN "Red" Optical Add/Drop Houston U.S. UCAN "Blue" Optical Add/Drop U.S. UCAN "Green" Optical Add/Drop U.S. UCAN "Red" IP Router U.S. UCAN "Blue" IP Router U.S. UCAN Peering Service Router Figure B: U.S. UCAN Combined Optical System Capabilities Seattle Spokane Bozeman Miles City Portland Missoula Bismarck Billings Fargo Dickinson Albany Boise Tionesta Minneapolis Boston Syracuse Buffalo Ogden Madison Rawlins Eau Claire Southfield Chicago New York Salt Lake City Milwaukee Harrisburg Blooomington Denver Heartwell Cleveland Philadelphia Pittsburgh Sunnyvale Indianapolis Cincinatti Colorado Springs Washington DC St. Louis Pueblo Kansas City Louisville Raleigh Las Vegas Raton Nashville Lamy Charlotte Albuquerque Tulsa Los Angeles Memphis Phoenix Atlanta El Paso Dallas Pensacola Jacksonville San Antonio Baton Rouge U.S. UCAN "Red" Optical Network Houston U.S. UCAN "Blue" Optical Network U.S. UCAN "Green" Optical Network U.S. UCAN "Red" Optical Add/Drop Node U.S. UCAN "Blue" Optical Add/Drop Node U.S. UCAN "Green" Optical Add/Drop Node Figure C: Seattle U.S. UCAN Optical Build with Partnerships Spokane Bozeman Miles City Portland Missoula Bismarck Fargo Billings Dickinson Minneapolis Albany Syracuse Boston Madison Buffalo Eau Claire Salt Lake City Milwaukee Cleveland Harrisburg New York Chicago Pittsburgh Philadelphia Denver Indianapolis Sunnyvale Kansas City Cincinatti Washington DC St. Louis Louisville Raleigh Las Vegas Nashville Charlotte Memphis Los Angeles Atlanta Dallas Internet2 National Lambda Rail Northern Tier Optical Add/Drop Figure D: Seattle U.S. UCAN "Red" IP Network Missoula Portland Albany Boise Minneapolis Boston Chicago Harrisburg Salt Lake City New York Sunnyvale Kansas City Indy Philadelphia Cincy Denver Pittsburgh Washington DC Tulsa Louisville Nashville Raleigh Los Angeles Memphis Charlotte El Paso Dallas Atlanta Jacksonville 100G Router Houston 10G Router 100GigE 10GigE Figure E: U.S. UCAN "Blue" IP Network Seattle Portland Boise Boston Cleveland Syracuse Ogden Chicago New York Sunnyvale Kansas City Philadelphia Pittsburgh Denver Washington DC Raton Nashville Tulsa Raleigh Albuquerque Los Angeles El Paso Dallas Atlanta Phoenix Baton Rouge Pensacola Jacksonville 100G Core Router San Antonio Houston 10G Router 100GigE 10GigE Figure F: U.S. UCAN Peering Service Network Boston Peering Service Router 10GigE Figure G: U.S. UCAN Commodity Internet Access Commercial Peer U.S. UCAN Commercial Commodity Internet ISPs Peering Service Commercial Network Peer Commercial Peer CAI CAI U.S. UCAN Red or Blue IP Network CAI CAI Regional Regional CAI Middle Mile Middle Mile CAI Network Network CAI CAI CAI CAI CAI CAI CAI CAI Regional Regional Middle Mile Middle Mile Network Network CAI CAI CAI Commodity CAI Service CAI CAI Customer Physical Interconnect CAI Community Anchor Institution MPLS L2 Transport Figure H: U.S. UCAN Peer Network Access Commercial Peer U.S. UCAN U.S. UCAN Commercial Commodity Internet ISPs Peer Peering Service Commercial Network Network Peer Commercial Peer CAI CAI U.S. UCAN Red or Blue IP Network CAI CAI Regional Regional CAI Middle Mile Middle Mile CAI Network Network CAI CAI CAI CAI CAI CAI CAI CAI Regional Regional Middle Mile Middle Mile Network Network CAI CAI CAI CAI CAI CAI CAI Community Anchor Institution Physical Interconnect Figure I: U.S. UCAN IP Redundancy U.S. UCAN Blue IP Network Red IP Network Regional Middle Mile Network Community Community Anchor Anchor Institution Institution Community Community Anchor Anchor Institution Community Institution Anchor Institution NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION 420LWilson Boulevard =ffi Arlington, VA ZZZ30 Diuision o;flnstitalion ani Auard Szbborl Roon 485 (70J) 292-8/44 t ot( t., (701)292 917/ r .1x Februarv15.2007 Ms. Kathy Johnson University Corporation for AdvancedInternet Development Internet2 1000Oakbrook Drive, Suite300 Ann Arbor MI 48104 DearMs. Johnson: The enclosedindirect cost rate agreementindicates the final ratesapproved by this office effective for the periodJanuary l, 2004through December 31 , 2005. This agreementalso provicles maximum provisionalrates for January| , 2006 throughDecember 3l , 2001. On awards containinga maxitnum provisionalrate, NSF grant policy requires granteesto charge indirectcosts at the lesserof the maxintumprovisional rate or the federallynegotiated rate (as set fbrih in the enclosedrate agreement). Under recoveriesfrorn applicationof the maximum provisionalrate, where the final rate is higher, may be allocatedas part of the organization'sre quired cost sharing. If the final rate establishedis lower than the previously approvedmaximum provisional rate, the granteemay useavailable funds, as appropriate,to defrayother costsallowable under the grant. If the amountcharged for indirectcost exceedsby $300 or more the amountresulting fiom applicationof the final rate,and the amountis not usedto defrayother costs, the differencemust be reportedand credited to NSF asprescribed in GPM 440, "cash R efundsand credits to NSF". Should your organizattonsubmit a grant proposalrequesting a lower indirect cost rate than the approvedmaximum provisional rate, the lower indirectcost rate submittedin the proposalbudget will be the maximumprovisional rate applicable to the grantaward. If ycruhave any questions,please contact Tamara Bowman at703-292-8244.Otherwise, please indicate your concurrenceand approvalby signingthe agreementand returninga signedcopy of the agreement to my attentionat the aboveaddress. Sincerely, '1 /) / /,'./r / u' ' '-7r//t/ 7;-*r CarolS. Orlando,Team Lead for IndirectCost CostAnalysis and Audit Resolution Branch Divisionof Institutionand Award Support Enclosure: RateAgreement 0120 NPTfMI University Corporationtbr .\dvancedInternet Development 52-20601g1 02115t0710120 NONPROFIT RATE AGREEMENT EIN +: -52-2060187 NSF tNS CODE: 53000114j4 ORGANIZATION: DAT.E: February15,2007 UniversiryCorporation for AdvancedIntemet Development FILING REF: This is the first Rate 1000Oakbrook Drive Suite300 Agreementwith this organization Ann Arbor.MI 48104 The ratesapproved in this agreement are for useon grants,contracts an<l other agreementsrvith the Federal Goverment, subjectto the conditionsin SectionII. SECTION I: INDIRECT COST RATES Type Effective period Rate Base FINAL 01t0U2004- 12t3U04 62.00%, (a) FINAL 01t0U2005_ 12t31t05 58.4401 {a I MAXIMI.IM PRovlsIoNAL 01]0U2006- t2t3u0i 62.00% (a) RateApplication Base (a) 'l'otal direct costsless capitalized equiprnent, subawarcls, and participanrsupporr cosls )RG-{NIZATION: Universifv corporatronfor AdvancedInternet Develoomenl Page 2 SECTIONII: GENERAL TEfu\{S LIMITATIO\S: t'se of therates contained in thisagreement is subjectto any applicablestatutory limrtations,Acceptanceoftheratesagreedtohereinispredicatedupontheco.rd-iiionsthat: (l)nocosts other than thoseincurred by' the grantee/contractorwere includedin its indirect cost rate proposaland that such costsare legal obligationsofthe grantee/confractor,(2) the samecosts that havebeen treated asindirect costshave not beenclaimed as directcosts, (3) similartlpes of costshave been accorded consistent freatment,and (4) informationprovided by the grantee/contractorwhich was usedto establishthe ratesis not later found to be materiallyincomplete or inaccurateby the Federal Governnlent.In suchsituations the rate(s)would be sub.jectto renegotiationat the discretionof'the I;ederalGovernment. AL'DIT: All Federalcosts, direct and indirect are sub.ject to audit. Adjustmentsto amountsresulting fiorn auditof thecost allocation plan or indirectcost rate proposal upon which thenegotiation of this agreementu'as based will be compensatedfor in a subsequentnegotiation. C ACCOLNTING CHANGES: The ratescontained in this agreementare basedon the accountingsyslem in effect at the time the proposalwas preparedand the rateswere negotiated.Changes to the mlthod of accounting, ll'hich affect the amountof reimbursementresulting from the useof theserates, require the prior approvalof this office. Failure to obtainsuch approval may result in subsequentcost disallolvances. D. FIXED RA'IES: If a fixedrate is in thisAgreement, it is basedon an estimateof the costsfor thc period coveredby the rate. When the actualcosts for this period are determinecl,an a-dlustmentwill be madeto a rate of a future year(s)to conlpensatefor the clifferencebetween the costsused to establish the flxed rate and actualcosts. ts. NOTIFICATION TO FBDERAL AGENCIES: Copiesof thisclocument may be providedro orher Federaloffices as a meansofnotifying themofthe ratesagreed to herern. IIY'1Ilh OIt(iANlZAI ION: ON BIIHAI-F OIII'l Ih lil:.1)EI{A l. (iOVERNM FN'l UnivcrsityCorporation lbr AdvancedInternel NationalScience Foundation Development(tlCAfD) (Organization) (Atgncy) ( "'r,rr,,lt , .o/l//(,,1,(lrJrror- (Signature) '.-r-l \ ) . i -5 c{'\-\[{u ^ _\'t In\('-- Carol S. Orlando (Name) (Name) ---h -- , 'iu Team Lead for Indirect Costs ]), r . k'" , si .."r2 Ori-oJ ) on.,-t
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