C6|> I Lilrvoiu PAINTINGS FROM THE METROPOLITAN PINTURAS DEL METROPOLITANO Presented by The Metropolitan Museum of Art Presentado por el Museo Metropolitano de Arte in cooperation with the Bronx Council on the Arts en cooperation con el Concilio del Bronx Sobre las Artes May 12 - June 13, 1971 mayo 12 a junio 13, 1971 In the Rotunda of the Bronx County Courthouse En la Rotunda del Bronx County Court House cr 1.0 THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART NEW YORK, N.Y. 10028 April 29, 1971 Mrs. Irma L. Fleck Executive Director, The Bronx Council on the Arts, Inc. 57 East l8Uth Street Bronx, New York 10^68 , Dear Irma, Congratulations to you and the other members of The Bronx Council on the Arts upon the realization of your hard-fought quest for a permanent museum facility in the Bronx! Needless to say, I am delighted that the Metropolitan Museum'of Art, in presenting this exhibition of important paintings from its collections, has the opportunity to initiate the Bronx Museum of the Arts. It is indeed the fitting culmination of a long and close working relationship. For us too, it is a first - a major loan to a community organization. Coming shortly after our 101st birthday, "Paintings From The Metropolitan" is a significant embodiment of the Museum's commitment to community service. I would like to take this opportunity also to extend my thanks to Borough President Robert Abrams, the Department of Public Works and the LLth Precinct of the New York Police Department for the enthusiasm displayed in assisting the staff of the Museum in assembling this exhibition. Such borough-wide cooperation makes "Paintings From The Metropolitan" an appropriate contribution to Bronx Day. Best wishes and continued success. Sincerely, 179231 PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF THE BRONX BRONX COUNTY BUILDING BRONX, N. Y. 10451 ROBERT ABRAMS PRESIDENT April 26, 1971 Mr. Thomas P. Hoving, Director Metropolitan Museum of Art 5th Avenue and 82nd Street New York, N.Y. 10028 Dear Mr. Hoving: I am delighted that the Metropolitan Museum of Art will be sponsoring a loan exhibition from its world renowned art collection in the Bronx County Building from May 12th - June 12, 1971. This event marks the first time such an exhibition has taken place in the Borough of The Bronx. I am certain that thousands of Bronxites will take advantage of this unique opportunity. As usual our own Bronx Council on the Arts was instrumental in organizing this important exhibition. I hope that the Metropolitan Museum of Art in conjunction with the BCA and other civic organizations will continue this important role of bringing cultural events and activities directly to citizens of all the Boroughs of New York City. For too long the Bronx has been neglected by the major cultural institutions of New York City. Perhaps this exhibit will usher in a new cultural era for The Bronx. Ververy sincerely, 4oBERT ABRAMS RA:ep The Bronx Council on the Arts, Inc. 57 East 184th Street Bronx, New York 10468 (212) 733-2100-01 HONORARY CHAIRMAN Hon. Robert Abrams President, Borough of the Bronx HONORARY VICE-CHAIRMEN Dr. James A. Colston The Rev. William G. Kalaidjian 25 April 1971 Or. Morris Meister Rt. Rev. Msgr. Gustav J. Schultheiss Mr. Thomas P.F. Hoving Rabbi Shulem Rubin Director, CHAIRMAN Metropolitan Museum of Art Mr. Gerald Klot Fifth Avenue at 82nd Street VICE-CHAIRMAN New York, New York 10028 Prof. William C. Woolfson SECRETARY TO THE BOARD Dear Tom: Mrs. August F. Hanzlik RECORDING SECRETARY It is with great pride and pleasure that we welcome Mrs. Manuel Ramos to The Bronx this major exhibition from The Metro­ TREASURER politan Museum of Art presented especially to the Mr. John Youle people of the Bronx. It is a realization of our mutual LEGAL COUNSEL goal of bringing great works of art to "where the Mortimer M. Rothstein, Esq. people are." EXECUTIVE BOARD Mr. Melvin Blauvelt We are grateful to The Metropolitan Museum of Art Mrs. Edward Bramson for its vision in presenting this magnificent show Mrs. Arthur Casher in The Bronx, and to the Department of Public Works Mrs. Oscar Comras for providing the facility for it at the Rotunda of Mr. W. Roy Cowan Mr. Donald Darcy the Bronx County Building. Mr. Monserrat Flores Mrs. Ernestine Hill This exhibition is a forerunner of a series of shows Mr. William Hopkins to be held in the Rotunda under the auspices of the Dr. Elizabeth Jacobs newly established Bronx Museum of the Arts. We hope Mrs. Viola Rosenheck New Yorkers will applaud this encouraging development Dr. Sol Shaviro Miss Jane Shipton in the improvement of the quality of life in this Mr. Walfredo Toscanlni city. Prof. William Vorenberg Mr. Gerard J. Weber Sincerely yours Prof. Vhrfenne T. Wechtor Mr. Jack L Walker Mr. Ronald Zuccaro Irma L. Fleck Executive Director EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Mrs. Henry Fleck ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This exhibition could not possibly have been put on without the extra­ ordinary cooperation of many individuals throughout the Museum. Of that significant number, I would like to thank specifically James Pilgrim, Asso­ ciate Curator of American Paintings and Sculpture and Irvine MacManus, Assistant for Community Programs, for coordinating the exhibition; Linda Lovell and Melanie Yaggy of the Department of Public Education for their assistance in preparing the catalogue; Everett Fahy, Curator in Charge of European Paintings, Henry Geldzahler, Curator of Twentieth Century Art, John K. Howat, Curator of American Paintings and Sculpture, and their departments for their cooperation in selecting the paintings and making catalogue information available; Stuart Silver, Manager of Exhibition Design and his staff for the design and installation of the exhibition; Richard R. Morsches, Operating Administrator, Joseph P. McMahon, Assistant Superin­ tendent, and George McKenna, Manager of the Security Department for overcoming the challenges of construction and security. Harry S. Parker III Vice-Director for Education The Metropolitan Museum of Art PAINTINGS FROM THE METROPOLITAN PINTURAS DEL METROPOLITANO The twenty-eight paintings in this exhibition are by Las veintiocho pinturas en esta exhibicii'n son por dis- distinguished European and American artists who tinguidos artistas europeos y americanos que han pin­ have painted during the past three centuries. All of tado durante los ultimos tres siglos. Todos los impor- the major subjects or themes which have concerned tantes temas que han preocupado a los artistas desde la epoca del Renacimiento estan representadas aquf— artists since the Renaissance are represented here— pinturas historicas y religiosas, retratos, desnudos, history and religious painting, portraiture, the nude, paisajes, paisajes marinos, naturalezas muertas y es- landscape, seascape, still life, and scenes of everyday cenas de la vida diaria llamadas pinturas "genre" (de activity called genre painting. The paintings have been genero). Los cuadros han sido agrupados por tema grouped by these subjects to emphasize the great vari­ para dar entasis a la gran variacion del estilo, sentido ation of style, mood, and technique that different y tecnica que han usado sus autores en la representa­ artists bring to similar themes. For example, the gen­ tion de temas parecidos. Por ejemplo: el tierno mun- tle, private world of Edward Hicks' Peaceable King­ do privado de la obra Peaceable Kingdom (Reino de dom is juxtaposed with Benjamin West's grand, public Paz) esta yuxtapuesta al gran espectaculo publico de spectacle The Battle of La Hogue. Vincent Van Benjamin West, The Battle of La Hogue (La Batalla Gogh's intensely expressive vision of Cypresses con­ de La Hogue). La intensa expresion en The Cypresses (Los Cipreses) de Vincent Van Gogh hace contraste trasts with Albert Bierstadt's descriptive realism in con el realismo descriptivo de la obra Sunrise on the Sunrise on the Matterhorn. The viewer is encouraged Matterhorn (Amancer en el Matterhorn). Se aconseja to make these comparisons. al espectador que haga esta y otras comparaciones James F. Pilgrim semejantes de las obras en esta exhibition. Associate Curator James F. Pilgrim American Paintings Curador Asociado and Sculpture Departamento de Pinturas y Esculturas Americanas HISTORY PAINTING PINTURAS HISTORICAS 1. THE BATTLE OF LA HOGUE, 1778 THE BATTLE OF LA HOGUE, 1778 (La Batalla de La Hogue), 1778 by Benjamin West, American, 1738-1820 por Benjamin West, americano, 1738-1820 Oil on canvas, 6472 x 96 inches oleo, 64'/2 x 96 pulgadas Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 64.57 Fondo de Harris Brisbane Dick, 64.57 Benjamin West was born in Philadelphia, studied art Benjamin West nacio en Filadelfia, estudio arte en in Europe, and in 1772 became historical painter to Europa, y en 1772 se convertio en pintor historico King George III of England. Supported by this royal del Rey Jorge III de Inglaterra. Apoyado por el pa- patronage. West chose great moments in British his­ tronaje real. West escogio pintar a manera grandiosa grandes momentos en la historia britanica. tory and painted them in a grand manner. La batalla de La Hogue se peleo en 1692 y termino en The battle of La Hogue was fought in 1692 and was un encuentro naval entre las flotas combinadas de climaxed by a naval encounter between the combined Inglaterra y Holanda contra la marina francesa en la English and Dutch fleets and the French fleet in the Bahi'a de La Hogue, cerca de Cherbourg, Francia. Las Bay of La Hogue near Cherbourg, France. The victor­ victoriosas marinas de los ingleses y los holandeses ious English and Dutch navies were commanded by fueron comandadas por el almirante George Rooke, Admiral George Rooke, pictured holding a sword on quien se ve empunando una espada al lado izquierdo de la pintura. the left. West se preocupo mas en capturar el espi'ritu del acto West was more concerned with capturing the spirit of que en reflejar precisamente el momento historico.
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