File ID Number: HWCB20161057 DEO/DWM/Hazardous Waste Section NCO/NCR (other) Number: NCD066292384 Facility Name: Milliken & Co Golden Valley Plant Address: 2080 NC Hwy 226 City: Bostic County: Rutherford File Date Range: 9/20/82-1/28/97 Document Type (s) X Inspection Reports *NOV (See Comments) * Compliance Orders/Settlement Agreement (See Comments) *(Provide NOV Type, Docket Number and Date of NOV in Comment Section) Correspondence/Letters Pictures (Tape to a full sheet of paper) ** Name Change and Date of Change ** (Write Name Change Information in Comment Section) Sampling Data Other Information (See Comments) Comments: Box ID Number: / Hazardous Waste Section File Room Document Transmittal Sheet 17 Your Name: Spring Allen (061) EPA ID: N C D 0 · 6 6 2 9 2 3 8 4 Facility Name: Milikin Golden Valley Plant Document Group: Inspection/Investigation (I) Document Type: Other (0) Description: CEis I CSEs I and other corespondence between the dates of9-23- 1982 & 1-28-1997 Date ofDoc: 112811997 Author of Doc: various File Room Use Only NCD066292384 Month Day Year Date Recieved by File Room: Scanner's Initials: Date Scanned: State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management ,-.·-~~._-: .._._-]~ ......,_, ... m a 11!1111. .sa a James B. Hunt. Jr .. Governor Jonathan B. Howes. Secretary DEHNR Nann B. Guthrie, Regional Manager Asheville Regional Office January 28, 1997 Anthony Lowdenback Milliken- Golden Valley Plant Rt. 2, Hwy. 226 Bostic, North Carolina 28018 Re: Investigation concerning alleged disposal activities at the Golden Valley Plant Dear Mr. Lowdenback: After reviewing the steps you and your facility have taken to investigate the allegations presented to you, I find that there is no validity to any of the claims. This letter will be filed along with your written response dated January 6, 1997. If you have any further concerns or questions, please contact me at (704) 251-6208. Thank you for your prompt and comprehensive reply to these allegations. Sincerely:, ~_j)j/ ,.-<7 ,Ct) !A~~ Roberta Pursell, CHMM Hazardous Waste Section cc: Keith Masters "!ITes- j • I Interchange Building. 59 Woodfin Place. Asheville. N.C. 28801 Telephone 704-251-6208 fAX 70-1-251-6452 An Eqllal Opportunity Afflrmallve Acllon Fmployer 50'X. mcyclod/l!R posl-consumer paper MILLIKEN January 6, 1997 Roberta Pursell, CHMM Waste Management Specialist Hazardous waste Section NCDEHNR Asheville Regional Office 59 Woodfine Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Investigation Results and Conclusions Allegations Concerning Buried Solid or Hazardous Waste Golden Valley Plant Dear Ms. Pursell: This letter addresses the concerns raised during your December 10, 1996 visit (with Mr. Keith Masters) to the Golden Valley Plant in connection with a set of related allegations received in the NCDEHNR's Raleigh Office. In response to the allegations you presented to us during your visit, Milliken management has conducted an intensive internal investigation. We have found no connection between these allegations and the facts, and have concluded that these allegations are groundless. The allegations investigated, as well as our findings, are summarized below. Chemicals Buried on Plant Property Allegation: Chemicals were buried, at some time within the last three to ten years, on Plant property that was leased to a hunting club. Findings: In 1992, some property at the plant site was leased to a hunting club (composed of Golden Valley associates) for one year. Plant personnel likely to have knowledge of any such burial duringthe time frame of interest were contacted, and none reported any activity involving burial of chemicals on any part of the plant site. A careful inspection of the "Hunt Club" property was made, with no Golden Valley Plant, Rt. 2, Hwy. 226, Bostic, North Carolina 28018, Tel. (704) 248-2050 evidence of any burial or dump site. Some construction debris (i.e., concrete, steel and wood) from a 1987 renovation ofthe plant was buried on site, but was not buried on the "Hunt Club" portion of the site. As a manufacturer of open end spun yarn, Golden Valley Plant has not been a large-volume user of chemicals, and especially RCRA-hazardous chemicals, over the past ten years. Chemical use records during this time period have been reviewed, and no discrepancies in chemical quantities purchased, used, and disposed of have been found. Prior to 1987, the plant was used for the manufacture of textured yarn. The major chemical used during this period was synthetic yarn oil, manufactured by Milliken Chemical. At the time of this transition, unused oil was shipped to other Milliken manufacturing facilities for use or was returned to the manufacturer (also a Milliken facility) for disposal. Arsenic-Containing Cotton Buried on Property Allegation: Cotton having hazardous levels of arsenic is buried on Plant property; disposal of this material had been refused by the Rutherford County Landfill. Findings: In 1989, a contractor caused a fire in cotton bales being processed inside the Golden Valley Plant. About 6,000 pounds of cotton were affected. Because the fire could not be otherwise suppressed, the cotton was removed, doused with water, and buried on site, with about 3-4 feet of earthen cover, to smother the fire. The Rutherford County Landfill was not contacted or involved in any way. Some cotton grown in West Texas prior to 1993 contained arsenic residues from a defoliant used by farmers in the region. It could not be determined with certainty whether any of the buried cotton contained this defoliant. Accordingly, the area containing the buried cotton was trenched with a backhoe and representative samples of the buried cotton were taken from several different locations at the burial site. A TCLP for arsenic was performed on a composited sample; the result was less than the detection limit (i.e., <0.25 mg/kg) and well below the RCRA hazardous waste threshold of 5.0 mg/kg. The test results from the laboratory accompany this letter. The current condition of the cotton (compressed and decomposed) makes excavation and off-site disposal impractical. Drinking Water Contaminated by Buried Chemicals or Cotton Allegation: Drinking water that would be used by the Plant has been contaminated by the buried chemicals or cotton, requiring the use of bottled water by the Plant. Findings: Prior to mid-1992, drinking water at the Plant was obtained from a well on plant property. Due to elevated, but naturally-occurring, levels of iron and manganese in the grmmdwater at tlus site and the smrounding community (a condition known to the Department), bottled water has been used for drinking pmposes witmn the Plant, since that time. Analytical results of testing performed on the drinking water (i.e., groundwater) distribution system (samples taken September 16, 1996) indicate no pesticides or synthetic organic contaminants, and only a trace of one volatile organic chemical (chloroform at 0.7 ppb). Corresponding inorganic test results (samples taken November 13 , 1996) indicate measmable concentrations of iron, manganese, and several other chenucals (see accompanying laboratory test results). We believe tms information indicates clearly that these allegations are groundless and without merit. Please let me know if any further action on om part will be necessary prior to om considering tlus matter closed. My telephone number is 704-248-2050. Very truly yours, Anthony Lowdenback CONSl)LTJNO I:NGINFa§ LA'flQRATQTW SEBYIW WAn:R &.SEWER DESIGN NPDES MONlTORING 1NDUS11UAL WASTES WA'T'EA ANALYSlS. ORANI'S &. PERMITS P.O. Box S6SS. Gt=MDe. SC 29606 MONnoRINO WELL ~AL"tSJS HAZARDOUS WASTES PhaDe (864) 232-15.56 • PAX (864) 233-90S8 TREATABIUTY snJDIES SUBDMSIONS Ta.P ANAL YS1S . RECREAnONAL FACILlllES SAMPUNO &. PlCC:-lJP : LABORATORY SERVICES CLIENT: MILLIKEN AND COMPANY PAGE 1 · GOLDER VALLEY PLAIIT ATTERTIOJI: LEIGH NATIOIIS 2080 NC HWY. 226 BOSTIC, NC 28018 DATE RECEIVED: 12/26/1996 DATE REPORTED: 12/31/1996 N.C. LABORATORY CERT.IFICATE IWJIBER - 27 f SAKPLE NUKBER SAMPLE DESCR·IPTIOH 99675 COTTOH •1 COftPOSITE OH 12/26/96 AT 11:5~ 70ZZCI7F CHARACTERISTIC LEACBIJIG PROCEDUil£ REGULATORY TCLP Y. SPIKE PARAMETER LEVEL, mg/L RESULT, mg/L RECOVERY ARSENIC 5.0 <0.25 105 COHTIHUED OH PAGE 2 WHITE· CLIENT YELLOW • COPY 0 0 o' 0 - •• _ .... 0 000 0 0 --· o•o-MOO- 0 '4 CQNSUL"TJNG ENOJ'NEEBS LADQRAIORXS~ WA'IER &. SEWER DESION NPO'ES MONll'O£liNG . lNCUSltUAL WASTF.S WATER ANALYSlS WEU. ORANTS &. PERMITS P.O. B~ S6SS, 01!eiMUc. SC 29606 MONITOIUNO ANALYSIS HAZARDOUS WASTES PboGe (16&) 231·1556 • PAX (864) 233-9058 lREATABJUI'Y STUDlFS SUBDMSlONS TC.P ANALYSlS RECU:ATIONAL FACILlllES SAMPUNG &. 'PlCX·uP LABORATORY SERVICES CLIENT: HILLIKER AND COMPANY PAGE 2 · GOLDER VALLEY PLAKT ATTERTIOJI: LEIGH IIATJ:OIIS DATE RECEIVED: 12/26/1996 · DATE REPORTED: 12/31/1996 II. C. LABORATORY CERTIFICATE BUilBER - 27 SAMPLE HUMBER SAMPLE DESCRIPTION I 99675 COTTON #1 COMPOSITE OH 12/26/96 AT 1·1 :59 AIULYSES CBRDIIIJLOGY SAMPLE# PARAMETER DATE/TIME ANALYZED ftETHOD# ANALYST 99675 ARSENIC 12/31 e 08:32 6010A .JOHES TCLP EXTRACTION: START: 12/26 e 16:00 1311 J'OHES/~!lONJ? STOP: 12/27 @ 08:35 .. .... TCLP EXTRACTION FLUID DETERMIHATIOH: INITIAL pH : EXTRACTION FLUID USED . FINAL pH OF EXTRACTION . REPORTED BY: SAM W. AVERY. LABORATORY DIRECTOR CC: GLED STOllER WHrrE • CU£NT YELLOW· COPY PINK· FU.E ····-·-- .......---·····: ... ... RCRIS-COVER SHEET FIELD ACTIVITIES Facility Name: Milliken Complaint EPA ID: City: Bostic, NC Zip: 28018 Agency: ~ Type: oth Reason: 04 Date: 10 Dec 1996 Person: 063 Branch: 01 Evaluation comments: Citizen Complaint .......... 't •• DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, BEALTH and NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT HAZARDOUS WASTE SECTION REPORT Subject: Milliken Complaint Location: Rutherford Date: 10 Dec 1996 Date closed: Address: 2080 NC Hwy 226 Time spent: 2 City: Bostic, NC State: NC Zip: 28018 By Whom: Roberta Pursell Persons contacted: Anthony Lowdenback, Plant Manager Lee Nations, Environmental Coordinator Reason for visit: complaint Copies to: Keith Masters REPORT: Milliken Complaint, Bostic: Investigated the alleged disposal of arsenic contaminated cotten and chemicals on property owned by this company.
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