September 8, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H7961 Tammy Jackson, Monica Lamb, Mila Nikolich, As I speak, our Trade ambassador is would continue to swell the record set- Jennifer Rizzotti, Sheryl Swoopes, Tina being advised at the APEC summit in ting trade deficits that we seem to find Thompson, Polina Tzekova, Amaya New Zealand by an individual who just each month in dealing with China. Valdermoro, and Kara Wolters for giving our 2 weeks ago was a lobbyist for Boeing, Think about that because the ugly children s-heroes to look up to. I also salute while his predecessor is now a lobbyist truth in this report which we are not their coach, Van Chancellor, their owner, Les for a satellite manufacturer with ex- allowed to read because it is damaging Alexander and the people of Houston for giv- tensive dealings in the People's Repub- to the agenda of the Republican leader- ing us another reason to celebrate women in lic of China. ship in Congress, to the President and sports. Think about that the next time you the administration, and to leaders in f read or hear about a textile worker in corporate America because it is dam- Georgia or an assembly line worker in aging to them, it is admitting that the SPECIAL ORDERS Detroit or Cleveland who loses her job People's Republic of China into the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under to a flood of Chinese goods, products WTO is the ultimate remedy for our the Speaker's announced policy of Jan- that are made by workers that can be burgeoning trade deficit with the uary 6, 1999, and under a previous order arrested, tortured, even executed for world's worst abuser of human rights. of the House, the following Members trying to organize a trade union. Think Mr. Speaker, this is absurd. The will be recognized for 5 minutes each: about their lives and the lives of their American people should demand that f families and the well-being of their the report be released and we should communities because the USTR is not once and for all be allowed to finally The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a going to hire these workers, Microsoft democratize our trade policies. For too previous order of the House, the gen- is not going to employ them as com- long our voters, the men and women tleman from Kansas (Mr. MORAN) is puter engineers, Wall Street is not who send us here, have been shut out of recognized for 5 minutes. going to take care of these laid off this arena and they deserve to know (Mr. MORAN of Kansas addressed the workers by allowing them to share the exactly what our trade bureaucrats and House. His remarks will appear here- wealth either. their corporate allies have in store. after in the Extensions of Remarks.) And while we are left wondering how Mr. Speaker, say no to WTO acces- f to help our workers and their families sion for the communist government The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a recover from the latest flood of prison and the People's Republic of China. previous order of the House, the gen- labor imports or how we get the Peo- f tleman from Virginia (Mr. SCOTT) is ple's Liberation Army to back down recognized for 5 minutes. from its threats against Taiwan, STEENS MOUNTAIN (Mr. SCOTT addressed the House. His maybe we should take a closer look at The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. remarks will appear hereafter in the how exactly our proposed World Trade TERRY). Under a previous order of the Extension of Remarks.) Organization deal with China will af- House, the gentleman from Oregon (Mr. f fect American business and American WALDEN) is recognized for 5 minutes. workers. Mr. WALDEN of Oregon. Mr. Speak- USTR PREPARING TO GIVE CHINA Just last week, the International er, last weekend I had the great for- MEMBERSHIP IN WTO Trade Commission released a report de- tune of visiting with the ranchers and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a tailing the benefits a China WTO deal individual citizens who live on and previous order of the House, the gen- would have on our economy, a report around Steens Mountain in Harney tleman from Ohio (Mr. BROWN) is rec- based on the false promises that Zhu County. ognized for 5 minutes. made during his Washington visit last I traveled many miles over a majes- Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, as April. False promises because time and tic loop road that takes in the magnifi- incredible as it sounds, the bureaucrats time again the communist Chinese cent views of the vistas overlooking from the United States Trade Rep- Government has not lived up in China the Kiger Gorge and the Alvord Desert resentative's Office are once again pre- to a single pledge to open its market to and the Little Blitzen Gorge. I also paring to give their comrades in the foreign competition. flew over these breathtaking areas and People's Republic of China membership Every memorandum of under- actually got on a horse and rode to the in the World Trade Organization. We standing, every bilateral trade pact ridgetops of the Roaring Springs Ranch saw the same thing happen last April that our USTR, our Trade representa- to look at the Steens Mountains. when the Chinese autocrat Zhu Rongji tive, has negotiated with the Chinese Many individuals who live on and was here in Washington. and touted as proof that China is around the mountain accompanied me The USTR was feverishly working to changing has been completely ignored as we looked at the management and further open our wallets to the world's by the central planners in Beijing. Yet multiple uses occurring on Steens largest nonmarket country; a nation the American people, including those Mountain. These farmers, ranchers, that is ruled by corrupt tyrants with of us here in Congress, are not even al- guides and others are the ones whose absolutely no respect for the rule of lowed to read the Trade Commission livelihoods would be significantly af- law or the basic human and political report which was paid for by our tax fected by actions of those who are freedoms of its people; a nation that dollars. thousands of miles away, those who buys less of our goods than Belgium, These are not nuclear weapons codes. perhaps have never seen the Steens or one that steals our nuclear secrets, a These are not blueprints for a new gen- set foot on its soil. country that proliferates weapons of eration of microprocessors. These are Let me tell my colleagues like Steve mass destruction, and has the audacity not top secret materials. This is mere- Hammond, who is the latest generation to threaten the people of Taiwan for ly a government report on how a World in his family to ranch and raise his wanting the very same political free- Trade Organization deal for China will family on the Steens or Fred Otley, dom that lets us debate these issues in affect the U.S. economy. who works early mornings and late this chamber. Yet the bureaucrats at USTR are de- nights on his family's ranch taking liberately withholding information care of the cattle while handling the b 2015 from the American people and from politics of the mountain, all the while I have said it before, and I will say it this Congress. The only thing we have seeking new and improved range man- again. Wei Jingshang, a man who spent been able to read is a tiny summary agement techniques or Dan Nichols, a nearly decades in Chinese prisons for that ominously warns that even under rancher and county commissioner who having the nerve to fight for democ- the best circumstances, meaning for is involved in the tourist industry racy, told me that it is American busi- the first time ever China actually lives through his family's bed and breakfast ness executives and their political con- up to its promises to reform, if in fact and an excellent one I must say, while nections that serve as the vanguard of that would happen, even then, under still trying to manage the affairs of the the communist revolution of the Chi- the best circumstances, a WTO deal county; Stacey Davies, a young ranch nese in the United States. would barely increase our exports and manager who with his wife Elaine is.
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