Picturesque Port Washington Boaters in the know head to Port Washington, Wisconsin for terrific fishing. But part of the fun of visiting for the first time is exploring the village’s delightful shops, food, New England charm and lighthouses, RAD GEGARE/COURTESY B and then passing the discovery along to other boaters. PHOTO BY BY PHOTO VISITPORTWASHINGTON.COM OF by Jodie Jacobs 56 MAY 2017 | LAKELANDBOATING.COM LAKELANDBOATING.COM | MAY 2017 57 Milwaukee 58 Street Franklin WASHINGTON MAY 2017 PORT Sheboygan |LAKELANDBOATING.COM Lake Michigan restaurants.” Cherny. “Walkafewstepsandyouareatseveralpubs you areattheDocksideDeli,”saysHarbormasterDennis and“Step offtheboat downtown PortWashington. find to things todointheareathatyou’llwantstayawhile. Washington Marina.Youwillfindenoughrestaurantsand Port at the to dock lights two these between channel the Enter breakwater. on thesouth light flashing green small Light —anunusual,artdeco-stylelighthouseanda port intoacharming acommercial that evolved village. from asmall town Washington, belulled intocruising pastPort don’t of thePortWashington HistoricalSociety. codirectorand Washington” “Port of author Smith, D. “Rick” dating backto1879,according localhistorianRichard town hastheoldestman-madeharbor ontheGreatLakes, bricks andotheritemssentthrough theGreatLakes.The surrounding farms,hidesfromthe localtannery,cordwood, grew inimportancecommercial shippingofgrainsfrom Executive DirectorKathyTank. CouncilTourism destination,” says boaters’ a is Washington “lake effect”hereismorethanjustaweatherphrase.“Port With adowntownthatabutsPortWashingtonMarina, Lake power W You don’tneedtowalkanyfurtherthanacrossthestreet Look fortheflashingredlightonNewPierhead Port Washington,foundedin1835asWisconsinCity, fairly quiet between Milwaukee and Sheboygan, but fairly MilwaukeeSheboygan, and between quiet Lake Michigan coastlineappearstobe isconsin’s exhibits, including thenewSS Port Washington inpermanentcollectionsand rotating not takeanythingfromtheboats.” means diverscandivedownand look[atshipwrecks]but offshore. “We’reproposingone for PortWashington.It “We wanttogetthenextgenerationinterestedinlake.” Oceanic andAtmosphericAdministration(NOAA). erosion. ThereisalsoaliveweatherfeedfromtheNational interest, lakedepthandwhatishappeningregarding information onshipscurrentlypassingthetown,pointsof Museum, whichisonthenorthbluffabovedowntown. Station and Light Lighthouse 1860 the and Exploreum, Port Washington HistoricalSociety.TheSocietyoverseesthe the Portdirector of Chrusciel, executive ship,” saysWayneF. Milwaukee andTwoRivers,Wisconsin. spaces tolearnthewhereaboutsof50shipwrecksbetween interactive LakeMichiganTablewherevisitorscantapon Exploreum onFranklinStreet.Thismuseumhasaspectacular get everyoneoffoftheotherintime.” everyone on-board,”Smithsays.“Thelocalswereableto the samestormin1856becauseofpierproblems.“Onelost duringdown went Two boats says. Smith into thelake,” out The Port Exploreum features artifacts from shipwrecks near shipwrecks from artifacts features Exploreum Port The His nextprojectisgettingaNational MarineSanctuary “This isaLakeMichiganlearninglab,”Chruscielsays. By tappingonothertablespots,museumvisitorscansee “It showstheshipsunderwater,includingChristmas If you’reinterestedinshipwrecks,stopatthePort “Alotofschoonerswouldtieupatpiersthatjuststuck Atlanta exhibit . Upstairs are PHoto coURTESY OF VISITPORTWASHington.com MUSEUM PHoto coURTESY OF PORT WASHington EXPloREUM; MARINA PHoto coURTESY OF TRAVELWISconSIN.com; LAUNCH PHoto coURTESY OF VISITPORTWASHington.com; SULLIVAN PHoto by BRAD gegaRE/coURTESY OF VISITPORTWASHington.com November 1,Cherny recommendsreservations. want toshopand dinedowntown.OpenfromApril 1to 30 transientslips,aswellshort tie-upsforboaterswho dock, whichareeasierforboaters touse.” docks weinstitutedandthepumpout systemsaddedtoeach recently renewed.“Partofthatisattributable tothefloating adopted,” Chernysays.Headdedthatthecertificationwas 2010, shortlyaftertheCleanMarinaCertificationruleswere Built bythecityin1982,marinawasrevamped2010. fish-prep facilitiestheharborhasafishcleaningstation. and rainbow,lakeorbrowntrout.Inadditiontothecharters’ Cherny says.WhattheycatchareCohoandChinooksalmon, in twotothreehourswiththeirmaximumcatch(30fish),” been goodforcharterboats,particularlyin2016. species havedecimatedcommercialfishing,thelakehas invasive eventhough that notes Cherny Harbormaster of theharbor, great view a with an upstairsmarinaoffice In Fish andslips when invasivespeciescamein.” “There’s nocommercialfishingnow;itendedaround1998 fishing familiesthatgobackfourandfivegenerations. Washington Port with labeled are stairs The era. fishing pictures andartifactsfromthetown’s135-yearcommercial Port Washington Marina Washington Port Exploreum Port Port WashingtonMarinaoffers220 deep-waterslipsand “We wereWisconsin’sfirstcertifiedCleanMarinain Cherny isparticularlyproudofhowcleanhismarinais. “Thefishinghereisphenomenal.Charterboatsareback “Originally itwaslikeashantytown,”Chruscielsays. Sheboygan spot thedelionEast MainStreetfromthemarina’s office. Or the DocksideDeli foraCedarCresticecreamcone. Youcan to PortWashington’stinyfour-block downtownbystartingat really meanFranklinStreet.Main isacrossstreet. the store,bakeryorrestaurantis on“MainStreet,”they exploring. Justknowthatwhenthe friendlylocalstellyou Dock orpark,andyou’rereadyforicecream,apub Shop andsip friendly eventlaunchesPortWashington’ssummerseason. the PirateFestivalfirstweekendinJune.Thisfamily- usually leaveSunday.” entire lakefront,sopeoplehavetobeinonFridayand marina closesbecausetheeventstartshereandcovers “We’re usuallybookedupthatweekendbyJanuary.The when nearly30,000peopledescendonthetown’slakeshore. Washington’s FishDayduringthethirdweekendofJuly, you mayalreadybetoolatetobookaslipduringPort according toAssistantHarbormasterLisaRathke.But trailer boatersfromIowa,MinnesotaandKansas.” says. “Wealsoget Cherny Port Washington,” rest andsee Milwaukee, andpeopledoingtheLoopwhostoptorefuel, boats. “Wegetboatersfromacrossthelake,Chicagoand is alsoapopulardestinationforpeoplewhotrailertheir Dennis Sullivan If you like to travel by your stomach, you can orient yourself orient can you stomach, your by travel to like you If during is the marina at dock to time popular Another Rathkesays. fish fry,” all-day largest “It’s theworld’s Reservations arehighlyrecommendedforJulyandAugust, Washington Port however; water, by comes everyone Not Lake Michigan PORT WASHINGTON Boat launch Boat Milwaukee LAKELANDBOATING.COM | MAY 2017 59 Visitor’s Center Pebble House "The fishing here is phenomenal. Charter boats are back in two to three Daily Baking Company Schooner Pub & Grill hours with Two Over-the-Top Port Washington Festivals their maximum B oto com . walk over to Newport Shores at the north end of the marina Cross Grand on the way back down to see the Port R PU catch." PH Fish Day Pirate Fest on Jackson Street. Chosen as one of America’s Best Seafood Washington Visitor Center’s located in the Pebble House, EAD OONE Started in the mid-1960s, Port Washington Fish Day’s reputation You might not think pirates — historically known to bury treasure on ington R H B C Dives by Coastal Living magazine, Newport Shores offers fresh originally the mid-1800s home of blacksmith Edward ; SH draws more than 30,000 hungry visitors from nearby communities ocean isles — would find Port Washington. But with a few exceptions, A F S F W O seafood dishes and a daily fish fry with Lake Michigan views. Dodge and his wife, Elizabeth. They gathered smooth T Y and out-of-state boaters. they annually come ashore the first weekend of June for fun and R TEELE S O S If you’re already on Franklin Street, relax at Schooner Pub stones from Sauk Creek and used them for the exterior P TE What: Basically, it’s a fundraiser for nine local fraternal and service games, or as the locals say, for “merriment and mayhem.” In 2017, they IT S UR I & Grill, or at St. James Pub, known for its large selection of their home. Stop in at the Visitor’s Center to say hello MIKE organizations. Expect nine booths along the marina mainly dishing are expected to return June 2-4. co F V F by O of beer and whiskey. to Kathy Tank. Y out fish and chips; there are chicken tenders and other food bites, as Even though it’s a popular festival that draws thousands of visitors oto S Downtown on Main Street, you’ll find Vines to Cellar. This “The question I get from boaters is ‘where can I get ice oto TE well. The event features an early morning fun run, a huge parade, a by land and sea, Pirate Fest spreads across three days, so the crowds R PH UR micro-winery produces a full selection of wines, and offers a cream?’ ” she says. Tank is also asked about dress code when S. PH O ba co ; R classic car show, an arts and crafts show, a carnival, helicopter rides along the shore don’t feel quite as jammed as during Fish Day. B complete wine tasting bar to sample their wines. You can also she mentions the different restaurants in town. “We’re a S ITE H S and stage entertainment. What: Bands, sideshows with entertainers in period costumes, make your own wine with their winemaker! boating community in the summer so everything is casual.” oto EB MIT PH ; S W When: July 15, 2017 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. The fun run and shuttle food, a Thieves Marketplace of shops and souvenirs, dancers, If you’re driving in on U.S. Interstate 43, you will likely follow Back down at Franklin Street, stop in at Bernie’s Fine E R Wisconsin Highway 32 (Grand Avenue) into town. Park where Meats. This is a
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