VER keenly appreciative that the first consideration in recording is Etonal purity, the Aeolian Company intends to pursue in the coming year the policy that has proved so successful in the year that has just closed-that of selecting artists whose art has that peculiar and subtle quality that makes for perfect musical results. This policy, combined with the improved system of recording employed by the Aeolian Company, has resulted in such a high standard that purchasers have found that they can select with confidence from the catalogue when it is not possible for them to hear a record played before deciding. Special attention has been given recently to further perfecting the already justly celebrated ` Vocalion ' Dance Records, and in this bulletin will be found two double-sided " Brown Labels" (Nos. M-1096 and M-1097) which bear evidence of this effort. ERIC MARSHALL (Daritone) Non piä andrai. " Le Nozze di Figaro " (No longer play the lover's part). Mozart. In Italian. With The Aeolian Orchestra.(Red Label) C-01025. 12" 7/6 HIS spirited and martial air from "The Marriage of T Figaro," which was a great favourite with Mozart himself, is magnificently sung by Mr. Marshal], backed by a fine or- chestral accompaniment. It is certainly no exaggeration to say that Eric Marshall possesses as fine a voice as any baritone before the public at the present time. Further than this, he sings operatic arias of this description in the true Italian style and spirit, thus adding enormously to the worth of the record. CAROLINE HATCHARD (Soprano) Waltz Song "Torn Jones." Edw. German. With The Aeolian Or. (Red Label) chestra C-01086 12" 7/6 THIS Waltz Song, with its intriguing and lilting melody, is too well-known to require description, It is, however, our privilege to add that Caroline aia Lýuaiu is III uer napplest vein in this record, which will appeal to all classes of music lovers, especially as there is an extra. ordinarily fine accompaniment by the Aeolian Orchestra, KATHLEEN DESTOURNEL (Soprano) The Piper of Love. Molly Carew. WY7v0 At Ilrnanie " Tl,n ('n_ 1 kLiuc i.uucij optimists.-Melvillc r Gideon. R-6100 10" 5/6 With The Aeolian Orchcstra . H ERE is a further triumph in the art of recording by another popular `Vocation' Artiste. Kathleen Destournel has recently been adding very consider- ably to her laurels both in operatic and concert work, and judging by the perfect reproduction of her delightful soprano voice in these two very harpily chdsen songs, she has inspired those responsible for the recording to even more than usu_iL:y successful efforts. LESLIE SCOTT (Baritone) A Bachelor Gay. " The Maid the Mountains." Jas. W. cd . (Black Label) Tate. With Orchestral ace. X-5168 10" 4/- Queen of my Heart. "Dorothy." Alfrcd Cellier. With Orch. ace. ARTHUR BURNS (Tenor) There's 8IIver in your Hair (But there's Gold within your Heart). David Wright. With (Black Label) Orchestral accompaniment . X-9167 10" At- Ship 0' Dreams. Francis. With Orchestral accompaniment . SIDNEY HAMILTON (Tenor) Eileen Adair. H. F. Best. (Brown Label) Caravan. Gene Williams. M-1095 10" 3f6 With Orchestral acc. T HE theatre-goer will be delighted with two old favourites from "Dorothy" and "The Maid of the Mountains," sung with manly spirit by that gifted baritone Leslie Scott, whilst Arthur Burns' sweet tenor voice is at its best in two sentimental ditties, which will always obtain encores. Sidney Hamilton gives us in " Eileen Adair " and Caravan," two songs, both of which are being sung in most of this season's leading pantomimes, LIONEL TERTIS (Viola) Petit Suite No. 2. d'Anzbrosio, arr. Tertis. Piano acc. Rondino. Kreisler. Piano acc. (Blue Label) R-6099 10" 5/6 L IONEL TERTIS has recently been very much in the public eye owing to his association with Arnold Bax, one of the greatest of our modern composers, who has done almost as much to popularize the Viola as a solo in- strument as Tertis himself. Record No. R-6099 contains two delightfully melodious ex- amples of Mr. Tertis' art, which cannot fail to please. MAURICE DAMBOIS ('Cello) Canzonetta. Die Port-Dambois Nocturne D. Chopin. .' (Black Label) in " X-91,69 4!- With Piano aces. 10° MAURICE DAMBOIS fully appreciates the demand there is for 'cello records of popular and melodious music, and he fulfils this general desire most admirably in giving us Chopin's best-known Nocturne, coupled with Du Port's very delightful little "Canzonetta," specially arranged for the'cello by Dambois himself. JEANNE MARIE DARRE (Piano) Prelude. Bach arr. Pick 17angiagalli Mouvement Perpetuel. Weber Ganz (Black Label) K-05062 12" 6j- of pianoforte solos by artists of note are re- R ECORDSmarkably scarce, especia ly at a popular price. It is, therefo-e, with great pleasure that we in- troduce \llle. Darre's initial ' Voca- lion' recordings. This famous young French pianiste has a technique little short of marvellous, and re- ceived great praise during her j recent visit to London. BAND OF H.M. Ist LIFE GUARDS (Under the direction of LT. H. ELDRIDGE) Peer Gynt Suite. No. 1-Morning l (Black Label) Peer Gynt Suite. No. 2 Death } - of K-05060 12' 6/- Ase. Grieg. J SO many requests have been received for records of the ever green Peer Gynt Suite by this famous Military Band that we have made a very special feature of recording this work, the first two numbers being both included in record K-05060. We are confident that never before has the natural charm of Grieg's most popular suite been more faithfully reproduced. " Solveig's Song," in which some very fine cornet solo work occurs, "Anitra's Dance" and "The Hall of the Mountain Kings " will, we have every reason to hope, be available for our next issue. CRITERION MALE QUARTET Darling Nellie Gray. Hanby-Shuttuch Unaccompanied (Brown Label) Sally in our Alley. Carey-Smith M-1094 10" 3/6 E XCELLENT voices, wonderful balance of tone and faultless rhythm, coupled with popularity of title will make this record a universal favourite. " Sally '' and 11 Nellie " both receive clever and sympathetic vocal treatment by this very fine male quartet. rr 10" (Brown Label) 3/6 All over nothing at all (Fox-trot). James Rule. Yerkes' S.S. Flotilla Orchestra Blue Danube Blus (Fox-trot).. Kern. Yerkes' S.S. Flotilla Orchestra Suez (Fox-trot). Ferdie Gr9re. Emil Coleman's Montmartre Orchestra Japanese Moon (Fox-trot). Austin Hamilton. Yerkes' S.S. Flotilla Orchestra . Romany Love (Fox-trot). J. S. 7aincnik. Bar Harbor Society Orchestra Deedle-Deedle Dum . (Pos-!rot!. Skcruntn-Cosloaý-.lfills. JI Emil Coleman's \luntmartre Orch^stra . Parade of the Wooden Soldiers (Fox-trot). " La Chauvel Souris." Leon Jessel. Metropolitan Dance Players The Yankee Doodle 6'ues (Fox-trot). Gershrin-Caesar-De I Sri Yerkes' S.S. Flotilla Orchestra vs. My Sweet Hortense (Fox-trot). lVallcr Donaldson. The Vocation Dance Orchestra Eileen Adair (Fox-trot). H. F. Bes!. The Vocation Dance Orchestra . Caravan (Fox-trot). Gene Williams. The Vocation Dance Orchestra Mr. Gattagher and Mr. Shean (One-step). Gallagher and Shcsn. The Vocalioa Dance Orchestra. T1-JE ' Vocalion ' dance record flag is kept very strongly flying both by the selection and treatment of the dance numbers included in this bulletin. The present or coming popularity of every title is assured, and the bands represented are, as usual, the best to be found in London and New York. The 'Vocalion ' Dance Orchestra has been completely reorganised and strengthened by the addition of several " stars " of the dance orchestra world, including the finest exponent of the Saxophone in this country, and their recordings of four numbers, which will be sung and whistled every- where this season, are full of " verve " and clever effects. i4I-1091 contains two splendid tunes, one of which- Suez "-is only just released in this country, whilst all who remember the clever dancing in " La Chauve Souris " at the Coliseum will want to possess Al-1093, which contains a clever fox-trot based on their inimitable " Parade of the Wooden Soldiers." YOUR DANCE MUSIC W NETHER or not music owes its erigin to the dance (and there is reason to believe that this is the case) there is no doubt that to-day the dance depends ent;rely on music, and that the dancers' enjoyment is made or marred by the orchestra. It is the privilege of the record to bring the great dance orchestras of the world to play for you. The rhythmic accent keeping perfect dance time, the melody that charms, the novel orchestral effect that appeals, these may be yours anywhere and at any time. Inter- preted to you through the medium of the perfected methods of 'Vocalion ' Recording, your verdict on the `Vocalion' Dance Record will be the same as that of the great author- ities in the dancing world. " Your records meet one's most exacting requirements ; indeed, they play with that rhythm, tone and time possessed only by the most expert dance orchestra."(Signed) JOSE COLLINS. I find your records exactly suited to my purpose, as they provide a perfect accompaniment for dancing-they have that rhythm and lilt which only the most expert dance orchestra can render." (Signed) PHYLLIS MONKMAN. " With the advent of the ' Vocalion' Records the most entrancing and perfectly played dance music is at one's command at a moment's notice."(Signed) LESLIE HENSON. " On my recent visit to the provinces I used 'Vocation' Records for all my dances; it is difficult even in London to get perfect time played for dancing, but the perfection of time with these records is so excellent that I intend in the future to use them for my dancing entirely." (Signed) NELSON KEYS.
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