
DOCKETED Docket Number: 19-SPPE-03 Project Title: Sequoia Data Center TN #: 232411 Document Title: The Mercury News ad for Santa Clara & San Jose area Mercury News ad for the Walsh/Sequoia Data Centers Joint- Description: Committee Conference, Feb. 26, 2020 Filer: Rosemary Avalos Organization: California Energy Commission Submitter Role: Public Advisor Submission Date: 3/16/2020 9:13:23 AM Docketed Date: 3/16/2020 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2020 111 BAY AREA NEWS GROUP B3 SACRAMENTO Audit criticizes privacy of some California police data By Adam Beam risdiction. The department Howle said the LAPD was said they allow all employ- requirements mandated Fresno Police Chief Andrew then stores that informa- the “most lax in its ap- ees to access the system if by state law. J. Hall said the department The Associated Press tion and uses it to find sto- proach” to granting ac- they have had training. The audit found Fresno is already revising its pol- SACRAMENTO » Four po- len cars, people wanted for cess to the system. She Moore said the depart- and Marin share data icy. He said the agency lice departments in Cali- alleged crimes or to seek said the department in- ment’s “day-to-day opera- from their automated li- has suspended most of its fornia have compiled mas- out witnesses and missing stalls the software on all tions and procedures” ac- cense plate readers with data sharing and now only sive amounts of data while people. staff computers, regardless count for privacy concerns, hundreds of entities while shares images with border- tracking drivers’ move- The Los Angeles Police of whether the person has but said the agency is de- Sacramento shares its data ing states. He also said the ments through their juris- Department, one of the had training, noting the veloping a policy to gov- with more than a thousand department would change dictions, but a new audit largest law enforcement American Civil Liberties ern use of its automated li- entities across the coun- its policy to retain images says those agencies aren’t agencies in the country, has Union has said that could cense plate readers. He said try. Auditors found no ev- for six months instead of a following the law when it accumulated more than 320 make it easier for people to the policy will be finished idence the agencies always year. comes to protecting peo- million images of vehicle abuse the system by pos- by April and posted on the know who was accessing “Building trust in our ple’s privacy. license plates that include sibly tracking ex-spouses, department’s website. the data. community is paramount California Auditor Elaine dates, locations, times plus neighbors or other associ- Moore also said the de- “We are concerned that to our agency,” Hall wrote. Howle on Thursday re- names, addresses, birth- ates. partment will assess the unless an agency conducts Sacramento County leased a review of the pol- days and criminal charges. “The audit findings are systems’ security features verifying research, it will Sheriff Scott Jones wrote icies and procedures with Only 400,000 of those deeply disturbing and con- and will perform periodic not know who is actually that although he cooper- automated license plate images have matched the firm our worst fears about audits to make sure the pol- using the ALPR images and ated with the audit, he felt readers at the police de- departments’ list of stolen the misuse of this data,” icy is followed. for what purpose,” the audi- “concern that there was a partments in Los Angeles vehicles or vehicles associ- said state Sen. Scott Wie- “The Los Angeles Police tors wrote. bias toward a particular and Fresno and sheriff’s ated with criminal inves- ner, D-San Francisco, and Department (LAPD) has Marin County Dep- outcome, intended or oth- offices in Marin and Sacra- tigations. But the depart- one of the lawmakers who the utmost respect for in- uty Counsel Kerry Ger- erwise.” mento counties. She found ment keeps all of those im- had requested the audit. dividuals’ privacy,” Moore chow said the sheriff’s de- Howle said Jones’ “con- the agencies have not fully ages for at least five years. In a letter responding to wrote. partment uses a third- cern about bias is un- implemented a 2016 state Plus it does not have a pol- the audit, LAPD Chief Mi- The other three agen- party vendor to manage founded,” saying the office law designed to protect icy governing the use of its chel Moore said the depart- cies covered in the report its software, and that ven- follows “quality control pro- privacy. automated license plate ment continuously reviews did have policies govern- dor shares the informa- cedures on every audit that The readers photograph readers, despite state law who has access to the sys- ing their automated license tion with law enforcement ensure that we have suffi- drivers’ license plates at requiring it to have one. tem and deactivates ac- plate readers, but Howle agencies that have been ap- cient and appropriate evi- various points throughout Of the four agencies re- counts for people who have said the policies did not proved by the FBI. dence to support our find- a police department’s ju- viewed, Auditor Elaine left the department. He fully implement all of the In a letter to Howle, ings and conclusions.” last month’s officer-in- back away, he falls to the tors were on-site after the cise more patience in filing seeking, and who deserve, volved shooting to high- ground, prompting Cazarez shooting as part of a rou- against a defendant in an justice. Shooting light the similarities with to fire a shot from his ser- tine joint investigation with officer-involved shooting. “It would be unfair to ask FROM PAGE 1 the San Francisco case. In vice pistol, hitting the sus- SJPD homicide detectives “It’s possible in another the officers to testify as wit- the video, Officers Isaac pect. That’s followed by two and believed public safety situation that we would not nesses in a criminal pros- vestigation of all potential Cazarez and Michael San- alternating shots between was served by the charges file charges until the in- ecution while they are still criminal charges stemming tana encounter Delossantos Santana and Cazarez, the and by keeping Delossantos vestigation is completed,” under investigation for their from the Dec. 7 incident. In holding in one hand a gas last of which causes Delos- in custody. he said. “But that was not use of force in the same in- the meantime, Mr. Hamp- pump nozzle, with paper santos to fall to the ground. “We had a good idea that the case in the gas station cident,” the office wrote in ton, who is still in the hos- stuffed into the end, and a Delossantos was charged night of the officers’ actions, shooting.” a statement. “The health of pital recovering from inju- lit lighter in the other. Af- Jan. 8, four days after he and the suspect’s actions,” In San Francisco, any criminal case depends ries he sustained during the ter Cazarez activated the was shot. Garcia said he Rosen said. “I was confi- Boudin’s office previ- on internal clarity around confrontation — including emergency shutoff for the sees no reason why a sus- dent filing these charges ously has rejected the po- the charges being filed, the loss of a leg — poses no pumps, both officers fired pect accused of attacking even as we investigate the lice union’s assertion that which becomes more com- safety risk.” beanbag rounds at the sus- officers can’t be prosecuted officers’ actions. I don’t be- the decision not to press plicated when you are deal- Garcia, the San Jose Po- pect, but neither those nor while a police shooting is lieve that in any way influ- charges against Hampton ing with an instance where lice Officers’ Association Santana’s stun gun stopped investigated. ences the investigation of amounts to a “green light” there is potentially compet- and an array of other law- the man. “The shooting was in the officers.” for people to attack officers. ing criminal liability.” enforcement groups have Delossantos can be December,” Garcia said. “I Still, Rosen said he could The case is “unique,” the of- said the absence of crim- seen charging the officers would not have confidence imagine a scenario where fice said, “because there are Contact Robert Salonga at inal charges in the San then running onto Qui- in a DA who couldn’t do prosecutors might exer- multiple victims who are 408-920-5002. Francisco case has had far- mby Road before running both concurrently.” reaching impacts on officer back at them, swinging a In an interview with this morale. metal rod and knocking news organization, Santa “For all of those who have the body camera that had Clara County District At- sweat and bled to protect been mounted on Santa- torney Jeff Rosen refrained that community, this is a na’s chest. Throughout the from commenting on the travesty,” Garcia said. “It’s video, the suspect can be Hampton case but said that been refreshing to see po- heard laughing. given the information avail- litical leaders in support of Garcia said Delossantos, able, he was comfortable that police department. It’s a registered gang member proceeding with charges a lonely job at times, and I who previously esd con- against Delossantos even don’t think people realize victed in a stabbing, had as the shooting investiga- how far that support goes.” no documented history of tion still is pending.
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