HUMANISM ON THE MOVE 2015 Annual Report EUROPEAN HUMANIST FEDERATION 1 Humanism on the move © European Humanist Federation, 2016 Graphic Designer : Sandy Doutreluingne Photo credit : Joe Shlabotnik via / CC BY Campus de la Plaine of the Université Libre de Bruxelles CP 237 Boulevard de la Plaine, 1050 Brussels, Belgium 0032 2 627 68 11 [email protected] Twitter : @EU_Humanists Facebook : European.Humanist.Federation HUMANIST VALUES UNDER THREAT ............................................. 4 PROMOTING SECULARISM AND CHALLENGING RELIGIOUS PRIVILEGES IN EUROPE ................................................................... 6 WORKING FOR A BETTER EUROPE ................................................. 9 OPPOSING RELIGIOUS EXTREMIST ACTIVISM ............................. 13 CAMPAIGNING FOR FREE SPEECH AND FIGHTING BLASPHEMY LAWS ......................................................................... 14 SOLIDARITY WITH NON-BELIEVERS UNDER THREAT ACROSS THE WORLD ..................................................................... 16 DEFENDING WOMEN’S RIGHTS, LGBTI’S RIGHTS AND NON-DISCRIMINATION IN EUROPE .................................... 19 PROMOTING HUMANISM AS A LIFE STANCE .............................. 25 PROVIDING HUMANIST SERVICES ................................................ 28 YOUNG HUMANISTS IN ACTION .................................................. 30 FINANCES ........................................................................................ 32 SUPPORT US ................................................................................... 33 © European Humanist Federation, 2016 OUR MEMBERS ............................................................................... 34 Graphic Designer : Sandy Doutreluingne Photo credit : Joe Shlabotnik via / CC BY Campus de la Plaine of the Université Libre de Bruxelles CP 237 Boulevard de la Plaine, 1050 Brussels, Belgium 0032 2 627 68 11 [email protected] Twitter : @EU_Humanists Facebook : European.Humanist.Federation CONTENTS Humanist values Under threat he European project is in danger. T Pierre Galand, It is currently facing major crises EHF President that have questioned its values and blurred its overall objectives. The recent terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels, the refugee crisis, the negotiations around Brexit, the threats to the Rule of denounce injustice and to defend Law and fundamental rights in people’s rights, standing by their Hungary and Poland and the rise side for the most important of populism have all weakened moments of their lives and Europe’s legitimacy. showing solidarity with the most vulnerable ones. European institutions have proven unable to oppose a strong common I warmly thank all our member voice to Member States’ national organisations for undertaking interests. Instead of seeking these exciting but challenging a collective European answer missions at home, and for to these crises, many Member supporting the EHF’s work in States have either built walls at Europe. I am also grateful to our their borders, sought to obtain Board and staff for the time and exemptions from the treaties, energy they dedicate to further ignored concerns expressed over the EHF’s objectives this year. their growing authoritarianism or Our movement is diverse but concluded shameful deals at odds united around its core values and with international and European works every day with our partner human rights commitments. organisations for a better future. I invite everyone to join forces to In such a gloomy context, the give a new meaning and restore humanist values of freedom, trust in the European project. equality and solidarity are more necessary than ever. Humanist Best wishes, actions throughout Europe strive to defend and promote these values: debating and educating to broaden minds, campaigning to 4 Humanism on the move EHF mission and objectives he European Humanist Federation • Strengthen the humanist network T(EHF) was set up in 1991, and throughout Europe. unites over 60 humanist/secularist What the EHF does: organisations from around 20 • Proposes European and inter- European countries. Operating national policy change when out of Brussels, the EHF promotes humanist values are at stake, a secular Europe, and therefore using its ethical, legal, political opposes religious extremism and scientific expertise, within European boundaries. • Promotes individual freedoms The EHF is also strongly committed and opposes the influence of to democracy, human rights and religious conservatism on Euro- defending European equality pean policies, legislation. • Works with a large network of The EHF aims to : associations, including progres- sive religious organisations which • Achieve separation between re- share the same values, ligion and the State throughout • Supports its member organi- Europe including at the European sations with the challenges they Union level, face at domestic level. • Defend freedom of religion or belief which includes the right not to have any religious beliefs as well as the right to change Where is the EHF active ? one’s beliefs, • Defend freedom of thought • Official partner of EU institutions in their dialogue with churches and non-confessional and expression and oppose organisations (Article 17 TFEU) laws prohibiting “blasphemy” or • Consultant to the EU Council, Commission, “religious insults”, Parliament and the European External • Promote non-discrimination on Action Service all grounds (incl. gender, ethni- • Member of the Advisory Board of the European city, nationality, religion or belief, Parliament Platform for Secularism in disability, age, sexual orientation, Politics etc.), • Member of the Civil Society Platform of the • Support women’s sexual and EU Fundamental Rights Agency reproductive health and rights • Collaborates with the Council of Europe and the rights of LGBTI1 people, (Committee of Ministers, PACE and INGOs) • Accredited to the Organization for Security • Increase the presence of huma- and Coperation in Europe ODIHR (Human nists at European and internatio- Dimension) nal levels, 1 Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersexual 5 Humanism on the move Promoting secularism and challenging religious privileges in Europe Although secularization is a growing these privileges and promoted secu- reality in Europe, many countries larism in their respective countries still experience huge influence from while EHF secretariat campaigned their established churches, leading for this aim at the European level. to unfair religious privileges in many aspects of public life, such as in the education and tax systems. EHF grassroots organisations challenged ©Anosmia via / CC BY 6 Humanism on the move n Italy, the Unione degli Atei e degliI Agnostici Razionalisti (UAAR) undertook “Laico metro“, an analysis of the Italian non-profit sector to show which NGOs are truly secular and which ones are (openly or LAICO metro, a project not) affiliated to a specific religion. by the UAAR (Italy) Italian taxpayers may allocate a proportion of five per thousand of their income tax to voluntary and are increasingly leaving the Church, other non-profit organizations of as the Finnish Humanist Union social utility. “Laico metro“ was born revealed : 45.000 people used its out of the need to give citizens online platform “LeaveChurch” accurate information about the which allows people to give up possible clerical or denominational church membership more easily. purpose of these NGOs. In a country Other EHF members also worked to where most of the obligatory “Otto enhance transparency on religion per Mille“ tax actually goes to the and secularism in their respective Catholic Church, “Laico Metro“ is a countries. The Humanist Society welcome tool for those who care Scotland (HSS), the Coordinamento about fair and secular distribution Nazionale delle Consulte per la of resources. Laicità delle Istituzioni in Italy, In another effort to challenge Freidenkerbund Österreichs in religious privileges, Sidmennt, the Austria and Humanistisch Verbond Icelandic humanist association, in the Netherlands continued the commissioned a major survey on development of a secular index Icelanders’ life stances. Questions to investigate and rate the level of ran from people’s religious beliefs secularism in their country. A first and their support of the current test was launched in collaboration state church system to their position with several EHF members. regarding key humanist issues like euthanasia. The results showed Campaigning for a fair and widespread agreement with secular inclusive education system stances on many societal issues In a number of European countries, and confirmed large scale support religious privileges are very much for Sidmennt’s positions. They were present in the education system. very well received by all media in In 2015, the EHF secretariat and Iceland and several international several EHF members campaigned media outlets. In Finland too, people to promote public education 7 Humanism on the move systems that are inclusive, balanced, their communities through the and pluralistic, and which contribute ballot box. As explained by the to mutual understanding between HSS, this demand is not only about people of all religions and none. democracy and legitimacy but about having a fair and inclusive In the UK, the British Humanist Religious and Moral Education Association (BHA) championed system where pupils and teachers equality
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