fr. TATA November 8, 2019 The Secretary, Listing Department The Manager, Listing Department SSE Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor, Plot No. C/1, Dalal Street, G Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Sandra (E), Mumbai - 400 001. Mumbai- 400 051. Maharashtra, India. Maharashtra, India. Scrip Code: 500470/890144 Symbol: TATASTEEUTATASTEELPP Dear Madam, Sirs, Newspaper Advertisement - Results for the quarter and half year ended September 30, 2019 Please find enclosed herewith the newspaper advertisement for the financial results of Tata Steel Limited for the quarter and half year ended September 30, 2019 published in the following newspapers: 1. Financial Express 2. The Free Press Journal 3. The Indian Express 4. Loksatta 5. Navshakti This is for your information and records. Yours faithfully, Tata Steel Limited P����nadham Company Secretary & Chief Legal Officer (Corporate & Compliance) Encl: As above TI\TI\ STEEL LIMITED Registered Off,ce Bombay House 24 Hom, Mody Street Fort Mumbai 400 001 India Tel 91226665 8282 Fax 91 22 6665 7724 website wwwtatasteer.com Corporate Identity Number l27100MH1907J>LC000260 ������������������������ ��������� �������� �� ���� ��������� ������� � ......... w ........... 0PXTL ����� �������� ����� ������� PO-CII , -1'2!n P1-.c»l.-l,04 ... J'! -- .....- -i..._·""",, "" ..,,,.. 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I >,33- ..... l'Ct!PI l'l41(1) lll•l , .... 1'o_...,... ..� "-'� Nol-lOC ol lht SEBF (Lil� Oto'.il 11:ll'I Wld Ow:b:." PPQ. =-l �row,.., -- _.,.N$E lt1of*JJecl DINct>! - 2015 Pn4'WigolN8olri:lol0.iCbiolNCoft C I 'I FIC'..r.lt 010btNIII ........ , ... _ ... or, ','ltooudly Ho•W•boc !3, 2011. It ""'5, F"'7 fb,r lolr:fllll Co ll*ltiol -- nMtlll Eltllt, New Oel'li • 11(1C)W, - IDcor- w,d .... ,,,. N ---- 111. � Un1Ud11� F- ,-(SllnOl.lont& Co,ev : J)olN c.:.,.-.,, b ... _...,lllf __ S..,lz ,..., )0,2019 ,. ... G,.,,,.. -'PI -• n11 lnlolma1ro<i ii MO •• I I++ Oii lhl ol III Cu-,y 0..0:NU»tl Czr11�01s.c,...., (www cltdUCMt com), ol IISe l.mlliJ t-.bulr tla .,.i ..., of "' �SIOC:iE>dw,gtollnd'l,i..r.lt-Mak !et• ,� F« ct F+cill UmiTed,._ Pllu: New Oelhl .......... -0... -No<. .. ,.t:. 06.201g 01:.: Nowmber 06, 2019 v... Cllaltman & l&lnetln9 Ole ;10, .r. b- TATA •I N:tc;.......,,,.__.(i'cl1- 05.2019 bl DelzlalPlbicS> r ••("l)PS)p:C FIOdon 13,2019 TATA STEEL LIMITEO o) Dr.tt�olOllor(UOF)- 19,2019 Reols- Offc.: llombly House, 24, Hom' Mody Slreet Fon M...-.bc,j - olOO 001 lndol cl) SEBF_, 7 -.--"'*'-25.2019 li:I 91 22 6665 8282 • FaJ<No.. 91 226665 m4 · Email cosec@taras-com ·-. www.tatasca ,r.c:om •I � ol Olor ("1.0F)- No,,., t r r 02. 2019 CIN. L27100MH1907PLC000260 BIMdon-olN-- ••IIIN olNIOC.,.ol NOTICE N-l'iotNOlorpa•o,b .... NI*•• a ,p.-Mt,y E•tr•ct of St.ond•lon4. Firu.nc1,1 Rttulb for th• <1uarttr I ti• month• tn"-<I on 30th �bt'r 2019 f C.O... �--tSEBF r, lht SEBI jSAS?} "*IJ I ; ,._ P•nlcutof'f Qua....,, Qua""" SIH moothl SI• ,....,,Th• Fi.....clal -·· · -·� � ·" '· "M�looc, -1 · 1..,- N«io _-,don .. ,n ... don ,n ... d on �ndi d "" fvrt-WFObo.J!i'� N«io 30.0f.2019 30 06.21119 30 09.2018 30 7KI 21111 30 Mt.2011 en dad on To,.,_olourllno tr ',+a'ld- -ma-,g..-...-y. .. ,U77._.,co, ..,.,,.oaxw,.-,,,.gNI ·-- 31.0-3.211 11 �-·•·"'•mrtr••1r�tl\>C.a'ldCOl'l'tdWl'IOO'li; r!,g.-fly<.o l'lol..,-,Uo oor-•4' Wld-·lht0'-1•i1211>>rlqi,ndlobo-bylhtT.-goCCuo.-� ........ $EBl{WT)Aeg I 7 +• •• PIFod ... 1ltod AudHod fo,....:011-olFhlC r TNof DirOCIOiof TOWl..............,!fom 1,.a111a 16.091 32 17.9021),t 3',307.50 70.61092 , .......... 77 d; � ""'-" Pllce:Hydtl-. Ttllr92111,ln<NI Snwl, ... llaol'<.TI Net p,or,, I (l.OUf for Thi period (belore WC - 1,891.37 2,4,13.90 5,0,I) 75 ,."5.27 6,1151 61 16.:,.11,a o.., .._ n1, C,..1.owol:OC •• ,�' :"c'::::::-:=;::-;::;:::::::--+-----1-----t-----1------1-----t-----l 1,&88 79 2,403 15 5,01556 ,,291.9,1 8,568.73 16,227 25 3,837.81 1,538 99 3,267 INI 5,376.IIIJ 5,5811.01 10,533.19 FORTIS HEALTHCARE LIMITED 3,261.36 5.249 27 5,1501.1111 10,482 97 • Cfl L81i11tnl9!161'1.COl;593J I 146 12 1,14612 1.14612 1,14612 Rttfsl ..... Of'kt: f<."ll llo$prQI. s.,;a:,c- 6'!, ""'-W. � - 160062 il Fortis 1a No +91-17:2-5096001. fa< No +91-1n-'.096221 R......-.M ·� ............... ces' "OIIS 69,306.59 1111:b ... sa:, lijfl-7 T ........... --com.- Net Worth 76 091 94 61,113-'2"1 n.729 11 STATEMENT OF UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL RESULTS Paod-<Jp Debi Capqi 12,296 76 10,,:ia.93 ,,,346.41 FOR THE QUARTER AND SIX MONTHS ENDEO SEPTEMBER JO, 2019 Net Det,r. Equ.ty Rat.a ,� O.M ,,, ({ in Ubl ua,t EPSJ Basic Nh•.g1 per-.ol '10 uch (OOI •""*'•h•.odl-,nR (al'ter� C:n::Wdlled D.00 ta os 28 14 �� ,,w w,, Ouarter Elide-II Sii Mooi. ENd Quarter Elided Partkuiars -D.lu:.,d 01.r..gs per-.! iOw:fl{OOI S1ptemNr Sepl1mkr Sep1amNr •-I· ,n R�111 {•l'ter••.__.A..,.,. D.00 13.05 28. 13 47.1111 I 30, 2019 3', 11119 3(1, 2011 Cleoo>nluno Ra N,.,..,., Ra r•• 2.046 00 2.048.00 2,0400 • Total locoole Imm OperibtWiS 122,192 237,979 115.� -·· •-k a.a, Net Proht I (loss) tor Ille period (be1cn Tax. � ""411lf 7.742 12,021 (6,062) ''' Ewaortliow) ttems) . " "" ''' Net f'roht I (Loss) ror Ille period belln Wt (lillet Exceptional arldlor 1 2.975 18,204 (15.669) Elctract ol Coosolldatecl Floaoclal R,suH, tor the quan,rl ,:, month• tnded oo lO:h Sapi.mlMr 2019 �ttems) f'ortlculors Ou•rt•r 81• ,,_th, a,. ,,_,1,s ......... ,,1,c1 on tn<lldon tndeclor ,,1,1on ·- Ne! flroht I �Loss) tor !he Pt1(1(11rter w: (""" Exe� aoo.lOf 12.� 20,205 (14,199) 30- Flt.2·01 9 30'" H· -201 9 30.09 2011 30 Flt 21111 30.0,.2011 endod on Ew�ltemsl - ·-- 31.0-3.211· 19 Total COfTlprthtnsiYe Income tor ee period !� Profit I (LOSS) 12.095 19,945 (15,218) una..-d Unaud ... d Unaudlll<I ,�- Total ,e,en,,,e lrom 01>W t")l'dl torllllt period (�tu) ..oou...� Income (alter tax.!!_ 3',579 18 )594711 40.897 16 70,528 211 - Net Prollt I (loo1) lol 1hll pw,od {btb• 1"" - E(IUF(y Sti.e c..,i (face Vllul ol f UY· "'" Wft) 75,496 75,496 .... e,ception!M itemof v,, 1.IIIJ3 01 5,2"7 33 •=oo ..... ,, 16.02669 Reserves (exckldi'lg RevalabOd Reserrel as showfl i'I the Aud�ed Net Proll! I (lDII) lol 1hll pw,od IMb• IIIJ< BaiMlce Stieet of \he preY1DUS rear (as II March 31, 2019) "'"' (after ""cep'>:>nal -1 (6.5') 1,819 01 5,41110 1 612.-47 8.429119 15.905 n Eil51WcOS Pel Share (of f 1 ll'· 9(1:) (for � and dtseonbnutd Net Proll! I (Lou) - W Imm eoow..:g , 4.043 45 69519 3.094 32 4.738 64 5.017 17 ll.18729 ....... Net alle< ta, Ois<looln.,ed Proll! I (Loso) Imm (a) BaSIC ' ,, 237 (3 21) --· (/4114) .... at ee (722 JO) aasa (88 95) (b) Dikited 1.47 (3 21) -Total�·- ,lC•�no lorlho period I� Pmlil I {I.on) lol 1hll .-w {.,_ ta>c) Nole : ''" If:. Lakllll 80d Other � lt-r• (- WH 4,483.11 aee aa 1 ,305.45 4871.34 4,986.47 9,106.12 Slandllol.e ,..,..up equit)>-.cape,: (F--. , 10 pe< lhl:rel 1,144 9,1 1,1449,1 1144 93 1.144 9-1 1,14493 1,144.llol Partiewlars Ou111er Enllltd Su lllr l�I EFlllecl 01111rter Ended S111t1mNr StpllfflNr SeptemNr Re-Je•�-- ) 80d Non DDnltOlllng ..,_ 67.1169150 30, 2019 3CI. 2tl1t 311, 2018 75,303 02 97,605.41 71.2ti5' 18,140 16,255 • ,.- �Eaming·-s Pt< equ.ty-. (lol� Pro!� Be!OOI Tax 2, 114 "60·,"'S61 {762) O!>O<•t""") - f'rQM Alter Ta,; 11,327) 45,881 )629_LJ S,.&ic •• nlng9 per stw. ! 10 - (not aNl<C-) · In RUI' IU (.,_.,., .,N.,,,ot -) s '' 41A5 4745 1. The aboWI tS ant.bad ol lhe dltaild format ol Quarterly Fcnancial Reslllls 1:lea wrtt, 11'111 Stock £..clia.:ges undtr ReJillbOn 33 "" "" "" D,tu\ec, ......... per-.! 10-{not 35.71 5.73 4 1.44 ,,� 88.31 01 \he $E8j (Using and Oll'lllr Oisdoswe �s) Regulations 2015 The rutl format ol 'he Ou¥terty � Rtsorts il>'e .
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