ail Iowan Seruing the UnioersitlJ of lou a and the People of Iowa City ••t ...I1 ...... I. 11M Iowa City, Iowa 52240 - , ... ...y , Aug. 25, 1970 10 cont. • copy • I Agnew Pledges More U.-Wis. Bombing ..Military Aid for s. Korea SEOUL (,fI - Vice President Spiro T. plans IA) pull out 20,000 of the 62,000 Agnew announced plans for Increased American troops stationed here could Kills 1, Iniures 3 U.S. military aid to South Korea plus lead to a new invasion from the Com­ munist North, are expected to ask the MADISON, Wis. (,fI - A predawn ex­ out the six-story building, and knocked transfer of 54 F-4 jet fighters £rom Japan plosion ripped tbrough the Army Mathe­ as be arrived here Monday to launch his United States for some $3 billion in aid out a huge porlion o[ the brick and rein­ over the next five years. U.S. military matics Re arch Center on the trouble­ forced corn:rete structure at the en­ four-nalion Asian lour. plagued University of Wisconsin campus trance. Twisted steel jutted from many But Agnew is expected to tell Presi­ aid to Soutb Korea now is $140 milUon a year. Monday killing a graduale tudent and windows . Bricks, tree limbs and other dent Chung Hee Park In private confer­ injuring three other persons. debris littered the nearby street. ences Tuesday that specific details of Korean sources said Patk told Agnew A chemistry building across the street during a 5().minute courtesy call that 'The blast also uprooted trees, dam­ the new U.S. aid program, including the the aged autos in the area and shattered from the research center was heavily amount, must await a study of this na­ Koreans disagree with the U.S. assess­ damaged. Scores o[ windows were shat­ ment of the likelihood of an attack from glas in buildings near the state Capi­ lion's military needs. tol 10 blocks away. A university spokes­ tered in an intensive care seclion of South Koreans , who fear that U.S. the North and the ability of South Korea University Hospitals' a block from the to handle its own defense. The vice presi­ man s31d the 10' included a $1.5 million computer. scene. dent, in turn. pledged a full and frank Police sealed off a four - block area di cusslon. Gov. Warren P. Knowlel, who has In South's Schools around the most h~avily damaged build­ t( While there is no doubt of U.S. determ­ recent years activated National Guard Ings, and Firemen posted radi.ation haz­ troops to restor. Ind maintain order on ination to provide the 6QO.OOO-man Kor­ ard signs inside the research center. ean armed [orees with the necessary tht 34,OOO'student campus during anti· t" Opening Quietly war protests/ called it an "inslnt act" Jack Lynch. a nuclear physics grad­ rifles, artillery, naval and air equipment uate student who entered the building they need to modernize, any new pro­ and pledged the full resources of the Dent County 1lOIict end a Madison state to "help bring justice to thoM .... after the blast and found the dead man gram will have IA) get the approval of After I nteg ration fireman carry body of Robert Fas· sponsible for this outrage." and an unconscious stud t, checked into Congress at a time it is showing ~oolness snacht, 33/ from Uni"ersity of Wiscon­ ATLANTA , Ga. iA' - School districts a hospital for tests for possible tritium to expanded Asian air program . sin Army Math Rtsearch Centlr whe,.. Killed in the explo ion was Robert throughout the South opened on an In­ Victim Fassnacht, 30, a graduate student and poi onmg. Tritium is a radioac!i"e hy­ tegrated basis Monday for the first time Rain was falling when Agnew's plane. an explosion killed the graduate stu­ drogen isotope. The Injurcd student, Dav­ Air Force Two, arrived at Klmpo Air­ dent and extlnslvtty damaged stvlral father 01 three. Two other students and since the Supreme Court ruled that se­ a night watchman w re injured. Id huster, was also tested, The tests takE parate schools must be equal. port from Guam . Thousands of Koreans, buildings. - AP Wirephote a day to complete. waving some 01 the 200,000 paper U.S. Fire inspectors declined to speculate Early reports indicated that the pro­ and Korean flags distributed by the gov­ on what type oC substance caused the Physics Prof. Blanchard Converse aie cess was orderly. ernment, lined the t4-mlle motorcade explosion. • however, "Tb re Is no cau e lor radiatio route. But, City Fire Inspector Kenneth Vo­ concern. There was onty one source ( In South Carolina, the first of 93 dak said, "We have to assume that It 5Chool districts began classes under Police estimated that about 100.000 Women's Lib Strikes radioactivity in the building and that wa was a bomb." found intact." complete desegregation and school of­ persons heard Agnew's arrival speech in Authorities said file blut occurTtCI fICials said "'everything was jus t the plaza in front of City Hall, but most onty miJlutes after an unidentified male routine. " observers thought the actual crowd was Set for Wednesday caller tetephonRd polil:' It 3:40 • •m . and There were no reports of racial in­ smaller. Some said the turnout was only wlrned there would be en txplosion in Charge lS Blacks cidents from any of the seven districts In a fraction of that for Lyndon B. Johnson By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS how much force or pol'icr we really the ctnter. South Carolina trying out unitary school in 1966. Set rllated story P. 3 have . "Pigs, the Math Research Is going up systems [or the first time, including Police applause greeted the vice presi­ Women Iiberalionists across the nation In a few minutes," Dane County Sherif[ dent 's reaffirmation of U.S. su pport for Rathtr than .tay off Iht lob, tome In the Bombing Orangeburg where black pupils outnum­ plan to strike on Wednesday, primarily womtn In Milwauk.e planned to Illve Vernon Leslie quoted the caller as say­ oC ber whites. South Korea and his disclosure for job equality, free abortions and free their children with th,lr husblnd. It ing. In Georgia, state school officials said the new military assistance. Aside day care centers. The blast shatlered windows Ihrough- from the transfer of the wing of the offiets "to dtmonstr.t. tht nted for they have no idea how many school sys­ Work stoppages, rallies, demonstra­ betttr child car•• " Of Omaha Police tems began operating this week and will jets, which have spent some lime = here in the past, the only speCific tions, marches, boycotts and other acti­ In Detroit , hu bands and boyfriends OMAIIA, Neb. (,fl - Fifteen young not know until all have opened after the vities are planned Cram coast to coast, sympathetic to women's Ilberation will blacks. including leaders of the mili­ week of Sept. 9. item was announcement of plans to upply an undisclosed number of S2·F a are counterdemonstralions by wom­ babysit so mothers can attend work­ tant National Committee to Combat In Alabama, it was Impossible to say en more ati fied with their status, hops. 1,056 End Work Facism. have been charged or arrest­ , how many school districts are experienc­ Navy aircraft designed to detecl infil­ trating North Korean boats, Author Betty Friedan, one of the or­ In Syracu e. NY., women ,,;11 take ed in the booby-trap bombing that ki li­ I ing desegregation for the first time be- ganizers and a leader of women's libera­ children to City Hall to show the mayor ed a IYhlte policeman a week ago. all of lhe six systems which open­ On UI Degrees cause tion, says, " It's Ihe {astest growing and council " how Iiltle can be accom· Two, lS,year-old Duane C. Peak, who ed Monday has previous freedom o[ movement for social change in this pll hed with children around all day." is charged with iirsl-<legree murder, choice desegregation plans. Local school End Mandatory' country." In New York, where abortions were and David L. Rice , 23, charged with offiCials were unavailable for comment. legalized , women will demand that they During August conspiracy to commit murder, remam­ In Texas, some schools opened Mon­ The day choltn for the ectilm I. the be made free. 50th anniv.,slry of ratification of th. An estimated 1,056 students completed ed at large Monday. day and others will open later in the Insurance Sales A rally in Wa hington's Lafayette work for degrees this month at the Uni­ Rice is minister of information for week or even after that. 19th Amtndment giving women thi right Square by Federally Employed Women BOSTON (,fI - Gov. Francis W. Sar­ versity of Iowa , There were no unlversi­ the National Committee to Combat io'ac­ In Louisiana, schools were reopened to "ot.. Tht Post Offiet will issue I ,. (FEW) will include a symbolic Sen­ gent signed the repeal Monday of the ctnt suffrlge commemor.tive stamp_ ty.wide commencement exercises, bul ism (NCCF) which wa formed aftcr in Iberia Parish, where all was reported automatic renewal provision oC Massa­ ate vote on the equal rights amcndment several colleges and programs held brief the Black Panther party disbanded Its quiet. chusetts' new no-fault auto insurance Friedan says it is not a sel( strike. passed by the House. FEW sent ballots recognition ceremonies for their grad­ Omaha chapter. The South has approximately 2,700 to all 100 senators and plans to tally law.
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