VE q n: cn tr'l'l3 o .\ Satelllte anrl Rocket l,þaeureü¡ents of So1ar Ultravlolet Ft¡¡¡ anct At'rcepberlc Moleculer Orygen Denslty by Ceorge tltllia¡¡ Alber'ü Lockey B.Sc.(none .) IÞpa,rtæat of Pl4¡rsics A t'lresLs prescntetl for the ùegree of Doctor of Phtlæo¡¡W ln tbe Unlveralty of AðElal.de. October l9?2 (r) coN:[E¡ms pagc SII,IMARY (v) PNEFA@ ('¿r) - ACXWOWLEDGEI,{EITS (vflr) - oo c[aPlER r SOI¡AR-i--t- nADIAT¡-0X-!ÏOU r 10OoAr Ð?4904 " 1.1. Prcvloue Measuraents 1_ 1J-1' Introiluctlon I 2 - I.1.2. DlsPerslve Meaar¡¡sents 1.1.3 Proft].es of the Solar L¡roan-c Llne Lt l.I'l+ SoIa¡ Imagee at Lynan-a L2 1.I.5 lton-Dlsperslvc Measr¡¡qents I3 L,2 Tlbc Natr¡re ancl orlgln of tbe solar ultrarrlolct s¡rebnn L"( CHAPTER 2 c 2.r Introiluctlon 22 2.2 Itbe Absorptl,on Ccoeg-Section of MolecuJ.ar Ocygen 2l+ Oxygen Densltfes frcn Abaorptlon Meaar:renents 2.3 Moleer¡lar oo BetrCea 10004 ancl 20004 27 2,\ Eelght Range for Dete:¡int¡s Molecr¡Lar ocygelr Denaltiee 3' 2.5 AËrotgtfæ of I¡¡naa-o Èy ConstitueotE other than MoÌecular Qcygen 39 CHAPIER 3 ÎESTING 3.1. Introtlucttoq l+5 (rr) Page 3.2 Constnrction of the lon Chanbers hr 3.2.I Copper-Botliett Ion Cbæbere t+T 3.2,2 Gilass-Bodieel. Ion Chubers t+9 3.3 lÍlatlow Materials tr 3.1+ Baling the Irlthir¡n l{IuorÍtle l{1nclolrs 52 3.5 Filting the Ion Cheonbers ,3 3"5.1 The Fl].ltag SYstem 53 3.5,2 The F111lng Procetlure t\ 3.5.3 The Pr¡rifícatloa of Nitrlc Oclðe 56 3.6 Absolute Cal{bratlon of the fon C}¡abers 5T 3.6.I lntroôuctLon 57 3.6.2 Spectral Bespoase 59 3,6,3 Abgolute Quantu EffieiencY ,9 3.7 Anguler Sesponse 6z 3.8 Tøperatr:re EffectE 63 3.9 Long !ùavelengtb SensitivitY 6l CTIAPTER l+ SOT,AR 4.1 Introrluction 68 -l+.2 The Skylark ÞcperÍment 69 lT.3 The IÍAD hBerf.ments 7o l+-3*1 Tbe IIAD Rocket 70 \,3.2 Instnmeatatio¡ Layout of the Rocket Eeatl ?r l+*3.3 SoLar Aspect Sensors 73 h.3.1+ The Fo:m of the HAD TraJectory T8 \.3.5 The HAD 309 Flieht 80 h.3.6 The EAD 310 Ftight 8s (ur) Page l+.\ Reeulte fTú nAD 309 anô IIAD 3L0 86 lt.1+.1 Moleerrler orygen DeueÍties 86 l+,\.2 L¡rnan-o Fh¡c Values 89 CHASIEB 5 ÍEE WAESAT I ION CHAIIÍBER ÐCPERIME{'I 5.1 Introôuetion 91 ,.2 SateLl1te Instnnentatlon 93 5.2.L Ílhe Ion Chobe¡s antt Anpli'flers 93 5,2.2 Optical Àspeet Sensors ancL Megaetæeters 95 5.2.3 llhe Te]øetry System 95 5,3 Tbe Atuospherlc Occr¡.ltatlon ÞcperÍneat 96 5.3.I llhe PrlnclpJ-e of the Erc¡rerLuent 96 5,3.2 Tbe Polut-Sun ABprorcLmation 97 5.3.3 Correction for the Effect of the lilnlte Slze of the So1ar Dlsk 100 5,lr Dete:mlnation of the Attenr:ation Cr¡rves Ir3 5.\.1 Data Aeqrrlsltlon LL3 5,\.2 Snp1ifler CallbratÍons ILl+ 5.1+.3 Aspect Angle Dete¡mínatíone It5 5.h.1+ Mininr.u Rry Eeight and' Sub-l4inl-urm Bry Eeight Polnt DetsrtLnatlone u.6 5.1+.5 The .Attentr¡ation Curves u.8 5.5 Mo1ecular Oxygen DensitY Results r.2I 5.6 Solar Fll¡c ReguLte L2' cEAPTER 6 prqpussron .oro cownn-rsou or rHs s¿P,l,ur.e nno ROCICSI BESULTS 6,L Measurenents of MoJ-ecr:.lar Orygeu Denslty 133 6.I.1 Introductlon r33 6.L.2 Measur@,ents þ Absorption Spectrosco¡ry l-33 6.I.3 Measr¡reuents by Mass SpectroscoBy 13? (rv) Pagc 6.2 DíseueEloa of tbe DeasitY Resultg 138 6,2.I lhe Rocket Measurenenta 138 6.2,2 Ihe Satelrlte Measìrrene¡rtE rbo 6.3 DLscr¡^Eslon of tbe So1ar ÍLr¡c Results rþe 6.1+ Cooe1r¡slone endl C<pnmerrto 15¡+ 158 ¡ppmpIl A , rJ8 ÌtBFSrAf I DE{SIrv nE9UI.,ÎS APPENDTK B PI,'BI,ICATIOI}IS r..59 160 a--.i+BIBüTOûNAF8T Cv) SUMMARY Thls tbesie descrlbes erçerimts perforneô usf.ng roaket a¡d getellite-borae fæ cbanbers gensitive to Tacul¡m ultravfolet radlatioi- The obJectives of these experiuents r€rê:- (r) tbe ueasì¡renent of uoLecul¡r o)qygen ôeoslty by the tecbuigue of absorption spectroscopyr and (ff) tJre neasure¡neut of absolute solar flux at tbe wa;nelength 0 of Ìryclrogen L¡rnan-o (fZfl.fA) a¡<l in the vavel-engÈh bar¡ct'.¡ r¡+aoi to rl+80i, ana 1550i to r6goi. Ion chambers with both glaes bocties ancl copper botlies have beeu <lesigneö and conetrtrctetl fcn uee in tbese erçerfmeats. The constructLon anct testlng of these detectors are firJ.ly discussecl. Itn thc.utrper æsosphere (?O Itu to 90 Kn) a¡tl Io¡rer thermosphere (gO lfn to 200 I(n), seesonel, geographlcat antl teuporal variatione in the atOoeBheric noleo¡l¡r orqfgen ôensity profile are etill largely r¡nlçDo!¡n. Ae ¿ reeult, signifieant r¡ncert¿lnties stlll exlst vlth regard to rrmodeltt or ttgta,Ddarclrr atmOspheres usecl to represent the molecul¡¡ o:qfgen tliEtribution. In thc present vork, flve rockete carrying lithlun fluorlðe - nltrlc oxlde fon cha¡nbers (rrhfch respond natnly to hydrogen Lynan-cr iitdtattou) have been lar¡ached from l{oonera, AustraÌia. The mal'n obJective of these erçerinents ïas the cleternination of the nett¡re of Eeasonal va¡latíons in the molecuf¡r orrygen tlenslty proflle fn the altltucle range 8O fn to 95 lfu. Only two of the rockets ' EAÐ 309 a¡tl UAD 3IO, perfornetl satlsfeetorfly. The HAD 309 er¡¡er1ænt gave the (vi) fLrst slnter æaaurerent of nol-ecrrla¡ o2$¡€en deastt¡r L¿ tue cqr¡the¡t heniapbere in tbe region of tbe atrnos¡ibere neer 90 l(n. A corya:rf.gæ of the IIAD 309 a¡rð UAD 310 (sr¡nner) reeultc nLth sl,DiLer reasurenÊnts by otJrer workerg has 1uèicatetl tbat the Èverage ecale hef ght of tlre ôensity ùistrlbutlon, in the altltud,e range 80 Kn to 95 Km, Ís greater la wLnter than 1n suÍner. Austrnìtars fLret satellitc, SIBESAI 1, carried litbtun fluorldo- nltrlc o:cl,cte, spppblre-lgrleue anct gua.rtz-trfetþrlonlne íOn cba¡ibers' Thls ex¡lerLnent vas alesfgne¿ tq lreasure etrcspheric ¡roLecular o1{fgèu <leuelty at satellLte sr¡nrfse and aunset, 1a the attltutl'e range 90 lfu to 220 ¡Cn. A ¡¡ethoô of ana\ysis of the lon cha.nber ôata has been clevelo¡redl wbicb atlowE for the effect of the fioite size of the eolar disk. All of the avall¿ble TJRESAT I ilate has beeu analyseit uslng tÌ¡ig nethod' [o ¡rltbfu tbe cxperirnental r¡¡certalnties, t]re ]ilRESAT I ôenelty reEultE ehon general agreerent sitb the nean f965 CIBA nodleL atnosphere ln the rcglon nea¡ 100 Kn. [onever, ln the belgþt range 130 Kn to 220 Kn, tbe s,veraç deastty values a¡e a facton of tvo belo¡r tl¡oee of tbc uean 1965 CI¡A nodel anal show dqf-to-dey varletlæs greater than tbose prÇd.lcteal by the 1965 CInA nodele. Tbe regl.oa of the Eol,ar teupereture nialnrn, betveen the upBer pbotoc¡ihere a¡tl lower chromospberer ls of conelderable luportance for the theor¡r of tbe soJ.ar atnosphere. The sola.r flux ttata obtalnetl fron the sapphtre-4yleue and quartz-trietbyLantne lon chambers cerrleô m WfiESAT l, lnctfcate a value of (t5?O 1 ¡O)"f for the eolar nlnlm¡¡ brlgþtnese ter¡rrature. A corya:rison he,s beeu ueiþ betrveen tbls velue entt the va.luee obtelneil b¡r workers uslng cllsperalve fnstntneutg. (vü) PREFACE ltlg theslE contalns no- material vhleb ba¡ been accc¡rteô for the avard of an¡r other d,egree or cllptæa [n any lbLwrefty. !f,o the beEt of the authorre *nonledge ancl bellef tt eo¡tal.¡¡ no materlaL prevlously publtehedt or vrltten by anothcr PQr'sçr¡¡ clcoqpt çhen dlue reference 1s matle ia the te:ct. G. LockeSr (vflr) ACKÎOWLEDCiE[t{ElfIS Ehe satellite and rocket eccperi.mentE tleEerlbetl f¡ tblg thesis vere carrfetl out in co-operatLon wlth the F$ght ProJects Gror4r' lleapoas Reeearcå Eetabliel&ent. The author wor¡ld' Ilkc to tha¡k all peraong involvect wlth the preparatioa ancl larr¡cblug of the rockets anil the ]ISESAT 1 satell-ite. In partlenÌa¡ the atrthor gratefirlly ackrowlectges tbe consLderable asslstance glven by the Iate Mr B, Rofe. Tha¡ke a¡e clue to Mr S. Dorrclea of the P]5ra1cs Depa,lfuelrt for hls lnva-luable teebnlcal aseletanee antl to Meser.a B. Er¡rrr aDcl B' lfalker of tbe Pbyslce Depa,rtnent for ileslgulng a¡d conEtnroùLng tbe rocket eLectronl.c clrcultly. The author vor¡ldt I1ke to tþa.nt most slncerely Dr B.H. Eorton for tbe enth6lam, advice ancl encourageneat be bas Siven ûurfag the tlne the eutåor has Ìrorkecl wltb bLu. The author wouldt a-LEo ].tke te ffta-nk Mrs P. Clark for her efforts tn plottlrg the satellite ilata andt Mrs R' ItillEhlre for'her asgletance 1a proof-reacllag the typeil coBy. speclal thanks are ôue to tbe authorrs rffer Rosenar¡r, for the help anct eu¡port Ebe has glven anct for ber great patlence clurlag a trVine period, f-Íaa,l1y the author vou1cl l1ke to tha¡k h1s superrrlsor Profeesor J.B. Ca¡ryer for hie ggld.ance antt encourag@ent dturlng tbe exper{-nente andl the trtting of thls thesLE.
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