<tongrcssional Record United States PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 86th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION of America to be Smith but who, unfortunately, is Mr. COOLEY. Mr. Speaker, on ac­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES not related to me. I wish she were, espe­ count of the illness of our distinguished cially in election years, because she be­ and beloved colleague, the Honorable WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1959 longs to a family that is highly regarded Daniel Reed, of New York, the annual The House met at 12 o'clock noon. in my district. But that particular error meeting of the American group of the The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, could have been corrected in 30 seconds Interparliamentary Union was postponed D.D., offered the following prayer: by a telephone call to my office. In fact, and has not yet been held. As one of the several newspapers and news services vice presidents of the American group Ecclesiastes 8: 12: I know that it shall which have a regard for the truth did I am calling a meeting of the American be well with them that fear God. correct the error. Unfortunately the As­ group of the Interparliamentary Union Eternal God, our Father, who art the sociated Press indicated no regard for for 10 o'clock Friday morning. The gracious benefactor of all mankind, we accuracy in the story they filed. They meeting will be held in the Vandenberg beseech Thee to impart unto us that acted on . the assumption that because Room at the other end of the Capitol. divine wisdom and strength which will two people in o::1e office happened to be All Members of both Houses of Con­ enable us to see our duties and responsi­ named Smith they were related. gress are members of the American group bilities more clearly, understand them I should be glad to claim kinship with and all Members of Congress interested more wisely, and perform them more all the Smiths in the country, especially in the work and programs of the In­ faithfully. those in my district, but I hope the press terparliamentary Union are urged to at­ Grant that our President, our Speaker, of the country will find more vital mat­ tend this meeting on Friday morning. and all the Members of this legislative ters on which to report in Washington. At the meeting officers will be elected body may be blessed with clear minds and other matters of importance will be and courageous hearts, making them considered. equal to the desperate needs of our day RESIGNATION FROM COMMITTEES Mr. HALLECK. Mr. Speaker, will the and generation. The SPEAKER laid before the House gentleman yield? Bless our beloved country and all the the following resignation from com­ Mr. COOLEY. I yield to the gentle­ nations with whom we are united in the mittees: man from Indiana. great task of defending the sacred herit­ FEBRUARY 25, 1959. Mr. HALLECK. Will the gentleman age of freedom and in maintaining the Hon. SAM RAYBURN, in connection with his remarks give us peace of the world. Speaker of the House, information as to how the members of Hear us in the name of the Prince of U.S. Capi tol, Washin gton, D.C. DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I herewith offer my that organization are selected? Peace. Amen. resignation from the Committee on Educa­ · Mr. COOLEY. I would be very glad The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ tion and Labor and the Committee on the to do that. I would suggest that any­ terday was read and approved. Judiciary. one interested in the work of the In­ It has been a privilege and a pleasure to terparliamentary Union might very well work with the members of these committees, read Dan Reed's last extension of re­ ACCURACY IN NEWSPAPER and I regret that I must discontinue this marks, which I had inserted in the REc­ REPORTING associat ion. Sincerely yours, ORD on the day before he died. It is his Mr. SMITH of Mississippi. Mr. ALBERT H. BoscH, annual report. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to ad­ Member of Congress. Mr. HALLECK. I make this sugges­ dress the House for 1 minute and to tion because many Members have spoken The SPEAKER. Without objection, to me of their interest in it, and par­ revise and extend my remarks. the resignation will be accepted. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to ticularly their desire to attend some of the request of the gentleman from Mis­ There was no objection. the meetings. So far I have not been sissippi? able to learn very much about it. There was no objection. ELECTION TO COMMITTEE Mr. COOLEY. Mr. Reed's report con­ Mr. SMITH of Mississippi. Mr. Mr. HALLECK. Mr. Speaker, I offer tains full information concerning the Speaker, I should like to raise one voice a resolution CH. Res. 183) and ask for Interparliamentary Union; and I sug­ in opposition to this great self-righteous its immediate consideration. gest that anyone interested read the re­ crusade which the press of the country The Clerk read the resolution, as port. If the Vandenberg Room is not has taken upon itself to conduct against follows: large enough to accommodate the Mem­ bers attending the meeting, another the House of Representatives in the past Resolved, That ALBERT H. BOSCH, New couple of weeks concerning relatives and York, be, and he is hereby, elected a member room will be made available and some­ alleged relatives on the payroll. I think of the standing Committee of the House of one will be at the door of the Vanden­ there are many things to be considered. Representatives on Ways and Means. berg Room to direct Members to the place If the press really wants to do some work of the meeting. I hope that the meeting on the subject of nepotism, I suggest that The resolution was agreed to. will be well attended. they put in a little legwork in the various . A motion to reconsider was laid on the Federal bureaus, agencies, and depart­ table. ments. UNEMPLOYMENT As an example of how careless and in­ INTERPARLIAMENTARY UNION · Mr. FOLEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask efficient l:as been the type of reporting on Mr; COOLEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask nnanimous consent to address the House this particular issue, in a story which unanimous consent to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend :ny was published yesterday under a head­ for 1 minute. remarks. line indicating that 65 Members of the The·SPEAKER. Is there objection to The SPEAKER. Is there objection to House have relatives on their payroll, the request of the gentleman from North the request of the gentleman from Mary­ they listed a young lady who is employed Carolina. land? in my office whose maiden name happens There was no objection. There was no objection. CV--185 2919 2920 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE February 25 Mr. FOLEY. Mr. Speaker, like so munity, and other related matters. I Great Beyond one of the finest characters many other Members of the House and say it is good business and wise provi­ I have ever known and one of the finest so many millions throughout the land, I sion for our Government to spread its and most loyal of friends I have ever am increasingly concerned about the procurement so that efllcient facilities possessed. growth and volume of mass unemploy­ can be maintained in operation, that Yesterday afternoon, in Malden, Mass., ment. going concerns be kept in business, that died all that could die of Mrs. Esther When a country like ours has approx­ orders be placed so as to sustain a high Wheeler, after an extremely painful ill­ imately 5 million workers unemployed level of economic activity in all sections ness. Although this unrelenting disease then it is time to do something-do some­ of the Nation and in all sectors of the of cancer claimed the body of Esther thing more than prattle bright predic­ economy. And especially when the Wheeler, her noble and beautifui spirit tions that things are going to be better product is of demonstrated proficiency, will live on in the memory of her friends by and by. fulfills a needed requirement, and is the and associates forever. It is all very well for bureaucrats and lifeline of the manufacturing operation. Because of her interest in Government, economists to take the long view and In any event, Mr. Speaker, we are in her enthusiasm of work and association, console themselves with self-serving ob­ serious economic trouble in my district and her knowledge of the science and servations that before the end of the and I say that to allow this condition art of. politics, I am anxious to bring year things are going to better-but the to continue is highly injurious not only her life and contributions to the atten­ man out of work is concerned with the to us but also to the national welfare. tion of my colleagues here in the House here-and now. The head of a family We, of course, have no monopoly on this at this time. cannot maintain his household on statis­ problem. Unfortunately, scores and Esther Wheeler was a New England tics no matter how they are twisted for scores of communities and regions Republican. For many years she was political purposes. throughout the United States are sorely extremely active and worked unselfishly Mr. Speaker, I feel I can speak with afflicted with unemployment, and many in the interest of the Republican Party. some authority on this subject, not be­ of them have been so troubled for a long She was loyal to her party, but also fair cause I am an economist, but rather, time.
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