20074 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE September 28, 2000 S. CON. RES. 140 SENATE RESOLUTION 362—RECOG- Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, as Whereas Taiwan is the seventh largest NIZING AND HONORING ROBERTO the last baseball games are about to be trading partner of the United States and CLEMENTE AS A GREAT HUMAN- played in Pittsburgh’s Three Rivers plays an important role in the economy of ITARIAN AND AN ATHLETE OF Stadium, a stadium referred to as the the Asia-Pacific region; UNFANTHOMABLE SKILL ‘‘House that Clemente Build,’’ I am re- Whereas Taiwan routinely holds free and Mr. SANTORUM (for himself and Mr. minded of Roberto Clemente, one of fair elections in a multiparty system, as evi- the greatest athletes and humani- denced most recently by Taiwan’s second SPECTER) submitted the following reso- democratic presidential election of March 18, lution; which was referred to the Com- tarians of all time. Every baseball fan 2000, in which Mr. Chen Shui-bian was elect- mittee on the Judiciary: can recite Roberto’s achievements dur- ed as president of the 23,000,000 people of Tai- ing his professional career as a Pitts- S. RES. 362 wan; burgh Pirate—from hitting a remark- Whereas Members of Congress, unlike exec- Whereas Roberto Clemente’s athletic leg- able .317 over 18 seasons and collecting utive branch officials, have long had the acy has been honored by the City of Pitts- burgh with a 14 foot bronze statue and the 3,000 hits, to his 12 Gold Glove awards freedom to meet with leaders of governments and 12 National League All Star Game with which the United States does not have naming of a bridge over the Allegheny River located just outside the centerfield gate of appearances. However, it was his phil- formal relations—meetings which provide a anthropic gestures which truly rep- vital opportunity to discuss issues of mutual the new baseball stadium in Pittsburgh; Whereas Roberto Clemente led the Pitts- concern that directly affect United States resent Roberto Clemente’s invaluable burgh Pirates to World Championship titles national interests; legacy. in 1960 and 1971, winning the Series Most Val- Whereas several Members of Congress ex- As many people know, Roberto uable Player Award in 1971 when he batted pressed interest in meeting with President Clemente died tragically on December .414 with two home runs against Baltimore; Chen Shui-bian during his 16-hour layover in 31, 1972, after he and four others Whereas during his 18 year career with the Los Angeles, California, en route to Latin Pittsburgh Pirates, Roberto Clemente won boarded a small DC–7 to deliver food, America and Africa on August 13, 2000; four National League batting crowns, the clothing and medicine to Nicaragua, to Whereas the meeting with President Chen 1966 National League Most Valuable Player aid victims of a devastating earth- did not take place because of pressure from award, and ended his career with a .317 life- quake. The four-engine plane, with a Washington and Beijing; time average, 240 homers, and 1,305 runs bat- questionable past and an overload of Whereas Congress thereby lost the oppor- ted in; tunity to communicate directly with Presi- cargo, crashed into the Atlantic Ocean, Whereas on September 30, 1972, Roberto killing all aboard. What is not well dent Chen about developments in the Asia- Clemente became the 11th Major League Pacific region and key elements of the rela- known is that, upon hearing rumors Baseball player to record 3,000 hits with a 4th that Nicaraguan government officials tionship between the United States and Tai- inning double off of New York Mets left wan when he visited Los Angeles; hander Jon Matlack; were delaying the delivery of relief Whereas there could not be a more impor- Whereas Roberto Clemente was one of the supplies, Roberto Clemente left his tant time to find opportunities to talk to first Latin American baseball players in the New Year’s celebration with family and Taiwan’s new leaders given the enormous Major Leagues, and as such he faced lan- friends to travel to Nicaragua in order economic, security, and political interests guage barriers and racial segregation to personally oversee the delivery of we share with both Taiwan and the People’s throughout his career; the Puerto Rican relief supplies to the Republic of China, as well as the results of Whereas Roberto Clemente worked tire- the recent election in Taiwan which provided individuals devastated by the Managua lessly to improve professional baseball’s un- earthquake. On that fateful New Year’s for the first party leadership change in Tai- derstanding of the unique challenges faced wan’s history; by young Latin American baseball players Eve night in 1972, the world lost not Whereas Congress must continue to play thrust into a new culture and language; just a great athlete, arguably the an independent oversight role on United Whereas in August of 1973, Roberto greatest in the history of the Pitts- States policy toward Taiwan, and try to find Clemente became just the second player to burgh Pirates, but a humanitarian, a ways to reduce the threat of war between have the mandatory five-year waiting period cultural icon, and a hero. Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China, waived as he was inducted posthumously Mr. President, over the years, Ro- and in particular, to counteract China’s into the National Baseball Hall of Fame; buildup of missiles pointed at Taiwan; berto Clemente’s dedication to his fel- Whereas in 1984, Roberto Clemente became low man became legendary. As one of Whereas the United States continues to the second baseball player to be honored for cling to its policy of more than 20 years, his athletic and philanthropic achievements the first Latin America baseball play- which prohibits high-ranking Taiwan leaders with an appearance on a United States post- ers in the Major Leagues, Roberto from making official visits to the United age stamp; Clemente faced language barriers and States, forcing Members of Congress to Whereas Roberto Clemente devoted himself racial segregation throughout his ca- choose whether to rely solely upon indirect to improving the lives of inner city youth in reer. He worked tirelessly to improve assessments provided by the administration Puerto Rico and throughout the United professional baseball’s understanding or to travel to Taiwan to obtain this infor- States, putting into action his belief that of the unique challenges faced by mation firsthand, and denying Taiwan’s sport could be a stepping stone to a better young Latin American ballplayers democratically elected officials the respect life for underprivileged youth; they deserve; Whereas Roberto Clemente tragically died thrust into a new culture and language Whereas by bestowing upon President Chen in an airplane crash on December 31, 1972 as as they start their baseball careers. the respect his office deserves, the United he accompanied relief supplies to Nicaragua However, his concern for is fellow States would have demonstrated to the peo- to aid the victims of the devastating 1972 man did not stop at the foul lines. ple of both Taiwan and the People’s Republic Managua earthquake; throughout his career, Roberto of China United States support for democ- Whereas Roberto Clement’s humanitarian Clemente expressed his concern for the racy; and legacy continues to this day, embodied by troubled lives faced by urban youth Whereas the Immigration and Nationality the Roberto Clemente Sports City in Puerto both in the United States and Puerto Technical Corrections Act of 1994 (Public Rico, which creates an environment for the Rico. In a 1966 interview with Myron Law 103–416) provides that the President of development of the human spirit though Taiwan shall be welcome in the United sport, and promotes community, education, Cope for ‘‘Sports Illustrated,’’ Roberto States at any time to discuss a host of im- and awareness of human rights: Now, there- Clemente discussed his desire to help portant issues: Now, therefore, be it fore, be it youth by stoking their interest in Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate sports. Roberto Clemente believed that resentatives concurring), That it is the sense that— sports could bring families together in of Congress that— (1) Roberto Clemente was a great humani- an athletic setting while providing a (1) it is in the interest of Congress and the tarian and an athlete of unfathomable skill; stage for youngsters to excel. In what executive branch of the United States to (2) Roberto Clemente should be honored for would be the final months of his life, communicate directly with elected and ap- his contributions to the betterment of soci- pointed top officials of Taiwan, including its ety; and, Roberto Clemente conducted a series of democratically elected president; and (3) all Americans should honor Roberto baseball clinics for Puerto Rican youth (2) the United States should end restric- Clemente’s legacy every day through human- in addition to fundraising efforts for a tions on high-level visits by officials of Tai- itarian and philanthropic efforts toward large sports facility dedicated to the wan to the United States. their fellow man. youth of the world. VerDate jul 14 2003 10:38 Dec 21, 2004 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00078 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\S28SE0.002 S28SE0.
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