KYI KEEPING YOU INFORMED JANUARY 14, 2004 OFFICER LOST MCO MOURNS LOSS AT ALGER MAX Ty Brently Bernson, 29, hindered the recovery tions totaling $1,000, with of Gladstone, Michigan process. A portable a goal of twice that left behind a pregnant heating tent was set up amount, to give to his wife and an 18 month-old and a third team of widow and young family. child on Friday, January 9, divers brought in. 2004. If you are interested Bernson had been a in making a donation to Bernson, who was Corrections Officer at the Bernson family, sim- supposed to meet a friend Alger Max since August ply contact Sacha to go ice fishing at 6:30 2001. Crowley via e-mail at that morning, was found [email protected] or submerged in 20 feet of MCO will be making by phone at (800) 451- water approximately 300 a donation to Bernson’s 4878 for more informa- feet offshore, near Buck- family from the MCO tion. eye Beach. Crisis Fund in addition to presenting a memorial A Gladstone Public bible. Safety dive-team recov- ered the body after a five- The staff of Alger MICHIGAN CORRECTIONS ORGANIZATION hour search. Difficulties Max have already col- SEIU LOCAL 526M 421 W. KALAMAZOO with freezing equipment lected individual dona- LANSING, MI 48933 (517) 485-3310 1 (800) 451-4878 WWW.MCO-SEIU.ORG FROM THE OFFICE OF MCO PRESIDENT KARY L. SOWELS, SEIU LOCAL 526M, AFL-CIO sc:opeiu459aflcio KYI KEEPING YOU INFORMED JANUARY 21, 2004 FINALISTS SELECTED! UPCOMING EVENTS In a meeting on January 14, 2004, Kirsten Scheidler of five finalists were selected for Michi- Camp Branch Executive Council Meeting and gan Corrections Officer of the Year. Finalists were selected from 46 Training to be scheduled in The finalists are: nominations submitted from facilities February Pablo Olvera of Saginaw across the state. Correctional Personal interviews on January Diana Stimpson of Southern 29th, 2004, will complete the selec- HELLO! Michigan tion process. As some of you may have no- Grant Sage of Bellamy Creek ticed, the December 21st KYI had Steven Larsen of Congratulations to our final five a slightly different look to it...well, Mid-Michigan for all their hard work and that’s because there is a slightly dif- commitment! ferent look to the MCO staff! OFFICERS HELPING OFFICERS I’m Sacha, and I joined the staff as the new Communication Spe- Each year some among us en- all of their own leave and who cialist on December 15th. counter a hardship either due to a meet the criteria as stated in the I’m originally from Ohio, but I personal illness or injury or that of MCO contract under Article 28, claim Michigan as my “home” a spouse, child or parent. Section L, may then use the An- state. While I still bleed “scarlet January 12, 2004, through Feb- nual Leave Bank to assist them in and grey,” I can accept that I am ruary 12, 2004, has been set aside their time of need. outnumbered and remain quiet! for officers to donate annual leave To make a donation, simply There will be some changes to to the “Central Annual Leave use the DMB-16-OSE “Central the KYI and upcoming MCO Re- Bank.” Donations must be in Annual Leave Donation Bank - port, however I promise to provide whole hour increments and must be Donation Form.” available on the you with the same quality of infor- for a minimum of eight (8) hours, Office of the State Employer mation and service you came to not to exceed forty (40) per em- hompage at: expect from Molly...I hear I have ployee annually. These donations http:/intranet.dmb.state.mi.us/ some big shoes to fill! are irrevocable. dmb/ose Please be patient as the holidays Employees who have exhausted made for a difficult start and threw off the normal schedule! I prom- MID MICHIGAN PHP RETAINS HOSPITAL ise to have things back in swing as Despite extensive negotiations to the uncertainty of the hospital’s soon as possible! with Memorial Healthcare Center continued participation in the That being said, let’s have a (Owosso Memorial) Physician’s plan, please feel free to contact great year! Health Plan of Mid-Michigan was Larry Smith, PHP’s Labor Rela- set to lose a hospital. tions, at (517) 364-2757. MICHIGAN CORRECTIONS ORGANIZATION Last minute negotiations netted Your benefits were not affected SEIU LOCAL 526M a deal in which Owosso Memorial during the negotiations and you 421 W. KALAMAZOO will remain a “participating pro- may continue to use Owosso Me- LANSING, MI 48933 vider” in PHP’s Mid-Michigan net- morial as a covered health care (517) 485-3310 work. provider. 1 (800) 451-4878 If you were inconvenienced due WWW.MCO-SEIU.ORG FROM THE OFFICE OF MCO PRESIDENT KARY L. SOWELS, SEIU LOCAL 526M, AFL-CIO sc:opeiu459aflcio MCO GOT BEST DEAL MSEA AFSCME COUNCIL 25 NERE Without Union Representation, BLT Plan No agreement made...members the Civil Service adopted most voted against concessions of the Office of the State 40 hours of unpaid furlough time agreement Employer’s recommendations Prescription drug co-pays The State is now preparing for BLT Plan increase to $30 from $15 for unit wide temporary layoff’s, with non-preferred brand name drugs proration of beneifts to balance Dec. 26th a paid day off the budget Jan.2nd an unpaid day off SEIU 517M Workers will have to take 32 SCIENTIFIC/ENGINEERING UNIT MCO additional hours of unpaid BLT Plan leave during the year A maximum of 36 hours of BLT Plan Prescription drug co-pays unpaid furlough time increase to $30 from $15 for Compensatory time for 1 paid furlough day non-preferred brand name drugs pre-shift lineup TECHNICAL UNIT BLT Plan UAW L OCAL 6000 NO FURLOUGH TIME 36 hours of unpaid furlough time BLT Plan NO LAYOFFS 1 paid furlough day 24 hours of unpaid O RESCRIPTION N P furlough time HUMAN SERVICES SUPPORT UNIT CO-PAY INCREASES No agreement made...members 1 paid furlough day voted against concessions agreement State stops paying into Joint 2 day layoff, with proration of MSPTA Employee Education, Training, accumulated benefits such as and Development fund for sick-leave, annual leave, etc. Contract expired Sept. 2002, union workers for 2 years and members didn’t get raises The reduction in work schedule Oct. 1, 2002, or in 2003. In Addition, the State takes with affect overtime Union has filed for mediation $3.5 million in existing funds from the account to help Likely additional layoffs from State proposes to obtain savings balance the State budget. State to balance budget from new contract FROM THE OFFICE OF MCO PRESIDENT KARY L. SOWELS, SEIU LOCAL 526M, AFL-CIO sc:opeiu459aflcio JANUARY 28, 2004 NOTICE! MCO FIGHTS STATE IN COURT MCO went to court on Monday, Janu- “Paperless Pay-Stub” program. data from all employees, not just DCH, ary 26, 2004, to obtain a Temporary Re- regarding the implementation of this straining Order (TRO) against the State. The mandatory “Paperless Pay-Stub” program. If granted, the TRO would stop the State system goes into effect this pay period, from switching to a mandatory January 29, 2004. Under this plan, you Union officers will be distributing “Paperless Pay-Stub” system later this use a self-service account and password questionnaires to all Security Unit em- week and allow MCO members to con- to access the information previously ployees in the Dept. of Community tinue to receive their paper pay stubs. contained on your pay stub, such as pay Health facilities and MDOC employees rate, leave balances, etc. through a com- at several facilities. If you work in one MCO has already filed an “Unfair puter. of these facilities, please try to use the Labor Practice” suit against the State and computer to obtain your earnings record a formal grievance regarding this unilat- MCO objects to this mandatory and fill out the questionnaire. Even if eral mandate. switch for several reasons, including in- you are not familiar with computers, sufficient computer access for members, please try the system so we can report As a result of MCO’s challenge, the concern for employee’s privacy, and the the problems to the Court. Office of the State Employer (OSE) time spent by employees to obtain such agreed to postpone the “Paperless Pay- information either on break, lunch, or Try to access your pay information Stub” in the Dept. of Corrections for one after shift, etc. at work. Let us know how this pay pe- pay period. In light of that, the judge riod goes. Did you have access to a com- denied the request for a TRO. FOR THOSE EMPLOYEES IN CORREC- puter? was there a line? how long did it TIONAL FACILITIES...if you are set up for take? when did you access your ac- According to the OSE, due to com- Direct Deposit, you will receive your count... on lunch? break? do you need puter and program issues it could not “void” check in the mail. If you receive training on how to operate the computer halt the program for the Department of a paper check in the mail, you will con- system? were you concerned about pri- Community Health members at the Fo- tinue to do so for this pay period. vacy while accessing your records? rensic and Huron Valley Centers. FOR THOSE EMPLOYEES AT HURON Please work with union officers over The judge, wishing to hear more, has VALLEY CENTER AND THE FORENSIC the next week as they try to gather this scheduled a show cause hearing for Feb- CENTER..
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