UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA FACULDADE DE BELAS-ARTES ESTÉTICA DE AÇÕES COLETIVAS NA INTERNET ART: Crowdsourcing e o despertar de públicos criativos (Volume II - Apêndice) José Manuel de Almeida Pereira Orientador: Professora Doutora Sílvia Lami Tavares Chicó Tese especialmente elaborada para a obtenção do grau de Doutor em Belas-Artes, na especialidade de Multimédia 2019 ÍNDICE Projetos de Crowdsourcing Art……………………………..………………… 1 The World’s First Collaborative Sentence, Douglas Davis, 1994-2005…..…… 2 The File Room, Antoni Muntadas, 1994-presente…………………...………… 3 Bodies© INCorporated, Victoria Vesna, 1995…………….………………...… 4 SITO Synergy project HyGrid, Ed Stastny, 1995-presente……………...…..… 5 Telegarden, Ken Goldberg, 1995-2004……………………………………...… 6 www.rtmark.com, ®™ark, 1996-2002………………………………………… 7 Degree Confluence Project, Alex Jarret, 1996-presente…………………….… 8 Identity Swap Database, Olia Lialina & Heath Bunting 1999……………….… 9 Starrynight, Alexander R. Galloway, Mark Tribe e Martin Wattenberg, 1999... 10 Karlskrona 2 (K2), Superflex, 1999…………………………………………..… 11 Toywar, etoy.CORPORATION, 1999-2000…………………………………… 12 Communimage, Johannes Gees e calc (Looks Brunner, Malex Spiegel, Teresa A. Novo, Omi Scheiderbauer e Silke Sporn),1999-presente………………...… 13 Riot, Mark Napier, 2000……………………………………………………..… 14 CarnivorePE, RSG (Radical Software Group), 2001………………………...… 15 Glyphiti, Andy Deck, 2001-presente………………………………………...… 16 OPUS(Open Platform for Unlimited Signification), Raqs Media Collective (Jeebesh Bagchi, Monica Narula e Shuddhabrata Sengupta), 2002………….… 17 Nine (9), Mongrel (Graham Harwood), 2003………………………………..… 18 Googlehouse, Marika Dermineur e Stéphane Degoutin, 2003………………… 19 Sky Ear, Usman Haque, 2004………………………...……………………..… 20 Agonistics: A Language Game, Warren Sack, 2004………...…………….…… 21 Yellow Arrow, Counts Media (Michael Counts, Christopher Allen, Brian House e Jesse Shapins), 2004-2006………………………………………….… 22 Biomapping, Christian Nold, 2004-presente…………………………….......… 23 We Feel Fine, Jonathan Harris & Sep Kamvar, 2005-2007…………………… 24 i Swarm Sketch, Peter Edmunds, 2005-presente………………………………… 25 The Sheep Market, Aaron Koblin, 2006……………………………………..… 26 Wish, Boredomresearch (Vicky Isley e Paul Smith), 2006………………….… 27 The Dumpster, Golan Levin, Kamal Nigam e Jonathan Feinberg, 2006……… 28 On Translation: Social Networks, Antoni Muntadas, 2006………………….… 29 myfrienemies, Angie Waller, 2007………………………………………….… 30 Le registre/ The Register - Flußgeist 2, Grégory Chatonsky & Claude Le Berre, 2007…………………………………………………………………...… 31 Googlegrama 49:White on White, Joan Fontcuberta, 2007…………………..… 32 Noplace, Marek Walczak & Martin Wattenberg (MW2MW), 2007-2008…..… 33 Reenactments/ Synthetic Performances, 0100101110101101.ORG (Eva e Franco Mattes), 2007-2010…………………………………………………..… 34 Ten Thousand Cents, Aaron Koblin & Takashi Kawashima, 2008………….… 35 Star Wars Uncut, Casey Pugh, 2009…………………………………………… 36 Wikipedia Art, Scott Kildall & Nathaniel Stern, 2009………………………… 37 Highrise/Out My Window, Katerina Cizek & NFB (National Film Board – Canadá), 2009-2010………………………………………………………….… 38 Cadavre Exquis - Stainboy, Tim Burton, 2010………………………………… 39 Unnumbered Sparks, Aaron Koblin & Janet Echelman, 2010……………….… 40 Sunset Portraits from Sunset Pictures on Flickr, Penelope Umbrico, 2010- presente………………………………………………………………………… 41 Twistori, Amy Hoy e Thomas Fuchs, 2010-presente………………………..… 42 Virtual Choir, Eric Whitacre, 2010-presente………………………………...… 43 Johnny Cash, Chris Milk & Aaron Koblin, 2010-presente…………………..… 44 Life in a Day, Kevin Macdonald & Ridley Scott, 2011……………………...… 45 Face to Facebook, Paolo Cirio e Alessandro Ludovico, 2011……………….… 46 Born Nowhere, Laís Pontes, 2011-presente………………………………….… 47 This Exquisite Forest, Chris Milk & Aaron Koblin, 2012-2014……………..… 48 ii Webcam Venus, Pablo Garcia & Addie Wagenknecht & F.A.T. (Free Art &Technology), 2013…………………………………………………………… 49 Moon, Olafur Eliasson e Ai Weiwei, 2013-2017…………………………….… 50 The Exceptional and the Everyday: 144 Hours in Kiev, Lev Manovich, Alise Tifentale, Mehrdad Yazdani e Jay Chow , 17 a 22 de fevereiro de 2014……… 51 Internet Cache Self Portrait series, Evan Roth, 2014-presente………………… 52 Place, Reddit/ Josh Wardle, 2017……………………………………………… 53 Manifestos, declarações de artistas, curadores e teóricos da Internet Art…………………………………………………………………………….... 54 The Hacker’s Manifesto, The Mentor (a.k.a. Loyd Blankenship), 1986…….… 55 Manifestation for the Unstable Media, V2_Organisation, 1987………………. 57 A Cyberfeminist Manifesto for the 21st Century, VNS Matrix (Josephine Starrs, Julianne Pierce, Francesca da Rimini, and Virginia Barratt), 1991…….. 58 A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace, John Perry Barlow, 1996.... 59 Command Communications and Control in eastern Europe – a View from Isolation, Marko Peljhan , 1997………………………………………………... 61 Manifeste du web Indépendant, uZine 3, 1997……………………………….... 64 On The ABC of Tactical Media, David Garcia and Geert Lovink, 1997…….. 65 The Digital Artisans Manifesto, Richard Barbrook e Pit Schultz, 1997………. 68 The Piran Nettime Manifesto, Pit Schultz (Berlin), Geert Lovink (Amsterdam), Critical Art Ensemble (Chicago), Diana McCarty (Budapest), Marko Peljhan (Ljubljana), Oliver Marchart (Wien) e Peter Lamborn Wilson (New York), 1997…………………………………………………………….... 72 Manifesto: Thread Baring Itself in Ten Quick Posts, Mark Amerika, 1998….. 73 Introduction to Net.Art, Natalie Bookchin e Alexei Shulgin, 1994-1999……... 77 Lowtech Manifesto, Redundant Technology Initiative, 1999………………….. 81 A few Things I know about Neen, Miltos Manetas, 2000-2006……………….. 82 iii Manifesto for Agile Software Development, Kent Beck, Mike Beedle, Arie van, Bennekum, Alistair Cockburn, Ward, Cunningham, Martin Fowler, Robert C. Martin, Steve Mellor, Dave Thomas, James Grenning, Jim Highsmith, Andrew Hunt, Ron Jeffries, Jon Kern, Brian Marick, Ken Schwaber, and Jeff Sutherland, 2001…………………………………………... 83 Dispersion, Seth Price, 2002………………………………………………….... 84 Flat against the Wall, Olia Lialina, 2007………………………………………. 93 The Zero Dollar Laptop Manifesto, James Wallbank, 2007………………….. 96 Guerilla Open Access Manifesto, Aaron Swartz, 2008………………………. 99 The Lo-Fi Manifesto, Karl Stolley, 2008…………………………………….... 101 Media Art 2.0, Aristarkh Chernyshev, Roman Minaev, Alexei Shulgin, 2009.. 103 Pirates of The Internet Unite!, Miltos Manetas, 2009……………………….... 105 The Culto f Done Manifesto, Bre Pettis and Kio Stark, 2009…………………. 107 UBERMORGEN.COM manifesto, UBERMORGEN.COM (Hans Bernhard and LIZVLX), 2009……………………………………………………………. 108 The Dead Drops Manifesto, Aram Bartholl, 2010……………………………... 113 The Hardware Hacker Manifesto, Cody Brocious (Daeken), 2010……………. 114 Postinternet: Art after the Internet, Marisa Olson, 2011……………………….. 116 We, The Web Kids, Piotr Czerski, 2012………………………………………. 122 A Manifesto for the truth, Edward Snowden, 2013……………………………. 125 The Tale of Lord Snowden and marquis D’Assange, UBERMORGEN.COM (Hans Bernhard and LIZVLX), 2013…………………………………………... 126 Balconism, Constant Dullaart, 2014………………………………………….... 127 New Clues, Doc Searls & David Weinberger, 2015………………………….... 129 User Dta Manifesto 2.0, Frank Karlitschek, 2015……………………………... 137 We lost, F.A.T. GOLD - Magnus Eriksson and Evan Roth, 2015……………... 139 Beta – Manifest for the Future Art Market, Association of German Galleries and Art Dealers (BVDG) and Independent Collectors, 2016………………….. 141 iv Speed Show LA: Manifesto, Aram Bartholl, 2016…………………………….. 145 The Perfect Medium User, Casey Gollan, 2016……………………………... 146 v . PROJETOS DE CROWDSOURCING ART 1 The World’s First Collaborative Sentence, 1994-2005 ______________________ Douglas Davis Fig. 1 Plataforma original do projeto The World’s First Collaborative Sentence, 1994 Fig. 2 Interface destinada à submissão de texto, 1994 Fig. 3 Detalhe do texto decorrente de múltiplas contribuições, versão restaurada em 2005. Disponível em http://artport.whitney.org/collection/DouglasDavis/live/Sentence/sentence1.html ______________________ OBSERVAÇÕES: O projeto The World’s First Collaborative Sentence consiste num texto performativo com imagens online em permanente expansão, comissariado pela Galeria de Arte Lehman College e a City University of New York, com o auxílio de Gary Welz, Robert Schneider e Susan Hoeltzel. Na sequência da intenção da Galeria de Arte Lehman College em realizar uma mostra dos primeiros trabalhos de Douglas Davis (1967-1981) na internet (alojada no servidor da City University of New York), surge paralelamente este projeto em estreita ligação com o tema da exposição. O projeto permanece ativo, foi restaurado e relançado em 2005 pelo Whitney Museum of American Art (detentor da obra de arte). Um estudo realizado no início do ano 2000 assinalava mais de 200 mil colaborações, divididas em 21 capítulos, escritos em dezenas de idiomas. 2 The File Room, 1994-presente ______________________ Antoni Muntadas Fig. 4 A instalação física temporária, The File Room, esteve em Chicago (1994), Lyon (1995), Paris (1996), Barcelona (1996) e Hamburg (1996). Disponível em http://www.medienkunstnetz.de/works/the-file-room/ Fig. 5 O interface do projeto. Apresentado na Ars Eletronica (1994), ISEA (1995), Medienbiennale (1994), entre outros. Disponível em http://www.thefileroom.org/ ______________________ OBSERVAÇÕES: The File Room é um projeto com espírito coletivo, aberto ao espaço público e social que privilegia o diálogo, discussão e contribuições sucessivas dos participantes. Muntadas, em colaboração com a equipa do centro artístico de Randolph Street Gallery
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