FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2i, 1966 .. S , lEtti^ntos I AverM PallY Not ProM Ron The Weather ootdd hava bs6n photograph^ f m Ike Week Boded Manohaoter Rod and Oun Ohib Cloudy end ooOl today Warren E. Howland, preal- Bunce Tavern the summer-beam rssousd, » • Oeteker 16, i06g brief showers this ovsnlag, aaa> dent o< the Kiwanla Club a t will hava Ha annual fall olaanup fresoosa ramovsd and pro- Come Browse Sunday at 8 a.m. ■« tha club- ny, windy and cool tomorrow, ManOkeater, and IN. William Had Ballroom sorvod. * houaa at Daisy Rd.. Ovsntry. low tonight 40-40, higli tonwm D o m n CMmi, dau|lit«r Knight, Immediate peat preal- Even a ptoturs of Ihs dlgnj* A apaghattl and mesttbaU dinner 1 4 ,4 6 3 row about 60. «( Mr. w>4 Mn. Anthony Qolu dent, were recently aweuxled On Top Floor fled home, once a colonial pub­ will be served. at n Bnxdrfleld 8t., vrtm r»- clUtlone a t aervice gold awards lic house on a busy trail, would ManeheHMr^A City of FiUago Charm oantly pledfed to Ka^i^ A^iha by the Klwania mtematlonal a t As was the cuatom In those have bsen Interesting. (s)[)odland IliaU nattomU aorortty, Unlvor- Chicago, III. The awards are The Oouplea d u b a t Second days, tha house had a ballroom In fact the entire horns might •Ity of Oonnoctlout chaptar. Bha made during the club's golden Oongregatlonal Church will VOL. LXXXV, NO. 20 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SBCnON) MANCHESTER, CONN., SA’TURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1965 (OossUled Advertiatag sa Pag# 9) PRICE SEVEN CEN1B it a third aometter aoiAoinoro anniveraaiy year for "outstand­ have a gourmet dinner tomor­ on Ha top floor. That U no long- have been saved. R oouW have GARDENS majortav Xt KnffiMi. ing aervice rendered to hla com­ row at 8:80 p.m. at the ohuroh. or a ouBtom a t this age. Modem become one of a numbar of Ws- toric homes In Msutohester open munity and cMb." Members o< the Hammond Or­ homes do not come equipped gan d u b will enterialn after to the public. Marine Private FranWln C. with ballrooms; In fact, most Blokinff Jr., aon o t Mr. and Mra. Mra. John Jaalowskl a t Man- dinner. Organists are Mra. The various stoges a t the modem homes do not even have Prank C. Bloking: a t 23 Locuat cheater waa elected correepond- Slliabeth Wright, M n . CHadya town’s past could have been re­ St., waa recently graduated Ing aicretary of the Catholk- Porater and Mm. Marian Mo- a second floor. kindled; meaning could have 1 fPOTO Marine reoniit training at Ladles a t Columbus, State As­ berg. Members of an arrange­ The Bunce Tavern was a been lent to words Mks sum­ 89th Congress Is Ended; the Marine Oorpe Recruit De­ sembly, at the organisation’s ment committee are Mr. and house of another age, one that mer-beam, fresco, and public pot, Parrla lalanid, S.C. convention last weekend at Lot­ Mra. John OLson, Mr. and M n. had Its heyday In the birth of house. ^ , tie Flak Memorial, Rockville. Harry Rylander, Mr, and M n. the country, over 200 years ago. The idea of the newly formed Mlarine Lance Qpl. Laurence She will serve for one year. Norman Rylander, M n. and Along with a ballroom, this Manchester Hlstoricel Society Is H. Fredhett, eon of Mr. and Mrs. M n. Francis Dowda, >Ir. aitd spacious and excellent example to preserve such relico of the Daurence W. Prethelt of 14 The Women’s Auxiliary of the Mra. difford Hansen and Mr. of northern colonial arcMteoture town’s history, to restore them Weotwood St., ie serving aa a Manchester Midget and Pony and Mn. EMwln Sage. Kingdom Hfdl to Be Dedicated had a dosen rooms. It had two and to display them In a set­ LB J C alls it ‘Fabulous’ member of Headquarters and FV)otball Association will meet stairways to the second floor. ting reminiscent of their past. MiBintenance Squadron 12, Ma­ Monday at 8:30 p.m. at the Ladies of St. Jamee and the Jehovah’s Witnesses will dedi­ ing, begun In May 1964, was The walls of the rear stair­ This is Just one of the society’s rine Air Group 12 a* the Marine home otf Mrs. William Bmnnlck. Holy Name Society will sponsor cate their new Kingdom Hall completed. Work on the 66 feet well were frescoed with Mason­ themes. But a large and active DAFFODILS Oorpe Expeditionary Airfield, 3 Hartland Rd. Mrs. Franklin a farewell party for tha Rev. at 738 N. Main St. tomorrow at long and 30 foot wide building ic designs. In the cellar was a membenddp la needed If the so­ (King Alfred) Oiu Lai, Viet Nam. Joseph McOenn Sunday with a 8 p.m.. It has been announced with full basement was done Anderson and Mra. Rodney Do- summer-beam . on which waa ciety Is to realise Its ambitions. Large Balbe State News lin will bo co-hoatesseo. poUuck at 6:30 p.m. and dance by Reginald Scribner, presiding mainly by members of the con­ carved the date 1742. The society la calling on all Sugar B ill at St. Jamee’ School hall, inie minister. An Open House will gregation on weekends and Frescoes ? Summer - beam ? those with an Interest In or K of C Orchestra will play tor RANGE A Ski Club for Junior and be held tomorrow from 1 to 6 evenings. These words are from an older knowledge of the town’s Ws- G>nstitution Passed at Senior High School girls will be dancing. Mrs. Charles I^ntlcelU p.m. TTie public Is invited. The congregation has grown culture. They are being exiled tiory to Join. 10 for .■\M) formed by the Manchester and Mrs. William Ourtts are oo- The congregation started here from 38 in June 1968 to 76 to 80 Into obsolescence by a rapidly FUEL OIL I yWOA. Final plans will be an­ chaJrmen of the event. Mem­ June 1, 1908, splitting from the active ministers at the present changing language. TULIPS (Red EmpreoF) Changes Set Final H our bers of all societies of the time. The presiding minister The Bunce Tavern stood at GASOLINE nounced at the first meeting of RockviUe congregation which Computer Age Large Bulbe the club Tue-sday, Nov. 16 at church will be contacted for had become too large. The said an increase in growth is the comer of W. Center emd Ol- 2 Pieces WASHINGTON (AP — 7:30 p.m, at the Community Y. reservations. policy of the governing body, the expected in the near future. cott Sts., Mved In until recently (From the Buckley Breete, by The “fabulous 89th Con-. Watohtower Bllde and Tract by descendants of the original Shelia Miller, Grade 3 reporter) I 78 N. Main at. HARTFORD (AP)—The Rules gresa," as President John­ Gregory Zollo, son of Mr. and Society, according to Scribner, Bunce family. Our class has been trying to , 'I*/ B AN TLY OIL 13 Million Helped Committee of the Constitutional son describes it, haa writ­ Mrs. Benedict Zollo of 66 Gard­ is to keep the congregation Tom down not long ago, tljo count up to one million. We are (OMI’ANY. INC. Donald Gobeille Jr. of 80 Har­ 6 W ' ten an hiRtoric record in ita lan St. has been named to the ner St., is one of several sen­ small BO that personal attention Washington — More than 18 house today exists only as a only up to sight thousand. Ws Many oUier Tnllpe, dwarf, (Convention agreed Friday that .!.!1 MAIN .STKEKT dean’s list for academic' excel­ iors at Wllbroham (Mass.) may be given to the spiritual million schoolchildren take part memory. If even that. figured It would take us all of toll, early, late, HyodnUu, the state's revised constitution ■A' ^ first session. Academy who participated in a this year and half of next year’s Crocus, etc. with top-heavy Democrotie TEL. fillt-i.'ii).') lence' at Stevens Institute of nee^ of each member. In Latin - American school- These memories could have will be presented to the people pilot program designed to pro­ Manchester meetlnga were lunch programs started tmder been reinforced if a historical arithmetic classes to reach a majorities, It rolled out a tide of K»>rkvill»' H7r,-;{271 Technology, Hoboken, N.J, vide students with educationally held in Tinker Hall until March the Alliance for Progress, or society had been aoUvs then. million. We decided It would be in two sections. major legislation that often LARGE E-T<> worthwhile summer' experi­ of this year when the new build­ three times the 1962 number. The ballroom end other rooms a waste of time so we stopped. The committee said that all drew comparisons with the New ences. He spent the sununer PINE & HEMLOCK of the constitution except one Deal days of the 1980s working at Trinity College. TREES S’- r sentence will appear as "Pro- It set up a permanent health ‘ Linda, Mom Reunited After Four Years po.sltlon 1” at a Dec. 14 refer­ care program for the elderly, ONLY endum, while one sentence hav­ made It easier for Negroes la Miss Annette Abraltls of 68 Linda Lee Ridings, missing since 1961, plants a kiss on her mother, Mrs. Bar­ Doane St. has been Inducted ing to do with a charge In em­ the South to register to vote, / into Gamma Chi Sigma honor bara Ridings. The little girl was found living with a former baby-sitter and yes­ inent domian policies will be wiped out taxes on dozens of APPLES terday appeared in a California juvenile h il where custody was awarded Mrs.
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