* o * ^^ •^^^^- ^^-9^- A <i " c ^ <^ - « O .^1 * "^ ^ "^ • Ellis'* -^^ "^ -vMW* ^ • * ^ ^^ > ->^ O^ ' o N o . .v^ .>^«fiv.. ^^^^^^^ _.^y^..^ ^^ -*v^^ ^'\°mf-\^^'\ \^° /\. l^^.-" ,-^^\ ^^: -ov- : ^^--^ .-^^^ \ -^ «7 ^^ =! ' -^^ "'T^s- ,**^ .'i^ %"'*-< ,*^ .0 : "SOL JUSTITI/E ET OCCIDENTEM ILLUSTRA." CATALOGUE ^^^^ OFFICERS AND ALUMNI RUTGEES COLLEGE (ORIGINALLY QUEEN'S COLLEGE) IlSr NEW BRUJSrSWICK, N. J., 1770 TO 1885. coup\\.to ax \R\l\nG> S-^ROUG upsoh. k.\a., C\.NSS OP \88\, UBR^P,\^H 0? THP. COLLtGit. TRENTON, N. J. John L. Murphy, Printer. 1885. w <cr <<«^ U]) ^-] ?i 4i6o?' ABBREVIATIONS L. S. Law School. M. Medical Department. M. C. Medical College. N. B. New Brunswick, N. J. Surgeons. P. and S. Physicians and America. R. C. A. Reformed Church in R. D. Reformed, Dutch. S.T.P. Professor of Sacred Theology. U. P. United Presbyterian. U. S. N. United States Navy. w. c. Without charge. NOTES. the decease of the person. 1. The asterisk (*) indicates indicates that the address has not been 2. The interrogation (?) verified. conferred by the College, which has 3. The list of Honorary Degrees omitted from usually appeared in this series of Catalogues, is has not been this edition, as the necessary correspondence this pamphlet. completed at the time set for the publication of COMPILER'S NOTICE. respecting every After diligent efforts to secure full information knowledge in many name in this Catalogue, the compiler finds his calls upon every one inter- cases still imperfect. He most earnestly correcting any errors, by ested, to aid in completing the record, and in the Librarian sending specific notice of the same, at an early day, to Catalogue may be as of the College, so that the next issue of the accurate as possible. GENERAL CATALOGUE TRUSTEES. Queen's College was established by a Charter from George III., in 1770, William Franklin, Esq., being Governor of New Jersey. The name was changed to Rutgers College, December 5, 1825. TEUSTEES APPOINTED BY THE CHARTEK. The Governor or Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of New Jersey, ex-officio. The Chief Justice of tlie Colony of New Jersey, ex-officio. The Attorney-General of the Colony of New Jersey, ex-officio. Sir William Johnson, Bart. OF NEW JERSEY. *Rev. Johannes H. Goetschius,! Died 1774 *Rev. Johannes Leydt,! Died 1783 *Rev. David Maurinus,! *Hendrick Fisher,! Died 1779 *Peter Zabriskie,! *Peter Hasenclever *Peter ScHENCK,t Died 1800 *Rev. Johannes Martinus Van Harlingen,! Died 1795 *Rev. Jacob R. Hardenbergh,! Died 1790 *Rev. William Jackson Died 1813 ^TuNis Dey ^Philip French,! *J0HN CoVENHOYEN *Henricus Kuyper Resigned 1782 OF NEW YORK. *Rev. Samuel Yerbryk,! Died 1784 *Rey. Barent Vrooman Died 1783 *Rev. Maurice Goetschius Died 1771 t Attended a meeting at Hackensack, N. J., May 7, 1771, when the College was tixed at New Brunswick, at which the Hon. Frederick Smith, Chief .Justice of the Province of New Jersey, presided. RUTGERS COLLEGE. • *SiMON Johnson • *Philip Livingston Died 1778 ^Johannes Hardenbergh,! ^Abraham Hasbrouck *JOHN BrINKERHOFF ^Nicholas Stillwill -^Martinus Hoffman *Jacob H. Ten Eyck *Eev. Eilardus Westerlo Died 1790 ^Kev. John Schuneman Died 1794 *Theodorus Van Wyck ^Abraham Lott *Kobert Livingston *Levi Pauling,! *John Haring,! ••• *ISAAC VrOOMAN ^Barnardus Eyder OF PENNSYLVANIA. ^Rev. Philip Weyberg ^Eev. Jonathan Dubois,^ Diedl772 TRUSTEES SUBSEQUENTLY ELECTED. APPOINTED. 1771 ^Abraham Van Neste,! 1771 ^Benjamin Benson,! 1771 *Rev. Christian F. Fcering Died 1779 1782 ^CoL. John Neilson Died 1833 1782 *JoHN Schureman Died 1795 1782 *RuLUFF Van Dyke Resigned 1783 1782 *James Hude 1782 *CoL. Frederick Frelinghuysen. Resigned Died 1804 1782 *Lawrence Van Derveer, M.D Resigned 1816 1782 *CoL. Hendrick Van Dyke 1782 *Ernestus Van Harlingen Resigned 1807 1782 *noN. James Schureman Died 1824 1782 ^IIenry Traphagen 1782 *Col. Peter D. Vroom Resigned 1825 Died 1831 1782 *Abraham Duryea 1782 ^Peter Vredenburgh, Jr 1783 *Rev. Solomon Frcel^gh, D.D Resigned 1810 Died 1827 t Attended the mec'yng at Hackeusack, N. J., May 7, 1771, when the College was fixed at New Brunswick. X It wa.s made necessary by the Charter that the members of the Board should take certain oaths therein prescribed. How many of the above-named gentlemen complied with this provision, we have no means of determining. TRUSTEES. appointp:d. 1783 *Kev. Matthew Leydt Died 1783 1783 *Kev. Solomon Van Arsdalen Died 1786 1783 *IlEv. Benjamin Du Bois Died 1827 1783 *CoL,. Azariah Dunham 1783 ^Abraham Van Buren, M.D Resigned 1811 1784 *Peter Vredenburgh, Sen Resigned 1825 1784 "^Rynear Veghte ...Resigned 1784 ^Edward Bunn 1785 "=^JoHN H. Livingston, D.D Resigned Died 1825 1785 *Rev. Theodoric Romeyn, D.D Died 1804 1785 ^Rev. Isaac Blauvelt Resigned 1831 Died 1840 1785 ^William Van Deursen Resigned 1793 1786 *Rev. John Duryea Resigned 1829 Died 1836 1787 *Rev. Rynear Van Nest Resigned 1813 Died 1813 1787 *Rev. Abraham Beach, D.D Resigned 1825 .... Died 1828 1787 *Rev. William Linn, D.D. Died 1808 1787 *Rev. Elias Van Bunschooten Died 1815 1787 *Rev. John M. Van Harlingen Died 1813 1787 ^Archibald Mercer 1788 *Rev. John Bassett, D.D Died 1824 1788 *Rev. Peter Studdiford Died 1826 1788 *Gen. Anthony W.White Died 1803 1790 ^JoHN Hardenbergh 1790 *Lewis Dunham, M.D ..., Died 1821 1790 ^Abraham Schuyler Resigned 1793 1790 *Jaques Voorhees 1791 *Rev. Henry Van Dyke 1792 *Jacob R. Hardenbergh, Jr 1792 *HoN. Andrew Kirkpatrick Resigned 1809 Died 1831 1792 *HoN. Robert Morris, LL.D Died 1815 1794 *Rev. Ira Condict, D.D Died 1811 1800 *Rev. William R.Smith Died 1820 1800 *Rey. John S. Vredenburgh Died 1821 1800 *Rev. James S. Cannon, D.D Died 1852 1800 ^Rey. John Schureman, D.D Died 1818 1800 *Rev. Henry Polhemus Died 1816 1800 *HoN. John Frelinghuysen Diedl833 1800 ^Abraham Blauvelt 1800 *Jacob Tallman Resigned 1807 1800 *Robert Boggs Died 1831 1804 ^Frederick Van Dyke 1804 ^Charles Smith, M.D Resigned 1839 Died 1848 1804 nViLLiAM P. Deare Died 1826 1804 *Martin Schenck Died 1823 1807 *Rev. John M. Bradford, D.D Died 1827 RUTGERS COLLEGE. APPOINTED. 1807 *Kev. WiLHELMUS Eltinge, D.D Died 1851 1807 *Staats Van Deursen" Eesigned 1823 1808 *Kev. John N. Abeel, D.D Died 1812 1809 *Eev. John H. Livingston, D.D Died 1825 1809 *Eev. James V. C. Komeyn Died 1840 1809 *Kt. Rev. John Croes, D.D Kesigned 1816 Died 1832 1811 *Rev. Peter Labagh, D.D Died 1858 1811 *Rev. John L. Zabriskie Died 1850 1812 *HoN. James Parker Died 1868 1812 *Eev. Cornelius T. Demarest Eesigned Died 1862 1812 *Eev. Jacob Brodhead, D.D Eesigned 1845 Died 1855 1812 *Eev. Charles Hardenbergh Died 1821 1814 *Eev. Jesse Fonda Died 1827 1815 *HoN. Henry Eutgers Eesigned Died 1830 1815 *Eev. Philip Milledoler, D.D Eesigned 1840 .... Died 1852 1815 ^Cornelius L. Hardenbergh, LL.D Died 1860 1819 *Eev. John Ludlow, D.D Eesigned 1837 Died 1857 1819 *Eev. Sam. A. Van Vranken, D.D Eesigned 1840 Died 1861 1819 ^Frederick Frelinghuysen Died 1820 1822 *Eev. Isaac Ferris, D.D., LL.D Eesigned 1840 .... Died 1873 1823 *Eev. John Dewitt, D.D Died 1831 1823 ^William Van Deursen, M.D Died 1873 1823 *Andrew Howell 1823 *JoHN Wyckoff 1823 *HoN. Peter Sharpe 1823 *James C. Eoosevelt Eesigned 1831 1823 *Abraham Van Nest Died 1864 1823 *IsAAC Heyer Died 1827 1823 *James B. Elmendorf, M.D Died 1852 1825 *Eev. John Knox, D.D Died 1858 1825 nioN. James S. Nevius Eesigned 1858 Died 1859 1825 ^Gerard Eutgers Died 1831 1825 *Eev. Selah S. Woodhull, D.D Died 1826 1825 *Eev. John Gosman, D.D Died 1865 1825 *Eev. James B. Hardenbergh, D.D Died 1870 1826 *Eev. Jacob Schoonmaker, D.D Died 1852 1827 *Eev. Cornelius C. Cuyler, D.D Eesigned Died 1850 1828 *IIoN. Peter D. Vroom, LL.D Died 1873 1829 *HoN. Stephen Van Eensselaer Died 1839 1829 *Eev. Cornelius D. Westbrook, D.D Died 1858 1830 *Eev. Jacob J. Janeway, D.D Eesigned 1850 ... Died 1858 1831 *Maj. James C. Van Dyke Died 1843 1831 *James Van Antwerp Eesigned 1831 *Anthony Eutgers Died 1835 1833 *Rev. Samuel B. How, D.D Died 1868 TRUSTEES. APPOINTED. 1833 *Eev. Philip E. Milledoler, M.D Kesigned 1845 Died 1852 1834 *James Neilson Died 1862 1834 *Kev. Isaac M. Fisher Died 1839 1834 *HoN. Severyn Bruyn Died 1858 1837 *HoN. Abraham B. Hasbrouck, LL.D Died 1879 1840 ^Thomas G. Talmage Died 1863 1840 ^Joseph Varick 1840 *Rev. Philip Duryee, D.D Died 1850 1840 ^Rev. Thomas DeWitt, D.D Died 1874 1840 *Gen. Pierre Van Cortlandt Died 1848 1840 "^Rev. James Romeyn Resigned 1848 Died 1859 1840 *Gen. Stephen Van Rensselaer Died 1839 1840 ^William B. Crosby Resigned 1858 Died 1865 1841 ^Hon. Littleton Kirkpatrick Died 1859 1841 *HoN. Ferdinand S. Schenck, M.D Died 1860 1845 *Rev. Abraham Messler, D.D Died 1882 1845 Rev. Gustavus Abeel, D.D 1845 *JoHN Barnes, M.D 1849 Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, D.D., LL.D 1849 *HoN. Peter Vredenburgh (3d), LL.D Died 1873 1850 *HoN. Theodore Frelinghuysen, LL.D Died 1862 1851 *Rev. Isaac N. Wyckoff, D.D Died 1869 1851 ^Rev. Robert P. Lee, D.D Died 1858 1851 *Rev. Abraham Polhemus, D.D Died 1857 1851 Hon. John Hopper 1851 *HoN. Fred. T. Frelinghuysen, LL.D Died 1885 1851 John Vanderbilt .Resigned 1860 ]853 *JoHN Romeyn Brodhead, LL.D Died 1873 1853 Maurice E. Viele 1853 ^HoN. Robert IL Pruyn, LL.D Died 1882 1853 ^Charles W. Swift Died 1877 1853 *James Suydam Died 1872 1857 *Peter S. Duryee Died 1877 1858 *Rev. Benjamin C. Taylor, D.D Resigned 1878 Died 1881 1858 Rev. David D. Demarest, D.D 1858 *Rev. E. p. Rogers, D.D Resigned 1866 .... Died 1881 1858 Rev. Thomas C. Strong, D.D Resigned 1874 1858 Hon.
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