PRICE TEN CENTS FIFTY-SIX PAGES. PARKS FAIRS Ai»asei»eDt Weekly REGISTERED IN UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. Volume XXI. No. 8. CINCINNATI-NEW YORK-CHICAGO February 20, 1909. (See page 12.) Photo by Moffett, Chicago. walker; WHITESIDE, Appearing in The Melting Pot, at the Chicago Opera House n igiBER BAllOONS. Fabius Henrion DON’T PATRONIZE US SOUVEBIB BOOBS, if the price* that you paid before we BOBBER BOOBS, made ELECTRiC PIANO MUSiC. CAKE RACK CAKES, were satisfactory. Remember we are KKIFE RACK KKIVES, forcing Piano Manufacturers to estab- FOR CARKIVAL SALES ONLY iish fair prices; if you want to aiways NOISELESS have them, and get music that is supe¬ rior in aii respect* to what you had to CARBONS take and iook pieased at, then give us ON A. C. your business. We hiiTe the l«rge«l «ii»ortment of Knife Board Write for Samples and our list of Knlve* weat of the MlaalMiliipl Rl»"- O'” prloea are ■hM>lutel]r rook bottom. We alae FILM EXCHANGES. carry a full line of Streetinen’a Oooda, CarniTa) Per roll for a doaen or more. Noveltle* and K<«>«la for Kalra. We are one of the —Sole Importers— olileat Stn-etnien’a au|M>ly houaea In the United Less than a dozen $1.50 each States. We hare thousaiMla of satlsned cuato iiiera; we can satisfy eou and want yonr bual ness. NO SUBSTITUTING unless you say so Onlers shippetl same day as receleed. Camlenl Edward E. Cary Co. UNITED STATES MUSIC CO Whips. $8.00 l>er frosa. Catalofue rREE -INC3BF0BATED- 69-61 Park Place, New York CHICAGO, U. 8. A. Write for Cataloguo. 5c. SHOW SOUVENIRS Japanese China Ware, |ier 1(K).$11.50 Trick Match Box. |mt itrosa .7,1 Japanese Ton Tombs, per gross.7~i THAT MAKE THE MOST MONEY USE Japanese Zitters, |)er grose .7,> lapanese Whistles. i>er gross .7."> Japanese Turtles, lu Glass Box, |>er gn>sg., .7*i fancy coloretl Ileturuetl Balls, i>er gross.. 1.00 fancy c<dure<l (llsss !’en Holders, per gross .00 Japanese Taiiilireeiis, jter gross . l.(K) Horse Shoe Mirrors, |>er gitms . l..'iO likeleton Acrohsts, iier gnats . I.."i0 Japhnese Flag I'nzzles, per gross . 1.00 Fcr Alternating Current Only Terms—Half deposit; halauce C. O. I). MEWMAM MFC. CO., The Circling Wiie AicuseRent Attnctioi Ml Woodland Asa., Cleveland, Ohio. I'ecause the Compensarc makes the Why go to sea for yonr health? When a small capital wl.l bu» a ••circling WaVE^^ of >our own. The lipht better, gives a clearer picture and ride le pleasing, healthy and ezhliamtlng Before In- a.ssure.s a higher class show. The treating io an.v other amosement write f.<r desciiptlTe MEMPHIS. TENN. folder or vlait our factory, where yon can an> time man with the Compen.sarc leads the see machine tested. The (TRCAJNG It aVE la the nobbiest novelty and the catchiest riding device in procession because he gets results with nse Up-rated by gasolireengine Unalc b> high-claas organ ARMITaGE A GUIN^, Springville. IBrIe Co.. New \^ldorf a Compensarc that it is impossible to New York. _ get otherwise. Hotel and Cafe To you the Compensarc means bet¬ CHEAP ter light, no heat, no fire risk, and a Stop wilh DS—He Cater to YOl clear .saving of two-thirds on your Open Jan. 1st. 1000—Ruro|>ean rates, 50c tn liglit bill for moving picture machine li.,'iO; Advantages of the WAI.POUF; Near all arc lamp.s. tbeatn-s: central l(H-alloii; all cara at door; all OUTSIDE ROOMS and fire protection; ebs-trlc lights, elevator and Ix'lls; batlia and STEAM .HEAT. Popular price, up-to-date Cafe. llJ-116 |s,,iith Main, corner Ga.voso Str«*et. Our Folder 11508 |>ro\es ilils. .\.Hk for it today. Suitable for small theatre and moving p ctnre shnwa. Wa larr.i theee ohaira la Small tnreatmeni itnck and can ahip quick mlea, larg< ImWM-dlstely. proflta. We are th» The Compensarc Is approved by the Seomd hand Chaira originators of Crisp Also seating for elles. Frltter-Crlap National Board of Fire Underwriters. out of door use ette Mkcbliiea, Itotar.i Corn Poppers, Cand.t ^ Addreas. DEPT. B. .Makers’ Tools. FORT WAYNE ELECTRICjWORKS STEEL FURNITURE CO.. Grand Rapids, Mich, W. Z.L0II6 CO. Department C Boston OAce, tt4 Coongreaa St., Boston. KCnaa. 178 High 8t., SPRINGFIELD, 0 5513 CLEAR PROFir IN 51 DAYS FROM AN INVESTMENT OF gISO O o II 1" the result from the nper WANTED ■■■■ - I _-i -~ ~ • ■•inn of one American Box Alley ft Snillrau. Ind Shooting ■ Why not go Into this bnsi Reliable Professionals ness yonmelf? It is the ni.sit making nne-night standi, to call on a few mer ^Novelty BallRacks practical and popular N>wIImu chants In llie towns that they are making game In existence. It will make hig (t.aMi cnmmlaainna. prom;.'t remittances to rell Send for our CiRCULARS money In nwy town. "Ilieae alleys pa.v aide men. From $10 to F,I0 per week can easily r from f'i'i.oo to gA.'i.OO each. |>er week, ’nil’s he made by giving It a few hours each day DIAMOND NOVELTY CO la m. gambling device, but a splendid bowling THE OEO. H. JtXHO CO., Cinoianati, OUo. game for amusement and ph.vsleal exen-lse. I.lh Syracuse N Y erally patronized by the best people of both aexea. Quickly Insinllisl, conveniently portable. No pin hoy neeileil. Itis-elpls are nearly all proAt. Nearly S.non SLOT MACHINE sold to date. We wll on fia.vmi-nts and onr catalog Is free. organ Factory AMEBICAN BOX BALL COMPAKT, .\ew one again. Greatest money* Write for Catalog. Patenteoa. 1250 Tan Buren St., Indianapolis, Ind. mnker in that line. Circulars and NEW ORIgV^S information on request. Tunipg and Repairing A. J. FISHER & CO. ALEX CHRISTMAN PITTSBURG. PA. • 30S-P Holmes St.. STILE*. BATTEH*. 8TBIP8. BAIL*. SHOES. PBOFILES, STAOE FLOOBIHO, ETC. <ANSAS CiTv. MO. Always on hand for prompt shipment. Write for dellvared prlets. Shipmaats mads In any quantity desired. Dixie Film Exchange THE JOHN GILLESPIE LUMBER COMPANY OWENSBORO, KT. Lumbar and Seward Atreet«. C^'CAQO. ILL, Best service. SIX changes, f 12 50. No Vaodpvllle Thritre: RpRttnfc capacity 450; tw« 5c Tb*"alrc*. m'Mling capacity 250 pach, in clt> royalty on your machine. We buy and sell of 1K.000 p<»|MilMtl(»n; o|m*d every ni);ht and af machines and films. terDOona. If >t>it dtinht tbe come atic aee ytBuraelf. Everythin!: iip-to>date and rnii nlnic DOW. ReRMiD ftir itellitij:. other op|K)rtUD Movinjl Picture Machines, ItieK. C. R. (T.ARK, tronton. Ohio. Stereopticons, Slides, Accessories. FILMS RENTED. FOR SALE '■p-to-Dnte IMcture Show; doing excellent bual leKx; fine loratkin In town of Itt.tax) iMipulaltun LAKE VIEW PARK CHAS. M. STEBBINS, Hnnnlng one reel and song. .N.i lietter oppor unity anywhere. Addreas BOX 868. Ft. Scott. AUGUS TA. GA. 1028 MAIN STREET, - - .KANSAS CITY, MO tCan.aa I’ropoaltloiHi wanted from Managers for Casino fully eqnIpiMHi and seating ism, season 19W Large Line of Edison Goods. Est. 1899. FOR SALE—TWENTY ROSENFIELO PHONO¬ Privileges also for sale. AVOBSTA RAILWAY GRAPHS In giMMi roudltlon. dlivet current, $36 a ELECTRIC COKPAVT, Owners. each. F. G. B. New Orleans. II. FU HTBN BFItG. 711 Canal Street FOB SALE—Two .V. Electric Theatres. 4 E4llaon I HAVE LOTS OF GOOD ACTS P. M., 3 Model R Gaa OntSta, 'Z Black Tents. MFRRY-OO-ROrHD AND SKATINO KINK OR¬ 30 Reels of Films. 1 7.'elight Dynamo. DB. R. ttiiltable fi.r Parks, ('amivals and Vandevllle. Tell me what you want and I can furnlab y<ii GANS REPAIRED. New moale, baaa ami soars TANNKR. Wankon, Iowa. tn.ui my big Hat. BERT LETET, That Indepandsnt Agant, 806$ Sotter St., San Franolsoo driima altacli.al. Corrca|aiudeure aullcllcd. C F, BAIH, Aliilene. Kan. Volume XXI. No. 8 CINCINNATI—NEW YORK—CHICAGO February 20, 1909. GtfPiONS Or <l>nE On Arouseroeot bzf< PRIES 4> It was while IrvinK was rehearsing "Becket” that he told a story of Calling the driver of the car, Grapewin borrowed fifty cents from hint, Tennyson that has both a pathetic and humorous significance. In the gave the money to his friend who, in turn, handed the coin back to the earlier da>-8, when "The Cup" was in preparation, he had been to -see Tenny¬ chauffeur as a “tip.” son in the Isle of Wight to discuss his The next stop was at the corner drug store, where the chauffeur wa.s ideas for its presentation. After din¬ being revived. ner the de.ssert and wine were set upon a separate table, and when they were i served the poet asked Irving if he' An eastern theatre manager sends The Stroller this letter, which he re¬ would have a gla.'^s of port. ceived recently: "Ye.s, I like a glass of port," replied , F. C. WIRKSOUTH 1 OWNER ROLLAND T. BROWN 2 OWNER the actor. i OF the: ("MOONSHINER”) Upon which Tennyson, taking him Podunk, N. Y., 1-19-1909 at his word, poured him out a glass , Dear Sir: of port, and, all unconsciously, finished | I would like to know if we could get the remainder of the bottle himself. i your hall or house for Saturday Jan Next morning the actor had to leave early, and had therefore taken ^ 23, 1909. If not please an.sure when leave of his host overnight.
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