MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF ROXWELL PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON WEDNESDAY 8TH MARCH 2017 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING IN ROXWELL READING ROOM PRESENT:- Cllrs:- C. Pavitt, M. Wallace, Dr. V. Bradbury, M. Page, and Mrs D Goodwin IN ATTENDANCE:- Mrs L. Green (Clerk) 2 Parishioners ECC Cllr. John Aldridge 144. DEMOCRATIC 15 MINUTES The Chairman advised that the Annual Litter Pick will be held on 29th April 2017. Cllr. Bradbury reported that potholes in Cooksmill Green Road, just before The Duck turn off. The Chairman advised that he had reported the potholes in the past but a lot are not on Highways so they will not repair them. Chairman to speak to Highways. 145. APOLOGIES:- Apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs. Mike Plom, Frank Corkhill and CCC Cllr. Mrs Nicolette Chambers. 146. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 11TH JANUARY 2017 The minutes of the Meeting held on 11th January 2017 were taken as read and the Chairman was authorised to sign them. 147. VACANCIES ON PARISH COUNCIL FOLLOWING ELECTIONS The Chairman advised that Cllr. Emma Drakeford had tendered her resignation due to work commitments so there are now two vacancies. The Chairman had advised the Clerk, who will make arrangement to advertise the vacancy. Chairman to put a notice in Roxwell Recorder. 148. COUNCILLORS’ DECLARATION OF INTERESTS ON ANY AGENDA ITEMS FOR THIS MEETING. ‘ Nothing to report. 149. MATTERS ARISING:- Nothing to report. 150. REPORT BY CHELMSFORD CITY CLLR. MRS NICOLETTE CHAMBERS. No report had been received. 151. REPORT BY ESSEX COUNTY CLLR. JOHN ALDRIDGE. The Chairman had read that ECC Park and Ride had spent £1.7m to upgrade WIFI which he thought was absurd. Cllr Aldridge to look into matter. The Chairman had read about housing in the Essex Chronicle and was concerned at the amount of houses being built and stated that the town needed a massive infrastructure of roads to cope. Cllr. Aldridge reported that the roads are at capacity at peak times and in the CCC plan they can bring up the matter of Highways to ECC. ECC Cllr. Aldridge had attended the Highways meeting at the Civic Centre when £15m was talked about. He advised that cycle ways may be needed. Cllr. Aldridge advised that ECC cannot widen the current roads or build new ones and building more houses is not going to make the situation any better. The problem is that everyone is using the roads at the same time and a change in culture is needed. One suggestion Cllr. Aldridge had was starting primary and secondary schools at different times and industries. CCC advised that it was a good option but was not in their plan. Cllr. Aldridge reported that the Essex lottery is due to be started in the Autumn and the money will go into social care. The Chairman stated that there should have been an explanation in the Council Tax bill as to why there are increases in Council Tax. It was pointed out to meeting that the grants towards the Parish portion of the rate continues to go down. 152. POLICE MATTERS a)Neighbourhood Watch – The Chairman advised that there were general scams nationwide but nothing specific for Roxwell. b)Any Other – The Chairman advised that he will follow-up the fly tipping incident with the van in Green Lane with ECC. 153. FINANCIAL MATTERS a) Payments:- £ 25/01/17 Mrs.L.Green 186.60 Clerks Salary January 2017 25/01/17 H.M.Revenue & Customs 46.60 PAYE & NIC January 2017 26/01/17 Mr. S. Pavitt 198.00 General Maintenance to Recreation Field 26/01/17 Len’s Lawnmowers 79.87 Mower Service 24/02/17 Mrs.L.Green 186.60 Clerks Salary February 2017 24/02/17 H.M.Revenue & Customs 46.60 PAYE & NIC February 2017 28/02/17 Mr. S. Pavitt 296.80 General maintenance Recreational Field and Toddlers’ Area. 28/02/17 Mrs B.M. Pavitt 40.40 Cleaning Sports Pavilion Jan – Feb 2017 plus supplies 06/03/17 Fasthosts 8.39 Website costs 07/03/17 Glasdon UK Ltd 152.02 Dog waste Bin 08/03/17 Mrs L.J. Green 69.75 Expenses 10.01.17 – 11.01.17 The above payments were approved by the Parish Council. b) Transfer of Funds. No transfers were carried out. c)Bank Balances. The bank balances were as follows:- Current Account - £ 2,734.90 Business Reserve - £12,360.23 d) Review of Recreation Field Charges 2017/18 – The Chairman discussed the figures he had prepared and proposed the following:- Football £50.00 per match Cricket Senior £57.00 per match Cricket Writtle Colts £39.00 per match The current teams using the field are Writtle Manor FC and Writtle 3rd XI and Colts. Proposal seconded by Cllr. Wallace. All in favour. e) Any Other – The Clerk advised that she had submitted a VAT claim to HMRC for £3,334.41 which hopefully should be in the bank account by the end of the financial year. 154. PLANNING MATTERS & APPLICATIONS a) ALDHAM HOUSE, BOYTON CROSS - Conversion of the existing garage into two stables with a feed room and tack room. Proposed paddock, access path, storage and menage area with low level lighting. Floodlighting could be an issue with neighbouring properties and also highway A1060. Otherwise no other comments b) MACHINERY STORE, CHALK END FARM – Conversion of existing machinery store into a new dwelling. No Objections. WITHDRAWN. c) DEMOUNTABLE OFFICE, ASH TREE FARM, ROXWELL ROAD Retrospective application for demountable office, site security office (caravan), paths, hardstanding, fences, gates and 5 No. floodlights. No Objections. APPROVED. d) 1 VICARAGE CLOSE – Crown reduce T4 (Ash) by 1.5 m, Crown reduce T3 by 0.5m, Reasons: Overgrown and loss of light. The TPO's on these trees was part of transfer of TPO's from Old Vicarage when mature trees where removed. Ash and Hornbeam are and have the potential of being a large replacement tree when they reach maturity. The tree is nowhere near reaching this status and the reduction and thinning is trying to make a forest tree into a small garden tree. The proposed work will just cause issues and problems later on for the owner. If light is the main reason for the work, it is better to remove the lowest whirl of branches to increase light beneath the tree. Therefore this application is objected. e) 1 VICARAGE CLOSE – Amended Specification : Crown reduce T4 (Ash) front garden of 1 Vicarage Close – by 1.0m maximum. Crown reduce T3 – Whitebeam – front garden of 1 Vicarage Close – by 0.5m maximum for both trees – cutting to suitable growing points and shaping over to leave natural profile. Reasons: Overgrown and loss of light. The works proposed will be of little benefit to the trees or the owners as has been highlighted on previous applications to properties in Vicarage Close, Roxwell. Please note that T3 is not a Whitebeam as listed. APPROVED. f) BUILDING AT ROXWEL QUARRY, ROXWELL ROAD – Retrospective change of use of the old Roxwell Quarry Staff Mess Hut to the Boyton Hall Farm Shoot Meeting Room. No Objections. APPROVED. g) 19 STONEHILL ROAD – Ground floor and first floor side extension. No Objections. APPROVED. h) LITTLE BOYTON HALL FARM, BOYTON HALL LANE – Construction of warehouse building for the purposes of Storage/Distribution and Business uses (B1, B2 and B8). No Objections. APPROVED. i) BARN 2, ELEYS FARM, FARMBRIDGE END ROAD - Conversion of barn 1 to an annex/holiday let and single storey extension. Replacement garage. Construction of two stables, tack room and feed room. No Objections, APPROVED., j) SKREENS PARK FARM, SKREENS PARK ROAD – Proposed one agricultural building for the storage of an agricultural sprayer. No Objections, No Decision Yet, k) 5 BOYTON CROSS - Two storey side and rear extension. No Objections, No Decision Yet, l) STORAGE YARD, ASH TREE FARM, BISHOPS STORTFORD ROAD – Retrospective application for the use of the vehicle storage compound as a scaffolders yard and demountable site office. The Parish Council have no objections. Comments: As with other operations on this site a strict control of vehicle movement should be logged. No Decision Yet. m) THE WHITE HOUSE, BOYTON CROSS – Accommodation ancillary to dwelling, additional carport and log store. No Objections, No Decision Yet, Amended Application: - Side extension, side car port and log store to existing garage outbuilding. First floor dormer windows serving first floor accommodation above existing garage. No Objections. No Decision Yet. n) READING ROOM, THE STREET – Demolition of existing porch and construction of a single storey side extension. Installation of new door to west elevation and two rooflights to both side elevations. Not Yet Viewed. o) 14 THE STREET – Demolition of existing single storey side extension, construction of a single and two storey side extension, single and two storey rear extension, first floor front extension and front porch canopy. Not Yet Viewed. p) SKREENS PARK FARM, SKREENS PARK ROAD – Agricultural steel portal framed.- WITHDRAWN q) CROSS KEYS, BISHOPS STORTFORD ROAD - Condition 3 - Details of materials; Condition 5 - Finished levels; Condition 6 - Boundary treatments; Condition 9 - Hard and soft landscaping; Condition 12 - Construction method statement. SPLIT DECISION. r) HOE STREET FARM, HOE STREET - Condition 3 - samples to be submitted prior to construction; condition 5 - large scale drawings to be submitted prior to installation. CONDITIONS DISCHARGED. s) THE WHITE HOUSE, BOYTON CROSS – Condition 3 – Sample materials; Condition 5 – Large scale drawings. CONDITIONS DISCHARGED. t) THE WHITE HOUSE, BOYTON CROSS – Condition 3 – Sample materials; CONDITIONS DISCHARGED. u) WASTE DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENT – Nothing to report. 155. RECREATION FIELD/TODDLER PLAYAREA a) Play Equipment Safety Inspection – Minute 45,73,102 & 132 – The Chairman advised that the work was still outstanding and was hoping it will be done in next few weeks.
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