TWENTY PAGES PLUS SUPPLEMENT CASS ,CITYCASCITY, MICHIGAN -THURS ID AY, APRIL 1,1982 VOLUME 75, NUMBER 50 I 7 Rebates total $1 3,961 Council oks credits for overcharges bill U 3 Some village residents violation thereof . .” for general operations and it is not desirable to change will receive a rebate on their The new ordinance, which 2.5 mills for the treatment from year to year as it takes water and sewer bills, it was takes effect in’ 20 days, plant construction. more than one year for announced at the Cass City replaces the ordinance that However, the village auditors to become familiar Village Council meeting governed operation of the hasn’t received its final with the village’s or any pesday evening. old treatment plant. Parts of state equalization valuation financial operation. Last November, the coun- the two ordinances are the from the county Equaliza- Village crews since Dec. cil approved an increase in same.] tion Department and a pub- 21 placed 100 tons of salt on the sewage treatment rate, lic hearidg will have to be streets, which is about aver- which officially took effect REZONING held in conjunction with the age compared to other Jan. 1. However, persons new state “truth in taxa- towns, village Supt. Lou who were billed for Novem- The council approved re- tion” law, so millage rates LaPonsie reported. Since ber through January and zoning of the south half of will be set later. Jan. 1, 14 tons of cold patch December through Febru- the block bordered by Main, With Lansing likely to asphalt have been used for ary were billed at the higher Oak, Pine and Seeger reduce state shared revenue patching streets. rate for all three months. Streets from OS-1, office- to the village, Althaver ex- With Michael Weaver tak- BATTLE THE BOOKS Monday at Rawson Memorial Library with 27 teams and (Water rates remained the service, to B-1, community pressed doubt the council ing his seat for the first time OF began same. 1 business. will be able to reduce the on the council, Althaver about 175 youngsters in grades 3-6 competing. In tMs round were the Blue Bookers at left (clock- I Some of those affected The property is owned by millage rate to offset higher made his 1982 appintmenh. wise, starting witheJennifer Rutkoski (back to camera), Gina Nicholas, Tracey Patera and complained. As a result, it Pinney State Bank and the valuations. Jim Ware is the new presi- Angie Hennessey, (out of camera range), Missy Zhnecker, Kelley Champagne. The Blue Jays was decided at the February rezoning will allow the bank The pertified public ac- dent pro tern, replacing Dr. at right, are, from left, Traci Haas, Pat Bouck, Charlene Mellendorf, Jackie Younglove, meeting to reexamine what to use it for erection of their counting firm of Yeo and Please turn to page 20. 19. was done, drive-in facility. Laura Edwards. The championship round will be April Ye0- - - has-.__ - r-oerformed -------- the--- vil- It took a lot of work by the The village Planning Com- lage’s annual audit for the village office staff to figure mission conducted a public past several years. A local how much each home- hearing March 16 on the cp~foranother accounting Owner’s 6r building owner’s requested rezoning. NO one firm has asked the council to rebate in the form of a credit objected and the commis- consider putting the annual Marlette, Brown City actively would be. SiOn recommended that the audit up for bids, which isn’t ’council members were COUnCil approve the reZOn- required by state law. That then polled by phone and ing. was discussed and will be they agreed to give credits discussed more at the April to those who paid the high OTHER ITEMS 27 meeting. rates for November and Although putting the audit December. The COUnCil Usually Sets up for bids might Save campaigning for new industry Homeownerk who paid the millage rates in March, money, several persans at higher rate for two months, which are presently 14 mills the meeting.. commented that Y according to Village Clerk MARLETTE Joyce LaRoche, will receive Second of two parts Marlette lost hundreds of the result of expansion. homes and one with a new oil jobs over the years with the Some of the plants are refining process. an average credit of $21.81. Marlette is hoping to build The amount will be deducted By Mike Eliasohn decline of the mobile home auto related, so are a “bit The Growth Corp., accord- Albee break-in and related industries. If the depressed.” ing to the city manager, is its future on garbage and from their next water and Six industrial plants have steam. sewer bills, which will first phase of its proposed in-. Other items being made in planning to advertise in be opened in Brown City in the dustrial project becomes the new plants include elec- Detroit and Ontario news- To do it, the village council mailed at the end of April. past two years. Those who paid the higher reality, it will provide 67 trical components, indus- papers. It sees a lot of poten- last November hired Bob’ - A plant may be built in Keller as economic develop- rate for December will re- , jobs. trial and farm tools, precis- tial in attracting Canadian nets $8,000 Marlette that burns garbage ion tools and some plastic firms because of the favor- ment coordinator. He is a ceive a credit averaging to generate steam, which recent Michigan State $12.62, to applied against BROWN CITY items. - able exchange rate and be-. Uni- be can be used by other manu- Two other firms may cause Brown City is close to versity graduate with a de- the bills they receive in May. facturing plants, starting It takes lots of effort’toget gree in community develop- The credits will total come to Brown City, accord- Canada. It’s only 40 milqs with one that makes alcohol. a little return, according to ing to the city manager, a from Sarnia and 207 miles to ment and planning. $13,961, according to Mrs. in stolen guns What are those towns do- City Manager Pierce. builder of prefabricated Toronto. Please turn to page 20. LaRoche. ing in a time when most The industries the com- ’ Tkat that had .is money Forty-five guns worth ap- we can tell, they got out the communities and most in- munity has attracted, he been included in the sewage proximately $8,O00 were same way they got in,” Wil- dustries are trying to get by explained, came as the re- treatment plant budget, vil- stolen frofn the Albee True son said. until hopefully the economy sult of the Brown City Indus- lage Resident Lambert Value Home Center appar- He believes there were at improves? trial Growth Corp. sending Althaver explained after the ently Tuesday. least two persons involved In simple terms, both out 6,500 brochures. An earl- meeting. Cass City police do not and maybe more. Whoever communities have active ier flyer was sent to 10,OOO Cave-infatal for,’ Because the new sewage have any suspects. was inside the building was campaigns underway to at- addresses. treatment plant will start Entry was gained by, not very large, as the hole in tract industry, hence jobs. The brochure lists such operation later than ex- knocking out four cement the wall was not very big. “We’re not sitting on our --- information as average pected, he continued, it is blocks on the west side of the Wilson said they were doing nothing,” said Mar- wages paid in the area (and hoped the $13,961 will be very selective in that only building toward the rear. lette Village President Ken- mentions “no , labor offset by savings in elec- The break-in was discov- higher priced guns were neth Babich. Edward Karnins ki unions”), tax rates, tax tricity and chemicals the ered about 8 a.m. when store taken. Lower priced ones Neither town is very large. incentives, transportation, new plant will use, since less personnel arrived to open were left behind. Brown City has a population, power and utilities and dis- Funeral services will be of the Kingston Fire Depart- thing in the world he will be needed than original- for business. Presumably they were according to the 1980 census, tance to major cities. held at 2 p.m. this Thursday ment helped in the rescue wouldn’t do for you . He ly budgeted for. It is thought the break-in taken to be sold. “They can of 1,142. Marlette has 1,744 Most were sent to cornpan- for Kingston community effort, sdmetimes using a was well, well liked. He wiH , If the savings isn’t enough, may have occurred after 2 fence the guns all over the residents. ies targeted by researching leader Edward T. Kaminski, backhoe. Making the at- be a great loss businesswise then the difference will have a.m., when the Charmont place,” the chief com- Both communities are try- industrial directories for 60, who was killed Monday tempt more difficult, Lane and as a resident.” 10 paid out of the general mented. If any ammunition be Lanes closed, although ing to make up for past Michigan and Canada * when the hole in which he said, was some of the ground Please turn to page 20. fund, which might mean a where the hole was made is was taken, it wasn’t enough losses. The Growth Corp. paid the was working collapsed and was still frozen, plus there reduction in other village on the opposite side of the to be noticeable.
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