Page 8 R 0 P August, 1941 Death and Taxes Have New Buddy Fingerprints VERY person can be a strict indi­ I E vidualist in at least one thing - I hi s fingerprints. ·l This fact has been proven in the past and will be borne out at the Ravenna ~ Ordnance Plant in the near future when p all employees will be fingerprinted. R A V E N N L No, ladies, fingerprinting doesn't hurt. ! ______________________________ All you do is press your fingers to an Volume AUGUST, 1941 Number 2 inking pad and then print their impres­ sion on a regulation F.B.I . form. The whole procedure does not take more than a minute or two, providing your .hands are clean. Check your own finger­ prints if you wish, and you'll notic,~ that none of your ten impressions are l alike. Latent prints, made of four fingers on each hand simultaneously, wi ll be taken. Th ese prints are similar to those which you would make on a door as you close it or on an object which you would carry or handle. Fingerprinting will be a part of the plant's employment procedure when operations get unde r way. Each em­ ployee will be printed before being put to work. All prints taken for employment( \ wi ll be checked with the F.B.I. files in Washington or the police records in the applicant's home town or state. This idea of fingerprinting is becom­ ing more popular every day and soon may be compulsory for all U. S. citizens. At present, most hospitals either finger­ print or footprint new born babies. All men entering the armed forces of the U.S. or C.C.C. are fingerprinted. Most I. Industrial Relations Building. industries working on defense orders are fingerprinting employees. 2. Administration Building. 3. Cafeteria. Take Posts Here 4. Hospital. Four new officers have been assigned 5. Staff Houses. to duty at the Ravenna Ordnance Plant. They are: Major M. G. Gallimore, 2nd Miss Rosella Povirk, Employment Divi­ Lt. E. C. Barbero, 2nd Lt. R. R. Laurell, sion, is fingerprinted by Vincent Davido, DUE FOR OCCUPANCY IN EARLY FALL who will supervise the task of "printing" and 2nd Lt. W. H. Kuhn. , all employees here. ·At right is an enlarged fingerprint, Administrative area, R.O.P .... situated in the most operating room, X-ray room, physiotherapy room, pharmacy, possessing the following characteristic" The average consumption of steel in picturesque section of the entire area ... short distance emergency room, dispensary, central supply room, surgeons' this country equals 600 pounds a year Explanation of Characteristics from George Rd., north -of route No. 5 •.. largest buildinq offices, night doctor's office, superintendent of nurses' office, for each American. The c-ompa rable I THE CORE 16 BIFURCATION 2 BIFURCATION 17 BIFURCATION average for textiles is 30 pounds, and of the group is the two-story administration building which record room, and waiting rooms .•. cafeteria will be 3 BIFURCATION 18 LEFT DELTA 4 CICATRIX 19 ISLAND for oil products, 2,500 pounds. will . house Atlas and War Department executives ..• the situated between administration and hospital buildings •.. .1 ~ ~ 5 ISLAND 20 CICATRIX 6 RIGHT DELTA 21 BIFURCATION H-shaped building will be the home . for the Industrial Re­ illso included in this area ••• a guard office and qarage, 7 BIFURCATION 22 ABRUPT ENDING ~ 8 BIFURCATION 23 BIFURCATION The amount of money that the United ' lations Department • • . 15 staff houses will be seven or fire station, laboratory, laundry, repair garage, power house, 9 ABRUPT ENDING 24 BIFURCATION 10 ABRUPT ENDING 25 ABRUPT ENDING States has already spent on defense is eight rooms each .•. a modern hospital will consist of and several parking lots .•• new access roads to the build­ II BIFURCATION 26 ABRUPT ENDING 12 BIFURCATION 27 ABRUPT ENDING estimated at twice the value of all the four four-bed wards, five, private rooms, convale~cent room, ings are nearing completion. 1J ABRuH ENDING 28 ABRUPT ENDING farmlands in the original 13 states, 14 ABRUPT ENDING 29 BIFURCATION l : IS CICATRIX ~~i· t ~~~ t~ · Page 2 R 0 P August, 1941 August, 1941 R 0 P Page 7 Electricians Win Champion Toward Offers Services THE POCKETBOOK { As Badminton Instructor Official publication of the Ravenna Ordnance 1' ( A League Playoffs Bill Toward of t he Hun ki n Conkey of rp~Ps Plant, Ravenna, Ohio KNOWLEDCE Purchasing Department has kindly of­ .J . C. Donna I .... Director of Industrial Relations MANY U. 5. COMPAN1El7 , IN AN?WER 10 IHE NATION~ NEED' FOR Four Tearns Still Remain fered his services to coach any bad · Paul A. Ryan . ...... .•. ....... .. .. Editor V~f~N?~ ~QUIPMENI. BEGAN MAKING NEW KIND.7 OF PRODUCT~ minton aspirants at the Plant. • ALIHOUGH iH~y W~Rf USfl/ ONLy fa PfACfflME:" MANUrACfURE:-- In B League Competition Division Editors rOR £XAMPL£: Bill has had quite a little experi e nce Mi ss Eve lyn Ho rn e ........ .......... Atlas at the game. He has managed the John Bjorkman ... .... ...... .... Sports tN tNSEC/ICIDE '2_PR/Y <illtl COMPANY With the classy Electrician team al­ Eu c lid Ohio Badminton Tournaments, Mi ss Randa Tozer and AI Six .. .. .. War Dept. MAI<ES PARH FOR. Fred Kellogg . .... ... ..... .. Commissary BIG ready "in" as champions of the A league p la yed a nd managed in t he Tu rner's L. R. Brice . ... .. ...... ... ....... Features BOMBERS a nd four teams still "fighting it out" in National C ontest , won the Lake Eri e Mrs. Betty Rowley .. ... ... .. Special Asst. the B league, softball followers are look­ Championship for the past two years ing forward t o the final playoffs to d e ­ ·o.![~ 5 and has p layed in the No rtheastern Ohio cide the winner of the first softball A.A.U . .. singles -and mi xed doubles 'I' championshi p of the Rave nna Ordnance to urn ament and qualified for the Na­ It T alces Cooperation ANIMAl "TRAP Plant. 'NMAKER \5 NOVJ tional A.A.U . Championships for the Realizing the importance of safety at IURNING ou-r CANVA5 ARMY Teams still in the run nin g for the B last fo ur years. the Ravenna Ordnance Plant, a com­ COT5 flag are the Commissary, Railroad Con­ mittee of five persons has been organ­ Anyone want to challenge Bill to <1 struction, F. A. Pease Engineering and match? ized to formulate an extensive safety Wilbur Watson Engi neering. program, draw up a manual which will be the "Bible" for all future safety ques­ Th e re were o riginally 28 teams entererJ tions and to set up a method of in­ in softball leagues. Th e teams were ... Bill Toward 1 Challenge Accepted structing new employees. paired and t he winners fo rmed the A Th e City of Ravenna te nnis cham­ Members of the committee are: league. Losers were placed in the B A post season tilt will see the cham­ pions, in both sing les a nd doubles, have D. J. C. Copps, Plant En-gineer, league. Whe n a team lost in A com­ pionship team pitted against a depot challe nged the winners of the R.O.P . 'NP1'HERE~ c Chairman. E:VfN A BABY petition, it was moved down to the B team ma naged by Gus Quatman. Th e championshi ps. Th e challenge has been J. C. Donna!, Industrial Relations Di­ 8A'551NE'1' FIRM team was formed too late to enter the accepted a nd matches will be played -nwr:s WEAVING ( ( league and when a team lost in B com­ R E£P 'BUMPERS • rector. petition, it was e li minated. playoffs. on a home a nd home basis. AJR Blrr·rJ.FS/-1/PS I C. H . Williston, Production Superin­ tendent, Fuse & Booster Lines. L. E. Anderson, Production SupQrin­ tendent, Loading Lines. iOY iRAI N COMP/J..;y - MAI<ES --·- J. W. Graves, Superintendent of SHIPS ' COMPASSES - Transportation. - Because of the immensity of the task ~ of organizing an all-inclusive, compre­ hensive safety program, H. Howard +ages of a safe, comfortable, a nd well­ Coming Events .. Turner of the Atlas home office has been lighted working place are recognized; 1! called upon to assist the committee in and every reasonable effort will be made Aug. 14 Movies. coordinating safety activities. to provide these conditions. Aug. 19 W .P.A. orchestra a nd In some instances, certain regulations "The Company strives to prevent ac­ mOVIe S. set down by the committee for you to cidents by fostering a thorough safety l follow may appear unnecessary, but program, including systematic inspec­ Aug. 20 Softball championship THERE IS A REAL AND VITAL REA­ tions, proper instructions regarding safe game. SON BACK OF EACH ONE. They are practices and the providin-g of adequate j Aug. 21 Arsenal band and mov1es. made for your protection! protection and equipment for the 11 Aug. 22 Warre n A. C. vs. All-S tars elimination of accidents, hazards, and As a preview of what the committee baseball team. has in mind, "R.O.P." has secured a fire. Aug. 26 W .P.A. o rc hestra a nd copy of the introduction to the safety "Our Safety is accomplished by a mOVIeS. manual. It reads: :incere and constant cooperative spirit Aug. 28 Movies. "The Plant is a major part of the pro­ among our employees. We have found gram for National Defense and its con­ in our experience that merely to talk Sept. 2 W .P.A . orchestra a nd tinuous operation is imperative. Every does not make Safety a fact." mOVIeS. Sept. 4 Bruce Pickens band a nd ..
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