WALENNAE: Jurnal Arkeologi Sulawesi Selatan dan Tenggara, 18(1), 13-26 ISSN (p) 1411-0571; ISSN (e) 2580-121X Website: http://walennae.kemdikbud.go.id http://dx.doi.org/10.24832/wln.v18i1.407 THE DUTCH COLONIAL TRAIL NORTHEAST OF BONTHAIN BAY Jejak Kolonial Belanda di Timur Laut Teluk Bonthain Hasrianti1a, Syahruddin Mansyur1b 1Balai Arkeologi Sulawesi Selatan Jl. Pajjaiyang No. 13 Sudiang Raya Makassar, Indonesia [email protected] [email protected] Received: 14/01/2020; revision: 22/01-12/06/2020; accepted: 13/06/2020 Published online: 15/06/2020 Abstrak Kebanyakan penelitian arkeologi di Bantaeng berfokus pada kajian prasejarah dan sedikit yang mengkaji periode setelahnya, terutama masa kolonial. Bantaeng dalam historiografi masa kolonial dikenal dengan nama Bonthain, sebuah daerah di timur laut Teluk Bonthain. Di daerah tersebut pemerintah kolonial Belanda mendirikan bangunan-bangunan yang jejak keberadaannya masih dapat dilacak. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran eksplanatif mengenai jejak-jejak arkeologis pemerintahan kolonial Belanda di Bantaeng. Data dalam tulisan ini terdiri dari data utama dan data pendukung. Data utama berupa data artefaktual bangunan masa kolonial Belanda bersumber dari survei Balai Arkeologi Sulawesi Selatan tahun 2017, sedangkan data pendukung seperti peta dan foto lama, catatan perjalanan, dan referensi terkait diperoleh dari berbagai sumber. Metode menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, kajian pustaka, dan eksplanasi. Tulisan ini memberi kesimpulan bangunan-bangunan peninggalan pemerintahan kolonial Belanda didirikan di antara Sungai Tangnga- Tangnga dan Sungai Calendu tidak jauh dari pesisir teluk. Bangunan-bangunan didirikan untuk aktivitas pemerintahan, peribadatan, pendidikan, pelayanan publik, hunian, dan pemakaman. Kata Kunci: Jejak, teluk Bonthain, Bantaeng, kolonial, Belanda. Abstract Most of archaeological research in Bantaeng has focused on prehistoric studies and few have examined the period afterwards, especially the colonial period. Bantaeng in colonial history is known as Bonthain, an area in the northeast of Bonthain Bay. In that area the Dutch colonial government erected buildings whose traces of existence can still be traced. This paper aims to provide an explanatory description of the archaeological traces of the Dutch colonial government in Bantaeng. The data in this paper consists of main data and supporting data. The main data in the form of artifactual data on Dutch colonial buildings are collected from the 2017’s survey of South Sulawesi Archaeological Center, while supporting data such as old maps and photographs, travel notes, and related references are obtained from various sources. The method used covers observation, interviews, literature review, and explanation. This paper concludes that the buildings of the Dutch colonial government are located between the Tangnga-Tangnga River and the Calendu River not far from the bay coast, intended governmental complex, worship, education, public service, occupancy, and funeral activities. Keywords: Trail, Bonthain bay, Bantaeng, colonial, Dutch. INTRODUCTION “Bonthain” is a colonial name, (Bonthain Bay) where ships can dock in representing past-time Bantaeng and its during rainy season, feasting the eyes on history. On his voyage to Makassar in May Bonthain hill. Bonthain Bay itself is close to 1768, an English man named Captain two neighboring cities: Bonthain (Bantaeng) Carteret mentioned Bonthain a few times in and Bullocomba (Bulukumba) managed by his diary. He pictures it as a big bay Dutch Resident, with the former being at the Copyright ©Jurnal Walennae – Balai Arkeologi Sulawesi Selatan | 13 northeast. Bonthain has a fortress having 8 archipelagic people came to touch with both guns with 8-pound canon ball (J. Islam and colonialism (Balar, 2017). Hawkesworth, 2013, p. 490). This paper would like to provide an The kingdom of Bantayan was under explanatory description of the Dutch the control of VOC (Dutch Trading colonial archeological trail in Bantaeng. The Company) from the eighteenth century research question of the most significance is (1668) through the end of the nineteenth “how do the archeological discoveries of century (1800) (Nayati, 2005, p. 276). To the colonial-time Bantaeng look like?”. By end of the 20th century, Bonthain was under answering these questions, it is hoped that it the rule of Dutch East Indies administration can provide additional data in the effort to (Laely, 2018, p. 4). For about three centuries reconstruct Bantaeng cultural history in the under the colonial rules, architectural legacy colonial period, which can also be taken into is one of the most appreciated aspects, a few consideration in the present-day of which still stand tall to these days. Those development of Bantaeng district and its buildings reflect their own architectural preserve culture heritage. period, making them different from those in the periods coming after. As interesting as it METHOD has ever been, archeological research on This study aims to portray the Dutch Bantaeng (also known as Butta Toa) has so colonial archaeological traces of the far limited to prehistoric topics, leaving a explanatory colonial Bantaeng government. great demand on subsequent period, the To achieve that goal, then research using colonial time, to be discovered. qualitative approach coupled with inductive The first excavation endeavor took reasoning. place in 1930’s at Panganreang Batu Tudea The data used consists of main data and Batu Ejaya cave by a man, Van Stein and supporting data. Main data or primary Callenfels (Nayati, 2005, p. 36). However, data are artifactual data of Dutch colonial the man truly considered to have attracted buildings sourced from the South Sulawesi wider interest from fellow researchers is Archaeological Office survey in 2017. In the Wayne A. Bougas through his work in 1995 survey data is recorded by noted and and 1996 or so, published in 1998 entitled documented. Interviews with local “Bantayan, An Early Makassarese Kingdom community leaders were conducted to obtain 1200-1600 AD. Bougas’ report on the additional information related to the data. discovery of terracotta statue along with The supporting or secondary data including unofficial findings of ceramics from Killing- old maps and photos, travel notes, and Killing site to SPSP (now BPCB Sulawesi related references were obtained from Selatan) and Balai Arkeologi Ujung various sources. Pandang (now Balai Arkeologi Sulawesi Then the gathered data has been Selatan or The Archelogical Center of South analyzed morphologically. The variables Sulawesi), serves as the foundation for Puslit observed in analyzing are the shape, size, Arkenas and Balai to carry out the first floor plan, face direction, legs, body, and official excavation in 1997 (Fadillah, 1999, roof (Mansyur & Hasrianti, 2019, p. 94; p. 16; Hardiati, 1998, p. 43). In the coming Simanjuntak, Yuniawati, Harkantiningsih, years in 1998, 1999, 2007, 2012, 2013, and Hardianti, & Aziz, 2008, p. 89). The final the latest in 2017, Balai Arkeologi Sulawesi stage is explanation, which provides an Selatan conducted survey and excavation in explanation of the symptoms studied by that area. A significant survey was carried applying certain propositions, methods, or out in 2017, covering not only prehistoric theories (Simanjuntak et al., 2008, p. 10). realm, but also the period when these 14 | The Dutch Colonial Trail Northeast of Bonthain Bay. Hasrianti, Syahruddin Mansyur RESULT AND DISCUSSION When the Dutch colonial controlled 1. Bonthain in Its Historiography of the land, Bonthain became an identity Dutch Colonial Period commonly used and found in historical Long before Dutch colonials set feet resources such as old map and travel journal, in Bantaeng, the city had already been an for example on an old map describing the independent kingdom in the eastern part of situation of the Bonthain bay around the 18th Indonesia, historically known as Bantayan Century (Carteret, 1976) (Figure 1). This kingdom. The word “Bantayan” is identity continued to be maintanded during mentioned in Kakawin Nagarakretagama, a the colonial administration through early work by Empu Prapanca, in the 14th Century days of the Indonesian independence (1365) pupuh 13-14, as a vassal of Majapahit (Kaunang et al., 2016, p. 40). In the early kingdom (Hardiati, 1998, p. 44; Laely, 2018, days of the Republic, in 1962, the name of p. 3). It is also noted on Singosari’s royal Bonthain was changed to Bantaeng based on map as the only distant territory in South the decree issued by the Representative Sulawesi peninsula during the rule of House of Bantaeng No. I/KPTS/DPRD- Kertanegara in the 13th Century (1254-1292) GR/1962 dated January 22, 1962 (Sakka, (Yamin, 1956, pp. 12–13), although it is 2014, p. 66). basically more speculative in nature, does The history of the Dutch occupation not seize Gowa from the primary sources, in Bantaeng dates back to the Makassar war and there is not enough sufficient evidence outbreak between Gowa kingdom and VOC to corroborate. At least this has shown that in alliance with Bone kingdom in 1666. Bantayan is a country in South Sulawesi Besides conducting open warfare, VOC also which has played quite an important role in makes a move toward less powerful force of the past. Local people also believe that what Gowa Kingdom. Tactically, the Dutch is meant by Bantayan at that time is attacked several areas that were considered Bantaeng at the present time (Kaunang, weak defenses,
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