Cumulative Table of Subjects Covered Volumes 11-20 Acceptable daily intake 19, Extraction efficiencies 16, 86 Adsorbents in cleanup 16, 1 - of organochlorine compounds Advances in gas chromatographic from plants 16, 86 detectors 18, 175 Aminotriazole in foods 12, 162 Fluorometry of carbamates 17, 23 Amitrole in foods 12, 162 - of synergists 17, 1 Antibiotics in food 12, 65 Food additives and acceptable daily 3-AT in foods 12, 162 intake 19, 1 Automated residue analysis 14, 12 - in sugarcane and products 15, 1 - screening 14, 12 Food laws concerned with residues 17, 73 Behavior of herbicides in soil 16, 46 Foreign materials in food 14, 114 Biphenyl in citrus fruits 16, 103 Fumigants, hydrogen phosphide 19, Blood cholinesterase measurements, 135 significance 18, 159 Gas chromatographic detectors 18, Carbamates in milk 17, 23 175 - fluorometry 17, 23 Grains, insecticides in 17, 105 - phosphorimetry 17, 23 Carbon-skeleton chromatography 19, Herbicides, behavior in soil 16, 46 57 - chlorophenoxy 14, 39 Carcinogenicity of pesticides, 13, 69 - in soils 11, 119 Carpet beetles and vitamin K 12, 45 - phytotoxicities 11, 119 Chlorophenoxy herbicides, changes Hydrogen phosphide 19, 135 in plants 14, 39 Identification of pesticides in water Chromatography, carbon-skeleton 19, 15, 44 57 Inhibition by vitamin K 12, 45 Chromogenic spray reagents 18, lOS Insecticides, identification, carbon- Citrus fruits, biphenyl in 16, 103 skeleton chromatography 19, 57 Cleanup, column chromatographic 16, - residues in soils 13, 83 1 - in livestock production 13, 1 -with adsorbents 16, 1 - in stored grains 17, 105 Column chromatographic cleanup 16, Interactions of pesticides with other 1 factors 18, 21 Common Market and pesticide resi­ Iodine-131 in foods 13, 33 dues 17, 73 Ion exchange in residue analysis 12, Crop protection toxicology 15, 31 14 Detectors, gas chromatographic 18, Legislation, acceptable daily intake 175 19, 1 Diet, pesticides in 16, 30 Livestock and insecticides 13, 1 Dimethoate in food crops 11, 60 Diphenyl in citrus fruits 16, 103 Mass spectroscopy and residue analysis 16, 138 Emission spectroscopic glc detectors -- of pesticides 16, 138 12, 35 Measurements of blood - spectroscopy 12, 35 cholinesterase 18, 159 149 150 Cumulative Table of Subjects Metabolism of insecticides in grains Public health and pesticides 11, 141 17, 105 Purification of solvents 14, 1; 18, 1 - of pesticides in animals 18, 131 Milk, carbamates in 17, 23 Recovery of pesticides from water 15,44 Non-distillation solvent purification Residue screening, automated 14, 12 18, 1 Residues by gas chromatography 18, N on-pesticidal carpet beetle control 175 12, 45 - in tobacco 19, 31 Oranges, polynuclear hydrocarbons Rogor in food crops 11, 60 in 17, 81 Organochlorine compounds, Screening methods for residues 17, extraction from plants 16, 86 35; 18, 207 - screening methods 17, 35; 18, 207 Separation of pesticides from water Organophosphorus compounds, 15,44 emission spectroscopy 12, 35 Significance of blood cholinesterase - spray reagents for 18, 105 measurements 18, 159 - screening methods 17, 35; 18, 207 Soils, behavior of herbicides in 16, 46 - and insecticide residues 13, 83 Pentachlorophenol in tissues 19, 83 Solubilitie~ of pesticides in water 20, Pesticides, residues and food laws 17, 1 73 Solvent purification 14, I; 18, I - and public health 11, 141 Spray reagents, chromogenic 18, lOS - and steroid function 19, 11 - for organophosphates 18, 105 - as carcinogens 13, 69; 17, 81 Strontium-90 in foods 12, 1 - in sugarcane and products 15, Sugarcane, food additives in 15, - interactions with other factors 18, - pesticides in 15, 1 21 Steroid function and pesticides 19, 11 - in tobacco 19, 31 Synergists by fluorometry 17, 1 - in total diet 16, 30 - by phosphorimetry 17, I - in water, identification IS, 44 - in water, recovery IS, 44 Thin-layer chromatography 11, 1 - in water, separation 15, 44 Tobacco, pesticides in 19, 31 - mass spectroscopy 16, 138 Total diet, pesticides in 16, 30; 19, - metabolism in animals 18, 131 Toxicology and crop protection IS, 31 - Safety Precautions Scheme 11, 100 - solubilities in water 20, 1 Vitamin K and carpet beetles 12, 45 Phosphorimetry of carbamates 17, 23 - of synergists 17, 1 Water: recovery, separation, and Phytotoxicity of herbicides 11, 119 identification of pesticides in Polynuclear hydrocarbons in oranges IS, 44 17,81 Water-solubilities of pesticides 20, Comprehensive and Cumulative Subject-Matter Index Volumes 11-20 A-A water solubility 20, 90 Acidophilin 12, 91 AA T water solubility 20, 90 Acidophilus milk 12, 90, 94, 95, 133 AATP water solubility 20, 90 Acid production 12, 124, 126 Abate water solubility 20, 90 Aconitic acid 15, 6 Abdominal distention 18, 52 Acquinite water solubility 20, 90 AC compounds, water solubility 20, Acrex water solubility 20, 91 90, 91 Acricid water solubility 20, 91 Acacia 12, 79 Acrolein 12, 130 Acceptable daily intake 19, 1 If. - water solubility 20, 91 - limitations 19, 4, 5 ·"Acronize" process 12, 102 - methods 19, 5 If. Acrylaldehyde water solubility 20, 91 - zones 19,5 Acrylanilides, water solubilities 20, 15 Accumulation factors, DDT and Acrylic acids, water solubilities 20, 15 DDE 18,49 Acrylon water solubility 20, 91 Acerin 12, 79 Acrylonitrile 18, 196 Acetaldehyde 12, 68 -' in tobacco 19,46 - removal from solvents 18, 13-15 - water solubility 20, 91 Acetamides, water solubilities 20, 6 ACTH 19, 17-19, 21 Acetamino-p-nitrodiphenylthio- Actidione 12, 129 sulfonate 12, 68 - water solubility 20, 91 Acetanilide, hydrolysis 18, 25 Actinomycin D 12, 132; 14, 53,67, 68; - oxidation 18, 25 18, 31, 75 Acetic acid 12, 80, 93 Acute toxicity 14, 115, 120 - acids, water solubilities 20, 6-15 Adenocarcinoma 12, 165 Acetone 18, 60 ADI, see Acceptable daily intake - precipitation of fats and waxes ADP 14, 40 ff. 17,46 Adrenal glands 15, 32; 18, 31, 32, 45, - purification 14, 4 46, 52; 19, 17 ff. - reaction with alumina 18, 10 Adrenocortical function 19, 17 ff. Acetonitrile extraction procedure 16, Adsorbents, activation 16, 3 ff. 36 - and binding agents 11, 5 ff. - maximum allowable concentration - cleanup 16, 1 ff. 17,42 -- deactivation 16, 3 - purification 14,4-6,8; 18, 12 - solvent purification 18, 2 ff. Acetonitriles, water solubilities 20, 15 - standardization 16, 3 ff. Acetonyl benzylhydroxy coumarin Adsorption and catalyst activity 19, water solubility 20, 90 63 ff. - chlorobenzylhydroxy coumarin - and water solubility 16, 63 water solubility 20, 90 - filtration 17, 47 ff. Acetylaminofluorene 13, 72, 75 - processes lS, 67 ff. Acetylcholine 18, 65 If., 73, 160 ff. - sugar refining lS, 6 Acetylmethylcholine 18, 160 Adsorptive capacities 18, 3 ff. Achorion 12, 70 Advisory Committee on Pesticides Acid lead arsenate water solubility and Other Toxic Chemicals 11, 20,90 US 151 152 Cumulative subject index - Committee on Poisonous Sub­ - in fat 13, 20, 21; 18, 48 stances Used in Agriculture and - in soil 13, 84, 86, 87, 89-95, 98-103. Food Storage 11, 106 105-118 Aerobic populations 12, 115 - in water 15, 46, 47, 66 Aero-cyanate water solubility 20, 91 - loss from soils 13, 102 Afalon metabolism 18, 146, 147 - losses and temperature 13, 106 Affination process IS, 6 - mass spectrum 16, 147 AFL 1082 water solubility 20, 91 - metabolism 18, 134 fl. Aflatoxin and cancer 13, 70, 76, 78, 79 - oxidation 18, 25 Aflix water solubility 20, 91 - persistence curve in soil 13, 118 Agallol water solubility 20, 91 - release from soils 13, 99 Age and pesticides 18, 22, 36 fl. - removal from water 15, 67, 73, 76, Aglucones 12, 74 77 Agricultural Chemicals Approval - TLC 11, 16, 18, 33-36 Scheme 11, 104, 105 - vapor pressure 13, 91 Agriculture (Poisonous Substances) - water solubility 13, 92; 20, 90, 137, Act 11, 102, 107 142 - Regulations 11, 113 Alfalfa 11,65,120,128; 13,8,112,113; Agrimycin water solubility 20, 91 14, 47; 16, 16, 74, 94-96, 149; 18, Agritox water solubility 20, 91 200 Agrocide water solubility 20, 91 - meal 17, 38 Agrox water solubility 20, 91 Alginates 12, 113 Agroxone water solubility 20, 91 Aigran water solubility 20, 90 Air drying 12, 74 Alkaloids 14, 55 - pesticides in 11, 153 Alkron water solubility 20, 90 - pollution (see also Smog) 17, 88 Alkylated naphthalenes 17, 2, 17 fl., 98, 99 Alkyl phosphoric acid detection 18, Air-fio green water solubility 20, 91 121 Aker-tuba water solubility 20, 91 Alkylation, enzymatic 18, 151 Alamos water solubility 20, 91 Allento water solubility 20, 90 Alanap water solubility 20, 90 Allergic reactions 12, 128 ALA synthetase 18, 46 Allethrin 17, 6, 16, 17, 109, 110; 18, 72 Alanine 12, 81, 126 - TLC 11,46 Alaska pollack 12, 112 - water solubility 20, 90 Albinism 12, 168 Allicin 12, 68 Albumin 12, 105 Allocystathionine 12, 81 Alcohol, fermentation IS, 2, 6 Alloxan 18, 50 Alcohols (see also specific alcohol) Alltox water solubility 20, 90 18, 3, 10 Allyl alcohol water solubility 20, 90 - protection from light 18, 10 - bromide water solubility 20, 90 Aldolase 12, 127 Allylcysteine-sulfoxide 12, 68 Aldosterone 19, 19 Allyldisulfide oxide 12, 69 Aldren water solubility 20, 90 Allylthiosulfinate 12, 68 Aldrin 11, Ill, 113-115, 142; 13, 10; Almonds 19, 101, 143 14, 4, 14, 16; IS, 33, 37, 81, 84, Alumina 11, 5 fl.; 14, 2, 8; 16, 2, 4, 5, 87, 90, 92-95; 16, 8, 10-15, 18, 7 fl., 17-19, 21; 17, 3-5, 17, 47, 36-40, 42, 89, 91-94; 17, 40, 47, 52; 18, 3, 4, 10-15, 1l9, 120 SO, 51, 55, 144, 147; 18, 39, 46, - columns 16, 6 fl. 48, 61, 62, 69, 70, 181, 187, 196, - petrolatum-paraffin coated 16, 10 201; 19, 13, 15 - polyethylene-coated 16, 8, 12, 18, - adsorption and soil factors 13, 101 20, 21 - and cancer 13, 77 - water content 16, 4, 5 - carbon-skeleton chromatogram 19, Aluminum phosphide residues 19, 136, 62, 63, 69-73 139 - fumigant action 13, 111 - phosphide water solubility 20, 90 Cumulative subject index 153 - silicate 16, 20 - molybdate reagent 18, 107 ff., 120, Ambiocide water solubility 20, 90 121 Amethopterin water solubility 20, 91 - persuifate reagent 18, 121 Ametryne 15, 11, 17, 21 ff.
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