June 19-25, 2015 Your Neighborhood — Your News® SERVING PARKCHESTER, HUNTS POINT, FORDHAM SOUTH, GRAND CONCOURSE, FORDHAM NORTH, BRONX NORTH, CO-OP CITY CROTONA PARK TENNIS CENTER A GRAND SLAM 12,000 sf clubhouse opens BY JAIME WILLIAMS tion to hosting a number of Bronx leaders and tennis tournaments. lovers came together to cele- “This project is huge,” said brate the grand opening of New Borough President Ruben Diaz York Junior Tennis and Learn- Jr. at the event. ing’s Cary Leeds Center on It’s another example of eco- Monday, June 15. nomic development in the “This new facility will be an Bronx, he said, as well as an invaluable resource to the sur- incredible opportunity for kids rounding neighborhood,” said to be introduced to a sport they Bronx parks commissioner Iris wouldn’t ordinarily have ac- Rodriguez Rosa, of the private- cess to. As a mental sport in ad- public partnership. dition to a physical one, tennis The multi-use 12,000-square offers incredible benefi ts, said foot, two-story clubhouse con- Diaz, and NYJTL’s academic tains classrooms, a youth programming builds on that. lounge and fi tness center, and “[NYJTL] makes sure our a technology learning lab that kids are ready and prepared, will facilitate NYJTL’s educa- not only for college but to take tional initiatives, as well as control of the future of the City a fully-functional tennis club of New York,” said Diaz. with locker rooms and a pro Andrea Davis say NYJTL’s shop. Gluck+ designed and existing community tennis built the facility. program has helped her young The center’s 20 tennis kids come out of their shells courts, 10 of which will be cov- and make friends, as they love Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. plays tennis with kids from New York Junior Tennis and Learning’s programs ered for weather, plus two un- going to tennis each week. at the grand opening celebration of NYJTL’s Cary Leeds Center for Tennis and Learning on Monday, June 15 in der-construction exhibition “They feel more comfort- Crotona Park. Community News Group / Jaime Williams courts with stadium seating, able around kids their age,” will host more than 6,000 hours said Davis. she said. The center is a tribute to where in 1981 he reached the per year of free tennis for New The program has helped She’s excited to use the Cary Leeds, a star on Yale’s ten- semifi nals in mixed doubles. York City youth. 13-year-old Summer Black- brand new facility as she con- nis team who went on to become After retiring from profes- The center will offer a va- shear learn about focus and tinues with NYJTL. a world-ranked player, com- sional tennis, he attended busi- riety of programing for adults sportsmanship, and has given “I think its really cool,” said peting in six U.S. Opens and ness school and then co- throughout the year, in addi- her leadership opportunities, Blackshear of the center. fi ve Wimbledon tournaments, Continued on Page 71 TOP BRONX NEWS STORIES HOOD BOR - YO The Bronx Times Electeds: suspend bar’s liquor license IGH UR E N On-Line $-"44*'*&%4'035)&#30/9 BY ROBERT WIRSING homemade mixture of liquor, 3392 E. Tremont Avenue prem- N E R W The party might be over, but according to local electeds. ises resulting in the bar’s cur- U Your world is O S the hangover still lingers. When the event turned cha- rent owner voluntarily surren- Y ® 24/7... NOW Last month, the Bronx Beer otic due to irresponsible man- dering her liquor license to the Garden held a ‘World BBQ’ agement, and over promotion 45th Precinct. so are we. event which far exceeded its oc- through social media, they On Tuesday, June 2, the cupancy rate by over 500 guests claimed, the 45th Precinct and bar’s current owner Michelle ÜÜÜ°LÝÌiðV and advertised free food; hoo- Fire Department were dis- Kauffman and prospective kah smoking; and free jungle patched to regain control and owner Jerald Taylor met with 5)&-"5&45#30/94103544$03&4 juice, a highly intoxicating evacuate everyone from the Continued on Page 71 '00%t)&"-5)t5&$)/0-0(: A CNG Publication • Vol. 21 No. 25 www.bxtimes.com GoFor To More Our Blog Information To See Our Weekly Visit Specials!Us At VistVisit Our Our New www.bronxdentistny.comNEW Web-ite: Web-Site: www.reliablebronxdentist.com www.reliablebronxdentist.com GOT IMPLANTS DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT COME SEE US (718) 547-5280 2 BRONX TIMES REPORTER, JUNE 19-25, 2015 BTR DCP releases Hutch traffi c study BY PATRICK ROCCHIO lyzed as part of the process and Transportation to study the en- The completion of a Depart- some required long-term rec- gineering details. ment of City Planning study ommendations or additional Among the recommenda- of the Hutchinson River Park- study.” tions are: way has many in the commu- Some activists with the • providing additional ac- nity contemplating their next East Bronx Traffi c Coalition, cess to the Hutch Metro Center moves to make progress on al- a consortium of civic groups, • exploring other access leviating traffi c congestion. indicated that the report was a points over Westchester Creek The 140-plus page report in- good fi rst step. to alleviate congestion at the cludes recommendations for a “The hope of the EBTC is Bruckner Interchange traffi c corridor spanning the that since the plan is now in • exploring the northern Community Board 10’s Municipal Services Committee meeting at Monsi- Hutchinson River Parkway writing, we can approach our part of the study area to fi nd gnor Scanlan High School on Tuesday, June 9 included remarks by a DCP from the Bronx-Whitestone elected offi cials and see if we another way for vehicular traf- representative and a discussion of aspects of the traffi c study with a Bridge to Co-op City: a roughly can nail down funding for some fi c from Hutch Metro to reach focus on the Ferry Point community. Community News Group / Patrick Rocchio four-mile route along the high- of the recommendations,” said Pelham Parkway. way and ancillary streets. member John Marano. • improving the Bruckner plements for the idea of extend- stantial amount of investment The fi ndings addressed traf- The EBTC is concerned Boulevard and Brush Avenue ing Bassett Avenue. He said at in both the Hutch and I- 95. fi c and public transportation about mitigating traffi c from interchange by expanding the a Community Board 10 Munici- “It is defi nitely not going to in areas north of East Trem- a growing number of develop- northbound approach, making pal Services Committee meet- be fi xed by new directional sig- ont Avenue (focusing on the ments coming online. signal timing adjustments and ing on Tuesday, June 9 that he nals,” he added. Hutch Metro Center area, pro- “Finding funds for any proj- moving a bus stop. felt more could have come out The East Bronx Traffi c Co- posed Metro North station and ect is always a challenge, but • extending Bassett Avenue of the study. alition is inviting all inter- Westchester Square) and south we believe that the community, to Pelham Parkway “Many of the coalition mem- ested in the issues of traffi c to of the avenue, where the study elected offi cials, and all the • providing an east-west con- bers told DCP to ‘go back to the a public forum at Providence looked at accessing the Bruck- other stakeholders can collabo- nection over a rail line as part drawing board’ last year, as Rest, 3304 Waterbury Avenue, ner Interchange and Brush Av- rate to fi nd ways to implement of the proposed Morris Park their report was short on so- on Tuesday, June 23 from 7 to enue. these capital improvements,” Metro North station. lutions to our problems,” said 9 p.m. A DCP spokesman said the spokesman stated. “We are • resolving ongoing issues Doyle. “This report and the To learn more about DCP’s that the agency believes that it committed to being a part of as to the maintenance of the solutions written are nearly Hutchinson River Parkway achieved its goals. that process.” ‘ring road’ through Ferry Point identical to the presentations Transportation Corridor “We have some quick, easily The DCP spokesman said Park. shown at that time.” Study, which had been ongoing implementable recommenda- that the agency provides an One of the members of EBTC, He added that the traffi c since early 2013, visit:http:// tions,” stated the DCP spokes- overview of the roads in an John Doyle, said that the report problems troubling the com- www.nyc.gov/html/dcp/html/ man. “Each concern brought to area, and then it is up to either added little new information, munity have been years in the hutchinson_river_pkwy/in- us by the community was ana- the state or city Departments of but he did give the agency com- making, and will require a sub- dex.shtml THE WORST THING YOU CAN DO IF YOU THINK YOU SMELL A GAS LEAK IS NOTHING. Smell gas. Act fast. Don’t assume someone else will call 911 or 1-800-75-CONED (26633). Leave the area immediately and make the call yourself. You can report a gas-related emergency anonymously, and not even be there when help arrives. For more gas safety information, visit conEd.com and take safety into your own hands. BTR BRONX TIMES REPORTER, JUNE 19-25, 2015 3 Comgrats Grad! •Francis Albert Caronia Congratulations to David was born to Nicole Vinson around Ryan on graduating from and Andrew Caronia of Riv- pre-k.
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