Technique 44Th e South's Livest College Weekly99 Georgia School of Technology Vol. XXVI THE TECHNIQUE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1937 No. 18 FRATERNITIES INITIATE Sixty Gridmen Report For Spring * Practice Green And Gold Football Game Dr. Brittain Speaks Pi Kappa Phi And Pi K. A. Will Not Be Played This Year As WGST Receives Power Increase Lead With Fourteen Initiates PRACTICE TO BE MUCH SHORT­ RELATES RAPID GROWTH OF RETURNS IN FROM ONLY 11 ER WITH MORE INSTRUCTION DOC SAYS— CO-EDS? US? STATION AFTER DONATION BY FRATERNITIES, COMPLETE IN FUNDAMENTALS. The fame of the Girls' Rifle Team Learn to set your own pace. LATE CLARK HOWELL. at Tech has reached all the way TO BE PUBLISHED SOON. More than sixty gridmen reported There is too much difference be­ across America into Oregon, from In celebrating the increase of power At ceremonies held soon after the to Grant Field to draw uniforms on tween individuals for you to try to which state they received a chal­ Monday, February 22 (George Wash­ of the Georgia Tech station, WGST, mid-term eligibility list was posted, be just like someone else. The study lenge for a postal rifle match. from 1,000 to 5,000 watts, Dr. M. L. 88 men were initiated into Tech fra­ ington's birthday), in answer to Coach habits of your friend may not fit Alex' first call for spring football prac­ Brittain, President of Georgia Tech, That they are nationally known ternities. The Pi K. A.'s and Pi Kappa you. He may possess lots of free made a speech Saturday, February 20, tice. is quite an honor to the school as Phi's lead with fourteen men being energy that enables him to work fu­ at 4 o'clock over that station. The text Spring practice this year will be a well as to the fair members of the initiated by each. The S. A. E.'s took riously for short spurts and grasp of his speech is as follows: good bit different from that of the team. It is true that their record second place with twelve initiates. The preceding seasons. Coach Alexander things in great gulps. You may "I want our radio friends to know this year surpasses all previous rec­ eligibility list as released by Dean is excusing from practice all men who have to go at it more slowly and that it is a pleasure as well as a privi­ ords. Fields contained 252 eligible men. are engaged in any other spring sport. spend longer hours at the task. The lege to take part in this program ar­ ranged in honor of the increased fa­ A large number of co-eds are ex­ This will include several grid stars thing that matters most is finishing This list is only partially completed cilities of WGST. pected next year due to the national who are also members of the track or due to late returns and initiations. A the task in a manner that is up to reputation of the girls' rifle team. baseball teams. Practice will be much "During the years since the Geor­ your limit. complete list of initiates will be pub­ shorter this year than previously, and gia School of Technology has owned Incidentally, Tech has no co-eds. lished as soon as fraternity initiation there will be less team drill and more the right to this wave length under instruction in individual fundamentals. 80 G.S.C.W. Girls the regulations of the Federal Board Technique Sends returns are completed: For this reason there will be no Green we have been gratified to see its con­ The men initiated are: and Gold game at the termination of Sing At Tech «Y" tinual growth in power and useful­ 5 Representatives Pi Kappa Phi the practice for the first time in sev­ Sunday Evening ness. To G.C.P.A. Meet Bud Stevenson, Memphis, Tenn. eral years. "First of all I wish to bear grateful Willis Paulk, Fitzgerald, Ga. testimony and appreciation to that The members of last season's "B" Eighty girls who compose the Ves­ The Georgia Collegiate Press Asso­ Charles Kent, Atlanta. great Georgian and editor of the At­ team and freshman team get their per Choir from the Georgia State Col­ ciation held its annual convention in Bill Ashby, Miami, Fla. lanta Constitution who has so recently real chance to make next year's var­ lege for Women will give a worship Athens, Ga., with the Georgia Press passed away, Hon. Clark Howell. Frank Bennett, Dothan, Ala. sity during the period of spring prac­ program at the Tech "Y" auditorium Institute Feb. 18-20. Delegates from "I recall vividly when he sent for Mel Booker, Greenville, S. C. tice. It is mainly for the development at seven-thirty Sunday evening, Feb­ Georgia Tech, representing The Tech­ Doyle Butler, Marietta, Ga. ruary 28. me and announced his purpose of be­ nique, who attended the round table of players to replace those lost from Jake Fortner, Dothan, Ala. queathing to the great institution of discussions were Jack McKinnon, Dave last year's team that spring practice The vested choir is sponsored by the Frank Miller, Atlanta. which he was an able and honored Long, John Boy, Jimmie Townsend, is held. From the promising amount Y. W. C. A. of G. S. C. W. Myra Jenk­ Tom Fry, Decatur, Ga. trustee, this valuable property. and Archie Lewis. of material on hand, it looks as if ins of Thomaston, Georgia, president Shep Pryor, Fitzgerald, Ga. "It is given high place in the list of Coach Alex should be able to mold a of the Y. W. C. A., will give several Mr. John Drewry, professor of jour­ Carl Rauschenberg, Atlanta. our trust funds, and I prophesy its con­ well-knit team around the great nu­ readings. Mary McGavock of Thom- nalism at the University of Georgia, George Murray, Atlanta. asville, Georgia, chairman of the wor­ tinual growth and importance for our cleus of returning varsity stars. was the principal speaker during the Bob Allison, Richmond, Va. ship department in the Y. W. C. A., college and state. meetings. The chief topics discussed will lead the devotional. "We have passed safely through at the round table meetings were those Pub. Relations Club Director of the choir is Prof. Max some vicissitudes and even perils dur- related to News and Editorial Prob­ Cartoonist Dodd Noah of the G. S. C. W. Department (Continued on Page 6) lems and Advertising and Business Meets Next Tuesday of Music. Margaret Fowler is the Problems. Other members of the as­ Is Tech Alumnus choir's president. Guest artist on Sun­ Debating Society sociation who were called on to make On Thursday, March 4, the Public day evening's program will be Mr. speeches were Jack McKinnon, Editor Ed Dodd, the famous cartoonist, Relations Club, which has been inac­ Frank D'Andrea, instructor in violin Meets Brenau The Technique; Elizabeth Bowers, Ed­ originator of "Way Back Home," re­ tive for some time, will renew its dis­ at the Milledgeville college. itor The Watchtower; and Rese Pegler, vealed in a talk to the Georgia Col­ cussions of current topics. The meet­ The choir will present a program at The organization of a crack drill Editor The Wesleyan. legiate Press Institute members last ing will be at 7:30 in the Tech "Y," the Glenn Memorial Church at six platoon in Tech's Coast Artillery unit Mr. Frank Eleazer, vice-president of week that he is an alumnus of Georgia. with interest centered on the Far East. o'clock Sunday evening. Miss Mary is virtually complete, and its members the Association, reminded the mem­ The two books to be reviewed are Mil­ Elizabeth Dale, secretary of the Y. have been assembled and designated bers that the Cobb County Journalistic Tech, and that The Technique started' itarism in Japan, by Kenneth Cole- W. C. A., and several members of the as the first platoon of Battery "F." Trophy would be awarded in April. him on his career. (?rove, and Sea Power on the Pacific, G. S. C. W. faculty will accompany The former members of the platoon A new award was also established by The first cartoon he had accepted by Walter Millis. The discussions will the group to Atlanta. have been placed in Batteries D and the members of the staff of the Arm­ and printed was run in The Technique. be led by Pressley Walker, Mack Gibbs Sunday night's program will include E to replace the men who were picked strong Publications for the best all- Now his cartoons are syndicated and and William Harbin. All students who three anthems: "How Lovely Are Thy for the crack group. round college publication of the year. appear in over a hundred newspapers. are interested in helping reorganize Messengers," by Mendelssohn; "Psalm The new platoon was drilled for the The next meeting of the Georgia Mr. Dodd has promised to draw a the club are cordially invited to attend 150," by Franck," and "For God So first time last Thursday by Lieutenant Collegiate Press Association will be pen-and-ink cartoon for publication in the meeting. Loved the World," by Stainer. Dave Emmett, who has been placed in Savannah, Georgia, in May. The Technique this spring. in charge. Non-commissioned officers who have been chosen are: L. A. Gul- 99 ley, platoon sergeant; S. A. Roberts, -TOSHIN« THE BOOT —GAME! right guide; H. S. Brown, left guide; By George P. Burdell J. S. Slicer, T. R. Jones, J. E. Wilson, By Mack Conway H.
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