<Abby Her> 6 Hehe [00:00] <Kuv Tsis Yog Hmoob

<Abby Her> 6 Hehe [00:00] <Kuv Tsis Yog Hmoob

Session Start: Fri Aug 26 00:00:05 2005 Session Ident: #hmongtalk [00:00] <aBBy_hER> 6 hehe [00:00] <Kuv_Tsis_Yog_Hmoob> what are u silly hmong ppl saying [00:00] <FakeSmyLe[`phone]> lol [00:00] <+thirtyrOldVIRGIN> sup bananaguy. long time no see baby [00:00] <Guest78841> fake smyle call me [00:00] <FakeSmyLe[`phone]> Who are you guest? [00:00] <BananaGuy21> 4hi DJ miya [00:00] <Guest78841> thirty year old virgin< who are yoU? [00:00] <Got_Abz> 12 who are you ppl?? [00:00] * PnK_RoeX hi.. [00:00] <Nraug_ZooLus> nkaujxwb,,,zoo siab tau paub koj os [00:00] <Guest78841> who are you fakesmile? [00:00] <+thirtyrOldVIRGIN> kuv tsis yog hmoob, we silly hmong say... koj ruam l i tus pig [00:00] <+thirtyrOldVIRGIN> :D [00:00] * FakeSmyLe[`phone] is Kevin's stalker. [00:00] <aBBy_hER> 6 hi bananabuy21 [00:00] <+thirtyrOldVIRGIN> kekekeke [00:00] <AznGuy> Hi pink [00:00] <Guest78841> pig? [00:00] <Got_Abz> 12 i'm sure, smyle.. [00:00] <BananaGuy21> 4hi abby her [00:00] * PnK_RoeX hi [00:00] <nkaujhmoob_sexxy715> ANY GUYS OVER 24 FROM MN WANNA CHAT AND MATURE [00:00] * @Marushi mp3 play : Freebase Freestyle Party.mp3 .::[192kbps 3m22s]::. 1 00 Percent Freestyle Vol.5 2004 [00:00] <FakeSmyLe[`phone]> Yes I am. :D [00:00] * FakeSmyLe[`phone] is Mee. [00:00] <Guest78841> sup pink rolex! [00:00] <Guest78841> been TOO Long since you been here! [00:00] <Kuv_Tsis_Yog_Hmoob> what the hell?????????/ i dont understand [00:01] * Joins: Guest91184 (java@=Vjoep1100688627.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net) [00:01] * PnK_RoeX hi.. [00:01] <Sithspawn> nkaujhmoob sexy715..WHY..r u ..over 24..and MATURE? [00:01] <Sithspawn> nkaujhmoob sexy715..WHY..r u ..over 24..and MATURE? [00:01] <Guest78841> pink rolex, are you pahoua? [00:01] <Guest78841> or did i mix up [00:01] * PnK_RoeX nope...why? [00:01] <AznGuy> Pink Rolex is hot [00:01] <nkaujhmoob_sexxy715> yes [00:01] <@Marushi> freeestyle [00:01] <+thirtyrOldVIRGIN> yog koj tsis understand.. zoo xwb [00:01] <Guest78841> oH. [00:01] <@Marushi> puawhawhahaahahahaha [00:01] <Sithspawn> nkaujhmoobsexxy..but ur not from MN huh [00:01] <aBBy_hER> 6 hi marushi [00:01] <@Marushi> who wants to breakdance [00:01] * Joins: simplymai (dsfads@=6Modske2lgdauv.csumb.edu) [00:01] * Guest91184 is now known as DrinkTiluDrop [00:01] <@Marushi> keke [00:01] <FakeSmyLe[`phone]> Ok! Alex! [00:01] <@Marushi> hello hello [00:01] <Guest78841> all i know is , pink rolex from fresno, and pink is mah bud dy [00:01] <Letters> 2 hey sexxy 715 [00:01] <Sithspawn> simplymai...HIya U [00:01] <Nraug_ZooLus> NkaujhmoobSexy715... why you ignore me on pc huh? [00:01] <Kuv_Tsis_Yog_Hmoob> what???????//are u say mang [00:01] <Guest78841> i forget bout pink rolex tho [00:01] * AznGuy does the windmill [00:01] <AznGuy> Sup Mee? [00:01] * PnK_RoeX i'm from laos.. [00:01] <FakeSmyLe[`phone]> I'm gonna try to get a hold of MaiVUe..and if I do.. I'mma call you tonight too ok? [00:01] <FakeSmyLe[`phone]> lol [00:02] <Kuv_Tsis_Yog_Hmoob> thirty year old virgin are u a male or female?????? [00:02] <FakeSmyLe[`phone]> So.. um? Stay up? [00:02] <FakeSmyLe[`phone]> lol [00:02] <aBBy_hER> 6 hi mee???hehe [00:02] <AznGuy> Ok [00:02] <AznGuy> :) [00:02] <+thirtyrOldVIRGIN> i say kuv tsis yog hmoob ruam [00:02] <FakeSmyLe[`phone]> Hello aBbY :D [00:02] * Joins: Guest87346 (java@=Glycvp92249930517.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net) [00:02] <FakeSmyLe[`phone]> Ok ! [00:02] <@Marushi> kakak balls [00:02] <FakeSmyLe[`phone]> Gotta go now! muaks! gnIght! godbLess! [00:02] * Joins: Guest90900 (java@=0FZYX8227061168.kc.res.rr.com) [00:02] <aBBy_hER> 6 oh ur mee [00:02] <aBBy_hER> 6 hehe [00:02] <FakeSmyLe[`phone]> Yes I'm MEe too! ;P [00:02] <+thirtyrOldVIRGIN> kuv yog ib tus guy [00:02] <+thirtyrOldVIRGIN> :D [00:02] <aBBy_hER> 6 i just said it call azn guy said it [00:02] <aBBy_hER> 6 LOL [00:02] <Kuv_Tsis_Yog_Hmoob> [00:02] <Letters> 2 sup abby [00:02] <FakeSmyLe[`phone]> [email protected]. [00:02] <FakeSmyLe[`phone]> Ok! byE! [00:02] * Quits: FakeSmyLe[`phone] (java@=2s24024553.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: U ser exited) [00:02] <Kuv_Tsis_Yog_Hmoob> then what chu doing trying to grab my cocck for u fag g [00:02] * @Marushi mp3 play : Freestyle Allstars Freestyle For Life.mp3 .::[192kbps 3m38s]::. 100 Percent Freestyle Vol.5 2004 [00:02] * +thirtyrOldVIRGIN giggles [00:02] <AznGuy> ? [00:02] * Quits: Just_Sarah ([email protected]=) (QUIT: User exited) [00:03] <aBBy_hER> 6 LOL [00:03] * Joins: Guest87747 (java@=dBoapy9159955148.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net) [00:03] <Guest78841> abby her, you gonna call me or wat? [00:03] * Guest91709 is now known as eh [00:03] * eh is now known as eh37496 [00:03] <aBBy_hER> 6 who are u>???guest [00:03] <+thirtyrOldVIRGIN> did you not see what i say earlier, kuv tsis yoghmoo b? [00:03] * Quits: CowGirlMollie (rawlikeme@=t2FPF9U4FQ.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User e xited) [00:03] <aBBy_hER> 6 do i have ur # [00:03] <+thirtyrOldVIRGIN> i like to su.ck ***** [00:03] <Guest78841> sheesh, wat happend to the dayz when chicks called up the g uys! [00:03] <Guest78841> AHahha [00:03] <Kuv_Tsis_Yog_Hmoob> no i wasnt paying attention [00:03] <Nraug_ZooLus> good night every one [00:03] <Guest78841> nope, you don't but i can give you [00:03] <Guest78841> *dead* *crickets* chirp chirp [00:03] <aBBy_hER> 6 who are u guest???? [00:03] <Guest78841> i'm bob [00:03] <+thirtyrOldVIRGIN> hmmms [00:04] <aBBy_hER> 6 bobbbbbbbbbbbb [00:04] <aBBy_hER> 6 its u [00:04] <+thirtyrOldVIRGIN> sup "BOB vang from FREHOe [00:04] * Quits: simplymai (dsfads@=6Modske2lgdauv.csumb.edu) (QUIT: User exit ed) [00:04] * +thirtyrOldVIRGIN giggles [00:04] <Guest78841> YEA! i dont like using my original nicks now [00:04] * Guest87346 is now known as urbelovedlady [00:04] <the`brothers`grimm> 4any lady like to chat, pc me [00:04] <Guest78841> when i'm a guest i'm bored as f*ck! [00:04] <aBBy_hER> 6 why??? [00:04] <Guest78841> when i'm a guest i'm bored as f*ck! thats why [00:04] <aBBy_hER> 6 ogh [00:04] <aBBy_hER> 6 oh.. [00:04] <aBBy_hER> 6 sorrie [00:04] <Letters> 2 hey abby wanna hang out [00:04] <+thirtyrOldVIRGIN> when im a guest i like to eat puzzies [00:04] <Guest78841> i gotta boring job too! [00:04] * Joins: TXHOBDAGTSAMBAM (java@=ZB80.5.58.25.ptr.us.xo.net) [00:04] <aBBy_hER> 6 no thanks [00:04] <Kuv_Tsis_Yog_Hmoob> which one of u hmong ladies can suk a mean azz cockk hollar!!!!!!!!!!!! [00:04] * Joins: Guest88471 (java@=Zznvgh1719625590.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net) [00:05] <aBBy_hER> 6 i dont know [00:05] <DrinkTiluDrop> lol [00:05] <aBBy_hER> 6 u [00:05] <DrinkTiluDrop> zzz [00:05] * Quits: Guest88471 (java@=Zznvgh1719625590.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net) (QUIT: User exited) [00:05] <Got_Abz> 12 fade, i'm beating you up' [00:05] <Guest78841> AHahh i just sit in my office on the fifth floor and stare out the window doing nothing, getting paid big bucks [00:05] <Guest78841> HAhaahah ! [00:05] <Guest78841> i gotta boring job alright [00:05] <AznGuy> Joss Stone is hot [00:05] * +thirtyrOldVIRGIN sits under bob's desk and suckin his **** [00:05] * Joins: Guest88766 (java@=Lofnkc3172816143.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net) [00:05] <+thirtyrOldVIRGIN> :D [00:05] * Joins: Guest88824 (Darshe@=cHa717606832.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) [00:05] <Kuv_Tsis_Yog_Hmoob> if u can suk a mean azz cocck then hollar at me ..... ...for some sukking action [00:05] * Quits: OperaNonVerba (required@=qVy64811480292.hsd1.ca.comcast.net ) (QUIT: User exited) [00:05] <Guest78841> AHahah freak! [00:05] <AznGuy> I'm a fireman.. [00:05] * Guest88766 is now known as mastermeat26 [00:05] <Guest78841> who's thirty year old virgin [00:05] <AznGuy> :) [00:05] <aBBy_hER> 6 what happen bob [00:05] * PnK_RoeX sucking online..i'm so in! [00:05] <aBBy_hER> 6 ??? [00:05] * PnK_RoeX lol.. [00:05] <DrinkTiluDrop> omg thirtyyearold cyber sexing? lol [00:05] * +thirtyrOldVIRGIN sits under bob's desk and suckin his **** while he s taring out the window [00:06] <Guest78841> alright!!! two chicks under my desk! [00:06] <Guest78841> AHaHahAH~! [00:06] * Quits: mastermeat26 (java@=Lofnkc3172816143.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net ) (QUIT: User exited) [00:06] <+thirtyrOldVIRGIN> lol drink [00:06] <Kuv_Tsis_Yog_Hmoob> lol suking online is so fun!!!!!!!!!!!! [00:06] * Quits: Nraug_ZooLus (a@=6Guww97104763.dc.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User e xited) [00:06] <Guest78841> great! three chicks under my desk! [00:06] <DrinkTiluDrop> oldvirgin u horny old virgin [00:06] <aBBy_hER> 6 thirtyoldvirgin i dotn think ur a virgin [00:06] <Guest78841> AHahahAH [00:06] <aBBy_hER> 6 hehe [00:06] <+thirtyrOldVIRGIN> hahahhaa [00:06] * Joins: Guest88409 (java@=FCyagc0346889680.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net) [00:06] <aBBy_hER> 6 ur not [00:06] <Guest78841> old virgin needs a repopping [00:06] <+thirtyrOldVIRGIN> <is a virgin too [00:06] <Guest78841> AhAHahh! [00:06] <SwEet_iva_tHoR> muah [00:06] * Guest87747 is now known as specialguest [00:06] <aBBy_hER> 6 no [00:06] * +thirtyrOldVIRGIN giggles [00:06] <SwEet_iva_tHoR> bye bye ya'll [00:06] <Guest78841> abby her needs a first time popping [00:06] <TXHOBDAGTSAMBAM> HEllo any girl here [00:06] <Guest78841> AHhAhah! [00:06] <Kuv_Tsis_Yog_Hmoob> who wants me to shyt on there chest then hollar at me [00:06] <aBBy_hER> 6 wow [00:06] * Joins: Guest88514 (java@=sx4734557878.dhcp.eucl.wi.charter.com) [00:06] <aBBy_hER> 6 ur yuckie [00:07] <aBBy_hER> 6 hehe [00:07] <DrinkTiluDrop> oldviring...u poped out a couple kids..u cna' be virgin anymore [00:07] * Parts: SwEet_iva_tHoR (java@=YlIVG2436170127.new.res.rr.com) [00:07] <aBBy_hER> 6 only hoes do that [00:07] * Guest88514 is now known as hli [00:07] <+thirtyrOldVIRGIN> kuv tsisyog hmoob, go shyt on koj niam's chest [00:07] <aBBy_hER> 6 hi hli [00:07] <Guest78841> ok abby her! [00:07] * Guest88409 is now known as mastermeat26 [00:07] <aBBy_hER> 6 what [00:07] <+thirtyrOldVIRGIN> i am a virgin drink.

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