SCENE CRABS PLAY BLUESMAN WRAP-UP THINK PINK Buddy Best plays Legally Brown Blues of the Blonde at Festival B1 week C1 FRT B1 MADRIVERUNION.COM MMADAD RRIVEIVERR UUNIONNION V OL. 2, N O . 44 16 PAGES WEDNESDAY, JU LY 29, 2015 E ST. 2013 $1 Squabble From ArcAtA to County acts rages on in as pension the Arctic crisis looms the sandy Daniel Mintz Mad RiveR Union outpost HUMBOLDT – Faced with an employee pension liability Jack Durham of $220 million, the county is Mad RiveR Union advancing a plan to pay it down MANILA – Month after annually to avoid the impacts of month, meeting after meeting, continued debt expansion. hour after hour, the Manila At its July 21 meeting, the town board has wrangled over Board of Supervisors approved the future of its family resource a plan for driving down the center. county’s debt on its growing Determining the fate of the employee pension obligation. small program has become an The plan is to set up a trust fund all-consuming task in the san- that would be made up of annu- dy outpost, dominating most ARCTIC EDUCATION Arcata teacher Greg Gaiera fear- al contributions specifcally for of the Manila Community Ser- lessly plunges into Arctic waters, preceded by airborne pension debt payments. vices District Board of Direc- class mascot teddy bear Sam, who had his own plastic That would allow the county tors meetings so far this year. wet suit. Right, Gaiera and an exhausted Sam dance with more payment fexibility than Board members squabble a native woman in a Greenland fshing village, where the another option that was con- and tensions fare at the meet- herring catch is cause for rejoicing and traditional danc- sidered and dismissed as being ings, which grind on with ac- es. Photos courtesy GreG Gaiera | union street charter school too risky – borrowing money cusations and counter-accu- through issuance of long-term sations. Voices are raised and, bonds. Doing so could generate during the most recent meet- Local teacher takes Nat Geo edu-cruise the funding needed to pay of ing, there was even heckling a larger portion of the pension from an audience member. Kevin L. Hoover his lesson plans at Arcata’s Union lad expeditions are keyed to natu- debt but could also produce a The issue was seemingly re- Mad RiveR Union Street Charter School. ral history and wildlife, with a full larger liability if interest rates solved at the board’s June 18 EARTH – Teacher Greg Gaiera The epic adventure was a 17- staf of naturalists and numerous or pension system conditions meeting after hours of talking is back in his classroom after en- day voyage to Svalbard, Green- side excursions into the wild. This change. when the divided board fnal- countering polar bears, fending land, and Iceland as one of the cruise, on the 6,471 ton, 148-pas- County Administrative Of- ly came together and voted of attacking birds with a stick 2015 Lindblad Expeditions and senger National Geographic Ex- fcer Phillip Smith-Hanes de- unanimously to transfer man- and diving into the icy ocean. National Geographic Grosvenor plorer, is both the apex of eco-tour- scribed the funding of the agement of the Manila Family While all that might seem like the Teacher Fellows. Bayside resident ism and as good as glamping gets state’s Public Employee Re- Resource Center to Redwood world’s worst day at the ofce, to Gaiera applied last December, and above the Arctic Circle. tirement System (PERS) as a Coast Montessori. The vote Gaiera it was the opportunity of a was selected for one of 35 prized Gaiera was lodged among the “three-legged stool.” County came about after numerous lifetime, and an educational ex- slots from 3,000 applicants. 100-member crew. “I felt very employees contribute to the MANILA A4 perience that will deeply inform The upscale, small-vessel Lind- ARCTIC A6 CRISIS A2 Abuse case: A ‘she said, he said?’ Coffee Break gets fresh food, furnishings Paul Mann aggravated the rashes to which she was From ‘fll it with ethyl’ to organic breakfast, lunch, wine Mad RiveR Union prone. Ointment had to be applied; she EUREKA – Bare bones, the case of al- wet herself at school as well as at home. Kevin L. Hoover leged child sex abuse against a 62-year-old But yes, Kufner admitted, he slept to- Mad RiveR Union McKinleyville man appears to be a “she gether with Jane Doe 1 and her younger SUNNY BRAE – The sleepy shire of said, he said.” sister, Jane Doe 2 (about seven years old), Sunny Brae daily awakens with stim- When she was about nine years old, to assuage the girls’ fears of the dark; he ulating help from its former gas sta- Jane Doe 1 testifed, “he put his hands comforted them until they fell asleep. They tion, now the cafeine-pumping Cofee down my pants and moved his fngers asked to bed down with him. Break. Starting this Sunday, the Sun- around” while she was lying in bed. On at least one occasion, he woke with ny Brae Center cofee house will be She declared on the witness stand, “He an involuntary erection while lying next “fueling your day” in a whole new way. raped me.” to Jane Doe 1 in the lower segment of the After three years, owner Michelle The accused, foster father John Ed- girls’ bunk bed. Greenway is giving the business a ward Kufner, testifed that he slipped a “I jumped up and got out of there, I was tune-up. A fresh paint job and new fnger into the top of Jane Doe 1’s diaper embarrassed as hell,” Kufner testifed. “I logo on the signs outside invites one from time to time to check if she were wet. felt really humiliated, I was ashamed. It to a refurbished al fresco noshing She was a chronic bed wetter much of her was not an appropriate response, it was area, while the interior is getting BACK IN THE DAY Sunny Brae Chevron owner Roy childhood and sleeping with a wet diaper ABUSE A4 COFFEE BREAK C2 Macklin. Photo courtesy Michelle Greenway | coffee Break Your ver y own Mobile Hot Spot Summer Cruises on THE MADAKET 4DFOJD7JFXTt#JSE-JGF Harbor Seals Oyster Harvesting Relaxing Fundraising strategies for rural, History small to mid-sized nonprofi ts. Fun FOUR COURSES OFFERED ONLINE Foundations for Fundraising begins August 24. Western Red Cedar 8-foot sauna room with 3 full length benches, stained glass window Eco Cruises Sundays 11 a.m. and wood burning stove. Daily 75 min Narrated Cruises College of eLearning & Extended Education Cocktail Cruises Wed. - Sat. 5:30 p.m. .,*&"+%'$*+ Sauna Surround You For more info and to book a cruise go to "+%'$*+ +&(#)#&!(*#-* Jeremy Chapman IVNCPMEUCBZNBSJUJNFNVTFVNDPNt Owner/Crafsman Since 1964 We’ll guide you through the process Real estate fnancing • Call for a free get-together • Evening & weekend appointments • We listen! 2037 Harrison ave., eureka • 445-3027 • www.Humboldtmortgage.net A2 MAD RIVER UNION JULY 29, 2015 oil, parmesan and fresh peaches – served with a glass of Humboldt Honey Wine. Pizza Gago has made a hit at the MAD RIVER market with its custom-made mobile oven. Pawel Gago makes his pizzas with Janine “peaches and tomatoes from McIntosh Volkmar Farm, basil from Pierce Valley, and Cy- NION press Grove cheeses.” He’s been in busi- AT THE MADRIVERUNION.COMU (707) 826-7000 ness for a year and a half and his oven v MARKET can produce a pizza in two minutes, he The Mad River Union, (ISSN 1091-1510), is published weekly said, because of its incredible heat. Look for Pizza Gago at (Wednesdays) by Kevin L. Hoover and Jack Durham, 791 Eighth St. (Jacoby’s Storehouse), Suite 8, Arcata, CA 95521. the Mad River Brewery every Saturday in August as well as Periodicals Postage Paid at Arcata, CA. other locations around the county. Subscriptions: $35/year Heidi and Paul Leslie are new to the market this year POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Mad River Union, 791 Eighth St., Suite 8, Arcata, CA 95521 with their Humboldt Honey Wine booth. “Our blackberry vanilla honey wine is ready to be bottled,” Paul said. Deadlines “And our pear-ginger-habanero will be ready in the Letters to the Editor & Opinion columns fall,” Heidi added. (signed, with a phone number): Noon Friday Press Releases: 5 p.m. Friday Ads: Contact Ad Dept. Other new favors of the honey wine coming out in Au- Legal Notices: 5 p.m. Friday gust will be watermelon and watermelon-mint. And that’s your farm-fresh take-home dinner. It just Press releases: (707) 826-7000 can’t get any better than that. [email protected] mck All about the farmers Letters to the Editor/Opinion: (707) 826-7000 “I’m really tickled that [the market] is there,” said Anne [email protected] Pierson, owner of the shopping center. market The center’s handyman, Tom Jessup, “has been incred- Advertising: (707) 826-7535 ibly helpful,” according to Market Manager Sarah Brun- [email protected] EASy ACCESS Ample parking and wide aisles make it ner. “He volunteers to put the cones out early on Thursday even easier to get to the farm-fresh goods and tasty Entertainment: (707) 826-7000 to save the spaces for the farmers,” she said. meals at the McKinleyville market. JV | Union [email protected] One big advantage of the McKinleyville market is the Legal notices: (707) 826-7000 t's Thursday and you are jonesing for a freshly picked, ease of parking.
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