E1138 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 23, 2007 for valor in action against an enemy force be- Mr. Zachary Barter of Brown University. Mr. in charge of greeting visitors and guiding them stowed upon an individual serving in the Barter is a teaching student and is a recipient on their visits. In addition, she plays an impor- Armed Services. of the prestigious Fulbright Award. This grant tant role in the safety of the students by mak- My father, the late Congressman Edward R. is given to promising individuals to aid them in ing sure that all visitors are authorized and ac- Roybal, himself a World War II veteran, was their academic and cultural pursuits abroad. counted for. Furthermore, Bette has been ac- extremely grateful to Private Obregon and the The Fulbright Program was established by tive in the Valparaiso Organization for Learn- many other men and women who made the Congress in 1946 and is sponsored by the ing and Teaching Seniors (VOLTS) program, ultimate sacrifice in defense of our nation. My U.S. State Department. This program was de- as well as the Lyric Opera Lecture Corps, a father was among the founding members of signed to help build mutual understanding be- program aimed at introducing children to clas- Post 804, and it was always important to him tween Americans and the global community. sical music. that Memorial Day be observed with a heart- Individuals who are awarded this distinction Bob Buhle has served in many capacities felt and patriotic tribute to the fallen. If my fa- have demonstrated outstanding academic or for the Hilltop Neighborhood House for several ther were with us today, he would be the first professional achievement and have proven years, including Board President and Vice to commend Post 804 for its 60-year tradition themselves as leaders in their field. President. In addition, he has been instru- of organizing these poignant Memorial Day Madam Speaker, please join me in paying mental in the construction of the Hilltop Com- services. tribute to Mr. Barter and wishing him the best munity Health Center, as well as a dedicated This year, the American Legion Post 804 in his future endeavors. member of the organization’s Board Develop- will be holding an inspirational 24-hour Memo- ment Committee and Finance and Audit Com- rial Day Patriotic Vigil. It will begin at 10 a.m. f mittee. Not only has Bob dedicated himself to on Sunday, May 27 and conclude on Monday, PERSONAL EXPLANATION Hilltop, he has also donated much of his time Memorial Day, May 28 at 10 a.m. The conclu- and efforts to Habitat for Humanity. sion of the vigil will mark the beginning of the Chelsey Dunleavy, a peer tutor in the Life Post’s Memorial Day service at Cinco Puntos HON. SHELLEY BERKLEY Skills Program at Valparaiso High School, has in East Los Angeles, and the entire community OF NEVADA served as President of the HOPE Club for the has been invited to participate. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES past two years. As a volunteer in the Life Many of the Post’s 150 members who will Wednesday, May 23, 2007 participate in the service know firsthand the Skills Program, Chelsey devotes her spare toll that war takes on our brave men and Ms. BERKLEY. Madam Speaker, I was un- time to helping students with special needs. women who serve. The Post’s membership in- able to vote on rollcall Nos. 397 through 402. As President of the HOPE Club, she plans cludes veterans of World War I, World War II, Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ and supervises activities and events and does the Korean War, Vietnam, Lebanon, Grenada, on rollcall Nos. 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, and so in a manner that allows everyone to partici- Panama, Afghanistan and the Persian Gulf. 402. pate. Chelsey is also very active in her In addition to the Post’s Memorial Day serv- f church, where she teaches Sunday school, as ice, Post 804 supports and sponsors a num- well as in various other programs at TRIBUTE TO OUTSTANDING Valparaiso High School. In performing any ber of important community events throughout VALPARAISO, INDIANA NOON the year, including Veterans Day services at tasks, Chelsea is known for her ability to excel KIWANIS CLUB VOLUNTEERS Atlantic Park in East Los Angeles, a toy drive far beyond any expectations, and more im- for the Children of Brooklyn Avenue School, pressively, to do so without expecting anything school presentations on the American Flag HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY in return. and Patriotism, and voter registration and OF INDIANA An avid runner, Michele Hale, has been a blood drives. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES volunteer with Opportunity Enterprises for the The Post is also home to Sons of the Amer- Wednesday, May 23, 2007 past seven years. Pairing her love for long-dis- ican Legion Post 804 and the Veterans of For- tance running with her commitment to serve eign Wars Post 4696, including its Ladies Aux- Mr. VISCLOSKY. Madam Speaker, it is my her community, Michele leads the Opportunity iliary. The Los Angeles Chapter of the His- distinct honor to commend nine exceptional in- Enterprises’ Lake County Marathon Training panic Airborne Association, the San Gabriel dividuals from Northwest Indiana who have Team and also serves as the organizer for an Valley Chapter of the 82nd Airborne Associa- been recognized as outstanding volunteers by annual charity bike run. Michele also serves tion, and the Rice Patties Jumpers Chapter of the Valparaiso, Indiana Noon Kiwanis Club. as President of the Calumet Region Striders 187th Regiment also call the Post home. These individuals are: Judy Back, Elizabeth and contributes much of her efforts to the Madam Speaker, I salute Post 804 for its ‘‘Bette’’ Brown, Bob Buhle, Chelsey Dunleavy, Cancer Foundation, the Muscular Dystrophy patriotic and meaningful work in the commu- Michele Hale, Sandy Jenkins, Beverly Association, and Saint Jude’s Children’s Hos- nity and for steadfastly holding true to its basic Overmyer, Pat Puffer, and Rob Thorgren. pital. tenants to safeguard ‘‘the principles of justice, These honorees will be recognized at the Sandy Jenkins, a volunteer for the Porter freedom and democracy’’ and ‘‘to promote Sixth Annual Valparaiso Kiwanis Club Founda- Auxiliary, has contributed countless hours to peace and goodwill on earth . .’’ Through its tion Volunteer Recognition Program, which will the organization and the people it serves. efforts in organizing Memorial Day services be held on Wednesday, May 30, 2007, at the While her primary duty is to provide informa- and its other important community under- Strongbow Inn in Valparaiso. This annual tion for visitors at the front desk, Sandy has takings, the Post serves as a living memorial event recognizes the efforts of outstanding always welcomed additional responsibilities to our men and women in uniform who have community volunteers and celebrates the spirit with the Auxiliary and has served in a secre- made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. of volunteerism in Valparaiso. tarial capacity and in public relations as well. I ask my colleagues to join me in recog- Judy Back, of the Salvation Army, has been For her efforts and her unwavering dedication nizing the outstanding work of the Eugene A. a constant role model and a true inspiration to to the Porter Auxiliary, Sandy has even been Obregon American Legion Post 804 on the oc- her community through her many volunteer ef- featured in the Stay Healthy magazine. casion of its 60th Annual Memorial Day Serv- forts. Having served on and chaired many A volunteer with the Independent Cat Soci- ice at Cinco Puntos in East Los Angeles, and boards throughout the years, Judy has been ety, Beverly Overmyer has fully dedicated her- in commending the Post for its dedication to extremely active in her efforts with the Porter self to the organization. Among other roles, preserving the memories of our brave soldiers County Angel Tree Program, a program that Beverly has served on the Board of Directors, to ensure that we ‘‘never forget.’’ provides children with gifts and families with as Corresponding Secretary, writer for the f food for the holidays. Judy has also been ac- Mewsletter, room parent, co-chair of the public CONGRATULATING ZACHARY tive in many other facets of the Salvation relations committee, and in many fundraising BARTER Army, as well as the Purdue North Central capacities. Though extremely committed to the Women’s Association, of which she was the Independent Cat Society, Beverly also finds HON. THOMAS G. TANCREDO founding president. time to volunteer for the Taltree Arboretum, Bette Brown, a retired teacher with the where she serves as an instructor and pre- OF COLORADO Valparaiso Community Schools, has enriched pares materials for field trips, and is very ac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the lives of countless students over the years. tive in the Kankakee Valley Historical Society. Wednesday, May 23, 2007 Since her retirement, she has continued to Pat Puffer is being honored for her many ef- Mr. TANCREDO. Madam Speaker, I rise volunteer at Valparaiso High School, serving forts in the community, most notably, her work today to pay tribute to one of my constituents, as front desk person. In this capacity, Bette is with the Porter-Starke Services Foundation. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:16 Jul 28, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 J:\CRONLINE\2007BA~3\2007NE~2\E23MY7.REC E23MY7 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 23, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1139 Pat has served the foundation in various ca- Telework Exchange, the MidAtlantic Telework As part of its ‘‘Odyssey of the Jews of pacities, such as board member and sponsor- Advisory Council, and the International Greece’’ series of cultural events, B’nai B’rith ship and silent auction committee member for Telework Association and Council.
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