Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-56727-6 — Modern Soft Tissue Pathology 2nd Edition Index More Information Index Locators in italics refer to Figures. AAM see aggressive adenocarcinoma see also aggressive digital papillary appearance 896, 896 angiomyxoma carcinoma adenocarcinoma clinical features abdominal endometriosis 506–507 aggressive digital papillary 764–765, 765, 766 soft tissue 895 histopathology 507, 508 764–765, 765–766 aggressive fibromatosis see visceral sites 895–896 abdominal ependymoma keratins 65 desmoid fibromatosis cytology 1005, 1005–1006 711–713, 713 pancreatic 809 AIDS see HIV/AIDS differential diagnosis 737, 900 abdominal inflammatory pulmonary 792–793, 805, 806 AJCC staging system 5 electron microscopy 899, 899 myofibroblastic tumor adenofibroma 505 AKT/mTOR signaling pathway genetics 129, 900 (IMT) 289 adenomatoid tumor 777, 778 128, 136 histogenesis 899–900 epithelioid variant 290, 291 adenomatous polyposis coli gene inhibitors 133, 518 histopathology 896–898, abdominal wall desmoid tumor (APC) 137–138, 245–246 ALCL see anaplastic large cell 897–898 239–241 adenosarcoma 505 lymphoma immunohistochemistry abscesses 33–34 adipose tissue pathology see also alcohol fixation 8 898–899, 899 aCGH (array-CGH) 100–101, lipoblastoma; ALK/ALK (anaplastic lymphoma metastatic disease 1027 123, 143 lipodystrophy; kinase) American Joint Committee of acquired elastotic hemangioma lipogranuloma; lipoma; in ALCL 952–954 Cancer (AJCC) staging 575, 577 lipomatoses; liposarcoma as an IHC marker 70, 291 system 5 acquired progressive cytology 977–982 gene fusion 124, 127, 292, AML see angiomyolipoma lymphangioma (benign imaging 19–25 953–954 amplification of genes 98–99, lymphangioendothelioma) immunohistochemistry 46, 57, in inflammatory 101, 130–131, 611, 585–587 72 myofibroblastic tumor 875–876 histopathology 586, 586–587 adrenal gland 127, 291–292 amputation 1015 acquired tufted angioma cortical tumors in neuroblastoma 130–131, 877 amputation (traumatic) neuroma 566–567, 568 carcinoma 60, 815, 816 alkaptonuric ochronosis 913, 914 30, 639, 640 acral arteriovenous tumor myelolipoma 390, 391 allele-specific PCR (AS-PCR) 141 amyloid tumor (amyloidoma) (arteriovenous medullary tumors see alpha smooth muscle actin 50, 546 936–938, 937–938 hemangioma) 26, pheochromocytoma Alport syndrome 450 anaplastic large cell lymphoma 561–562, 562 adult fibrosarcoma 336, 351–352 ALT (atypical lipomatous tumor) (ALCL) acral myxoinflammatory cytology 984, 985 see well-differentiated noncutaneous (systemic) fibroblastic sarcoma spindle cells 352–353 liposarcoma 952–954, 953 352–356 adult granulosa cell tumor 505–506 altitude (and carotid body primary cutaneous 954 appearance 354 appearance 506 paraganglioma) 735 anaplastic lymphoma kinase see cytology 984, 985 histopathology 505–506, 506 alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma ALK/ALK differential diagnosis 354–355, immunohistochemistry 506, 507 (alveolar sarcoma) anaplastic rhabdomyosarcoma 984 adult myofibroma 267, 270–271 539–541 543–544, 544 histopathology 354, 355 adult rhabdomyoma 529,529–530 cytology 994, 994 anaplastic spindle cell pseudolipoblasts 356 adults with “pediatric” sarcomas genetics 129, 134–135, rhabdomyosarcoma 542 Reed–Sternberg-like cells 356 1031 539–541, 542, 878–879 ancient hematoma see organizing acroangiodermatitis (pseudo- AFH see angiomatoid fibrous histopathology 539, hematoma Kaposi’ssarcoma)580, 580 histiocytoma 540–541 ancient schwannoma 655, actins 49–50, 546 AFX see atypical fibroxanthoma leukemoid variant 540 989–990, 990 acute myeloid leukemia 954 age, and tumor type 19 imaging 539 aneuploidy 98–99 ACVR1 (activin-like receptor) aggressive angiomyxoma (AAM) immunohistochemistry 546, hyperdiploidy 548, 876–877 845 female 498–501 547 trisomy 237, 246, 294, 506, adamantinoma 770, 770 appearance 498, 499 mixed with embryonal form 544 921 adamantinoma-like Ewing histopathology 498–499, 500 alveolar soft part sarcoma aneurysmal bone cyst 104, sarcoma 99 male 498 (ASPS) 895–900 844–845 1036 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-56727-6 — Modern Soft Tissue Pathology 2nd Edition Index More Information Index aneurysmal fibrous histiocytoma cytology 1000–1001, 1002 in lymphedematous B-cell lymphoma 224–225, 224 differential diagnosis 517 extremities 4, 603–604 Burkitt lymphoma 949, 950 angioblastic meningioma genetics 517–518 in nerve sheath tumors 607, and crystal-storing histiocytosis (meningeal SFT) 324–325, histopathology 515–517, 515 659, 683 964–965, 965–966 331 epithelioid 517, 517 postradiation 603 diffuse large 947, 948 angioblastoma of Nakagawa lipomatous component 515, rare sites 607 extranodal marginal zone (acquired tufted 515–516 splenic 606 946–947, 947 angioma) 566–567, 568 smooth muscle component treatment 1018 follicular 945–946, 946 angioendothelioma see papillary 516–517, 516 angulated bodies 673 intravascular 948–949, 949 intralymphatic vascular component 516,516 anoctamin-1 484–485 lymphoblastic 947–948, 948 angioendothelioma immunohistochemistry 59, 59, anthracyclines see doxorubicin plasmablastic 949–950, 951 angioendotheliomatosis, reactive 60, 61, 517 Antoni A/Antoni B areas in bacillary angiomatosis 578–579 579–580 angiomyoma (angioleiomyoma) schwannoma 655 histopathology 578, 579 angiofibroma, cellular (vulvar) 446–447 aorticopulmonary Warthin–Starry stain of 496–497, 497–498 histopathology 446–447, paraganglioma 734 Bartonella 579 angiofibroma, giant cell 330, 331 448–449 APC (adenomatous polyposis BAF47 protein 74, 133–134 see angiofibroma, juvenile angiomyomatous hamartoma of coli) 137–138, 245–246 also INI1/INI1 nasopharyngeal 263–264, lymph node 444, 445 appearance see gross anatomy/ (SMARCB1) 263–265 angiomyxoma, aggressive morphology Baker (popliteal) cyst 17,31–32, 33 angiogenesis 553 female 498–501 appendiceal GISTs 481 BAP1/BAP1 (BRCA1-associated angiography 13, 29 appearance 498, 499 array-CGH (aCGH) 100–101, protein) 794 angiokeratoma 559–560, 561 histopathology 498–499, 500 123, 143 Bartonella infections angioleiomyoma 446–447 male 498 arsenic 4, 798 bacillary angiomatosis histopathology 446–447, angiomyxoma, superficial arteriovenous hemangioma 26, 578–579, 579 448–449 (cutaneous myxoma) 561–562, 562 verruga peruana 579 angiolipoma 388–390 306–310 arthritis see also pseudogout Warthin–Starry stain 579 histopathology 389, 389 clinical features 306–307, 309 gout 841, 903, 907, 909–910 basal cell keratins 67–68 cellular variant 389–390, 390 differential diagnosis osteoarthritis 905–906, 907 basal cell nevus syndrome (Gorlin infiltrative see intramuscular 307–308 rheumatoid 904–905, 906 syndrome) 529 hemangioma genetics 309–310 septic 903–904, 904 basement membrane proteins 72 angiolymphoid hyperplasia with histopathology 307, 308–309 AS see angiosarcoma BCL2 protein 70 eosinophilia see angiosarcoma (AS) 593, 601–611, asbestos 782–783 BCOR gene 124, 866–867 epithelioid hemangioma 1031 asbestos fibers 782 BCOR-CCNB3 fusion sarcoma angiomatoid fibrous appearance ferruginous bodies 782–783, 866–867, 866–867 histiocytoma (AFH) breast 605 783 Beckwith–Wiedemann 283–288 deep soft tissue 606 Askin’s tumor (chest wall Ewing syndrome 535, 856 appearance 284–285 lymphedematous arm 604 sarcoma) 856 see also Bednar tumor (pigmented histopathology 284–285, 286 scalp 603 Ewing sarcoma family of variant of DFSP) 342, 342 cysts 286 breast parenchyma 604–605 tumors benign fibrous histiocytoma hemorrhagic appearance cardiovascular 606–607 ASPS see alveolar soft part (BFH, dermatofibroma) 286–287 in children 606, 608 sarcoma 220–228 resembling lymph node cutaneous (face and scalp) ASPSCR1 (ASPL)-TFE3 gene appearance 220–221, 221, 224 metastasis 285 602–603 fusion 129, 900 clinical features 220 variations 287–288 cytology 995–997, 998 ATF1/ATF gene fusion 126, 287– cytology 987, 988 angiomatosis 562–564 of deep soft tissues 605, 608 288, 707–708 differential diagnosis 224–226, histopathology 563–564, 565 differential diagnosis 27, 605, atypical decubital fibroplasia 344–345, 987 imaging 27, 29 608–610, 996–997 (ischemic fasciitis) 195 genetics 228 angiomatosis, bacillary 578–579 etiology 3–4, 593 histopathology 195, 197 histopathology 221–222, 222–223 histopathology 578, 579 foreign-body-associated atypical fibrous histiocytoma aneurysmal variant 224, Warthin–Starry stain of 607–608 226–228, 227 224–225 Bartonella 579 genetics 611 atypical fibroxanthoma (AFX) atypical variant 227 angiomatous lesions see in germ cell tumors 607 364–367 cellular variant 225–226 angiomatosis; hepatic 3–4, 606 appearance 365 epithelioid variant 226 angiosarcoma; histopathology 608 histopathology 365–366, 366 lipidized variant 227 hemangioendothelioma; breast parenchyma 605 immunohistochemistry 366, 367 immunohistochemistry hemangioma; epithelioid 608, 609–610 atypical glomus tumor 626, 630 222–224, 225, 227, 223 hemangiopericytoma; hepatic 606 atypical lipomatous tumor (ALT) metastasis 221 lymphangioma lymphoid infiltration 609 see well-differentiated recurrence 220 angiomyofibroblastoma, vulvar poorly differentiated 610 liposarcoma variants 224 494–496, 495–496 radiation-induced 603, 604 atypical mesothelial hyperplasia aneurysmal 224–225, 224 angiomyofibroblastoma-like splenic 607 790 atypical 226–228, 227 tumors in men 496–497, well-differentiated 608 atypical tenosynovial giant cell cellular 225–226, 225 497 imaging 27 tumor 921–922, 922 epithelioid 225, 226 angiomyolipoma (AML) 513–518 immunohistochemistry 45, 66, atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor granular cell 228 appearance 514 610–611, 611 882, 885 lipidized 225–226, 227 1037 © in this web service
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