[29371 OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA (Published by Authority at 3 .30 p.m.) (REGISTERED AT THE GENERAL POST OFFICE, PERTH, FOR TRANSMISSION BY POST AS A NEWSPAPER) No, 71 ] PERTH : FRIDAY, 6th AUGUST [1971 Bank Holiday at Morawa. advice and consent of the Executive Council doth hereby appoint Andrea Moltoni as a Member of PROCLAMATION the Children's Court at Moora . WESTERN AUSTRALIA, By His Excellency The Honourable Sir Albert F. P. KNIGHT, TO WIT, I Wolff, Knight Commander of the Most Dis- A . WOLFF, tinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint Clerk of the Council. Lieutenant Governor . George, Lieutenant Governor and Administrator [L .S.7 in and over the State of Western Australia and its Dependencies in the Commonwealth of Premier's Department, Australia . Perth, 5th August, 1971 . IN pursuance of the provisions contained in the IT is hereby notified for public information that fifth section of the Bank Holidays Act, 1884, I, His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor in Execu- the Lieutenant Governor of the said State, do by tive Council has approved of the appointment of this my Proclamation appoint the following special Robert Edward Archer, of 86 Basinghall Street, Bank Holiday :- East Victoria Park, and the West Australian Shop Date ; Place. Assistants and Warehouse Employees Union, 5 Wel- Wednesday, 1st September, 1971, (Morawa Agri- lington Buildings, 158 William Street, Perth, as a cultural Show) ; Justice of the Peace for the State of Western Morawa. Australia. Given under my hand and the public Seal of W. S. LONNIE, the said State, at Perth, this 27th day of Under Secretary, July, 1971 . Premier's Department . By His Excellency's Command, C. STUBBS, PUBLIC SERVICE APPEAL BOARD. Chief Secretary. Premier's Department, Perth, GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ! ! ! 3rd August, 1971 . IT is hereby notified for public information that His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor in Execu- tive Council has- (1) under the provision of subsection (2) and AT a meeting of the Executive Council held in the of subsection (3) of Section 3 of the Pub- Executive Council Chambers at Perth the 21st day lic Service Appeal Board Act, 1920-1966, of July 1971, the following Order in Council was appointed Roy McGregor Christie of 10 authorised to be issued :- Templetonia Avenue, City Beach, as a Child Welfare Act, 1947-1970. member of the Public Service Appeal Board in place of James Bruce Crooks ; ORDER IN COUNCIL . and WHEREAS by section 19 (2) (a) of the Child (2) under the provisions of Section 5 of the Welfare Act, 1947-1970, it is provided that the said Act, has appointed Keith Edward Lieutenant Governor may appoint such persons, Mann of 34 Strickland Road, Mount male or female, as he may think fit, to be mem- Pleasant as a deputy member of the Pub- bers of any particular Children's Court and may lic Service Appeal Board, in place of Roy determine the respective seniorities of such mem- McGregor Christie, as a deputy of the bers; and whereas by section 19 (1) (b) (ii) of the member appointed under subsection (2) said Act the Governor may amend, vary or revoke and subsection (3) of that Act . any such appointment : Now, therefore, His Excel- W. S. LONNIE, lency the Lieutenant Governor by and with the Under Secretary, Premier's Department . 2938 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [6 August, 1971 . PUBLIC SERVICE ARBITRATION ACT, 1966-1970 DETERMINATION GOVERNMENT OFFICERS-PERTH DENTAL HOSPITAL DENTISTS PURSUANT TO section 12 of the Public Service Arbitration Act, 1966-1970, the Board of Management, Perth Dental Hospital, hereby determines that the salaries or salary ranges appropriate to officers covered by the Government Officers (Perth Dental Hospital Dentists) Agreement No. 81 of 1970, shall, in the terms of such agreement, and as indicated by salary or salary range, be as follows :- Salary Title of Office Name of Officer Salary Range excluding Allowances $ S (a) PERTH DENTAL HOSPITAL Superintendent Dr R. N . Peverill 12,463 12,463 Deputy Superintendent .... .... Mr K. F . Wren 11,450' 11,450 Head of Department of Orthodontia .... Mr P. F . Dignam 10,300-10,866 10,866 Head of Department of Oral Surgery and Oral Medicine Mr A. Ozols 10,300-10,866 10,300 Head of Department of Operative Dentistry and Mr. B . F. Hussey 9,579-9,991 9,991 Pedontia Head of Department of Oral Diagnosis Dr K. J. Mann 9,579-9,991 9,991 Head of Department of Prosthodontia Mr W . Hubbard 9,579-9,991 9,991 Head of Department of Preventive Dentistry Mr G. Sexton .... 9,579-9,991 9,991 Dentist-in-Charge, Dental School Patients' Clinic Dr H. Wigley .... 9,579-9,991 9,991 Oral Surgeon 1r D. Booth . *9,479-9,891 9,479 Oral Surgeon lMr B . Henderson 9,579-9,991 9,991 Orthodontist Mr G. D. Kirkness 9,579-9,991 9,991 Orthodontist Vacant Staff Dentist Mr D. Bryden .... 6,441-8,343 7,069 Staff Dentist Mr S. Eng 6,441-8,343 6,441 Staff Dentist Mr P. Heagney 6,441-8,343 8,008 Staff Dentist Mr T. Lam .... 6,441-8,343 8,008 Staff Dentist Mr H . Simpson 6,441-8,343 8,008 Staff Dentist Mr V. Williams 6,441-8,343 7,069 Staff Dentist Mr S. S. Siew . .. 6,441-8,343 6,441 Staff Dentist Mr T. Chong 6,441-8,343 6,441 Staff Dentist Mr D. B . Daniels 6,441-8,343 6,441 Staff Dentist Miss M. Campbell (F) 6,341-8,243 7,908 Staff Dentist Miss J. Doust .... (F) 6,341-8,243 7,908 Staff Dentist Miss S. Walker (F) 6,341-8,243 7,908 Staff Dentist Mrs B. Edmunds (F) 6,341-8,243 7,908 Staff Dentist Miss S. Bower .... (F) 6,341-8,243 7,908 Staff Dentist Miss E . Randell (F) 6,341-8,243 7,908 (b) ANNEXE CLINICS (i) Gustafson : Dentist-in-Charge .... MIr J . Alcock .... 9,579-9,991 9,991 Staff Dentist Mr E. Peon .... 6,441-8,343 7,069 Staff Dentist Mr F. Schruth .... 6,441-8,343 8,008 Staff Dentist Mr R. S. Coleman 6,441-8,343 6,441 Staff Dentist Mr O. Haigh . 6,441-8,343 8,008 Staff Dentist Miss I . Alexander (F) 6,341-8,243 7,594 (ii) North Perth Dentist-in-Charge .... Mr T. Forward 9,579-9,991 9,579 Staff Dentist Mr N. Lewis . .. 6,441-8,343 8,008 Staff Dentist MI s L . Gild .... (F) 6,341-8,243 7,908 Staff Dentist Miss R. Harvey (F) 6,341-8,243 6,969 (iii) Liddell Clinic Dentist-in-Charge . .. Mr F. Humphry 9,579-9,991 9,991 Staff Dentist Mr F. D'Souza 6,441-8,343 8,008 Staff Dentist Mr C. Freedman 6,441-8,343 8,343 Staff Dentist Mr. J. Maliszewski 6,441-8,343 6,441 (iv) Goldfields Clinic Dentist-in-Charge .... Mr P. McAuliffe 8,755-9,167 9,167 Staff Dentist Mr V. Hotinski 6,441-8,343 7,069 (v) Bunbury Clinic Dentist-in-Charge .... iilr T. Wilson . 8,755-9,167 9,167 Staff Dentist Mr D. Hutchinson 6,441-8,343 7,069 (vi) Albany Clinic Dentist-in-Charge .... Mr P. Frost 8,755-9,167 8,755 (o) ROAD DENTAL CLINICS (i) R.D.C. (Southern) : Dentist-in-Charge .... Mr V. Moore 8,755-9,167 8,755 Staff Dentist .... Mr R. Mann 6,441-8,343 7,069 (ii) R.D.C. (Northern) Dentist-in-Charge .... Mr H. Pritchard 8,755-9,167 8,755 Staff Dentist .... Vacant . 6,441-8,343 (iii) R.D.C. (Central) Dentist-in-Charge .... Mr R. Godfrey 8,755-9,167 8,755 Staff Dentist .... Mr J. Burrell 6,441-8,343 7,069 (d) OUTSTATION CLINICS Dentist-in-Charge . .. Mr I. McKechnie 9,579-9,991 9,991 Outstation Dental Officer NIr C. Bott 8,755 8,755 Outstation Dental Officer Mrs B. Mancewicz (F) 8,243 8,243 * Oral Surgeon (less $100 per annum) . 6 August, 1971.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W .A. 2939 VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE Department Position Class Gross Salary j Date Returnable I I 1971 Agriculture .... Assistant Director, Administrative Divisio j Level 7A $14,363 13th August (Item 01/0020) Agriculture .... Assistant Director, Administrative Division Level 7A $14,363 do. (Item 01/0010) Agriculture .... Laboratory Technician, Grade 2, Botany G-II-1/4 $4,590-35,980 do. Branch Biological Services Division (Item 01/8337) (a) (j) Audit .... Clerk (Item 02/0300) (b) .... .... .... C-II-1/2 $4,650-55,205 do. Education .... Laboratory Technician Grade 3, Mt . Lawley ( G-II-1/2 $4,590-55,155 do. Technical College, Technical Colleges Branch (Item 14/4390) (a) (1) Lands and Surveys Senior Surveyor, Surveyor General's Di- Level 4 $8,893-510,674 do. vision (Item 20/3595) Mental Health Services ... Occupational Therapist Professional See- Level 1 $5,038-57,087 do. tion, Heatheote Hospital (Item 09/1916) (a) (c) Metropolitan Water Supply Organisation and Methods Officer, Ad- C-II-8 87,845-88,075 do. Board ministrative Division (Item 22/0050) Native Welfare Employment Officer, Field Division (Item G-II-1/5 $4,590-$6,410 do. 24/1087) (a) (d) Native Welfare Assistant Economic Research Officer, C-II-2/3 $5,020-35,605 do. Clerical Section, Administrative Division (Item 24/0144) Native Welfare Education and Employment Officer, Field G-II-1/5 $4,590-86,410 do. Division (Item 24/1102) (a) (k) Public Works Staff Clerk, Staff Section, Administrative C-II-3 35,405-35,605 do.
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