Mabel R. Gillis, Librarian California StAlte Library ht 1F n Sacramento 9 California #2 e. s'i- A Tr:: Spartan Da rost, In c or Mimi SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Vol. XXXVIEL San Jose, Calif., Friday, Mar. 3, 1950 No.-93- On 'Pressure' Rumors Dr. Leo C. May, SOCiai science --No Comment Instructor, and Raymond Frost, Pressured? Rally Committee to Audition Junior" social science major, re- fused to_ speak for the record yesterday concerning rumors Majorettes, Song Girls Mardi 17 that Frost had been "pressured" into writing the letter of apol- Try-outs for majorettes and song girls will be held March 17 ogy that appeared in yeterday's at 12:30 o'clock in the Morris Dailey auditorium, according to Rally Thrust and Parry. «A Chairman Ed Mosher. Dr. May absolutely refused to The San Jose State college band, under the direction of comment for _publication, and Frederick Boots, will tie- on hand to back up the aspirants. Gfrh aaserthd that nothing more 7 interested in the competition are about this "had better go In asked to contact Ed Mosher the paper." through Box "M" In the Coop. WAA Elects for Candidates for majorette will Frost refused to col llllll absence of a be judged by members of the publication "in the statetnent by Dr. May." rally committee. in conjunction New Officers With the band. "This is a prece- Ruth Leine; junior physical edu- Thrust and Parry letters that dent for the rally committee has cation major,. was elected presi- led to the incident are printed never before had a hand in select- dent of the San Jose State col- here for re-Inspection. ing the drum majorettes," Mosher lege Women's Athletic association says. by a unanimous ballot in this The Daily was informed that week's election. Coeds interested in the position Dr. Elmo Robinson, Fairness Miss Colleen Brooks, Committee chairman, %%ould be of song leader will be judged by as the vice-president candidate, also willing to call a session regard- a delegation from the rally com- elected. ing the issue if a complaint mittee only. "Both the song girls Alice were lodged. RAYMOND FROST Kent, junior P.E. major, DR. LEO C. MAY and majorettes will be working won over Betty Conover in the with the rally corrunittee from race for recording secretary's now on," Mosher added. office. Corresponding secretary is Frost Case Dope Sheet Mary White, junior general sec- The ondary major. Thrust and Parry and Recorder of points will be Daily Sports Editor: Unusual Movies, Elaine Strayer. sophomore P.E. Investigation Suggested As I sat listening to a so-called major. Miss Strayer won over lecture on the Communist Mani- Dorothy Smith. Recently a San Jose State college student, Raymond Frost, festo. I just happened to look Book Sales to End Lloyds Thompson won in the submitted two letters to the Spartan Daily's Thrust and Parry around the class room and I no- Today between 12:30 and 3:30 publicity manager race over Mar- legitimate gripe and the ticed something that I think garet Thieler. column. The letters, one regarded as a o'clock will be the last chance to other an innocent shaft of humor, were published without ques- !should he brought to your atten- purchase season books for the San The only candidate for treasurer publication of all tion, since you are in the position was tion. This action was in line with a policy of to correct the situation. Jose 'Players' "Unusual Movie Annabelle Vargas. members, provided they Series." The books are on sale signed letters from students or faculty Six students wce reading the in the Speech office, Room 57, for are not libelous or otherwise objectionable. campus reaction. sports pace torn one of the com- 81.50. Dr. Berger Speaks Student Frost's letters occbsioned nd violent We, the editors, assumed they were read in the spiri in which mercial newspapers of this area. The series starts April 12 with What was it that was of so much Dr. Evelyn Mijler Berger,' were mistaken. "Spectre Of the Rose" and ends they were published. Apparently we interest to - require such deep former San Jose Statt..t'ollege st u- Ma3 31. Six movies are sched- Yesterday the Daily published a third letter from Student t bought? .Esprcially when there lent counselor, 'will speak on "The uled. Frost. This letter was a complete refutation of his earlier state- , was such an interesting lecture Personal, Problems of a College _ ments, an abject apology to an unnamed instructor, students in ngoing oh. Student" before the Seekers, col- and Parry. lege Methodist students' the 9:30 MWF Social Problems 150b class and Thrust group, at behind What they were reading Were the First Methodist church, Fifth Feeling there might be extraordinary circumstances the results of the major race The Weather and Santa Clara streets, at 7 p.m. such a sudden reversal, the Spartan Daily investigated. tracks from mound the country. Scraping the bottom of the bar- Sunday. Hers is 'The first in a It was learned that Student Frost was called into consultation They were putting more time rel and finding no inspiring sertes of three!. Sunday evening with Social Science Instructor Dr. Leo May early Wednesday and effort on trying to pick out thought, the forecaster predicts talks. afternoonbefore the apology was submitted to the Daily. a winning hoese. than is usually today to be fair with high fog in Tlie former San Jose resident Neither Dr. May nor 'Student Frost would comment, for the . spent on studying :or an exam. the morning. Temperatures yes- will be heard later on the theme record, on any of the letters. Despite their refusal to permit why don't 3ou get smart and terday ’ere cooler with a low of "Emotional Balance and Family o publication of their views, campus rumors to the effect that put In the daily race results (rows 41 and a high of 60. Skies were Living" by other church members been "pressured" into a retraction persisted. slightly overcast. in the church auditorium at 8 p.m. Frost had all of the tracks around 'the coun- In view of the unusual circumstances surrounding the case, try? Also I would like to suggest the Spartan Daily suggests a complete investigation by the col- that you run a daily scratch sheet Trio Play for After-Game Dance lege Fairness committee. Such an investigation would restore for the convenience of the so- faith in the democracy of student-faculty relations here and pro- called "Washington Square Hand- tect the interests of Dr. May and Student Raymond Frost. icappers". If the case is dropped, or hushed up, it will lend credence to I think that if the above sug- the familiar student complaint that "criticism of the faculty will gestions were given some serious get you fixed." thought, your sport sheet would The Spartan Daily does not want to pick a fight with any- be the best one on the collegiate onebut it will not tolerate the possibility of intimidation cf level that has ever been, or ever will be printed. contributors to its columns. .ASB 7756. Rehearsals Start A pol( )0A- tin Sympathy Thrust and Parry To Students and Prof. Soc. Thrust and Parry For '50 Revelries Prob. 150b Meeting 9:30 K/WF And an unnamed student In Soc. Prob. 150b: Rehearsals on Revelries begin In the article written by me, tonight, with actors In Act I, This letter is written as a state- Scenes 1 and 2 starting the sched- and appearing in the Daily, ment of sympathy for you. I was ule. Rehearsals are slated for Mor- Feb. 21, 1950, under the anomy- sitting in class when you were ris Dailey auditorium at 7:30 recurs signature of ASB No. told, (and I quote from the pre- o'clock, Director Dick Pritchard 7756, there was deliberate and lessor who told you) "Go stick you head out the window, said. completely unjustified defama- and take a deep breath." tion of a Soc. Sci. instructor, Rehearsing tonight will be Cliff ’ It always has been my impres- Roche as Mack; Wayne Mitchell itis lectures, and of the students sion that profs. are being paid to as Jack; Alfred Silva, Dick Mc- in his class. TEACH; not to blurt out sarcastic Glinchey, George Spelvin, and 1 hereby fully retract all these remarks to students who ask ques- Robert Filler as doctors; John statements that were printed, tions. Piotti as an army sergeant; Oliver and I hope all concerned will After all, if we were PS smart ak Dibble a4 Dr. Begorry; Ruth Mart- (they think) they are, I am sure accept my apology. soff as Donna Lou; Lorraine that we wouldn't be here. In another anonymous article Davidson as Margie; and the girls' I was just about to comment on written by me appearing in the the statement in question when too chorus. Daily, Feb. 23, also under the did, and I can assure you that I signature of ASB No. 7756, 1 wouldn't like to be given the sante Come and Get It cast similar aspersions upon the answer that was given to you. integrity of the instructor. True, it was funny, and the Only a few of the 151 students For all the discourteous state- class got a big laugh from it, but who signed to remise a 54) cent from all appearances this certain The Townsmen, local instrumental trio, are pictured rehearsing for ments and inferences in these refund on their SJSC-USF basket- prof should think twice before he one of their current appearances.
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