NEWS TRANS·CANADA I DOMINION 1mI BROADCASTS III NETWORK . NETWORK !ill CBK DAILY fll I WATROUS Trans-Canada Nelwork: (Trans-Canldl Nelwor.) 7:00,8:00 a.m. t:z:OO. 5:31 8:00 p.m. It:oo p.m. PROGRAM 540 Kcs. CBC Dominion Nelwork: Prairie Region 9:00 p.m. CDC SCHEDULE Transmitter 300 Telephone Sidg., Winnipeg, Canada DAT£ OF ISS'UE, MAY 14, 1948. PRAIRIE REGION Wuk of M.y 23rd, 1948 $1.00 PER YEAR Old Savoyards Offer Canoe Trip In The orth Engineers' Anniversary Talent For Operas (H. fO) Gilbert And Sullivan Series Attract­ s. M. Kemp, 011 ene, May Ing Wide Interest Among Singers The wagon-trip through the blur of white water, so all we could muskegs was more a nightmare than do was chuck navigation to the The CBe's Gilbert and Sullivan usual, we were windbound a day and winds and trust to lUck. Then after series. which continues this week a hall on Montreal Lake, and as for a worse than usual bit of going, the wit h Iolanthe. has apparently the river, the wat-er was as low as baby started to whimper again. warmed the heart of many a listener, I've ever seen it. We bumped and Well, we couldn't blame him. He and made many an old Savoyard itch scraped down most of the rapids, but was bedded down in the bottom of to get back into harness. Judging by finally. about four o'clock in the the canoe, and when I stl-uck a the response when word of the series afternoon, we reached the head of match to see what was wrong, I got around, singers react to the the Montreal Rapids. found him afloat in six inches of names of Gilbert and Sullivan with Now the rapids go around In a water. The canvas covering of the the instinctive reflex of a war horse canoe had ripped in a dozen places responding to the trumpet! ten-OllIe horseshoe bend, but the portage, about four miles long, cuts and the Montreal River was moving The series had hardly been an­ tn. So I picked him up, soggy blan­ nounced when Geoffrey Waddington, straight across. Four in the after· noon was too soon for supper, so we kets and all, and found him a. new music adviser to the CBC and di­ resting place on top of a big trunk rector of the series, began hearing a put my wife ashore at the portage with two ')'TlA,1I children and a brand we were carrying amidships. ringing in his ears. At his oftlce o.nd The moon came up about eleven; in the evenings at home he was be­ new Scotch cierk, Bnd LOtd them to wnlk across. We'd go down the river but it didn't do us much good, as the sieged by telephone calls from people spruce almost met overhead. At any thirsting for a chance to sing once and have supper ready for them by the time they reached the far end. rate, it didn't show us the bad rock more the immortal ditties from Pina­ that sat squarely at the top of one fore and Pirates, Patience and And as for the third child, the baby of 18 months, I'd take care of him. roaring rapid, for we hit it broadside. Princess Ida, to say nothing of And did we hit it. The sideboards operas that begin with other letters So we started off, Norman and Jonas At the recent celebrations in con­ in one canoe, Mooneas and I In the cracked and I thought they'd caved nection with the 75th anniversary oj of the alphabet. In two days, Mr. in. Then Moonens and I went over­ Waddington answered 40 calls dur­ other. the Faculty oj Engineering at the We figured it would take the folks board and tried to swing the canoe University 0/ Montreal, one of the ing periods when he wasn't at re­ stem-on to the current. But we hearsal, conducting orchestras, or about an hour to cross the portage, officials taking part was the general while we, in the lightened canoes, might as well have been shoving on manager oj the CBe, DR. AUGUSTIN catching up on his sleep. Since the Noah's Ark. All we did was what the cast of the CBC light opera group would make the swing in far less FRIGON. Dr. Frigon was the diTector­ time than that. But four hours later, current was doing-listing her over general 0/ Technical Education lor had already been chosen, the answer till she threatened to capsize. Then had to be a regretful "no"-but Mr. at eight in the evening. we were the province 0/ Quebec from 1924 to barely half-way there. -splash!-and the baby was over­ 1935, and a member at the National Waddington was glad to hear from board, too. his callers. It was the fault of the low water. Research Council from 192J to 1939. Continued on page 4 "It was a great tribute to Gilbert We'd go cock-a-whoop through one He is a graduate Of the Massachusetts and Sullivan," he says. "It just goes rapid, then run smack aground in Institute oj Technology, oj the Ecole to prove that people like singing the the next. We'd pile overboard, strain, Superieure d'Electricite oj Paris, and operas as much as they like hearing shove and heave; then pile aboard 0/ the University 0/ Paris (Sor­ them, and that once you've had even again soaked and sodden when the bonne). He is a former dean oj the a bit part In the chorus, you're bit­ canoe took the sudden notion to nm Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal. As ten by the bug." away from us. Sundown brought a member oj the AlTa Royal Com­ Not, he hastened to add, that his mosquitoes in clouds, the chill of mission he is one of the earliest callers were only ex-members of the evening came on, and the baby pioneers Of radio broadcasting in chorus. He heard from singers who hOWled his hunger. We fed him, took Canada. had sung many of the principal roles a smoke, shoved on again. in Gilbert and Sullivan operas-some But I had worries my Indians The Soil Tn Peril. - We of the amateurs, some professionals who didn't have. What of the folks at the United States ... have ripped across had trouped with the D'Oyly Carte portage end? They had no grUb, no our fair lands and induced soil company. blankets. and as the Scotch clerk erosion that has cut fields with riils Aside from the phone calls, both didn't smoke, not even a match. And and gullies and created dust bow~. Geoffrey Waddington and producer without matches they could neither Ernest Morgan h a v e also been light a smudge against the mos­ In a century we have already pleased by the mail they received quitoes, nor kindle a. fire to keep destroyed for further cultivation an after the first two broadcasts-letters them warm. But there was no use area the size of England, Scotland, from critical listeners who know worrying, for nothing could be done Wales and Ireland, The United their Gilbert and Sullivan, and who about it. The only thing to do was to hang on every word. keep shoving on. States is losing 500,000 acres of good The broadcasts are being heard on We shoved on-and night fell. And farm land every year from soil the CBC Dominlon network on Tues­ if the going had been mean before, It erosion, in spite of the great soU days at 10:30 p,m. MDT, 7:30 p.m. was now downright risky. We could conservation movement in the coun­ COT. not see a thing in the rapids but a H. S. M. Kemp try.-Walter C. LOWdermilk, on CBe. Page 2 CBC PROGRAM SCHEDULE Prairie Region CHURCH OF THE AIR SUNDAY, May 23rd, 1948 (2:30 p.m. MDT) IThe Prairie Gardener I ·1111111 1111111· Hon. Captain Fred Goforth, De­ STATION CBK, WATROUS HARMONY HARBOUR partment of National Defence. From Summary of Broadcast of May 16, (MDT) (10:30 a.m. MDT) Kingston, Onto 1948. 8:55 WEATHER FORECAST Setting Out Plants: 9:00 CBC NEWS Acadian Male Quartet; Marjorie THEATRE HOUR 1. Prepare plants JOT outdoors be­ 9:02 NEIGHBOURLY NEWS Payne, organist. Quartet: The Bully 9:15 PRAIRIE GARDENER Boat Is Coming; The Sea Song; (Dom. 3:00 p.m. MDT) fore transplanting. 9:30 RECITAL Harmony Bay; A Ship For Singa· Radio adaptation of A Star Is Born (A) Harden of] by providing 10:00 BBC NEWS pore; We're Homeward Bound; Miss by William A. Wellman and Robert gradual exposure to full sun and wind 10:15 SONGS AND SINGERS Lucy Long; My Home Is By The Carson. It concerns a girl who goes for a week to ten days. A protected 10;30 HARMONY HARBOUR cold frame that can be covered on 10:59 DOMINION TIME SIGNAL Ocean. From Halifax. to Hollywood and, through charm, 11:00 ALAN MILLS talent and a break, becomes a fam­ cool nights is best for this purpose. ous actress, the dream girl of millions Never transplant directly from warm 11: 15 JUST MARY ALAN MILLS (11 :00 a.m. MDT) 11:30 THE WAY OF THE SPIRIT of moviegoers. But the thrill of her quarters to outdoors. 12:00 CBC NEWS Folk songs for children by Alan success vanishes when the man she (B) Water thoroughly a few hours 12:03 CAPITAL REPORT Mills, baritone.
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