1942 ·coNGRESSIONAL RECORIY-HOUSE 3283 with the rank of major general, tor a period The Journal of the proceedings of s·. 1648. An act conferring jurisdiction upon of 4 years from date of acceptance, vice Maj. Tuesday, March 31, 1942, was read and the United States District Court for the Dis­ Gen. Charles M. Wesson, Chief of Ordnance, approved. trict of Oregon to hear, determine, and ren­ whose term or office expires June 2, 1942. der judgment upon the claim of the Shaver MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Forwarding Co., of Portland, Oreg.; TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT IN THE ARMY OF S. 1732 An act for the relief of Max Miller THE UNITED STATES Sundry messages in writing from the and Vera Caroline' Miller, and others; Brig. Gen. Levin Ricks Campbell, Jr. (colo­ President of the United States were com­ S. 1756. An act for the relief of Franklin nel, Ordnance Department), Army of the municated to the House by Mr. Miller, Benjamin McNew; United States, for temporary appointment as one of his secretaries, who also informed S. 1944. An act for the relief of Thomas major general in the Army of the United the House: that on the following dates the Samuel Wuriu; · States. President approved and signed bills of S. 1991. An act for the relief of Mrs. William the House of the following titles: Meister; · CONFIRMATIONS S. 2025. An act to readjust the pay and On March 13, 1942: allowance of personnel -of the Army,. Navy, Executive nominations confirmed by H. R. 1535. An act for the relief of the Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Coast and Geo­ estate of John J. Murray; detic Survey, and Public Health Service; the Senate April 1 (legislative day of H. R. 2120. An act for the relief of John H. March 30), 1942: S. 2048. An act for the relief of Lt. William Durnil; Stewart Walker; POSTMASTERS H. R. 2430. An act for the relief of John Huff; S. 2069. An act fo:t: the relief of the Quimby­ NEW YORK H. R. 3798. An act to amend the act of Au­ Ryan Engineering Sales Co., Inc.; Theodore M. Stenner, Penfield. gust 5, 1939, entitled "An act to provide for S. 21.16. An act for the relief of Frank S. Mathias and Elsie Mathias; UTAH the disposition -lf certain records of the United States Government"; S. 2221. An act to provide for the adjust­ Fred L. Gadd, Nephi. H. R. 4896. An act for the relief of David B. ment of certain tort claims against the United WISCONSIN Byrne; States and to confer jurisdiction in respect H. R. 5478. An act for the relief of Nell thereto on the district courts of the United Mildred M. Dwyer, East Troy. States, and for other purposes; Ludy J. Drolson, Lake Nebagamon. Mahoney; and H, R. 6531. An act to suspend .the effective­ • S. 2235. An -act for the relief of Harriett ness during the existing national emergency ·Boswell, guardian of Betty Fisher; of tari:tr duties on scrap iron, scrap steel, and S 2250. An act to mobilize the productive nonferrous-metal scrap. facilities of small business in the interests of HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On March 14, 1942: successful prosecution of the war, and for H. R. 6291. An act to amend the Merchant other purposes; THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1942 Marine Act, 1936, as amended, to provide for S. 2278. An act for the relief of Bob the coordination of the forwarding and simi­ Sampley; The House was called to order at 12 lar servicing of water-borne export and im· S. 2286. An act to .authorize inclusion of o'clock noon by the Speaker pro tempore, port foreign commerce of the United States. service on active duty as service on the ac­ Mr. Cox. On March 21, 1942: tive list in computation of service commis­ H. R. 6758. An act to provide a penalty for sioned warrant officers in the Navy for pay The Chaplain, Rev. · James · Shera violation of restrictions or orders with respect purposes; Montgomery, D. D., offered the following to persons entering, remaining in, leaving, or · S. 2288. An act to amend subsection 11 (b) prayer: committing any act in military areas or zones. of the act approved July 24, 1941, entitled Oil March 27, 1942: "An act authorizing the temporary appoint­ Our Father, we wait on the rim of a H. R. 6543. An act to amend certain provi­ ment or advancement of certain personnel cloud so dark that even· the· sun refused sions of the Internal Revenue Code relating of the Navy and Marine Corps, and for other to shine. As the breakers of passion to the production of alcohol; and purposes"; beat against the very soul of Thy Son our H. R. 6759. An act to amend the act en­ S. 2305. An act to relieve disbursing and reason is tossing on the sea and wrestling titled "An act to fix the hours of duty of certifying officers of the United States of re­ for the daybreak. 0 Saviour alone in postal ·employees, and for other purposes," sponsib111ty for overpayments made on trans­ the garden, praying and girding Thyself approved August 14, 1935, as amended, so as portation accounts under certain circum­ for the struggle, Thou givest us the voice to permit payment for overtime for Saturday stances; service in lieu of compensatory time. S. 2309. An act for the relief of the First of unuttered speech and the prayer of a On March 28, 1942: · National Bank of Huntsville, Tex.; troubled heart. We praise Thee that the H. R. 6691. An act to increase the debt of S. 2327 . An act to provide for payment and cloud will not be suffered to hover long the United States, to further amend the settlement of mileage accounts of officers and above the forbidding hilltop, nor float in Second Liberty Bond Act, and for other pur­ travel allowance of enlisted men of the Navy, the gleam of a wandering sun. In the poses; and Marine Corps, and Coast Guard; hour of silence, out of the sealed chamber H. R. 6738. An act to limit the initial base S. 2353. An act to amend sections 1305 and pay of $21 per month for enlisted men in the 1306 of the Revised Statutes, as amended, of Thy soul, the darkness will pass and Army and Marine Corps to those of the the immortal light will break through. to eliminate the prohibition against payment seventh grade. of deposits and interest thereon of enlisted For our sins, we ask the mercy of the On April 1, 1942: men until final d!scharge; cross and for our country the benediction H. R. 5784. An act to consolidate the police S. 2356. An act authorizing the Adminis­ of Thy love and care. court of the District of Columbia and the trator of Veterans' Affairs to grant easements 0 Saviour of the world, cleanse our municipal court .of the District of Columbia, in certain lands of the Veterans' Adminis­ hearts from all unrighteous purposes and to be known as "the Municipal Court for the tration facility, Murfreesboro, Tenn., to th€ as the hart panteth after the water­ District of Columbia," to create "the Munic­ city of Murfreesboro, State of Tennessee, to ipal Court of Appeals for the District of Co· enable the city to construct and maintain a brooks, so may our souls pant after Thee, lumbia," and for other purposes. 0 God. Be patient with us as we kneel water-pumping station and pipe line; in the shades of the garden; Thy trial MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE S. 2380. An act to suspend for the dura­ A message from the Senate, by Mr. tion of the present war all prohibitions makes us heavy and Thy tears make us against the marriage of officers of the land weep. Grant that Calvary fillY be a re­ Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced that the Senate had passed bills and a and naval forces of the United States; vealing curtain through which our souls S. 2381. An act to provide that certain pro­ may pass into the uncharted realms of joint resolution of the following titles, in visions of law relating to the Navy shall be eternal life, and into the haven of peace: which the concurrence of the House is held applicable to the personnel of the Coast requested: "0 angel of the garden, Guard when that service is operating as a S. 716. An act for the relief of Hazel M. part of the Navy; Descend to us today, Lewis; S. 2382. An act to amend the act approved And comfort all our sadness S. 1044. An act for the relief of L. H. Good­ June 24, 1926, entitled "An act to authorize And drive death's fear away. man; the construction and procurement of air­ We all are sorrow-laden, S. 1227. An act for the relief of Mr. and craft and aircraft equipment in the Navy and Speak to our hearts, we pray, Mrs. R. F. Claud; Marine Corps, and to adjust and define the 'He whom ye love is risen S. 1334. An act for the relief of Anthony status of the operating personnel in connec­ And lives with Christ alway.'" Famiglietti; tion therewith," so as to provide for the S. 1542. An act to authorize the leasing of establishment of tl_le designation of naval In the name of the King of Glory. the segreg&.ted coal deposits of the Choctaw aviation pilot (airship), and for other pur­ Amen. and Chickasaw Nations in Oklahoma; poses; 3284 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE "APRIL 2 S.
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