Mrs. Izida Kh. Abdukadirova Prof. Carmine Attanasio Prof. Serge Alexandrovich Beznosyuk Laboratory of Ceramic Matter Physics Physical Chemistry Institute of Nuclear Physics University of Salerno Altai State University Uzbek Academy of Science 61 / 656099 U. Gulamov 28 Via S. Allende Lenin Avenue Tashkent, Ulughbek 702132 BARONISSI, Salerno 84081 Barnaul, Altai Region 656000 UZBEKISTAN ITALY RUSSIA Mr. Takahisa Adachi Prof. Alexander A. Bagatur'yants Dr. Yuri Fedorovich Biryulin Chemical System Engineering Lab Quantum Chem & Molecular Simulation Physics For Cluster Structures Lab University of Tokyo Photochemistry Center, RAS Ioffe Physico-technical Institute 7a 7-3-1 Hongo ul. Novatorov Politechnicheskaya st. 26 Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-8656 Moscow 117421 St-Petersburg 194021 JAPAN RUSSIA RUSSIA Mr. Aleksei Yu. Aleinikov Mr. Sanjay K Banerjee Mr. Pavel Yu. Bokov Molecular Dynamics Group Electrical and Computer Engineering General Physics Sarov Open Computing Center Univ. of Texas MSU MER 1.606B / R9900 11-30 Zernova 53 UT-ECE Pestelya str. Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod Region 607185 Austin, TX 78712 Moscow 127490 RUSSIA USA RUSSIA Dr. Alexander Alexeev Mr. Viktor P. Bashurin Dr. Alexander Bratkovsky Chemical Physics Division Quantum Sciences NT-MDT Co VNIIEF Hewlett-packard Laboratories 37 1L Zelenograd pr. Mira 1501 PAGE MILL ROAD Moscow 103460 Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod region 607190 PALO ALTO, CA 94304 RUSSIA RUSSIA USA Dr. Yahya Ibragimovich Alivov Mr. Viktor P. Bashurin Mr. Rick Brzozowy Theoretical Division Motorola Adv Techn Integration Center Institute of Microelectronics Technology, RAS VNIIEF International Research and Development 1B/34 37 99 / EL755 Shkolny Bulvar pr. Mira 2100 E. Elliott Road Chernogolovka, Moscow 142432 Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod region 607190 Tempe, AZ 85284 RUSSIA RUSSIA USA Dr. Yahya Ibragimovich Alivov Dr. Leonid V. Belevtsov Dr. Douglas Andrew Buchanan Department of Applied Mathematics Institute of Microelectronics Technology Donbass Engineering Academy Ibm - Research 1"b" 76 801 / P.O. Bix 218 Shkolny Bulvar Shkadinova Kitchewan Road Chernogolovka, Moscow 142432 Kramatorsk, Donetsk region 84313 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 RUSSIA UKRAINE USA Prof. Pavel D. Altukhov Mr. Sergey A. Belkov Dr. Liliana Bujkiewicz Solid State Electronics Laser Division Institute of Physics A. F. Ioffe Physical-technical Institute VNIIEF Technical University of Wroclaw 37 Politekhnicheskaya st. 26 pr. Mira Wyb.Wyspianskiego 27 St. Petersburg 194021 Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod region 607190 Wroclaw 50 370 RUSSIA RUSSIA POLAND Dr. Elena Sergeevna Apostolova Dr. Robert E Berls Mr. Evgeni A Burovski Department of Quantum Chemistry Moscow Office Mendeleev Univ of Chemical Technology Nuclear Threat Initiative Kintech 9 / - Miusskaya Square Stoleshnikov Pereulok 1 Kurchatov sq. 1 Moscow, - 125047 Moscow 103031 Moscow 123182 RUSSIA RUSIA RUSSIA Mr. Gurovich Boris Aronovich Dr. Gennadi Bersuker Dr. Yong Chen Institute of Reactor Technology and Materials Quantum Science Research RRC"Kurchatov Institute" International Sematech Hewlett-packard Labs 1 / 123182 1L / 1123 Kurchatov Sq. 2706 Montopolis Dr. 1501 Page Mill Rd Moscow3 123182 Austin, Texas 78741 Palo Alto, CA 94304 RUSSIA USA P.R.CHINA Dr. Boris A Aronzon Prof. Vladimir B. Betelin Mrs. Sang-wook Cheong Department of Physics & Astronomy Russian Researcn Center Kurchatov Institute Institute of Microtechnologies Rutgers University RRS "Kurchatov Institute" Kurchatov sq. 1 1 Kurchatov Square 136 Frelinghuysen Rd. Moscow 123182 Moscow 123182 Piscataway, NJ 08854 RUSSIA RUSSIA USA Mrs. Olga Petrovna Chikalova-Luzina Dr. Artur Torievich Dideykin Dr. Oleg Nikolaevich Ermakov Solid State Electronics Ioffe Phys.tech.institute RAS Ioffe Physico-technical Institute Joint-stock Scientific and Technological Company "sapphire" 26 26 53 Politeknicheskaya Polytechnicheskaya Shcherbakovskaya Street St.Petersburg 194021 St.Petersburg 194021 Moscow 105318 RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA Doz. Yuri Vladimirovich Chizhov Dr. Sergey Dobrin Mr. Viktor Eroshenko Photonics Chemistry Laser Division St.Petersburg State Univ, Faculty of Physics University of Toronto VNIIEF 80 37 1 Ulyanovskaya St. George Street pr. Mira Sankt-Petersburg 198504 Toronto, Ontario M5S 3H6 Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod region 607190 RUSSIA CANADA RUSSIA Doz. Galina M. Chulkova Mr. Vladislav Vladimirovich Dvoyrin Dr. Alain Esteve Physical Mis Mspu Fiber Optics Research Center Laas-cnrs 38 1 Malaya Pirogovskaya Vavilov street 7, av. du colonel roche Moscow 119992 Moscow 119991 toulouse 31077 RUSSA RUSSIA FRANCE Dr. Ramn Compaæ Dr. Abdurauf Dzhurakhalov Dr. Rickey James Faehl Dg Information Society, F-1 Theoretical Dept. Group X-1/Plasma Physics European Commission Arifov Institute of Electronics LANL BU33 3/22 MS B259 Rue de la Loi 200 F.Khodjaev Street, 33 Brussels 1049 Tashkent 700187 Los Alamos, NM 87545 BELGIUM UZBEKISTAN USA Mrs. Evgenyia A. Davidova Prof. Irina Samsonovna Edelman Dr. Alex I Fedoseyev Hepti Magnetic Phenomena Research RRC "ki" L.v. Kirensky Institute of Physics Cfd Research Corporation 1 Kurchatov sq. Akademgorodok 215 Wynn Drive Moscow 123182 Krasnoyarsk 660036 Huntsville, AL 35806 RUSSIA RUSSIA USA Mr. Cornelis H De Groot Prof. Roger James Elliott Mr. Stanislav Mikhailovich Fedulov Electronics & Computer Science Theoretical Physics University of Southampton Oxford University Motorola 53 7/1 Highfield 1 Keble Road Gasheka str. Southampton SO17 1BJ Oxford OX1 3NP Moscow 123056 U.K. U.K. RUSSIA Dr. Maxim Deminsky Dr. Simon D Elliott Prof. Mikhail V Feigel'man Hepti Computational Modelling RRC "Kurchatov Institute" Nmrc Ireland Landau Institute For Theoretical Physics 123182 Lee Maltings 2 Kurchatov sq. Prospect Row Kosygin str. Moscow 123182 Cork Cork Moscow 117940 RUSSIA IRELAND RUSSIA Dr. Alex Demkov Mr. Vladimir Vladimirovich Emelyanov Dr. David K Ferry Physical Sciences Research Lab, Motorola Labs Minatom Electrical Engineering Motorola, Inc. Risi Arizona State University AZ83/ML26 8 875706 7700 S. River Parkway Turaevo Tempe, AZ 85284 Lytkarino, Moscow reg 140080 Tempe, AZ 85287-5706 USA RUSSIA USA Mr. Alexander N. Denisov Prof. Roxann Louise Engelstad Mr. Clemens Johannes Foerst Russian Acad Sci University of Wisconsin - Madison Theoretical Physics/theoretical Chemistry Fiber Optics Research Center Computational Mechanics Center Tu Clausthal/tu Vienna The General Physics Institute 311 Mechanical Engr. Bldg. 38 Vavilov St. 1513 University Ave. Getreidemarkt 165/tc Moscow 119991 Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Vienna 1060 RUSSIA USA AUSTRIA Prof. Massimiliano Di Ventra Dr. Ernest M. Epshtein Dr. Leonardo Rc Fonseca Physics Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics Digitaldna Laboratories Virginia Tech Russian Acad Sci Motorola Robeson Hall / 0435 1 Vvedenskii square M360 209-A Robeson Hall Fryazino, Moscow District 141190 2200 W Broadway Blacksburg, VA 24061 Mesa, Arizona 85202 USA RUSSIA USA Prof. Andrey Alexandrovich Fraerman Prof. Gregory N. Goltsman Prof. Anatolii Yakovlevich Gubenko Physical Institute For Physics of Microstructures RAS Mspu Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys GSP -105 4 Kazan st. 1 Malaya Pirogovskaya Leninskii prosp. Niznny Novgorod 603950 Moscow 119992 Moscow 119049 RUSSIA RUSSA RUSSIA Dr. Julian D Gale Dr. Vladimir K. Golubev Dr. Supratik Guha Chemistry Molecular Dynamics Group Physical Sciences Imperial College Sarov Open Computer Center Ibm Research 53 PO 218 Exhibition Road Zrenov St. Route 134 South Kensington SW7 2AY Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod 607190 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 UK RUSSIA USA Mr. Nikolai S. Ganchuk Mr. Alexey V. Golubev Mr. Nikolayg A. Guselnikov Molecular Dynamics Group Partent Department Sarov Open Computing Center Sarov Open Scientific Center Ooo "optiva-technology" 53 9 / 24 Zernova 53 Zernova Miusskaya Sg. Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod Region 607185 Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod region 607190 Moscow 115455 RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA Dr. Jacob Gavartin Dr. Olga Victorovna Goncharova Dr. Evgeni Gusev Physics and Astronomy Laboratory of Laser Spectroscopy T.j. Watson Research Center University College London NASB Institute of Molecular & Atomic Physics Ibm 70 PO Box 218 Gower Street F.Skaryna Avenue Route 134 London Wc1E 6BT Minsk 220072 Yorktown Heights, NY 10541 U.K. BELARUS USA Dr. David Christopher Gilmer Mr. Alexander Borisovich Granovsky Mr. Munir M. Habibulin Materials Development and Integration Department of Physics Chemical Physics Division Motorola Moscow State University VNIIEF K10 Department of Physics 37 3501 Ed Bluestein Blvd. Leninski Gory pr. Mira Austin, TX 78721 Moscow 119992 Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod region 607190 USA RUSSIA RUSSIA Mr. Alexander B. Gladkov Prof. David B Graves Prof. Takeo Hattori Theoretical Division Chemical Engineering Dept Electrical & Electronic Engineering VNIIEF University of California at Berkeley Musashi Institute of Technology 37 Gilman / 201 pr. Mira UC Berkeley 1-28-1 Tamazutsumi, Setagaya-ku Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod region 607190 Berkeley, CA 94720 Tokyo 158-8557 RUSSIA USA JAPAN Prof. William A. Goddard III Dr. Jim C Greer Dr. Scott Daniel Hector Materials & Process Simulation Ctr-MSC Computational Modelling California Institute of Technology Nmrc Motorola 319 Beckman Institute / 139-74 Lee Maltings MD: K-10 1201 East California Blvd Prospect Row 3501 Ed Bluestein Blvd. Pasadena, California 91125 Cork, Cork n/a Austin, TX 78731 USA IRELAND USA Prof. Konstantin M Golant Prof. Vladimir Alexeevich Gritsenko Dr. Jose Luis Herrera Cicata Fiber Optics Research Center Institute of Semiconductor Physics Institutopolitecnico Nacional 38 Vavilov Street Lavrentieva Ave. 13
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