l.tte pfpfNqs Nawslerr€R oF flra cnncleANs,crnc!-atN€s e Relnre0 pacrrtlles CLAN qILLENN USA - gRANCh COUNCIL OF SCOTTI SH CLANS AND ASSOCIATIONS. INC. c[-n hJcnricl-ea.N lhtr€RNl\Tlc]l,JA[-, €sr, !asz to statethat we have a very good reiationshipwith the GREHTHFTGSFROIWM other two western Associations. T'trresethlee groups representa very large Macleary'Iv{aclainepopulation !'west0€hJT'so)€ssAc€ (sualcn€Rzclos) in Arnerica.Let us continue to foster this reiationship for rnanyyears to corne. I-et me begin this messageby stating that it will be It is hard to write rny last report witirclut bringing up one of the toughest I have ever written, sinceit is my items that I feel need to bs continuously viratahedor Iastas Fresident.Before treginningrny reminiscing,I dwelled upon. Fleaseallow me to enumeratea few of wourldliice to say again: those iterns for us to keep in mind: We need to aontinually watch for and guarcl G$D BI-ESSANID WATCI-I CVER, O[.,IR, againstna.tural Scottish animosities--- TROOPSVUI{C AF{E 5T'ANDNNfi IN HARM's We need to have more a.ativeparticipation WAVPR.CTECTIISC OUR. FR,EEDOh/1 ANt) from not only our regional clirectors,but also our state LIEER.TY conveners--- We need fcr these people to continuously Afterretirernent, in 1988,Botrbye and I trecamevery watch for new officer inaterial, starting at the lowest interestedin the genealog3,of our families. For years, level of deprrtl' convener to president of our clan X had known that my great grandrnother was a association--- Maalean and Bobbye knew that her ancestorswere We needto develop thesepeople from all five frorn Clan MacFie" Do you realize ltow close the little regions, so that no one section of tiris country Isle of Colonsay (Clan MacFie) is to the trsleof N4ull donninatesthe Executive Council--- (Cian Maclean)? After many long trips to archives in We need to <Ievelop,for the benefit of new the South, ws iearned that oul g-g-g-g grandfathers mernbers,a strongerdivision of our clan history and were granted parallel, anctrwith the same corner its heritage--- marketro5000-ar-re land grants for their participation in We need to develop and emphasize the the Revolutionary War. It is a small world" isn't it? importance of each and every Sept who is connected Sinceboth of us have been iife-long Presbyterians,tr with the Maclean/IV{aclaineClans-- don't seehow we could heve ever missedeach othen. We needfor eactaoffice holder tc be so ciail' kly first SaottisFrFiighland Game was in Octotrer minded that if they feel, for any reason, they cannot 1996, in iv{urfreesboro, TN. T'o my chagrin, I friurid fulfiII their duties, using rny Dad's old staternent, that there was nertent representing Clan Maciean at "they shouldmove over ancllet a new dog in"--- this garne.I told the clalr chair that this would never We needto promote closer fellowship among happenagain. From that game hence, our clan has those Macleans who attend each gaffie, by arranging been representedat the TN X{ighlancXGarnes. This d"utch-treatdinners" clan ceitridhs,etc" fotrlowingthe iove aijair witir clans, games and Scottisil tamiiy game. (I have experienced soffre marvelous heritagestill bubbJeshigh in rny blood. relationsh.ips,and became closer acquainted with other Macleansby attendingthis tyrraof gatheringat As you lcnelw,,Cleui Giliean USA, Branch of Clall severalof the garnes.)--- h4aclean lnternational, is orre of three Ma.olean We needmore active partiaipationat the clzur Asscrciationsill r\mertaa" lVe representr.4z{. ofl the tents by members"so as to relieve ten{ conveners. lower 4'8 states.i woulcl iiXreto iatriethis opprortunity ^continuedom page 2 Vol,.lrne:4.0 jrTo.3 $ur:rirn*r2()03 1 Presiden{'s mes sa54e, cont' d- financial slcills ancl hard vsorli all contributed to (tsobbye and I have experierrcedganres where we making the rnan that iifbtirne rnembertsob Mclean is wel'e never able to treavethe tent. Therefore, \A/ehave today.Now all of those shills have beenrecognized, no idea what went on in other areas of those sinoe President Sidney A. McPhee officially garnes.)-_ announced the naming of ttre School of Music at We need.let me emphasizeagain, to list with Middle TennesseeState ur-riversitythe Robert W. the treasurer the tents we plan to convene in each N4cT-eanSchool of, Music. region by January1, of eachyear. This is getting to be Mclean is a 1972 graduate of MTSU, a Ir{UST. pincipal of the highiy successful Mclean &, Companylnvestrnents, wtro long ago entertainedU.S. I would like to peiintout that this is probably the iast troops in a Botr Flope-lihemusical tour of Europe"A Pipings prior to the AGM being held at Stone $1.5 rnillion gift by IMcI-ean enabled M'[SU to Mountain, GA on October 18, 2003. trhope that any of becorneone of a handfrrl of schoolsin the world to ycr, that so wish, would adviserne of any subject you receivethe "All Steinway School" designation. would like to have addressedon the agenda. I hope When h''{TSU was ilanted an "All Steinway that all of;you oan affangeyour schedulesso that you School" last sufilmer it .ioined a select group of can attenclthis AGM. Pleasecome if you can. institutions including fire Juilliarcl Sctrool,Oberlin in clcsing, let nrc thaeft eachand every one of you for CollegeConservatorl', Vassar' College, the tjniversity the many l".indilessesyou have shor-arnBobbye and me of Melbouffle Faculty of Music and Beijing's China during rny tirne in office. I do not plan to "fbld my Conservatoryof hrfusic. tent and steal away". In fact, I plan to be a self "'We are delightectand honored to put Bob appointed Arnbassador of Goodwill and Public Mcl-ean's name on our School of Music,'* McPhee Relations fbr the clan as long as health will iet me. said. "Bob has made significant contributionsto his chosen field of business,his fellow man, while Sittr- Sldinte! serving in the U.S. Arrned Senvices,ffid to this university. -Clarence Greek "His vision, working with the leadershipin the school of music, enabled us to acquire 54 Steinway piarros for use by our music students and faculty. Steinway is a name associatedwith excellence throughout the worlcl. It is only fitting that it is the instrumentof record in the Robert W. Mclean School of Music." Mclean beganhis love of music as a five yearold 'Just playing around"on the piano in his grandnnother'shome in Shelblruille,TN. Mclean was never a 'serious' musician, but did play in the high schoolband at Shelbyville Centraland in a local folk group. '50s, "During the folk music,like the Kingston Trio was popular, so I took up playing the guitar and the banjo," Mclean said" "We would play for hours ancleventually did some perf,orming.Then I went to Robe.rtW, McL,ean MTSU and continued to have a good time." Maybe it was tocl rnany good times, or the increasedmilitary demandscaused bv the Viet Narm LrFe-nol€cn€cnm€R RclB€R-r' w. {DCL€,ahl era, btrt Mclean was called up by IJncle Sarn and lloruone0 soon sentoverseas tcl serv'ein Gennany. "trbegan playing with a coupleof'guys at -continued Wise parents,a love of music, tiulr.'-tested on page 9 Volume ,1{} j"ic,-l Surnrrer2{}03 2 F.AcWLy!:Ray€Rs 'oclan Our family" lifts up in praver the following cLANQtl-l-eaN usA members.." A.ldNCrALq€N€ C's)€€TI Nq ...PresidentClarence Greek for his upcoming hip RAL replacement(on August 14) ...BokrbyeGreek for taking care of Clarence sroN€ cDoilNr-AIl-JhlqhLANo ...Lloyd G. and Isabella Maolean, and family for CAC'D€5 strengthand peaoethrough Isabella's itrlness ...Gertrude l)o<lson as she recovers from facial ocTOt$€Rt8,2C}e)3 surgery .".Gertrude's great-niece, Fjaith Roach, who is suffering frorn critical injuries received in a go-cart 2:OO l:!.fi]. accident "..Kathy Wacldell who is recovering frorn knee arlAK€yottR pLANST(} ATr€No surgery N0w! ..,Kathy Black Tcortey, FautrToomey, and son JamesFaul as they experiencedifficult times ...David Mclane as he continues to rocoverfrom surgery 'n'his year is the 50th a.nniversary of the I tr#NALrJ€\ry S founding of the tr-ondonBranch otr'the Association. FJT€RNAT They are planning a celebratory dimer in October whiah they hope as many founcier members as reports are excerpted the 2003 The.fbltowing .fiom possible will attend. af ThqInternational BattleAxe-(Yolumel Issue issue in Febnlary at their Bums dinner, Colonel 6) The remaining arttcles "18A6" u'ill he fro* Donald Maalean, oo behalf of the Association, printed the next two issues a.fW-tiplnW- in presentedrny mother with a beautifrrl painting of Mull (with f,)uart in the foregrounC)from GanavanSands, From Duart to thank her for all she had done for the clan over the years. It is very appropriatethat the presentationtook piace at the London Association dinner which shehas yeaffi. MJt mother is Sir LachlanMacleau of Dual't and Morvern, Bt., CVO, Dtr-. loyally supported for many "['wenfy-eighthchief of Clan Gillean delighted with the peinting which norl' hangsproudiy in her drawing room at F{arnptonCciurt. Dear Mernbersof the Clan, MaXcolmthe youngerof Duart cornpletedhis hdEA at Cranfield in the autumn and is nCIwworking garden As Spring arrives in Scotland,with the for Solarcenfury, an alternative energy eompany in get covered with snowdrops and the days starting to tr-ondon.Alexandea is trusy training for the tr-ondon longer"we begin.1.rlthink ahout the surnrnerand how Marathon in April. She is h.opingfor a good running next fbv,r rflany of you will visit Duart over the time and we hope to watcfuand try and recognizeher nlontlls.
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