M — MANCHESTER HERALD; Tuegdav. Jan. 14. 1986 SPORTS FOCUS U.S./WORLD O Philip Motrti Inc. I9h6 Hoffman thrust Oatmeal cookies California tops into Adams race are tasty reward In housing costs ghts25s ... page 9 ... page 13 ... page 19 NewP M m xdm kv ) Manchester — A City of Village Charm Hrralh Wednesday, Jan. 15,1986 25 Cents Second Rising deficit carrier triggers cuts on alert WASHINGTON (AP) - A se­ across board cond American aircraft carrier was moving into the Mediterra­ nean Sea today, two days after Libyan jets intercepted a Navy By Tom Raum were struggling to determine surveillance piane in international The Associated Press exactly how the cuts could be airspace and briefly shadowed it. carried out. Although the Libyan Fighters — WASHINGTON - Congres­ Hiring freezes were expected to two Soviet-made MiG-25s — made sional and administration budget be instituted throughout the go­ 4 vernment, with layoffs likely at a 5 no threatening moves toward the officials said today the federal Navy plane, two U.S. F-A-18 jet deficit for fiscal 1986 will exceed a number of agencies, according to fighters were scrambled from the staggering 3220 billion and trigger several government officials who carrier Coral Sea to intercede if the first round of government-wide spoke only on the condition of necessary. spending cuts under the new anonymity. Monday’s incident, disclosed by Gramm-Rudman budget­ Labor Department spokesman ■ 5 T 1 N G ^ administration sources Tuesday, balancing law. David Demerest said, “ We don’t In separate projections required was described as the first direct have a lot of flexibility from one under the new law, the White contact between U.S. and Libyan program to another.” House Office of Management and forces in the wake of increased He said there would be some Budget predicted a deficit of 3220.1 U.S.-Libyan tensions over the Dec. “ picking and choosing” within 27 terrorist attack on Rome and billion while the Congressional specific programs, but that gener­ Vienna airports. Budget Office said that this year's ally the percentage cuts were fixed The United States has accused red ink would amount to 3220.9 and across-the-board. Libya of supporting the terrorist billion. group that conducted those Last fiscal year’s deficit was An analysis by the House Educa­ attacks. 3212 billion. tion and Labor Committee said the As a result of those tensions and The two agencies, outlining March 1 cuts would result in a 3170 increased activity by Soviet naval spending cuts totaling 311.7 billion million cut in funds this year for ships, the aircraft carrier Sarat­ that would be required by March 1 the federal compensatory educa­ oga and an accompanying group of under terms of the law, enumer­ tion program: a 3224.8 million cut smaller warships was ordered ated staff and service cutbacks in student aid; and a 343.6 million away from a routine deployment in that will be needed in thousands of cut in the federal vocational and the Indian Ocean last week and federal agencies and programs. adult education program. into the Mediterranean to join the UPl photo In all, across-the-board cuts of Funds for the Natonal Endow­ SMOKES carrier Coral Sea. 4.3 percent will be needed in ment for the Arts will be cut by 37.7 'The Coral Sea, from which the Undaunted by the snow domestic programs and 4.9 per­ million and by 36.4 million for the J E-3A electronic surveiUaiiee plane cent for the military, the budget National Endowment for the Hu­ J had been dispatched, was reported agencies said. Hatless in below-freezing weather that at the White House Tuesday. The White manities, according to the con­ . in the Ionian Sea, southeast of Italy Automatic spending cuts under gressional document. House announced Reagan will enter and due north of Libya. included a light dusting of snow, the law, scheduled to take effect The committee report also said The Saratoga and three accom­ President Reagan and Ecuadorean Bethesda Naval Hospital on Friday for a March 1, will amount to 4.3 percent the cutbacks would mean a 31S9.2 panying ships were part of a follow-up examination of his colon. for all domestic programs and 4.9 million reduction in the Labor convoy that entered the Suez Canal President Leon Febres-Cordero stand percent for the military, adminis­ Department’s training and em­ at 3:30 a.m. EST today after together during welcoming ceremonies Story on page 8. tration officials said previously. ployment services budget, a 315 arriving at the southern end of the And while the cuts will not million cut in a federal jobs canal late Tuesday night, accord­ A approach those that will come program for senior citizens, a 396 A ing officials of the Suez Canal later in the year when the Gramm- million cut in low-income energy Authority. The trip through the Rudman act takes full effect, they assistance and a 362.7million cut in 101-mile canal was expected to Black leaders mad at towns still will produce dramatic the federal program for the take 12 to 14 hours. government-wide slashes in servi­ handicapped. The officials identified the ves­ ces and programs. Funds for the Department of sels accompanying the carrier as Federal agency heads, notified Housing and Urban Development NOTRICKS.f the guided missile cruiser Biddle, late ’Tuesday by the 0M B of the will be cut 3673 million under the the guided missile destroyer Scott that overlook King holiday magnitude of cuts on a Gramm-Rudman formula, accord­ and the ammunition ship Mount department-by-department basis. ing to sources. N Baker. By Kenneth R. Bazinet not prepared to have it off this year offices open. N Defense Secretary Caspar W. United Press International because of financial reasons,” “ My main thing about Martin Weinberger, although providing no Andrews said. Luther King, who I would say is one details, confirmed the incident HARTFORD - At least 19 The state Attorney General’s of the greatest men of the century, involving the Libyan fighters Tues­ Connecticut communities will office, said cities and towns in is that I would rather that the Agencies, town set day evening. He said he found open municipal departments on Connecticut can legally choose to schools stay open and for two hours nothing I’emarkable about the Martin Luther King Day, which keep their offices and departments discuss the great things he did. -4. affair because Libyan planes had may cause black leaders to demon­ open on the first nationaliy- “ I think he did as much for patrolled in the general area strate on the first national holiday celebrated King holiday. Connecti­ humanity as anybody did this for massive cuts before. for the civil rights activist. cut has celebrated Martin Luther century.” “ Libyan planes have been up in While the state and federal King Day for more than a decade. Richard Kehoe, an assistant By George Layng increase,” he said. that area. This is a little farther governments will celebrate Jan. 20 Milford Mayor Alberta C. Jagoe state attorney general, said the Herald Reporter Weiss said tight town budgets north than they’ve been before, but as Martin Luther King Day, the said she chose to keep the offices federal statute gives the day off to over the past few years mean cuts I don’t think there’s anything decision of some local communi­ and departments open because it federal employees, and the Con­ Community Health Care Servi­ cannot come without hurting servi­ unusual about it,” Weinberger ties to follow suit is irking some was not an issue discussed during necticut law, which was approved ces in Columbia has been receiving ces. “ Any fat that was there at all said. black leaders, an NAACP official contract negotiations with her in 1973, only covers workers fewer referrals from people who is not there now,” he said. In other developments. Pen­ said Tuesday. city’s unionized workers. About employed by the state. need the help of a visiting nurse. Weiss said he coiild not predict tagon officials stepped up their Ben F. Andrews Jr., president of three years ago the firefighter’s .The other communities that plan But the reason is not that people in the full effect of the federal cuts war of words against Libya and the the NAACP’s Northeast region and union had King Day put in its to keep municipal offices open Andover, Coventry and four other until their exact amount is known Soviet Union, with spokesman the organization’s top Connecticut contract with Milford, she said. include Bethany, Branford. Bris­ towns served by the agency are and the town’s budget is complete. Robert B. Sims branding the official, said the NAACP is consid­ Robert Mulready, Enfield’s tol, Fairfield, Granby, Killingly, becoming more healthy. But he said officials will be introduction of SA-5 surface-to-air ering several options including town manager, said union negotia­ Meriden, New Canaan, Newing­ Federal budget cuts in Medicare preparing a plan with the expecta­ missiles in Libya ” a significant demonstrations to deal with the tions in his community were ton, Rocky Hill, Simsbury, Wal­ have meant that less people are tion that the cuts will be made. He and dangerous escalation in the communities that plan to keep similar to those in Milford, which lingford, Westport, Wethersfield, eligible for the agency’s services. said the budget for the 1986-87 Sovlet-Llbyan arms relationship.” municipal offices and departments caused him to keep municipal Wilton, Windsor and Woodbridge. In March, more cuts may occur fiscal year will be based “ on the Sims also said the Soviet Union open next Monday.
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