maw! IIB wqdum 01 'fwndurm m 'mawd plow =~eWk8 esn '(a006ur uod sd~k#eew uoqlmuww uo eruep wmm~pun ww8 puorpm meld 'SUO~Iom wq mu-a pm scum kuo lewe '~~uB~~IuSS10 mom PUB %~UB~BUI'UOUWIJ~ Wnpemm mufljJ3d ,;e~qwgddB IOU., 204 ,.V/pJ,. Slue 'p1UQUIWJOp 6~180hWdQtd ew OJ wde IOU 6000 lU8U a 11 .wnber UO~O~Uleql 6uua)ue Kq aeudarddv em u! ,,k, rlq WaU u38e Bl@fdwo3"{mtrgl uWlln0 JBW!&I WWN) W WUSI~~HmBI$ WsWP la)~!6e~lBWN erg. e~eldruo=) moH u! arenwutsy ees om mnredwd pnpyput ~q suomurrrrrereP bunsenbl le Bun8wwrw UI em JO~o uuoi af~ GREENWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT CLARKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA Name ot Propeny CoUl1ly lll1c:1 Stal8 5. Classification Ownership of Property category of Property Number of Resources within Property (Checlc u many boxes u apply) (Checlc only one box) (Do not include prev,ousty listed resources in Iha count.) !xi private 0 building(s) Contributing Noncontributing 0 public-local IXJ district 430 440 IXI public-State 0 site buildings 0 public-Federal 0 structure 23 0 sites 0 object 35 49 structures 0 0 objects 488 489 Total Name of related multiple property listing Number of contributing resources previously listed (Enter "NIA" If propeny Is not pan of a multiple propony listing.) In the National Register NIA 118 6. Function or Use Historic Functions Current Functions (Enter categories from instructions) (Enter categories from insttuctions) SEE CONTINUATION SHEET SEE CONTINUATION SHEET 7. Description Architectural Classification Materials (Enter categories from instructions) (Enter categories from instructions) foundation---------------- SEE CDNIIMIIAIIQN SHEET walls SEE CQNTTWIAITQN SHEET root _______________ other _______________~ Narrative Description (OHCflbe the historic and current condition of Iha propeny on one or more continuation sheets.) SEE CONTINUATION SHEET GREENWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT CLARKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA Name or Prcceny Coun,y ana State 8. Statement ot Significance Applicable National Register Criteria ·Areas of Significance (Mark "x" in one or more bOxes tor the criteria quautying the propeny (Enter categories trom instructions! far National Register usting.) IXJ A Propeny is associated with events that have made SEE CONTINUATION SHEET a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history. IXJ B Propeny is associated with the lives of persons significant in our past. IXl C Property embodies the distinctive characteristics ot a type, period, or method ot construction or represents the wane of a master, or possesses high artistic values, or represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose components lack Period of Significance individual distinction. CA. 1760-1943 0 D Propeny has yielded, or is likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history. Criteria Considerations Significant Dates (Mark "x" in all Iha boxes that apply.) Propeny is: N/A D A owned by a religious institution or used for religious purposes. Significant Person D B removed from its original location. (Complete if Criterion B Is manced above) SEE CONTINUATION SHEET 0 C a birthplace or grave. CUitural Afflllation D D a cemetery. D E a reconstructed building, object, or structure. N/A D F a commemorative property. D G less than 50 years of age or achieved significance An:hitect/Bullder within the past 50 years. Narrative Statement of Significance (Explain the 11gnificance ot the prapeny on one or mare continuation lhaeta.) SEE CONTINUATION SHEET 9, Mafor Bibliographical References Blbllography (Cite the bOokS. articfas. and other sources used in preparing this form on one or more continuation sheets.) Previous documentation on file (NPS): Primary location of additional data: D preliminary determination of individual listing (36 IXI State Historic Preservation Office CFR 67) has been requested O Other State agency D previously listed in the National Register O Federal agency D previousiy determined eligible by the National O Local govemment Register O University D designated a National Historic Landmanc O Other 0 recorded by Historic American Buildings Survey Name of repository: I VA Dept. of Historic Resources. D recorded by Hlstaric American Engineering Ro,r,ord It GREENWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT CLARKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA Name DI Property County ana 61818 1o. Geographical Data Acreage of Property _.....,!,..9.,.._.!,..0.._7 _______ UTM References (Place additional UTM ref......a on a - ahNL) lz ls ,9 /z ,a ,a I 1411'1,2'3,a,al 3 L!i.]J !214,219,9,ol /4,3!3,2/1,3,ol Euting Noll/ling Zana EUllng NGlllling lz 14 ,a ls ,s , z I J4,3h,zl2,6,ol 4 L!i.]J !214 ,4 !4 ,4 ,o I j4,3/3,0j4,S,Oj Ii! See c:ontinualion snut Verbal Boundary Deacrlptlon (Ducnbe Iha baundaries of the properly on a continuation snaet.) Boundary Justification (Explain why tha boUndariaa were salac:lld an a continuation shHI.) 11. Fann Prepared By name/title __MAR_AL_S_._KAL_B_I_AN_,;..._A_RC_H_I_TE_C_TUR __ AL_H_I_STO_R_I_AN ____________ _ organization-------------------- date July 9, 1993 street & number ROUTE 1 BOX 86 telephone (703) 837-2081 ~·,"""' or town-----------------BOYCE state VA zip code _2_2_6_20__ _ Addltlonal Documentation SUltmit Iha following rtams with Iha complatect form: COntlnuatlon Sheets Maps A USGS map (7.5 or 15 minute series) indicating the property's iocation. A Sketch map for historic districts and properties having large acreage or numerous resources. Photographs Representative black and white photographa of the property. Addltlonal ltema (Clledc wrth the SHPO or FPO for any oddlllonal rtams) Property Owner (~ this rtam at thl reqUNI of SHPO or FPO.) name----------------------------------~ street & number __________________ telephone __________ city or town----------------- state _____ zip code ______ Pl!*-R- Act Statamont: Thr. 11,fottt I I la !Ming ~ for appt• Ilk ,a to tho Natlonll Regillar of PilCM IO nomtnata propaniN far listing or for liltlniJ, IO propanjN. lnCI llllirlgl. IO H- la IO - a.-ne eflgiblllly lilt to amena e-.g R- thla raq.- required a belllfit in .-With tho Nlllonal H-P, __ Act. u am- (18 U.S.C. 470 at-~ Ellllmtad lunlen 8-.C: Pubic r..,.atil19 b-lor lfiil larm la Nllmalad to -.ge 18.1 holn per 1-• including lime tor .....,;,,g inlllUCdana. gatt•i.g and ~ daaa. and cw : I i iQi and Ntrieai19 tn• fDnn. Chai: w11,_.. ra;wdi11g 1h11 Dun:1111 --or any apea ol llifl larm to tho Chllf. AdrN.tlM:1111• - -,. Nllllanll Pule SeMoa, P.O. Bax 37127, WIii*•• DC 20013-7127: and the Olllce ol , , ....... ---- .... .4 a ......- o ............. ~ 0 ... .,.. -,..... o-.s- '""""'•-""'"°' ,., .... ..,, .. ___ ,... .... -~- United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet 1 Section number ___ Page ___ GRBERWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT ' CLlUlKB COOBTY, VIRGINIA ,. KISTORrC PmfCTIONS: DOMESTIC single dwelling secondary structure multiple dwelling AGRICULTURE/SUBSISTENCE processing agricultural field animal facility storage agricultural outbuilding INDUSTRY/PROCESSING/EXTRACTION manufacturing facility EDUCATION school research facility TRANSPORTATION road-related rail-related RELIGION religious facility LANDSCAPE other/arboretum FUNERARY cemetery COMMERCE/TRADE restaurant MILITARY battle site •. -NP1 ,-. 1NCI04. United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet 2 GRBBlllWJI.Y HISTORIC DISTRICT Section number __' _ Page ___ CLAIUtE COUN'l'Y, VIRGINIA CURRENT FUHC'l'XOHS: DOMESTIC single dwelling secondary structure hotel AGRICULTURE/SUBSISTENCE agricultural field animal facility storage agricultural outbuilding EDUCATION school research facility education-related RELIGION religious facility LANDSCAPE other/arboretum FUNERARY cemetery COMMERCE/TRADE restaurant department store specialty store GOVERNMENT post office United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Section number __7 _ Page __3 _ GllEENWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT CLlUUtE C001l'l'Y, VIRGINIA 7 , DBSCIUPTroN Architectural Classification: COLONIAL Georgian EARLY REPUBLIC Federal Early Classical Revival MID-19TH CENTURY Greek Revival Gothic Revival LATE VICTORIAN Queen Anne LATE 19TH AND 20TH CENTURY REVIVALS Colonial Revival LATE 19TH AND EARLY 20TH CENTURY AMERICAN MOVEMENTS Bungalow/Craftsman MODERN MOVEMENT Ranch style OTHER I-house Hall-parlor plan Foursquare Folk Victorian 2-door NO STYLE Vernacular Materials: FOUNDATION Stone Brick concrete ' United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet 7 4 GREENWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT Section number ___ Page ___ CLARKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA Materials continued: WALLS Wood: weatherboard log plywood/particle board shingle Brick Stone: limestone Stucco Terra Cotta Concrete ROOF Metal: tin Stone: slate Asphalt Asbestos SUMMARY DESCRIPTION: Located in Virginia's Lower Shenandoah Valley, the Greenway Historic District encompasses roughly 19,100 acres of southwestern Clarke County, The boundaries are defined on the east by the Shenandoah River; on the south by the Warren County line; and on the west and north generally by a line that runs north along US Route 340 to US Route 50, then east to the Norfolk and Southern Railroad, then north to the Boyce town limits, then east along Route 723 to the intersection of Spout Run and Route 723, then north/ northeast to the district's northern-most point at the Shenandoah River along Route 621, The Greenway Historic District boundaries are drawn to include the agricultural landscape and architectural resources of an area distinctively
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