A Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially Eacli Week VOL. XV—NO, 14 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1953 PRICE EIGHT CENTS Vogel Hits Hope for Era of Peace and Security for All Volunteer header Two Rooms Last Mites Held Status Quo Is- Expressed by''Rabbi In Passover Message For A. L Gardner At Gas Co* WOODBRIDGE — <Pesaeh, or d-us in tine Old Testament. The Sunday, was for the purpose of Are Added Continues Passover, an eight-day observance celebrating Passover. The Last gRARITAN TOWNSHIP — Fu- Passover observance usually coin- neral services for Albert L. Gard- commorating the flight of the cides with the Christian festival Supper, foundation of the Sacra- Israelites from Egypt and. the first ment of the Holy Communion. ner, 12 Sixth Street, who died Sun- At Hearin successful 'blow against 'Jewish of Easter. The reason for this Is "was the Seder. To School day at his home after a short ill- In Colonia slavery and' persecution, will be- apparent, for the entrance of The Jewish commemorative cer- ness were held yesterday in the gin Monday night at sundown. Christ into Jerusalem.—observed Representations Proven emony is actually a retelling of 3 3 Classrooms Approved Quackenboss Funeral Home, New Judge Upholds Council's Services will be held at Adath by the Christian World as Palm (Continued on Page 6* Brunswick. Burial was in Elm "Incorrect," Senator Israel Synagogue as follows: Mon- For School No. 17; to Action in Abolishing day and1 Tuesday, March 30 and Ridge Cemetery, Franklin Town- Fire District No. 12 Tells Utility Board 31, 6:30 -P.M.; Tuesday and Break Ground Shortly ship. Wednesday, March 31 and April Traffic Light Request Denied O©LONIA — Opponents of the WOODBRIDGE — The objec- WOODBRIDGE — Construction A native of Ledgewood, he was tions of the Town Committee to 1, 9 A.M., Friday, April 3. 7:30 of the new Inman Avenue Sehool the son of the late Irving' and present system of an Independent the petition of the Elizabethtown P.M., Saturday, April 4, 9 A.M., By State Highway; Department —School 17— will start around Aline Boell Gardner. He was a Fire Company in the former Fire Consolidated Gas Company for in-Sunday and Monday, April 5 and April 13 at a cost of $384,332. teacher .hi the Middlesex County District No. ^12 (Inman Avenue creased gas rates were filed> Tues- 8, 7:30 P.M., Monday and Tues- RARITAN TOWNSHIP—A traffic light requested by the section) were denied a summary Low bidders who received the Boys Vocational and Technical day by Township Attorney B. W day, April 6 and 7, 9 A. M., Yizkor Board of Commissioners last Januarry was turned down High School, Perth Amboy. judgment Monday ' by Superior Vogel before the Public Utilities or Memorial services, Tuesday, this week by the State Highway Department, according contracts are: William M. Conolly Court Judge Frank L. Cleary who Commission. & Sons, general construction, Mr. Gardner was a member of April 7 at 10 A. M. to a communication read last night at a meeting of the S248.778: Arrow Iron Works, struc- Americus Lodge 83, F. & A. M.,said the action of the Woodbridge Senator Vogel in his persuasive In his annual message to the Township Committee in abolishing Jewish people of the community, Commissioners. The light was requested for the intersection tural steel; $4,998; R. G. Maupai Woodbridge; Lawrence Lodge 62, the district and assigning the area •talk (before the Commission re- of Route 27 and Duelos Lane. In its communication to the MRS. GERARD DALTON Co., Inc., heating and ventilating. I.O.O.F., Perth Amboy, and the called that the company had. rep-Rsd'bi Samuel 'Newfoerger wrote $59,470; Bums Co., plumbing, $37,- First Presbyterian Church of Perth to a volunteer fire company "was resented the conversion from f'his week: "On Monday and Tues- Commissioners, the State Highway 728; Service Electric Co., electrical Amboy. neither arbitrary nor capricious." manufacture! gas would be 'more day, we will be sitting at our tra- Department reported! that Sae sur- Cancer Campaign, work, $19,714. He is survived by his widow, Counsel now will prepare for efficient and cheaper for the con- ditional Sedarim. (Passover vey conducted bv its traffic experts Sadie Bergen Gardner; a son, formal hearings, estimated at meals), narrating the story of theMurray-Whitney shows that 'traffic conditions at the It is expected the contracts will probably a week's work for ths sumer. be ready for signatures next Tues- John, Rahway; one grandchild and . "This representation," said Sen- Exodus from bondage. The Pass- intersection do not warrant ths Begins April 1st a sister, Mrs. Percy T. Baird, court. No date was set. Orland H. over festival serves as a living installation of a light. day or Wednesday and that con- ator Vogel, "was incorrect in light Wedding Held struction will start .within 10 days Franklin Park. Dey .represents the plaintiffs and of the record.." memorial for all times that the Last night 'the commissioners WOODBRIDGE — Mrs. Gerard Walter Waverczak appeared for received a series of bids on road after that. It is expected the build- The hearings which opened Almighty does not tolerate the RARITAN TOWNSHIP — The Dalton, 333 DeKalb Avenue, has the Town Committee. enslavement of His children. The materials, road oil and gasoline, accepted the post of volunteer ing will be ready for occupancy in The No. 12 district was abolished Tuesday in Newark were ad- marriage of Mrs. Jay Wallace January or February. journed until April 2 when tfhe Seder ceremony fills our hearts all of which were referred to theleader for Woodforidge in the Firemen Angered by resolution of the Town Com- with a passionate will to strive Whitney, daughter of Mrs. Henry engineer for tabulation. forthcoming April fund-raising Originally, plans called for 11 mittee in a local controversy in company "will be asked to submit M. Dietz, 252 First Avenue and classrooms, a kindergarten room a breakdown, of expenditures for for peace and pursue it. It assures A petition was received' from campaign of the American Cancer which William J. Barbour, then us that however gloomy the pres- the late Mr. Dietz to Robert Alan residents of Lahiere Park asking Society. Announcement of the ap-and an all-purpose room. The bids, At False Alarms .president of the Board of Fire the present year. as accepted, include the alternate William. R. McGlynn, rate coun- ent, there is. still hope for a Murray, Jefferson Street, Perth for a 500-foot extension of the pointment was 'made known today Commissioners was the central brighter future. Amboy, son of Mrs. John Harvey sanitary sewer. The comtounica- bid for two extra classrooms at an RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Mich- figure. The Board "fired." most of- sel, was assigned the case by At- by William H. Franke, Middlesex additional cost of $19,793. Because torney G-eneral Theodore Parsons, "But while we enjoy and ap-Murray, Youngstown, O., and thetion was referred to committee. County chairman, and president ael Kearston, member of the the firemen, rehired them and Frank H. Helyar, president of of the growth of the district which Board of Fire Commissioners of to represent municipal objectors preciate 'the festive spirit, we de-late Mr. Murray, took place Satur- of the local chapter. the school will service, it was felt .since then have been in and out including Woodibridge Township. plore the fact that many of our •the planning board, was re- . "The Middlesex County Chap- District No. 3, Clara Barton sec- of 'court. AH efforts by the Town day in the First Presbyterian by the entire board it would be tion, announced today that the . Senator Vogel Said that accord- people are oppressed and, harassed Church, Perth Amboy. Rev. Andrew aippointed to that body for a pe-ter, and the American Cancer So- more economical to build the two Committee to act in the role of ing to law the utility is entitled to in the countries 'behind the Iron riod of six years. ciety itself, are grateful to Mrs. additional classrooms now than to board's campaign* against false peacemaker failed and as a result Curtain. The fury of discontented M. Sebben, pastor, performed the An agreement from the Borough palton for her willingness to lead alarms will be intensified by the{She district was abolished'. The a "fair" return on i'ts investment ceremony. Only the immediate have to add them on in a year or •and as far as he is concerned! the masses is directed toward our in- of Metudhen, permitting- the Ste- this campaign in Woodtoridge,"" two. assigning of fire police personnel so-called "original" fire company 4.2% shown is a "fair return." nocent sisters and brethren. Spir- families were present. phenville sewer to empty into its said Mr. Franke. "The part played on patrof duty to pick up offenders. —a second one was organized by Senator Vogel also stated the itual and physical slavery is their Mrs. Murray is a graduate of disposal system, was received. toy our local workei-s can- not pos- The bond issue for the school to- Mr. Kearston warned that of- the Barbour faction—was named utility, according: to the testimony, lot. During- Passover, a fervant Rutgers University, Class of 1949, An application for a transfer of sibly be overestimated) in 'the fight taled $400,000, leaving a balance renders will be dealt with severely by the Town Committee as the said it was compelled) to seek an prayer will be offered, imploring with a BS degree in mechanical a liquor license held toy Nicholas against this modern scourge.
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