Established 1865 VOL. 34, NO. 33 $1 HOMEDALE, OWYHEE COUNTY, IDAHO WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2019 #OUNTYBUDGET TORISEABOUT PERCENTIN&9 As they lament dwindling or tenuous revenue sources, Owyhee County commissioners move forward with pay raises to retain employees in the proposed Fiscal Year 2020 budget. (OHFWHGRIÀFLDOV Medicaid employees to see expansion could pay hikes affect funding For the second time in three &RXQW\RI¿FLDOVDUHNHHSLQJ years, the Board of County a close eye on a couple of 2018 Owyhee County Fair and Rodeo Queen Emma Carley (left) passes the sash to new Commissioners has signed off revenue streams that could see queen Annie Miller (middle) on Saturday night, while rodeo board president Howard Maupin on proposed appropriations changes in the future. waits his turn. that will provide pay increases &RXQW\&OHUN$QJLH%DUNHOO for employees. VDLGIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHLQDIHZ The total budget is slightly years, county commissioners -ARSINGS-ILLERBECOMES more than $11.5 million. The KDYH RSWHG WR VRFN DZD\ commissioners will convene some of the Payment in Lieu /WYHEECOUNTYQUEEN a public hearing on the FY of Taxes received from the 2020 budget at 10 a.m., on federal government for the The new Owyhee County Fair and Rodeo Miller and is active in many other clubs. Monday inside Courtroom 2 vast tracts of Bureau of Land queen didn’t have to drive far to be crowned She’s also a Healthy Living Teen Advocate in Murphy. Management public lands that before a raucous crowd Saturday evening. and co-facilitator of the Marsing Health As was the case two years are tax-exempt. Annie Miller, the 2019-20 queen, is a Coalition. DJRRI¿FLDOVGHFLGHGWRKLNH The $1.3 million Fiscal Year Marsing High School junior and is deeply She has represented the county at the 4-H SD\UDWHVLQDQHIIRUWWRNHHS 2019 PILT payment received in entrenched in Owyhee County activities and Teen Conference, Know Your Government, employees from jumping to June was divvied up between events. and more. agencies in other counties. In the current expense budget and And the rodeo arena in which she received Annie was named the horsemanship award recent history, that phenomenon the PILT Trust. her crown and sash from 2018-19 Queen winner in the queen contest, too. has occurred most frequently District 2 Commissioner (PPD &DUOH\ LV D IDPLOLDU VSRW 6KH WRRN First runner-up Kyleigh Davis, from Eagle, LQWKHVKHULII¶VRI¿FH Kelly Aberasturi said he part in the Owyhee County 4-H Horse Show received the speech award and was named RQ$XJWRVWDUWIDLUZHHN Miss Congeniality. Kyleigh is the daughter –– See Pay, page 10A –– See Funding, page 12A The 16-year-old is vice-president of the of Ken and Tia Davis and attends Eagle High Marsing FFA chapter and has been involved School. in 4-H for eight years, currently in the Pony Murphy’s Cindy Read was second runner- Express club. up and is the daughter of Dennis and Michelle Homedale math Annie is the daughter of Darin and Janet Read. She attends Melba High School. TEACHERDIESINCRASH Homedale High School staff ing Olsen’s -ARSINGSTUDENTSKICKOFFNEW and students are coping with death later the loss of a popular teacher Monday, with classes set to start Mon- and remind- YEARUNDERNEWROOF day. ed people completion. Marsing townspeople have Ken Olsen, a longtime math that grief New middle school makes watched the new middle school rise from the teacher, former tennis coach counselors debut today site on 8th Avenue West for more than a year. and HHS graduate, died Mon- were avail- A new era begins today for Marsing School The new building, along with a new day morning while riding his able if need- motorcycle west on Idaho ed. District and its students. gymnasium nearby, will provide students with Ken Olsen The construction project that has been updated facilities and an improved learning highway 19 west of Caldwell. Olsen’s ongoing for more than a year is nearing environment. The school district sent out –– See Teacher, page 11A –– See Marsing Schools, page 12A a message to patrons regard- 3UBSCRIBETODAY Summer Market, Pg. 2A: Adrian shows off improvements Get the news source of the Owyhees delivered HHS Golf, Pg. 4A: Uranga back at it directly to you each Wednesday What’s happening? Pg. 11A: A look at events ahead this week Only $37.10 (incl. post. & tax) in Owyhee County #ALL Fair and rodeo, Pg. 9A & 1B: Photos and results from the week /BITUARIES !s,OOKING"ACK "s#OMMENTARY " Page 2A Wednesday, August 14, 2019 Shoppers turned out Friday for the latest installment of the Adrian Community Market’s second summer season. 3UMMERMARKETSTOKES!DRIANSFEELINGOFCOMMUNITY Revitalized downtown PDUNHWLVSODQQHGWRFRLQFLGH PDUNHWIRUIRONVWRVLWDQG a booth and sell jam, aprons, former location of the library. Adrian has been on display with the town’s Christmas tree enjoy coffee and conversation hemp items, granola, quilts Angie Sillonis said there each of the past two summers lighting in early December. and share their vision for the and garden produce such as are several vendors who have WKURXJKDFRPPXQLW\PDUNHW Jada Ishida, one of the town, which is another aspect tomatoes, several varieties of YLVLWHGWKHPDUNHWIRURQH 7KHPDUNHWFRQWLQXHV)ULGD\ YHQGRUVLVVHUYLQJDVPDUNHW of the Adrian 2040 project peppers, eggplant and rhubarb. outing, including a Homedale in the small town. There are coordinator. But she said it’s spearheaded by 2019 Adrian .HOVHH7XFNHUDOVRUXQVD FFA chapter member who sold WKUHHPDUNHWGD\VUHPDLQLQJ PRUHWKDQDPDUNHW High School graduate Sadee VKDYHGLFHWUXFNZKLFKKDV fresh cherries. in the 2019 season. ³0\KXVEDQGDVNHGPHµ$UH Speelmon last year as her been a big hit, Sillonis said. Shoppers also have been 7KHPDUNHWUXQVIURP \RXGRLQJWKLVWRPDNHPRQH\ senior project. Ontario resident Tami DEOH WRWDNH LQ WKHVLJKWV SPWRSPRQWKH¿UVWDQG or to build community?’ I’m This year’s local vendors Nightingale has been a regular of a rebuilding downtown, third Fridays of the month. doing it to build community,” have sold whole pies and pie as well, selling homemade including a new mural painted %HVLGHVWKLVZHHNUHPDLQLQJ Ishida said. by the slice, fresh cherries, fruit apple, cherry, bumbleberry, E\ORFDODUWLVW-HUUL/LVNRXWVLGH PDUNHWGDWHVLQFOXGH6HSW 7KHPDUNHWLVORFDWHGQH[W jams, garden produce, hand marionberry and pecan pies. TLC Beauty and Barber. and Sept. 21. WR6XFFRU&UHHN&RIIHHQHDU FUDIWVFRRNLHVSKRWRJUDSK\ Angie Sillonis and her )RONVZKREDNHRUFUHDWH 7KHPDUNHWZKLFKYHQGRU Don’s Lumber and Hardware SRWWHU\VWUDZEHUU\VKRUWFDNH husband Eric Ellis sell a handmade goods are welcome Angie Sillonis said is an “off- on Oregon highway 201 Christmas ornaments and variety of apricot and cherry to purchase booth space at the shoot” of the Adrian 2040 (Adrian’s main drag). This is more. jams, orange marmalade, UHPDLQLQJPDUNHWV community-wide revitalization a different location from the Core vendors have included VHHGOHVVEODFNEHUU\V\UXS 6SDFHFRVWVSHUPDUNHW program, will return for a third inaugural year. Jada Ishida, Kendee Ishida FKRFRODWHFKLSFRRNLHVJOXWHQ day or $20 for the season. season in June. But a holiday There are spots near the and Heidi Purnell, who share IUHHVXJDUFRRNLHVQRWHFDUGV Proceeds go toward Adrian featuring original photographs, 2040. and hand-thrown decorative Money from apron sales at We’ll Give You a Reason to Smile! pottery created by Angie’s the Ishida-Purnell booth also brother, Tony Sillonis. EHQH¿WV$GULDQ Cleaning, Half of the proceeds from For more information on the jam sales benefits the selling your wares at the Get your kids in Exam & Adrian Food Pantry, which is PDUNHWFRQWDFW-DGD,VKLGD * $ for their cleaning, X-Rays 82 open 4:30 p.m., to 6 p.m., each at (208) 573-3272 or jada@ exams, and x-rays! ­vÀÊÕÃÕÀi`Ê«>ÌiÌÃ]ÊÊ>LÃiViÊvÊ«iÀ`Ì>Ê`Ãi>Ãi® Thursday during the summer ishidafarms.com. ``Ê/iiÌ Ê7 Ìi}Ê and is located next to the — JPB vÀÊÞÊfÎt Adrian school cafeteria in the 337-5588 Open 7:30 am - 6 pm A&S Lumber Monday - Friday & Supply 8 am - 5 pm Saturday 328 Hwy 95 in Homedale /80%(5,1 Livestock & Pet Feed 672&. Show Supplies )5(((67,0$7(6 'RJ&DW3LJ6WHHU 0RUH :DVS 4-H & FFA ',6&28176 )O\6SUD\ AVAILABLE Habla en Español :HKDYHEXJFRQWURO Dr. Jeppe 6SUD\V7UDSV0DVNV 0RUH 523(6216$/( *DUGHQ7RROV tr’s & Su Owyhee Family Dental Center 208-337-4383 Wyn mr’s ÊÊÊ££xÊ-°Ê>ÊÊUÊi`>i www.owyheefamilydental.com ,UULJDWLRQ 6WRUDJH8QLWV * For new and existing patients with healthy mouths some restrictions may apply. New Stock Arriving Weekly &RPLQJ6RRQ Wednesday, August 14, 2019 Page 3A #OMMENTSTAKENONCITYBUDGETS #OURTHOUSEREPORT A list of felony and misdemeanor dispositions recently tonight completed at courtrooms in Murphy and Homedale. Infractions The city councils for all three courtroom. The appropriations are nearly are not included: Owyhee County municipalities 7KHFRXQFLO¶V¿UVWRUGHURI $6,000 more than the current !UG ZLOOWDNHXSEXGJHWKHDULQJV business after returning the budget. Nearly half of the Crystal Marie Gazpar-Cardenas — Misdemeanor assault- tonight. courtroom is the $4.93 million WRZQ¶VEXGJHWLVHDUPDUNHGIRU domestic violence in presence of a child without traumatic injury Public comment will be in proposed appropriations. The the water fund, just as was the (amended from felony domestic battery or assault in presence of accepted on the proposed Fiscal budget is about $60,000 smaller case in FY 19. a child after plea deal): 180 days in jail (9 days served, 171 days Year 2020 budgets for: than the FY 19 appropriations. Marsing — The city council VXVSHQGHG \HDUVXQVXSHUYLVHGSUREDWLRQLQ¿QHV Homedale — The council Grand View — The city convenes at 7 p.m., today at $337.50 in court costs. Dismissed by prosecuting attorney: will convene at 5:30 p.m. at council will meet at 6 p.m., City Hall, 425 Main St., and Misdemeanor telecommunication line, intentional destruction 5LYHUVLGH3DUNWRGLVFXVVWKH today at City Hall, 425 Boise the public will be allowed to of line or instrument placement of a community Ave., for its regular monthly give comment on a proposed Juan D.
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