Fair MCNterate ·,to hea", rro.t. war.er DA.tty IbWA &biI &ltehaooA. -=1 1was~ T1D ••lOlllATUI ..... IOWA CITY, lOWA TUESDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1944 VOLUME XLV NUMBER l' ! his ha\t. ! laws ot, e Q tUIsl" GERMANY MAY BE THUS DIVIDED BY ALLIED CONTROL nerged the ·,ig·F.QUf I enviousl, . th delini~ Ick into bie Release World U~S ... Dri-ye Sha,kes Aachen; !nt arriVed 'or on her You're not Peace Plan ~ afe you?" Stalin'., ,C nfer 1 Cn:urchl.ll, righteOUs almly an. , ~Iay Verdict i our dO&." On ~ggressor's POLAND Dumbarton Oaks- 'Veto' Power Elen Molotoy .. ::'~~:::':,~":,,~p:: Aite~d. Parley· [JeweiOkays enforcing agel)cy, backed by pow- . ti'ful land and sea forces and by ALBANY, N, Y. (AP)-Gov·Tsteps.,." special I\erial ' armadas ready to Thomas E. Dewey yesterday en- Thus Dewey apparently sought slash swiftly at any aggreSS()l', was To Organize Final dorsed the Dumbarton Oaks post- to allay any fears that a change Cut All Main Roads, rMde pupllc yesterday by the big Military llIow war security recommendations as ! in administration would alter Fight in Duren, fOur of the united nations. "a fine beginning," but declared America's fundamental post-war ;The plnn is incomplete, and Agc;ainst Germany there still was much to be done to foreign pollcy as enunciated at 20 Miles From Cologne pUblication at this time had • the complete the structure "we plan." the recently concluded four power effect of summoning world opinion MOSCOW (AP) - Bri~sh In a statement issued after pub- conferences in Washington. SUPREME HEADQUAR- into council to help hammer it Prime ~{ i n i s t E\ r _. Winston licatlon at the big-tour plan for Reiterating in his statement on TERS, AEF, Tu('sday (AP)- lJitO fi'nal lorm·. One notable ' gap C~urchill, 8cconlpapied by For. forceful preservation of peace, the the Dumbarton Oaks conference Aach('n shonk today nndrr It'!. W'rlS the absence of a decision on AUSTRIA eigJ;l Secreta'ry Anthony ,Eden Republican aspirant for President Ithat "not only the great but the sault by Amerjcan' forces who the question whether a big power, _ ;...._.I.......... ~1l d h' I B 't' h ff"'" Roosevelt's post said he was "very small nations" should have a full cut all mal'n roads. narro\:ved the it accused of aggression, should I all rg I rl IS 0 ICla. ... , ar- happy over the result" of the ini- share In the projected world or- have power to strmie any action ... -' rived in Moscow by plane yea- tlal negotiations. ganizatlon, Dewey caDed for a escape rou'te to a shell-raked liains! itself. I . terdllY ' for conferences with "All peace-loving people must quick canvass of the views of mil~ and ~ half, and fought into : is {un. A high authority declilrea late GBRMANY may be divided and placed under con trol by armies of tbe tbree western allies at war's Premier' Joseph Stalin, with rejoice that we have found so other eligible nations. The Wash- the southern outskirts of. that all straight j' yesterday ,that the plan leaves end, as sl:lown in the above map, aecordlnc to a plan reportedly alTeed upon at the Tehera.n confereil\le the organization of the final large an area of agreement about ington talks were confined to Germl\n frontier industrial' city rvfng inlA oPen the question' wbether use of 01 President BooseveJ', ' PrJme Minister ChUTChJJJ a nil Marshal-Premler Stalin. Tbe pIau provides lor military blow,S -against Germany world organization for peace," he representatives of the United of. 165,000 population, now reo I gala time !lmerlcan ,armed might wlll re- pol~clnc 01 BerUn, German cap"a), by de~chments of troops of all three &l1ies. lind Ii multi.tude of European said. "The unanimous recommen- States, Great Britain, Russia and duced to ruins and a slim gam- quire congressional approval each politicKl questioiill exp'ected to dations open the way to the next China. 'son' of 1,500 . BOWLING Ume aggression menaced, The N" "'e ", At a Glance- I HU II D "R fS~ bi high on the dis c us s i 0 D The la~t main road out of thf' at PLA. plan proposes that each nation Imu'·ltz'· ommunlque enles epor T h H . ~mes adds pledge a quota of air, 'land and a~(Ad\roadcast from' I Moscow YP oons andicap SOYllei Forces ~~rt~a~~:r:Sre~i~~st::~y t~~o~~ Ir score. sea forceJ.b , ton" be f used to kee'p .peace Start'les Newsmen ~ d' , He WI"II Advl"se Dewey heard In London early today said s t orm ed th e hitam e 0 f H aaren, "on • e ca '. '0 the courtc.i1 of thl! " 0 S . Pacl"fl"c Operatl"ons while doughboys driving down >~... ~ure agen~y, and maintain air qy Churchill ' and Stalin conferred 12 MII from the north fough~ to Wurse- ' ::;1.0 U "Immediately available." , ,Admiral, Reads Text ." Declarec Sup brt yesteh~ay and that their ' ~eeUng I es ., '1~1'), only a mile and a half to the ·Secreta.ry of State HIIll will re- , . -"'0' 'W" '0' '''n', .... .' " . P , , was , atlend,ct alBo by Eden and N: " A north and cotnmandln" all small ~ sume ,discussion"~.... 'soon with.. '''''nate Telll'ng 'of '.AH ' acks . .. Goe".. to Governmen J.. t " ' Sovjet ' ~0l'l!18fl '' commi~ar Molo.. Imltz nnounces roads still left to the Germans." ~~~~(o~e:~~~~ ~~~t~~~~\~:~~~ 'In, ·Kore.',cm· Waters ' •". President Ro'oseveit to .... Subjeots-·· discussed ' in the Fleet AHack F M ' .' I Supreme headquarters declared tJon- ..11O .pes" to ,secur,e a, sipgleI,ll' con- . I,' 'It * * . " conference ' were. not· disclosed.) I On Marcus Island rO'm" eme ' that every counterattack: which , . '..• . CburtblU·• .. ~ ,' the Germa~· had thrown In to r"'- -·ional authorization for the U. S. 'PACIFIC FLEET HEAD- WASHINGTON (AP) In an ae. .. .- .. ...~- . ~' , . Americans close 'Aachen escape . - . This ,· was · ChUrchill's 1irat talk lieve 'he city has been repuL~ed .. use· of force' whenever ne..cessity QUARTERS,' Pea"l• ' Harbor (AP) corri, .dor to mi!e' .and a , h'/!lf, ext r ao r dnaI <y. fitorroa S a tternen , l .wlth Stalin sihee tile Teheran .con.. , U ' S . PACIFIC FLEET HEAD - ----- '1:he' great drive' of the United apses ,. Withou~ further legislatLve -Admiral Chester W. Nimitz fOI' battle in Aachen; ,reach point 20 Secretary ' of- State Gordell ' Hu I '(erertce hearly a year·.aio and t1~ . 1 QUARTERS, Pearl Harbor (AP) LONDON (AP)-Russian troops Siates.Flrst army rolled on toward r~view.: Here hlbrieUs,.. thc 'BrjUsh-Rus- a few mmu. t es y"sterday." had 'a miles 'from Cologne. yesterday ob Jected to pu~ll sbE1d third ;,s1 nce' , the . ~ar 'ts ·s ar. t' R e- Admiral Chester W. Nimitz yes- swept to within artillery range ' 0 f the heart of Adolf Hitler's war' sia.n.Amel'iean~· Cllinese proposal room~ul of war c01'respondimts Churchill, Stalin confer in Mos- reports that he woulq be askeji to ' sponslble qua,rters ·said last. 'nllh;t terday ~Hsclose~ that the typ~oon the last German escape roads out potential in Ute Ruhr \rid ' ~hine­ ch for .a .p4!r1nanent "\lnlted natiQns" . lie)je'ving they were getting one of. cow. Jl!lection given as reason serve Thomas E. Dewey as a for- ~h~J . the , m~~~hTl. was. at Ch\lr - se!lson IS handlcappin~ .Amerlc.an of the Baltic yesterday capturing landland. and spIrited fighting io en10rce the peaCe: the 'war'~ 'most sensational stories conference is not t1'l' -power' eign pollcy .adviset· should the Re- III s rec:luest amI. tqat the , dlscus- operatIons In the Paclflc, partlc- . 'Iwas reP9rted at the ap'proaches to and round 1. 'An .11 me.mber "security --:-8 smashing blow agaisnt the publican nominee be elected pres- sions mjght last abpu~ a weeK. ularly at Palau, but reaffirmed pomts only three miles from Ger- Duren and Jullch. PENCEK'S . COl;lncll" with permanent seats for Jap.aneSe .1'Ieet off Korea. I meeti~g.. ident. Chur~hlll niade ,,:hl\t · ~as. ~e- that the Pacific fleet will be at man East Prussia and 12 miles Duren Is east of Aachen and 20 tile hlg four and "in d~e course'" ..xt the end of an hour-long Nt m I tz "communique" fools "I wIsh to make c1eal·," .' Hull scribed ' as: \'a flg!1 t1n, speecl\" at Gen. Douglas MacArthur's ' dis- from the big Baltic port of Meni~l. miles from Cologne. and the road .t least H !ot'France.. Tlie council would 'de- presS conference, ,he said: ' newsmen. said, "that my sLlpport ;lnd 101<11tYj the., ~,Irport ' f?r 'lWviet iI.e'ksree). P9Sa,l for moves against the Phil. a Moscow communique announced junction of Julich, 10 miles north- ~ SPINe. cide .w)\en. peace is mena.ced and "You might be interested , in , l,lelong. primarily to the gov~n , - men. -A,ltlrt:l! i~ ' a dark orercoat ip~!nes . last nlgbt. ' " west of' Duren• . is 23 miles from and l'Ollitl \vhat force to use ,against agres- this <;ommunique:" , BI&' F!ur release security plan, ment and its present otfici,alllead, and a" black hat Instead of 'bi8 Speaking at a preS$ conference, In Hungary the Russians <cut the Cologne. The Americans last were l downit sors. lU voting pl'oJ:edurc is unde- 'Jl11f~n, . y,rJth a' serious ' :face, . he __....:.:. _______~ __ ' President ltoosevelt. And in order u~uai. '1IY'!I': .Yilt, ' Cliil~hlll .
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