Matthew B. Stone Oak Ridge National Laboratory PO Box 2008 MS6475 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6430 [email protected] orcid.org/0000-0001-7884-9715 Education 2002 Ph.D. in Physics Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 2000 M.A. in Physics Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 1996 B.S. in Physics summa cum laude Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA 18018 Experience 2021-present Quantum Materials Initiative Coordinator, NSD Oak Ridge National Laboratory 2013-present Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 SEQUOIA Lead Instrument Scientist at the Spallation Neutron Source Group Leader: Dr. Doug Abernathy (2020-present) Group Leader: Dr. Mark Lumsden (2013-2020) 2007-2013 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 ARCS Instrument Scientist at the Spallation Neutron Source Group Leader: Dr. Mark Hagen (2007-2012), Dr. Mark Lumsden (2012-2013) 2006-2007 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 HB1 Triple-axis-spectrometer post-doctoral research associate Group Leader: Dr. Jaime Fernandez-Baca 2004-2006 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 Neutron Spectroscopy, post-doctoral research associate Advisor: Dr. Stephen E. Nagler 2002-2004 Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 Post-doctoral fellow, magnetic media and granular materials group Advisors: Profs. Peter E. Schiffer and Nitin Samarth 1996-2002 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 Research Assistant & Teaching Assistant Advisors: Profs. Daniel H. Reich and Collin L. Broholm 2 Matthew B. Stone Publications • More than 190 publications listed on Web of Science / Publons • h-index = 38 • 12 publications with more than 100 citations In-review/Preperation 1. S. J. Gomez, P. M. Sarte, M. Zelensky, A. M. Hallas, B. A. Gonzalez, K. H. Hong, E. J. Pace, S. Calder, M. B. Stone, Y. Su, E. Feng, D. Le, C. Stock, J. P. Attfield, S. D. Wilson, C. R. Wiebe, and A. A. Aczel, “Absence of moment fragmentation in the mixed B-site pyrochlore Nd2GaSbO7.” (in review). 2. N. C. Druker, T. Nguyen, F. Han, X. Luo, N. Andrejevic, Z. Zhu, G. Bednik, Q. T. Nguyen, Z. Chen, L. K. Nguyen, T. J. Williams. M. B. Stone, A. I. Kolesnikov, S. Chi, J. Fernandez- Baca, T. Hogan, A. Alatas, A. A. Puretzky, D. B. Geohegan, S. Huang, Y. Yu, and M. Li, “Fluctuation-driven order in a correlated topological semimetal.” (in review). 3. Y. Ishii, G. Sala, M. B. Stone, V. O. Garlea, S. Calder, J. Chen, H. K. Yoshida, S. Fukuoka, J. Yan, C. d. Cruz, M-H. Du, D. S. Parker, H. Zhang, C. Batista, K. Yamaura, and A. D. Christanson, “Magnetic properties of the Shastry-Sutherland lattice material BaNd2ZnO5.” (in review). 4. X. Hu, D. Pajerowski, D. Zhang, A. A. Podlesnyak, Q. Huang, H. Zhou, I. Klich, A. Kolesnikov, M. B. Stone, and Seung-Hun Lee, “Freezing of a disorder induced quantum spin liquid.” (in review). 5. S. Gao, , A. F. May, M-H. Du, J. A. M. Paddison, H. S. Arachige, G. Pokharel, C. dela Cruz, Q. Zhang, G. Ehlers, D. S. Parker, D. G. Mandrus, M. B. Stone, A. D. Christianson, “Hierarchical excitations from correlated spin tetrahedra on the breathing pyrochlore lattice.” (in review). 6. A. M. Hallas, J. Gaudet, W. Jin, E. M. Tonita, D. Pomaranski, C. R. C. Buhariwalla, M. Tachibana, N. P. Butch, S. Calder, M. B. Stone, G. M. Luke, C. R. Wiebe, J. B. Kycia, M. J. P. Gingras, B. D. Gaulin, “Intertwined magnetic dipolar and electric quadrupolar correlations in the pyrochlore Tb2Ge2O7.” (in review). (in resolution) 7. Q. Ma, K. C. Rule, Z. W. Cronkwright, M. Dragomir, G. Mitchell, E. M. Smith, S. Chi, A. I. Kolesnikov, M. B. Stone, and B. D. Gaulin, “Parallel spin stripes and their co-existance with superconducting ground states at optimal and high doping in La1.6-xNd0.4SrxCu2O4.” (in preparation). 8. I. I. Al-Qasir, Y. Cheng, J. Y. Y. Lin, A. A. Campbell, G. Sala, K. Ramic, F. F. Islam, A. Qteish, B. Marsden, D. L. Abernathy, M. B. Stone, “Neutron thermalization in nuclear graphite: A modern story of a classic moderator.” (in review). 3 Matthew B. Stone 9. P. Babkevich, T. N. Lamichhane, M. B. Stone, C. M. Soulard, P. C. Canfield, and H. M. Ronnow, “Inelastic neutron scattering study of the magnetic interactions in permanent ferromagnet Nd2Fe14B.” (in review). 10. E. Mamontov, Y. Cheng, L. L. Daemen, A. I. Kolesnikov, A. J. Ramirez-Cuesta, M. R. Ryder, M. B. Stone, “Pronounced quantum effects associated with the low potential energy barriers in the antiviral drugs singled out for their efficacy against SARS-coV-2.” (in review). 11. L. Chen, J.-H. Chung, M. B. Stone, et al., “Magnetic field effect on topological spin excitations in CrI3.” (in review). 12. Q. Zhang, S. Okamoto, G. D. Samolyuk, et al., “Anisotropic spin waves and unusual exchange couplings in Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2.” (in review). 2021 13. C. Mauws, N. Hiebert, M. Rutherford, H. D. Zhou, Q. Huang, M. B. Stone, N. P. Butch, Y. Su, E. S. Choi, Z. Yamani, and C. R. Wiebe, “Magnetic ordering in the ising antiferromagnetic pyrochlore Nd2ScNbO7.” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (accepted, in press) (2021). 14. Z. Dun, X. Bai, M. B. Stone, H. Zhou, and M. Mourigal, “Effective point-charge analysis of crystal electric fields – application to rare-earth pyrochlores and tripod kagome magnets R3Mg2Sb3O14.” Physical Review Research 3, 23012 (2021). 15. B. C. Sales, W. R. Meier, A. F. May, J. Xing, J.-Q. Yan, S. Gao, Y. H. Liu, M. B. Stone, A. D. Christianson, Q. Zhang, and M. A. McGuire “Tuning the flat bands of the kagome metal CoSn with Fe, In, or Ni.” Physical Review Materials 5, 445202 (2021). 16. P. M. Sarte, K. Cruz-Kan, B. R. Ortiz, K. H. Hong, M. B. Borderlon, D. Reig-i-Plessis, M. Lee, E. S. Choi, M. B. Stone, S. Calder, D. M. Pajerowski, L. Mangin-Thro, Y. Qiu, J. P. Attfield, S. D. Wilson, C. Stock, H. D. Zhou, A. M. Hallas, J. A. M. Paddison, A. A. Aczel, and C. R. Wiebe, “Dynamical ground state in the XY pyrochlore Yb2GaSbO7.” (accepted, in- press). Npj Quantum Materials (in resolution) 17. W. Meier, B. Chakoumakos, S. Okamot, M. McGuire, R. Hermann, G. Samolyuk, S. Gao, Q. Zhang, M. Stone, A. Christianson, B. Sales, “A catastrophic charge density wave in BaFe2Al9.” (Accepted). (in press) 18. C. Chapman, K. Ramic, X. Hu, J. M. Brown, G. Arbanas, A. I. Kolesnikov, D. L. Abernathy, L. Daemen, A. J. Ramirez-Cuesta, Y. Cheng, M. B. Stone, “Thermal neutron scattering measurements and modeling of Yttrium-hydrides for the transformational challenge reactor.” Annals of Nuclear Energy (Accepted). (in press) 19. Z. Dun, M. Daum, R. Baral, H. E. Fischer, H. Cao, Y. Liu, M. B. Sone, J. A. Rodriguez- Rivera, E. S. Choi, Q. Huang, H. Zhou, M. Mourigal and B. Frandsen, “Neutron Scattering investigation of proposed Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions in the triangular-lattice Ising antiferromagnet TmMgGaO4.” Physical Review B 103, 064424 (2021), Editor’s Suggestion. (in resolution) 4 Matthew B. Stone 20. A. Scheie, N. E. Sherman, M. Dupont, S. E. Nagler, M. B. Stone, G. G. Granroth, J. E. Moore, and D. A. Tennant, “Detection of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang hydrodynamics in a quantum Heisenberg spin-half chain.” (accepted, in press). (in resolution) 21. X. Bai, S-S. Zhang, Z. Dun, H. Zhang, Q. Huang, H. Zhou, M. B. Stone, A. Kolesnikov, F. Ye,C. D. Batista, M. Mourigall, “Hybridized Quadrupolar Excitations in Frustrated Triangular Ising Magnet FeI2.” Nature Physics (2021). 22. G. Sala, M. B. Stone, Binod K. Rai, A. F. May, Pontus Laurell, V. O. Garlea, N. P. Butch, M. D. Lumsden, G. Ehlers, G. Pokharel, D. Mandrus, D. S. Parker, S. Okamoto, Gábor B. Halász, A. D. Christianson, “Van Hove singularity in the magnon spectrum of the antiferromagnetic quantum honeycomb lattice.” Nature Communications 12, 171 (2021). 2020 23. Y. Xie, Y. Li, Z. Yin, R. Zhang, W. Wang, M. B. Stone, H. Cao, D. L. Abernathy, L. Harriger, D. P. Young, J. F. DiTusa, P. Dai, “Magnetic order and fluctuations in quasi-two-dimensional planar magnet Sr(Co1-xNix)2As2.” Physical Review B 102, 214431 (2020). (3.575) 24. M. Matsuda, S. E. Dissanayake, H. K. Yoshida, M. Isobe, and M. B. Stone, “Magnetic excitations affected by spin-lattice coupling in the S=3/2 triangular lattice antiferromagnet Ag2CrO2.” Physical Review B 102, 214411 (2020). (3.575) 25. S. Gao, L-F. Lin, A. F. May, B. K. Rai, Q. Zhang, E. Dagotto, A. D. Christianson, and M. B. Stone, “Weakly-coupled alternating S=1/2 chains in the distorted honeycomb-lattice compound Na2Cu2TeO6.” Physical Review B, Rapid Communication 102, 220402(R) (2020). (in resolution) (3.575) 26. H. K. Yoshida, M. Matsuda, M. B. Stone, C. de la Cruz, T. Furubayashi, M. Onoda, E. Takayama-Muromachi, M. Isobe, “Partially disordered state with short-range spin correlation in S=5/2 classical triangular antiferromagnet Ag2FeO2.” Physical Review Research 2, 043211 (2020). (unknown, set to < 6) 27. E. Mamontov, Y. Cheng, L. Daemen, A. I. Kolesnikov, A. J. Ramierz-Cuesta, M. R. Ryder, and M. B. Stone, “Hydration-induced disorder lowers the energy barriers for methyl rotation in drug molecules.” Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11, 10256 (2020). (6.71) 28. Y. Onodera, A. Hirata, S. Kohara, N. Nishiyama, S. Kitani, P. S. Salmon, A. Zeidler, M. Shiga, A. Masuno, H. Inoue, S. Tahara, A. Polidori, H. E. Fischer, T. Mori, S. Kojima, H. Kawaji, A. I. Kolesnikov, M. B. Stone, M. G. Tucker, M. T. McDonnell, A. C. Hannon, Y. Hiraoka, I. Obayashi, T. Nakamura, J. Akola, Y. Fujii, K. Ohara, T. Taniguchi, and O. Sakata, “Structure and properties of densified silica glass: characterizing the order within disorder.” Nature Publishing Group, Asia Materials 12, 85 (2020).
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